Standards and Expectations

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Standards and Expectations

Postby Mori » Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:49 am

Alright, here's the deal. We've got ourselves underway and the last few necessary details are being hammered out with assigning everyone ranks and the like. In light of this, I feel that it's important to reiterate the standards and expectations that I have for each and every member of this organization--myself included.

I've broken this post down into four different categories: Major Events, Minor Events, Non-Events, and Everyday. This is because some of the things I have to say are pertinent no matter the situation, and others are not quite so urgent for day-to-day matters.

Major Events include any large Regional Events, National Events, or anything that involves multiple realms coming together to fight. Something like Armageddon, Chaos Wars, or Oktoberfest would fall under this category.

Minor Events include any Local Event, small Regional Event, or anything larger than local practices but not big enough to qualify as a Major Event. Something like Demon Wars (an Ered Duath event), or Yestare (which has yet to garner a large number of people outside of Utah/Idaho) would fall under this category.

Non-Events include anything small, local, and regular. Local practices and minor inter-realm get togethers (basically combining two realms' local practices) would fall under this category.

Everyday is everything else in your life. This includes dropping in on (but not participating in) any Major, Minor, or Non-Event as well as your everyday life off the field. Staying at home, going to work, and driving down the street fall under this category.

The standard that I want to reiterate here is Bushido--Honor, Loyalty, Respect, Righteousness, Valor, Compassion, and Integrity. Bushido should regulate (in one form or another) everything you do as a member of the Bakufu, both on and off the field. I don't expect anyone to walk around in hakama swinging around foam katana when they're not fighting, but I do expect everyone to keep their noses clean and acquit themselves with dignity.

Below are some more specific examples of what I mean, with expectations listed for each of the above categories. Bear in mind that these are guidelines. They're firm guidelines, but they're open to personal interpretation.
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Postby Mori » Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:50 am

Major Events

At Major Events, all members of the Bakufu are expected to conduct themselves in a way that will bring honor and respect to themselves and the Bakufu, and to avoid any and all conduct that will disgrace themselves or the organization they are associated with.

Some examples of good behavior include:

--Fighting honorably and without complaint: Doing your best while you're alive and standing down quietly and respectfully when defeated.

--Outfitting one's self respectably: Wearing well-maintained garb and wielding well-maintained equipment.

--Presenting an appropriate image: Wearing suitable garb and wielding suitable equipment (samurai approved garb/weapons/armor for members of the Buke, and Japanese-esque garb/weapons/armor for Ashigaru).

--Acting in a dignified manner: Doing whatever you do in a way that will bring no disgrace to yourself or your comrades. Rather, it should elevate you both in your own eyes as well as in the eyes of others. If you drink, don't get so drunk you might do something you'll regret. If you participate in Sin Night, don't do anything that will smear your (or our) reputation. If you hang out with friends, don't make a jackass of yourself. Et cetera.

--Take your hits: This should be self-explanatory. Don't give anyone a reason to complain about us. If they're going to complain, let them make up their own reasons.

--Respect your allies and your enemies: Congratulate an opponent on a well-fought fight. Encourage and build up your teammates. Enter and leave the field in a way that makes people glad to see you come and sorry to see you go.

Some examples of bad behavior include:

--Fighting dishonorably and/or whining: Whining about "rhinohiding" on the opposing team. If someone isn't taking their hits, tell a herald/marshal, don't whine about it. Call other people's shots (i.e. "I totally hit your arm! Drop the f#$* sword!!"). Et cetera.

--Equipping one's self shoddily: Showing up with a T-shirt and jeans, a ragged sword cover, or other disreputable equipment. Come in something nice, or don't show up.

--Presenting an inconsistent image: If you're claiming to be samurai (which all members of the Buke should), don't show up in a tunic, leggings, and chain mail. If you tell people you're a member of the Bakufu, don't fight with a flail and punch shield. Such equipment is not consistent with the image and style we're seeking.

