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Postby Marcadus » Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:55 am

Rolling onto his back and groaning in pain, one arm limp the shoulder dislocated and several fresh cuts and scrapes from the impact with the ground, Marcadus pushes himself into a sitting position with his good arm, muttering to himself but not really trying to be quiet about it

" Sure don't worry about me I'll be fine....." wincing in pain as he forces his shoulder back into place "......sure I heal on my own but where's the freaking concern I know I don't know you but I did just fall a pretty good ways you could at least fake it....." glancing at Andrek as he makes his way shakily to his feet ".....and why is it every time I see you something bad is usually happening can't we ever just get together for an ale for once? is that to much to ask? "

Marcadus putting on this display basically disregaurding everything around him except for what he is focused on at the time, but seeming to have a bit of a hard time concentrating on anything at all
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Postby Elebrim » Sun Dec 03, 2006 4:23 pm

Suddenly realizing his error, Elebrim turned and ran over. "Here, let me try and help. My healing can be a little, well, erratic, so I apologize if this doesn't work." Concentrating, Elebrim closed his eyes. For a moment, he felt as if nothing was happening. "I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like I'll be able t-" *SQUELCH* The sickening sound of re-aligning bones told Elebrim he had thought wrong. When he opened his eyes, however, Elebrim saw that none of this (for lack of his proper name) being's cuts had healed with the shoulder. Odd... "I apologize if that stung; sometimes bones can tend to be troublesome to heal."

Standing and offering him a hand up despite his obvious physical pain, Elebrim attempted to be as respectful as possible amid the surrounding guards. "Let me try the introductions again. I am Elebrim Mistblood."
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Postby Andrek » Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:57 pm

Andrek takes a goatskin from under his cloak and gives it to Marcadus. "Your latin is failing friend. That fall must have shook the little wit you had from it. This should help the healing along. Dwarven Spirits and my pigs blood. I drained it just before I was brought in here. I figured you might need to feed." He tosses it to Marcadus without looking to him.

"Master Mistblood, you need to believe in your abilities if you are going to survive the night. I am sure that you will need to heal many elves and humans if we are going to be allowed to live. I have only bought the humans time with the gift of my pigs. Once the elves are done eating it will only be a matter of time before they come after human blood again. Do you know why they are attacking these people?"
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Postby Marcadus » Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:19 am

Marcadus nods in thanks to the man talking something about healing and grabs the goatskin offered by Andrek

Gratia agere amicus

Marcadus begins drinking from the flask in doing so the cuts and scrapes slowly begin to seal themselves, after a minute he holds the skin back out towards Andrek grinning cuts now sealed

Much better I knew I stayed around you for a reason.
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Postby Elebrim » Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:27 am

"To be honest, Sir Andrek, I have very little knowledge of these elves in general. Their symbols are unfamiliar, and the way in which they conduct themselves is... well, unnatural as compared to myself and to their bretheren that I am more familiar with." Elebrim darts his eyes briefly to the guards nearby to gague their reaction to his comments, but they largely appeared to have ignored them.

"I was pulled into the city to be detained when the elves made their move toward the castle walls; I had been passing through the area and know very little of the grander political dealings here. When the attack started the guards detaining me were killed and I started attempting to gather the wounded and heal where I could - well, when I could, I suppose - and ran into the rest of these men here. I can't speak for them and their knowledge, though."
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:33 am

zanark did not like having arrows pointed at him. He clentched his teeth and slitly lifted his sword. But only to put it back into its sheath. "*"
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Postby Andrek » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:32 pm

"Marcadus, I hope this counts as a good ale moment. We can head to the tavern later. I think we should find a reason why this city was attacked. I don't think my offering will last more than the night. So we should heal every living thing in these walls and I suspect that you should take your slaves out of these walls. I will attempt to convince the elven captains that they can obtain all the material goods if they allow Lord Marcadus to take his prisoners back to the fith, sixth, and seventh circles." He winks and smiles. "I would hate for the overlords to reign vengance on the elven nations for taking the humans they have been allowing to ripen for the past four generations."

