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Permission to list CA realms on Brochure

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:22 am
by Sir Anastasia
Hi all,
I would like to promote the following realms on a brochure to be distributed to my group members and interested parties during our recruitment season in April. These brochures would be distributed to prospective students in CA, who may live near these realms. The information is currently off of the wiki, but a direct email or other contact info would be better if you would be willing to provide it. The information would be listed under a section called regional contacts. Please let me know if you DO NOT want to be promoted. PM ASAP! I want these brochures to go out Thursday and since I can't imagine why people wouldn't want free advertisements the Location and Realm name is going to be on there unless someone objects.

I assume that I can post the bel website on there too, right?

Please PM or post other contact info if you want it on or if your realm is not on the wiki and you want to be included.
These are the realms currently to be promoted: San Diego (Andor)
Los Angeles (Aggelgorod)
Anaheim (OC Fighters Guild)
Irvine (Andúril)
Santa Cruz (Salamandastron)
San Francisco (Pelargir)

Objections? Go!