--Acting in an undignified manner: Making a fool of yourself in public. Getting drunk enough that you almost pass out and end up vomiting on your realm leader. Participating in any kind of activity (no matter what it is) that leaves you and/or others feeling less respect for you. I would actually prefer if no-one drank, participated in Sin Night, or anything of the sort just to avoid such situations. If you're going to do it anyway, though, don't embarrass yourself or us.

--Not taking your hits: Again, this should be self-explanatory. If you get hit in the arm, take it. If you feel it but think it's light, take it. If someone says they hit you, even if you didn't feel it, take it. Err on the side of caution and die more easily that you normally would if such is necessary. Rhinohiding is not acceptable in any form.

--Disrespecting your allies and/or enemies: Shouting insults (not playful jests) across the field. Ranting, raving, or throwing a temper tantrum. Arguing with the herald/marshal. Arguing with your realm leader. If you wouldn't like someone doing it to you, don't even think of doing it to them.

Remember, this is a Major Event. This isn't something small, local, or unimportant. These guidelines are rather strict because this may be the only time that you interact with people from other realms (especially realms from other states). Let's leave everyone (especially ourselves) with a good impression of the Shogunate.
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Postby Mori » Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:11 am

Sorry it's taken me a while to get the other posts up. The holiday caught up to me. At any rate...

Minor Events

Minor Events only differ from Major Events in scope. The point of buckling down so hard at a Major Event like Armageddon is because it's the time to make a good impression on people. Minor Events, such as Ered Duath's own Demon Wars, require a good showing, but it's lower profile. As a result, Minor Events don't require the same level of commitment as Major Events.

Still, since it is an event, all members of the Bakufu are expected to act in a way that will impress those present that our organization is one to be respected.

Some examples of good behavior include:

--Fighting honorably and without complaint: This is exactly the same as for a Major Event. At a Minor Event, though, you're more likely to be fighting with people you know, so it's less likely that you'll have head-butts with others.

--Outfitting one's self respectably: Again, this is the same as for a Major Event. It should be expected that all members of the Bakufu will always maintain their equipment and keep it in good repair.

--Presenting an appropriate image: This should be emphasized, but allowances can be made. For example, I helped out Kitsune with a local event, Demon Wars, last year. I was fighting as one of the demons, and thus wasn't using my standard equipment or behavior. If such a situation occurs, it's not a problem to change the presentation to suit what you're doing. Since it's a local event, you're more likely to be asked to help with such things.

--Acting in a dignified manner: Minor Events are less likely to have situations like Sin Night or binge drinking, especially since many of them only last for a day or so. However, the same standard of "Thou shalt not make a fool of thyself" still applies.

--Take your hits: Always. Again, since it's a local event, you're less likely to have problems with people you don't know, and accidents can happen without damaging your (or our) reputation. Even so, it's better to be safe than sorry.

--Respect your allies and your enemies: The same standard applies as for a Major Event.

Some examples of bad behavior include:

--Fighting dishonorably and/or whining: Since you're fighting with a smaller group, and it's more likely to be people you know, this is less likely to happen. Thus, it doesn't need to be stressed as much. Even so, keep it in mind and be a good sport.

--Equipping one's self shoddily: Same as for a Major Event, show up with respectable gear or don't show up.

--Presenting an inconsistent image: This isn't as much of a worry for Minor Events, especially since people are more likely to know you personally; and it's more likely that you'll find yourself in a unique situation (like what I described at Demon Wars, above). Even so, if you don't have a very good excuse, you should show up with appropriate equipment.

--Acting in an undignified manner: This is never acceptable. Again, you're less likely to run into situations that could potentially be a problem at Minor Events, but it's still a good idea to keep your nose clean.

--Not taking your hits: Intentionally not taking your hits is never acceptable at any time. Mistakes happen, but avoid complications like the plague, especially when it comes to rhinohiding.