The elven chief captain gives a look of disbelief to Andrek, "Marcadus would you like to convince this whelp of my seriousness? I am sure there is a plethora of elven blood that I could procure for you as payment for your help." Andrek stares into the captains eyes, "I am sure you will understand."
Last edited by Andrek on Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tyrus » Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:22 am

Sarnath sits quietly in between the gargoyles near the roof of the castle. For reasons unbeknownst to him, the outsider had leapt from the castle walls and sprouted wings. It seemed that this entity was a reasonably powerful one, albeit a somewhat ungainly one.

He had nearly been seen as the demon-thing had made its descent, escaping the strange being's vision only by swinging up behind the ominous looking statues that lined the castle walls.

Though injured, now the man he had come up the wall after seemed to be heading off.

Sarnath climbs carefully back down the wall and follows the outsider at a fair distance, until it meets up with a handful of other humanoids. Sarnath waits silently amongst the small buildings waiting for the results of what appears to be a standoff.
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:26 am

zanark turned to Elebrim "how can we be sure we can trust them........I no longer trust man or beast, for I am neaither."
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Postby debuenzo » Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:40 pm


someone needs to speak up for the "other guys" to get the story rolling...i nominate elebrim
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Postby Olos » Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:21 pm

*to andrek* you there, you seem to have at least some idea of what is going on here. The elves in this castle have acted differently than any others I have before seen. You seem to at least be on speaking terms with them. Do you know what has happened here, who this new group is, or what we need to do to get out of this place?

I am getting somewhat sick of being held prisoner for no apparent cause and not being told what the reasoning is. *though he is trying to appear friendly to all, olos seems to get more and more annoyed as time passes*
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Postby Elebrim » Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:29 pm

Turning to Zanark, Elebrim smiled. "Well, that's the beauty of trust, isn't it? Relying on others when you could rely just on yourself? It seems Andrek gave up a lot to buy us this span, so we should probably work together to get through this. Besides, we haven't been acquainted for too much longer with each other, if I remember correctly."

"Olos, you may want to calm yourself for now. These guards have been tolerant, but I can sense their patience is wearing thin."

"This is terribly unlike a true elf. Impatience, brutality, needless violence, fighting alongside the Nazgul we met earlier, and... unless I am mistaken, elves don't generally eat meat. I'm more than a little suspicious..." Whispering to avoid being overheard by the nearby guard, Elebrim turned toward Andrek. "Could these be imposters of some kind? I know some magicks can change a being's appearance, but for an entire army it would be a task of great power."
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Postby duckymcfeelgood » Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:34 pm

Ducky woke up groogy and lost. " Where am I?"

He saw the group of people, some faces of which he remember, all being held at either sword or arrow point. He checked his jaw, still sore, but moving. He looked up at Elebrim. 'Thanks."

A large man with wings, covered in black, was here now and so were a few others.

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Postby Andrek » Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:24 am

Andrek looks to Elebrim, "I agree it is very unlike them. Though they do not carry an accent that I not familiar with. I do believe they are truly elves, though they may have formed a dark alliance that I am not aware of. I was simply attempting to bring my trade further east. I had hoped that they would accept my offer and keep them for packing or cleaning their waste, but the elves started to dig right in. I am not sure why. I do suggest that we take any of living creature from this place that would follow Marcadus. I am sure he will be very happy to take you where your souls deserve to be." Andrek smirks toward the head captain. "Now Might we be able to procure our bounty for the Lords, or do I need to let Marcadus feed on your little band. I am sure a few gates could be opened. Let me know."

The captain angrily replies, "Dos nez rivvil go'h."

Andrek walks up to him and snaps his neck taking a dagger to his abdomen in the process. He looks at Marcadus, "It seems that this one was more trouble than I liked. Go ahead and feed on him. " He looks at the archer holding a drawn bow at Zanark. "Do you speak the dark tounge as well, or will you go tell your masters that this castle is Lord Edol'lfuzzzien's?"

The archer looks at the little bit of blood weeping from Andrek's side. "No, I only speak commmon. I will go. I promise no problems."

Andrek dismissed him and any of the army who wanted to leave, which was the vast portion of them. "Marcadus, I don't expect you to have water from the norther glaciers about." He looks at the wound in his side and wraps his belts tightly around it.

