New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Discussion for activities for non-coms

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New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby DragoonAntoinette » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:57 pm

Hello All!

Its been a long while since anyone posted on this section of the boards, last post is dated March 2010. I think its time the non-coms of the game got together and started talking about what they want to see done within the community that would make their lives as non-coms more enjoyable.

I was thinking about starting off with a introduction and maybe say a little about what you would like to see within the community for non-coms and how you think it can be accomplished. If we get enough interested people on an idea we could start working towards making it a reality.

I think Forkbeard said it best when he said:
Forkbeard wrote:Let's all discuss and find new stuff for our friends-less-interested-in-violence to do at events.

So I will Start!

I am Antoinette, I am the realm president of Thunder Guard (Thunder Bay, ON). I have been involved in belegarth since 2009. I am a member of Clan of the Hydra and as you might have guessed I am a non-com!

As to what I would like to see within the community for non-coms is, and this is a big dream, a line of non-com knights that are dedicated to the betterment of the game, who are teaching people how to make stellar garb and generally working towards more awesome in the game in general. As to a more short term goal, I would like to see more things to do at events for non-coms, maybe Garb Competitions, Campfire cooking competitions, teas/other social events like the one Lady Lyllith puts on a Chaos Wars, really anything that would make going to events for non-coms more exciting. You can only sit in troll for so many hours or on the side of the field for so long before your going a little stir crazy!

I cannot wait to hear from others!
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby Acorn » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:59 pm

So i'm a com. but I just saw this while lurking and i just wanted to say that i think this is a great idea. A lot of us combatants don't know non-coms of other realms and areas other than our own and it would be great to have a place where we could see names and read ya'll's opinions, like right here online.

sssooooooo, go antoinette, mad props.

plus, ya'll DO contribute a TON to the game and community. <3
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby Sir Anastasia » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:33 pm

I'm a Com too, but I think non-com activities is a very important aspect of our society that has been neglected. I want to start developing this in our groups and at our events so that we can deal with aging fighters, fighters with family and children, and so that people recovering with injury are still be able to participate. I am very interested in hearing about things that can be done at events since I run a big event down here in So Cal. I really want to expand what we do, so I am excited to see new ideas here.

Here are some things that I am trying at Battle for the Ring for non-coms:
*Indoor Game Night: D&D, Magic the Gathering Cards, Board Games, and card games.
*Vendors: Both as an aspect of events and so that our community can support our own crafts-people.
*Non-com classes: Recruiting Teachers for: Realm Recruitment, Arts/ Crafts (PM if interested at BFRV)

I'd love tips for prizes or competitions that apply more to non-coms. Any advice here would be great!
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby Ignatius » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:03 pm

I'm a com although injuries have forced me to be a non-com a lot the past 2 seasons. At Chaos at least I've never had a hard time finding things to be involved in that weren't fighting. I could see it at smaller events, but it seems like there's always something going on even if it's just shooting the **** or hanging out.

I feel like the emphasis might need to be directed a little more at things to do at the smaller events though. I could see being bored watching fighting for a few days if you don't ever do it.
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby bacchus » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:14 pm

I am a com (wow this seams to be a recurring thing in this thread,) but i love doing all the no com stuff. it would be awesome to see more arts and science things at events up to and including awards and competitions. best grab, best weapons, cooking stuff. yea pretty much every thing every one else mentioned before.
i dont really have any thing particular in mind but i will def keep up with this thread and input where i can.
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby rohana morgaine » Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:20 pm

Hi...I'm Lady Rohana Morgaine, formerly of House of Bardishw, and now a non-com member of Bright Camp. My family and I are totally non-coms, but would really like to see more non-com things to do at events. Our camp has gained a reputation for helping those in need, (food, garb repair, talking, coffee, etc.), but we would like to do more, both as a non-com group, and as non-com individuals, and definitely in a way that we can support not only our family fighters, (House of Bardishaw members), but the sport of Belegarth as a whole. As a support group, we have come up with a few ideas, mostly in the area of offering more activities for the younger members of Belegarth (kids). Our groups is all about supporting the sport of Belegarth, and supporting our non-com members.

I just wanted to throw this out there, and I will keep following this thread. :)
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby Renell Calmcacil » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:14 am

Hi I am Lady Renell Calmcacil. I am a former combatant now non-combatant for quite some time. I have turned to merchanting, garb making, jewelry design and just started dabbling in leather armor. My realm actually has begun to start classifications for non-combatants to have positions in the realm and have recognition as well. Some of the things being focused on are Arts, Sewing/Garb making, Leather/Chainmail Armorsmithing, Learning/Teaching Heraldry and B.O.W. and Service/Assisting at Events. So far things are just starting to get off the ground but I think this is an excellent model for other groups/realms to take off and expand. The thing that makes it interesting, is these categories are tested and have to be task completed in order to achieve ranks. It is a way for the non-coms to have something to contribute as well as feel productive in the sport. Perhaps Belegarth as a whole could pick up something like this in order to have the knighting system for non-coms that Antoinette was speaking of. BTW my realm is Khador.
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby Wolftail » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:33 am

I wholeheartedly agree that Belegarth should be more inclusive to it's non-coms. Bel seems to put it's fighters on pedestals. I am looking forward to all the non-com classes that will be going on at Okfest. Being realmless though has taught me to work on such things and really makes me appreciate seamstresses, tailors, foamsmiths and so on...

ANYWAY. Yes, non-coms are under appreciated and I would like to see that change. I hope to help it too.
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Re: New Life in the Non-Com Forums!

Postby Tiberius Claudius » Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:34 pm

An Tir Dearg has begun to court our non-coms with contests and prizes.

To start it off, we began holding quarterly potlucks on the equinoxes/solstices (or as close as is convenient) so that we could get together and do things other than fighting. The dates are unimportant, but historically these were times of celebration and we wished to pay homage to that. What is important is that lots of good food and conversation has been the result. We even invited a cross-game group (Adrian Empire) that practices at our park and they brought their camraderie and lots of historical games like hnefetafl.

Monthly, we now hold some sort of A&S competition such as "best garb contest" or "best unit banner contest". I commissioned a chain mail necklace with a faux stone engraved with our Realm symbol from one of our members as garb prize, and I painted up a battle streamer to hang from the winning unit's banner touting their victory in the contest. All prizes are cheap, light hearted, and judging is done by all realm members present that day.

We are lucky to also have a belly dance troupe associated with us (husband is a fighter, wife is a dancer) and they regale us with their assets and we serve as a practice performance for them to work out the kinks. It adds flair, music, and something other than beat downs for us and for passers by.

I think it is vitally important for retention to engage and show appreciation for the non-combatants, particularly those that are moral and emotional support for the fighters. There's nothing more important to a fighter than his wife who will stay back with the kids while the he is playing with his friends. Granted, not all family wants to be a part of Bel, but those on the sidelines are there for a reason and should be reminded of what they mean to us. They can even be a good source of heralds if they know the rules and have the cajones to step up and make calls!
Remy the Wroth wrote:Just don't call it boffing/boffering. That's not what we do. We fight. With swords. To the sorta-death. I can't stand it when someone says boffering. Plus is means sexin' in the UK.

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