--Disrespecting your allies and/or enemies: Again, this shouldn't come up as often at a Minor Event, but it's still a good idea to show respect to everyone--your side or not.

Minor Events are basically the same as Major Events, it's just that you're less likely to find yourself in a bad situation. Consequently, you can relax a little more. Since Minor Events can still present situations where someone sees/meets you for the first/only time, it's good to make a positive impression. These are official events, even if they're not as big as Major Events, and thus should require a higher standard of behavior than day-to-day activities.
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Postby Mori » Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:24 am


This includes local practices and the like--situations where you're getting together with members of your realm and/or other realms to fight, but without it being anything fancy or high stress. These situations are more casual and thus don't require as high a standard of behavior. You're expected to behave in an honorable and dignified fashion, but more leeway is allowed.

Some examples of good behavior include:

--Fighting honorably: Always take your hits, honor your opponents, have a good attitude, and don't cause problems. Fight in such a way that your opponents will love to fight with you and the herald/marshal won't have any problems with you.

--Using well-maintained equipment: All of the equipment you bring to a non-event should be in good repair and respectable condition. If one of your weapons needs to be fixed, then don't bring it (unless you're going to fix it there, of course).

--Presenting a good image: It's not as urgent for members of the Bakufu to keep up the strictly Samurai image when at a Non-event. If you want to fight sword and board to practice, or just for fun, go ahead. If you want to borrow your friend's flail and tower shield for the sake of it, feel free. Practicing with non-Samurai equipment is perfectly fine. When you go to an Event, it's important that you present yourself clearly and unequivocally as a member of the Bakufu, but it's not so urgent to do so at Non-Events. However, if doing so would cause problems with the way people view you at your local practice, etc. it would probably be better for you to maintain your image even there.

Some examples of bad behavior include:

--Being a poor sport: Rhinohiding, complaining, whining, throwing a tantrum, yelling, screaming, ranting, or raving. All the things which are bad to do from a sportsman-like standpoint at an Event are still unacceptable at Non-Events.

--Using shoddy equipment: Don't go on the field with a torn up short sword that you pulled out of the back of your closet 30 seconds before running out the door. Don't show up in dirty, ragged clothing. It's not so important that you maintain the "Bakufu image", but you should at least look decent.

Keep in mind that local practices and the like are opportunities to sharpen your skills and have fun with your friends and realm members. You should still act with dignity and honor, but you don't need to worry so much. Relax, have fun, and get in some good practice.
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Postby Mori » Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:44 am


It's not important to walk down the street dressed in samurai garb, and it might even get you into awkward situations (see Mikaiyawa's post about Hakama on the Oriental Culture forum). Consequently, I wouldn't recommend doing so (unless you really want to, at least).

What I do expect, however, is that all members of the Bakufu should conduct their everyday lives, on and off the field, with honor and dignity. It's not so important what you do as how you do it. Respect your fellow men (and women), follow the rules, be courteous, be considerate, and don't do anything you'll regret. I'd like to see everyone in our organization applying the principles of Bushido (in one form or another) in their daily lives--subject, of course, to individual interpretation.

Here's what I mean...

Some examples of good behavior include:

--Being a nice guy: Let people in when they want to merge into your lane. Patiently wait your turn in a line. Politely tell telemarketers you're not interested and/or want to be put on their do not call list.

--Being dependable: If you say you're going to do something, do it. Show up to work on time. Do your job while you're at work. Keep your appointments.

--Obeying the law: This should be self-explanatory. Don't break the law, no matter how small the infraction. Needless to say, it doesn't say good things about the Bakufu (supposedly honorable, upright men and women) to have a member behind bars. If you end up getting in trouble with the law (like speeding) then pay your ticket, go to traffic school, show up in court, or do whatever you need to do and resolve it properly.

Some examples of bad behavior include:

--Being a jerk: Submitting to road rage. Cussing someone out for something that's not their fault. Pushing and shoving your way to the front of a line. Taking advantage of others.