"Sorry guys, that was the only one I could rememb--" Andrek's sentence was cut short with pain. He looks at Zanark, "Since you are now free, be useful and go find any survivors. We may be lucky to have bought six hours." He closes the gates with anyone who will help him and helps in the survivor search.
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Postby Marcadus » Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:02 am

Pulling out a small dagger and moving to Andreks bleeding side Marcadus loosely wraps his right hand around the blade and mutters quietly


Dirrectly after finishing the word a soft flickering light begins to shine from his closed hand, not long after the blade of the dagger had turned to a red hot, grabbing the tip of the dagger without even a flinch he holds the handle out towards Andrek

Take care of yourself will you......and I'm guessing you want a bit of theatrics after all that talk huh.....

the last part of the conversation meant only for Andrek, soon afterwards the tone of Marcadus's skin had changed from what seemed to be a dark tan to a jet black almost leathery look, the small fingernail claws extended slightly with the hands and overall body mass enlarging just a bit now looking more like a hulking winged clawed mass, his eyes had changed from the glossy black to a deep burning red and two large horns had grow from his head, grinning widely at the gaurds showing off is gleaming fangs, Marcadus streached out his arms and wings as far as they would reach, his hands ignigting in flame for just a split second then going out

Somedays the real you just fights itself out you know.....

The last of the elves race from the castle seeing Marcadus' true form. Any of them who had doubt, no longer wish to know what terrible fate lies with the humans.
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:39 am

Zanark lookes at andrek and nods. He quickly turns and starts his way back up the kobble stone path. The wounds on his back had opened up again and he had no medicine to fix it at the time. Bodies surrounded the courtyard as he tired to find surviors. And the stench of rotting flesh filled the air with a foul stench.
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Postby Elebrim » Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:27 pm

Elebrim hesitated. He had known Marcadus was not a normal mortal when he had sprouted wings and dropped from the walls of the fortress, but this new form... Elebrim had a very hard time allowing himself to trust this demonic presence. Turning to Andrek, Elebrim spoke. "Someday we will have to compare histories, good sir. I'm curious as to how you came to be friends with one of such a... unique power. I'm also unfamiliar with these Lords you speak of so reverently, but if they are attempting to save those left here I will do what I can." Kneeling down, Elebrim concentrated while moving his hands toward the slowly growing patch of blood on Andrek's side. "A little trust never hurt anyone" he said, feeling the warm gold-white glow begin to bathe and seal the deep stab wound.

"Ducky, Olos, I think there may be some survivors left in the keep still. I'll be heading back that way, if you care to accompany me once more. I don't think any of us will be leaving for a while."
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Postby Olos » Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:32 pm

Sounds like a plan, but we must still be on our guard, that group we almost ran into before those three fighters is still in the castle I believe.

*Olos turns up the path toward the castle, glad to have avoided a direct confrontation with the elves or that strange creature.*
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Postby Andrek » Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:50 pm

A blackend ooze seeps out of Andrek's side before it seals up. "Well Elbrim, I suspect that you have a great healing potential yet. Find a place to keep this. It may lead to the reason that these elves have turned on their traditions."

He attempst to glop the ooze into Elbrims hands.

"As well, I only named off some lesser demon that decided he wanted to over run the Watch a few years ago. I call him Ed, but he is long since banished. I really have no respect for most demons, but Marcadus is no ordinary demon. I have reason to Believe that he has a more humane heart, than most humans I know. Oh, and I only was speaking reverntly about the lords of Hell to intimidate the elves. I was banished just over a year ago." He chuckles, "It seems that there are many politics that I should not have disturbed. Possilby Master Kitsune will have an easier time with them." He laughs as a man with a deep emotional pain.

"So Marcadus, finish feeding and then help find survivors."
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Postby Marcadus » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:24 am

Your pulse remains and your soul is mine. This will quench my thirst greatly.

Marcadus bites down on the neck of the elf Andrek dropped to the ground. This is the first good meal he's had in a few weeks. Just before the last breath he takes one claw and carves a symbol into the his neck. When he is done he stands and looks to Andrek.

One more for the master, and why the Hell would we use Ed? He never advanced ranks. Which Hell are you talking about?

Marcadus is quiet for a moment.

Oh so we take the Humans and pretend they are going to an overlord. You are a slick *, you know that right pig farmer? But I'm not quite sure he's smart enough for this.
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Postby Andrek » Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:40 pm

"Eh we both know that these elves are drunk with power and hate. We can blind them with this. Just get the survivors rounded up with me and we will begin a march West of here. At the very least we can buy some time, we may need to take caverns for a good part of the journey until we can build allies. Though ulitmately we must discover why the elves have turned."

Andrek tosses some planks to the side, "Just more death. Keep looking guys."
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Postby Elebrim » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:45 am

Nodding toward Andrek and dripping the small amount of black ooze into a pouch on his belt, Elebrim turned with Olos and the still woozy Ducky back onto the path toward the keep from before. The stench of destruction and death really had become overpowering; Elebrim was forced to hold a rag up to his mouth to avoid swallowing the putrid haze around him. This really is not normal for elves, he thought to himself as he turned the last blood-stained corner toward the door of the keep.

Pushing the door open, he stared in horror as a lone elven linesman stepped slowly down the line of survivors, visibly pleased by gutting each of the humans he passed. Elebrim shouted in disgust, drawing his sword and stepping boldly forward. The elf turned, but for some reason did not attempt to defend himself as Elebrim approached. Confused, Elebrim heard only too late the swish of motion as another hidden figure rushed from behind and bashed him to the ground, his head hitting hard against a stone. Dazed, it was all Elebrim could do to roll away as the elf attempted to pin him down and stab him. Shouting toward the door, Elebrim struggled to regain his footing. "HELP!"
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Postby Olos » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:06 pm

As Elebrim ran in after the elf, Olos followed to watch his back. He didn't see the figure that hit hit Elebrim, but figuring that one good turn deserves another, Olos rushed at the elf now fighting elebrim. The one that had charged him was now nowhere to be seen, and luckily for Olos, did not reveal himself again. Olos charged the one on top of elebrim, and in his fervor, the elf didn't notice until he was being tackled to the ground, and run through by Olos's short sword.

"Let's see how many are still alive, and if we can find that other attacker" Olos said as he offered his hand to Elebrim, who seemed to be recovering his wits. "Ducky, did you see where he went, I was focused on the other."
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Postby Elebrim » Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:50 pm

"Urgh... thanks." Elebrim sucked in air as the fresh trickle of blood from his forehead dripped into his eye. "It really annoys me that I have the most trouble healing myself..." Elebrim wiped the blood from the fresh cut on his forehead and tore a strip of cloth from the dead elf's robes, binding his head wound with this new and "attractive" headband. "I'll heal fairly quickly, but until then this will have to do."

Taking a quick head count, Elebrim noticed that all of the elves were gone, and only a half-dozen of the men he had originally saved had been spared from the slaughter. As he was counting, he noticed that one of the most recently killed had remnants of the same black ooze that Andrek had had in his wound; Elebrim used a nearby scrap of wood to scrape it up and into his pouch. Giving a hand up to one of those better off, he told him what had happened and about the plan to sneak them away. The highest ranking officer alive was dazed, as expected, but agreed to cooperate without question. Elebrim helped group them together, having those who were able to stand carry the two most invalid men by the arms and legs, and pointed the safest way back to the main gate.

"Ducky, would you mind leading them back to Andrek and the main group? That second elf is still around here somewhere, and my guess is that these two weren't alone. These men need some protecting."
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:39 am

zanark too made his way back to the main gates with three men on his back. When he got there he droped them on the ground and pulled out a loaf of bread. Tossing it to the injured men, "thats the last of my food, eat it"
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Postby Andrek » Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:49 am

"That sounded like a sack of potatoes hitting the ground." Andrek shakes his head and pulls his soot covered hand out of the rubble, offering it in a friendly gesture, "We have not been formally introduced. I am Andrek."
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Postby Marcadus » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:28 am