--Being a flake: Not showing up to work, and not calling to tell them you can't make it in. Being late for every appointment you make, and without a good excuse. Backing out on agreements for no other reason than, "I didn't want to do it."

--Breaking the law or "bending the rules": Doing something illegal or immoral just because you can get away with it. Not paying those parking tickets that have been piling up in your glove compartment when you can afford to do so. Lying to the police officer so he doesn't give you a ticket (you're probably going to get one anyway, though ;) ).

Basically what I'm saying here is to try and adopt the core principles of being Samurai and following Bushido into your everyday life. Don't make it a suit that you put on when you go to fight and take off once you leave the field. Nothing will show our character, and nothing will impress other members of Belegarth (especially our critics) than if we really do what we say, avoid hypocrisy, and if we're genuinely nice people.
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Postby Mori » Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:49 am

In summation

These are guidelines, like I said. They're open to individual interpretation and application. I don't want to lay down a set of commandments and presume to direct people's lives. Instead, I just wanted to reiterate that our standard of behavior--our honor--is what sets us apart from the rest of Belegarth. I don't want to hear complaints about members of the Shogunate being jerks, jackasses, slime balls, or hypocrites. I want us to be the paragons of honor in Belegarth.

As with everything that I post for the Bakufu, if you have a question about something, ask about it. I realize that I may not have conveyed what I was thinking as well as I thought I did. Feel free to look over this thread and tell me what you agree/disagree with and why. If you don't like something, tell me about it.

Your brother in arms,
Kumagai Hidemori
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Postby Satanaka » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:08 pm

I do not want to step on anyone's toes BUT I do have a few things to question/say about some of the above guidelines.

It has been many moons since I left Janpan. So many years have passed and I have travelled many lands. In many lands- there are customs and ways that were strange and different. In some lands- I have had to learn these new customes and such. In some ways I have found better ways.

What I am getting to is this- I have gifted almost all of my old garb which was mostly from Japan...

I am also a Knight and have changed most of my garb to fit a Knight. I also have weapons that are not like the Samuria "style" BUT- in matters of war and combat- a true warrior must be well trained in many aspects of warfare. As of right now- I have a punch shield and use a sword or maybe a flail...

I will continue to fight as I see fit. As well as dress myself as I see fit. I would like to see 1/4 of our BMS have garb as good as my own.

Also- There are a few words that you use- that I wonder if most people do understand- The biggest one- Integrity....

I mean no disrespect to anyone and will be glad to talk with anyone about my words above...

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Re: Hmmm.....

Postby Mori » Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:23 am

Satanaka wrote:I do not want to step on anyone's toes BUT I do have a few things to question/say about some of the above guidelines.

It has been many moons since I left Janpan. So many years have passed and I have travelled many lands. In many lands- there are customs and ways that were strange and different. In some lands- I have had to learn these new customes and such. In some ways I have found better ways.

What I am getting to is this- I have gifted almost all of my old garb which was mostly from Japan...

I am also a Knight and have changed most of my garb to fit a Knight. I also have weapons that are not like the Samuria "style" BUT- in matters of war and combat- a true warrior must be well trained in many aspects of warfare. As of right now- I have a punch shield and use a sword or maybe a flail...

I will continue to fight as I see fit. As well as dress myself as I see fit. I would like to see 1/4 of our BMS have garb as good as my own.

Also- There are a few words that you use- that I wonder if most people do understand- The biggest one- Integrity....

I mean no disrespect to anyone and will be glad to talk with anyone about my words above...

In Service,

With all due respect, Satanaka, I'm not going to back down on the garb question for samurai. If someone is samurai, I want them to look the part at a national event. We're trying to distinguish ourselves in more than just name, and garb and equipment is one of the biggest ways to do that. Bear in mind, that only applies to big events where multiple realms are coming together. I have no problem with someone who wants to wear different garb or use different equipment at smaller events.