At the arrival of the new guests feeling a little bit out of place in his current condition taking a deep breath and then shaking his body hard almost like a wet dog a cloud of ash and a small cloud of smoke blocks Marcadus completely out of view, after the ash and smoke clears Marcadus slowly becomes visible laying on the ground breathing heavily and now back in what could at least be considered a more human form
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:43 am

zanark turned to Andrek " I have spent too much time here as it is, the elfes and on the move and i will not wait here any longer" He walked up to the large gates and tried to move them but the weight of them was too strong even for him. He started to make his way back to the castle when he turned around and shouted "I will make my way through the caverns of Talniska underneath the castle and follow the elfs to war, all who want to follow me, or waste your time among the fallen"
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Postby Andrek » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:21 pm

Andrek waits for Zanark to dissapear into the castle. "I am not sure I want to follow such a foolish young man. How about you Marcadus? As well do you know what tribes live in those caves?" He looks at the few men that were dropped by the front doors.

"Go ahead and eat the bread, you will need stregnth no matter how this day unfolds."
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:59 am

Zanark didnt even look back to see if they follwed, his path was clear to him and he couldnt waist time for he knew the elfs would be on the move to Ruhn. He had passed through the caverns of Talniska many times before, but this would be the first time alone.
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Postby Elebrim » Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:55 pm

Elebrim watched as Ducky started leading the group of humans back, and wiped a last trickle of blood from the tip of his nose. This situation was getting out of control. if there were still elves in the city, even by gathering them together how many could the group hope to bring out alive?

He turned to Olos. "My friend, I think we need to clean house. If these elves continue to butcher the survivors, not only are any hopes of saving the city lost, but so are our hopes for escaping with them." As he spoke, he turned and saw Zanark out the window. Sensing his determination, he wondered where in the city this leader could be going with such haste.

His priority quickly shifted, however, as he saw the darkened form of the missing elf, this time with a new companion, step silently around the neighboring building's facade and draw a dagger. Running to the window and drawing his bow, he drew an arrow and took a bead on the would-be assassin, putting an arrow through his wrist. "Zanark! Behind you!"
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:04 pm

Zanark heard elebrims cry and quickly turned as an elf nearly struck him. The elf was fast, very fast, zanark's large body couldnt keep up with his movements. One of the elfs arms had been hit with an arrow but he still had another, with a very sharp weapon in it. Zanark drew his short sword and sheild and tried to block its attacks. So many sparks flew when there weapons hit that the dead grass benith them cought on fire.

As the elf made a dive for his chest, zanark doged it and jabed his sword into the elfs back. Its blood ran down to the hilt of his sword and spilled onto the ground. He pulled his sword out and wiped off before sheathing it again.

But he was not out of danger yet, he was surrounded by fire. He quickly reached for his vile of corithica water but rememberd that he used it all to get out of that dark realm. With no potions to help him with magic he would have to resort to spoken magic. He eased his mind and out reached his hand. Beads of sweat started to form on his head as he tried to consintrate harder. Zanark let out a cry of anguish and the fire dissapeard with a flash of black smoke. Zanark felt weak, he could feel his legs becoming limp and his vision started to blurr.

He fell hard on to the now cool ground as the darkness overtook him.
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Postby Elebrim » Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:53 am

Elebrim drew another arrow as the fight proceeded. After the inital clash of sparks, the other elf had been thrown back. Taking aim, Elebrim fired. The elf, however, threw his injured hand in front of his torso as he was standing, just in time for the arrow to pierce further up his same arm. Yelping as Zanark finished off his companion and prepared to deal with the fire, he got up and began to retreat, wincing badly. Elebrim took the liberty of distracting him from his pain with an arrow through the temple. "How long does it take these elves to play by the rules? You get shot, you die!"

Seeing Zanark fall amidst the charred grass, Elebrim ran out to drag him under cover. His body, however, was a bit large for Elebrim to manage. "Olos, a little help?"
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Postby Olos » Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:36 pm

But Olos didn't hear Elebrim's question.

Olos had stepped out of the room upon hearing Zanark's racket.

But as Elebrim drew his first shot, Olos heard some clutter in the room behind. With the intent to maybe catch the elf from earlier, Olos snuck back to the door, peered inside, and caught a glimpse of the elf, slicing the throat of the injured man that had been unfit to leave the room earlier.

Despite his anger, Olos resolved to stay calm, he knew that this particular elf was too fast for brute force to finish. "you have no quarrel with the injured and the dead" Olos spoke, alerting the elf to his presence "but you have just created one with me." The elf looked at him blankly, unimpressed. Olos continued, "yes, I don't know if you understood my words, but I know you got the meaning. You may have killed many men, but you have yet to fight a true soldier, allow me to show you that you are nothing."

As Olos slowly advanced, the elf finally took the hint. The elf drew a longsword to go with his dagger. Olos knew this would be his toughest fight in a long while, but was determined to make this elf suffer. Closing on him, he got into a ready stance. Though he didn't know it until much later, this fight would be a turning point in his life, where he learned a great deal about himself.

Parrying aside every one of his blows, the elf was giving Olos a very tough fight. Olos finally saw an opening, and put his force into it. But then, the elf wasn't where his sword swung. He had put too much into the swing, and now, had opened himself for a strike with the elf's dagger. It was a powerful strike, right on Olos's shield arm, but luckily on one of the most heavily armorer points of his body. The blade was turned aside, but it ruined the mail at that point, and left a large welt. However, to perform the strike, the elf was focused on his left dagger hand. Olos brought his sword up, and caught the elf's main arm right at the wrist, removing his hand. He then used the remaining strength in his shield arm to catch the elf with an edge and knock him to the ground. As the elf recovered, Olos removed him of his other hand. Then he kicked the elf in the stomach, and as he doubled over, Olos truck the side of his head with his sword pommel.

With the elf out cold, Olos went to find some lenghts of rope. He first made tournicates above the elf's wrists, then bound his ankles, knees, and tied the elbows behind his back. Sheathing his sword and shouldering his shield, Olos grabbed the elf by his collar and drug him to the door, setting him just inside the room.

"Hey Elebrim, you still out there? I think I got one that might be in a mood for talking here. And if he isn't, I think we'll be able to convince him."
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Postby Elebrim » Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:23 am

Having gotten no response from Olos earlier, Elebrim had laborously dragged the unconscious Zanark under the cover of the ruined keep when he first heard the commotion in the other room. Searching frantically, Elebrim found some old cloth that had collapsed in from the rooms above to cover Zanark's limp form and ran in as he heard Olos's yell. Elebrim paused to take it all in. There was Olos, his angered and weary form dominating the bound elf at his feet beneath him, and to his right was the newly dead soldier, the all-too-familiar black ooze forming around his throat. Elebrim, exhausted from the effort of hauling Zanark, lost some of his composure and began to laugh softly at the limp prisoner before him. "Hehehe, you thought you could get away with this, didn't you? Hehe, no more slaughter for you! Hehehe..."

Elebrim stopped, shook his head, and looked questioningly toward Olos. "I'm... sorry, I've never done that before." Glancing down at the body beneath him, he knelt and reached down to his belt for the pouch to gather the rest of the ooze. Feeling a sticky patch on the bag, he noticed that some of the tar-like substance had squelched out of the pouch and onto his leg. Using a piece of wood to scrape it off, Elebrim put it and the new ooze from the dead soldier's throat into the pouch, binding the mouth of the bag even more tightly than before. "It looks like I'll need to keep a better eye on this."

"So, Olos, do we want to do this here, or drag him back up to the group and see if Andrek and the others have the gift of persuasion?"
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Postby Olos » Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:29 am

I am not yet sure that I trust those two we met by the gate. And especially the human-looking one. He seems to have his own agenda, and in his way, looks more powerful than the demon-creature. I don't doubt that he would cast us aside if it benefited him. And he never rightly explained what is going on with these elves.

I say we stay here, and figure this mystery out ourselves. You speak their tongue, correct? Can you maybe heal this one just enough to make him talk? After seeing what he did, I hold no mercy for this elf, and will happily do the dirty work.

Also, I don't think that company of elves by the gate would much like to see one of their mightier warriors treated like this. But who knows, I have seen stranger things, you for instance.
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Postby savetuba » Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:33 am

Sitting on his overturned pale, Savataba listened to the crys of people dieing. All around him sounds of battle and death lingered on the air thicker than the stench.