I feel this way because it's only going to make us look bad to have people associated with the Shogunate who fight with weapons that aren't historically accurate (for Japan at least), especially if they're common items of complaint--no offense, but punch shields and flails usually fall into that category. I'm worried that it's going to engender murmured incredulities on the field of, "He's samurai and he's using a punch shield and flail? How does that work?" I don't want that. I want someone to look at us and see samurai.

I hope this came across the way I wanted it to. The gist of it is this: The Bakufu's aim is to emulate samurai in bearing, style, and honor. The honor can remain even with different equipment, as can the bearing (though it can be more difficult), but the style can't. We can have a vote on this if you wish--I'm more than happy to lay the matter before the Naikaku for a final decision--but that's where I stand on it. I don't feel that it's appropriate to have warriors who look, fight, and act the same as everyone else (except, maybe, being more conscientious about taking their hits) with the only difference being that they call themselves "samurai". I want there to be a clearly noticeable distinction.

As for the matter of integrity, I trust those under me. I trust that every member of this organization either understands what integrity is or will seek to understand it that they might integrate it into their own lives. I feel optimistic that the seito, samurai, and ashigaru of the Shogunate will try and obey the rules instead of trying to work around them. Until such time as my trust proves misplaced, I will continue to trust my fellow warriors of the Bakufu.

Thank you for your opinion. I am very glad to have different viewpoints, concerns, questions, comments, etc. about the matters that I post. It lets me know, at the very least, that I'm not the only one concerned about the progress and strength of our organization.

Remaining your brother in arms,

Kumagai Hidemori
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Postby Satanaka » Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:48 am

Kumagai- did I see you at Armageddon?

I think your words from your last message could apply to many of you that are new or have not been around long. Then- maybe each person can be "known" by others as "Samurai".

I agree that we should take our hits and that we do our best in any venture we take. We should train and be able to fight with almost ALL weapons.

I will give this helpful hint: one of the best ways to learn to fight against a certain weapon combo is to fight with it to KNOW how it can be used....

I wouls like to see more people in better garb. I know that I was one of the first to wear some of the traditional Garb. I also faught with Samurai type weapons longer than most have been in the game.

I agree that if you are going to be Samurai- then you need knowledge about certain weapons- BUT don't limit yourself.

Maybe at Octoberfest we can all have a meeting on saturday and talk.

in faith & service,
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Postby Mori » Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:08 pm

Before I post anything else about this, I want to know what everyone else thinks about the subject. I can see what you think, Satanaka, and I know what I think; but that's not enough for me.

I'll leave this thread alone for one week. During that time, I want everyone who reads this forum to please, PLEASE, post on this thread and state your opinion. It doesn't matter if the opinion is in favor of Satanaka's view of things, in favor of my view of things, in favor of a different view of things, or indifferent to all of it. Please post so I can know what everyone is thinking.

I'll post my own reply at the end of that time. Thank you very much.
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Postby Tobias » Mon Jul 26, 2004 6:26 pm

Personally, I'm in favor of the Samurai-style expectations as well. It doesn't do anyone any good to run around and call ourselves something when we act like something else completely and totally different. I mean no disrespect to any of my elders, but a Samurai should be using what a Samurai used. Let peasants use their little farm tools. I'll be using a sword.
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Postby Kaibashi Shintaro » Mon Jul 26, 2004 7:06 pm

Yun of the East wrote:Personally, I'm in favor of the Samurai-style expectations as well. It doesn't do anyone any good to run around and call ourselves something when we act like something else completely and totally different. I mean no disrespect to any of my elders, but a Samurai should be using what a Samurai used. Let peasants use their little farm tools. I'll be using a sword.
Agreed. On another note, would a 30in wakizashi and 32in katana be alright for a Samurai to use?
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Postby Mori » Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:34 am

Please see the "O-Daiji Ni ****..." thread or the "Slight Issue" thread for my stand on this issue and my response.
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Postby Seiichiro » Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:21 am

Reading through this again, just need to comment.

I'm all for training with a variety of weapons. Yes, the most effective way I learned to deal with a shield and swordman, was to learn that style to learn its strengths and weaknesses. It's all part of understanding your opponent. What they're thinking. Their concerns and worries. That's practice and training and I don't object to a samurai learning them. But also practice and train with your traditional equipment in order to apply your understanding of foreign warfare to defeat it. You don't learn sword and shield or how to use flails to use them on the battlefield. You learn them so you know how to defeat them with the katana or yari or naginata etc. It can be done if you have enough heart.

This is to Satanaka specifically. I know you're among the first samurai, if not the first in the game. I've seen really old photos of you back in the day. It was part of what drived me to focus on being samurai. That was five years ago. Since '93 I had fought with samurai techniques, but was unclear about my persona. "Generic medieval" I'd call it. About five years ago, I decided that if I were to do this, I might as well go all the way. And I saw that someone made a difficult style combat-wise work for them and that encouraged me. Personally, I've put plenty into it and I can't imagine doing otherwise. I want to learn and do more. I love and embrace the challenges it gives me. What I'd like to know is what made you stop? Why did you lose the love for it? When did you lose the sight of what it is for the sake of something easier? When did you trade your kosode and obi for a tunic and tabard? What happened to your katana... the samurai's soul? Well, at least you still have your hakama.

If you take this as a flame or an insult, read it again, and try to see what I'm saying.

For everyone else... a farmer is not a samurai. A Mongolian or Chinese or Korean warrior is not a samurai. A samurai is a samurai.

Be samurai. Know your opponents, but be samurai. Your pride in who you are and it's presentation is the flag you stake into the ground for all to see. The pride in the work you've done to learn and do it is the banner that says that you are samurai. Your weapons are your soul and your armor is your skin and your clothing is your banner and your discipline is your identity. Be who you are and call yourselves so honestly and correctly.
- Akiyama Seiichiro Mitsusada

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Appreciated words....

Postby Satanaka » Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:21 pm

Seiichiro Said: "This is to Satanaka specifically. I know you're among the first samurai, if not the first in the game. I've seen really old photos of you back in the day. It was part of what drived me to focus on being samurai. That was five years ago. Since '93 I had fought with samurai techniques, but was unclear about my persona. "Generic medieval" I'd call it. About five years ago, I decided that if I were to do this, I might as well go all the way. And I saw that someone made a difficult style combat-wise work for them and that encouraged me. Personally, I've put plenty into it and I can't imagine doing otherwise. I want to learn and do more. I love and embrace the challenges it gives me. What I'd like to know is what made you stop? Why did you lose the love for it? When did you lose the sight of what it is for the sake of something easier? When did you trade your kosode and obi for a tunic and tabard? What happened to your katana... the samurai's soul? Well, at least you still have your hakama. "

Seiichiro, thank you for your kind words. I guess that our paths have reflected each other as if gazing in water... I started very focused and determined to be Samurai.... As time passed and many years after leaving Japan- the saying goes "....while in Rome..."
I did not give up any of my beliefs or tenacity. My spirit has not changed but I have gained knowledge as well as travelled many lands and realms.
Sometimes Ihave learned new techniques as well as new styles. I have never strayed from my old foundation and it reflects in any style of weapon I pick up.
As stated in other post- I even teach "Squires" the path of the warrior to teach them of true Honor and what the warrior spirit is.
As for the Garb I wear- I would wager that amount 10 warriors- you would be able to pick me out. It is hard to wear some styles of armor that I own with traditional clothing.

(smile) ah- Your words have braught a good cheer to my heart. Maybe we should share some hot Sake when next we can meet to further talk as warriors and friends...

Thank you for your words of encouragement.

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