'Why is it when someone attacks they always try to kill everyone. Can't they just leave us peasants alone?'

Gripping his spade Savataba stood to collect his other pale. Normally he would have been grumbling about the awful smells and the pittiful wages he was given to give this crap freely to the local farmers. However today he was thankful that he was in this pit. Very few people would bother looking for a living person here.
Bending over he squinted in the dim light trying to measure the contains of the pale. Shaking his head he raised the spade and pushed it back into the slimy muck hauling out a little more and gently placing it into the pale hoping that it wouldn't fall over from being to full.

After a few more thrusts Savataba returned to his temporary seat. His thoughts strayed to his lovly lady, his small humble home on the southern end of the castle, his father's pike that was given to him when his father died in the war, his small stash of coins, ale, and that pike in the thaching of his home. If they burned the castle then the only thing that would survive would be his coins. But would it be enough for him to travel to his lady...

'I'll wait untill dark to get out of here. Hopefully my home will still be there.'

Savataba sat there in the dimly lit pit holding his nose and spade, waiting for darkness to liberate him from this ****.
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Postby Elebrim » Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:56 pm

"I agree with you about the demon, Olos. I've never been much of a friend with such kinds, though I will say that what I know of Andrek speaks quite well of his character. We probably should work to discover more in either case, however."

Turning to the elf on the ground beneath them, Elebrim gently prodded his shoulder until he snapped to awareness, pulling at the bonds holding him. Elebrim shook his head. "Not so easily will you get away this time. Here's the situation as I see it. You have killed a great deal of people I have been sworn to save. I don't appreciate that, and I'm sure that my friend here doesn't appreciate the lack of kindness you displayed toward his armor. So -" By this point Elebrim had begun pacing for dramatic effect, drawing a dagger for emphasis. "I know what it is like to be bound and at the mercy of others, and I know what it is that makes that experience most terrible. Though I withhold myself from doing that to others, I'm sure my companion would not mind a few suggestions for his technique." Bending in closely, Elebrim's eyes narrowed. "You tell us what we need, we treat you well; maybe even let you run with a head start. You misbehave, and, well, let's not discuss that."

The elf spat in his face, spouting curses and rage. Elebrim calmly wiped is face clean, and turned toward his patient friend. "Apparently we need to knead the dough a little more, Olos. It's not quite ready for baking." Turning back toward the elf, Elebrim raised his voice to match. "Lle wethrine amin. Tanya nae n'quel; lava!"
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Postby Olos » Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:00 am

Watching Elebrim talk to the elf, Olos knew that he would require a bit of delicate persuasion before giving any information, so Olos went looking around the room. Coming back beside Elebrim, he made no attempt to hide the hammer he had stumbled upon, but kept the rusty pair of pliers in the back of his belt. Turning towards Elebrim he said, "Hrm, if only we had a small fire going, a bit of heat always helped me in the past when loosening tongues."

As he advanced towards their captive, the elf noticed the gleam in Olos's eye. "Yes," he said, noticing the elf's defiance, "we might be here for a while, I have a mind to start on his toes. as I somewhat ruined the prospect of working with the fingers."

As Olos leaned down and began removing the elf's boot, the elf gave a forceful kick with both legs, that landed in Olos's midsection. With a cough, Olos came to full high, and with a shake of the head, drove his fist into the elf's face, almost hard enough to knock him out again, but not quite. "Well, we won't be wanting to have that again, will we" Olos said, as he pulled up a chair, sat the elf in it, and tied his legs to the chair's legs. "Now, back to that boot," as he removed the rusty pliers from his pocket and set them on the ground near the elf's foot. "Elebrim, would you ask this fellow his name, and inform him that if he refuses to answer, this little piggy will be going to the market without his beloved hat."
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Postby Elebrim » Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:59 am

Elebrim knelt down by the elf's prostrate form. "I know you speak common. Do as he says. I know firsthand how terrible this can be," he said, running his hand through the abbreviated remains of what many decades ago had been the long, smooth hair of his kin. "Believe me, your pride will be your downfall."

Elebrim stood up and turned to Olos. "I must admit this is unsettling me a bit. I'll step outside and check on our friend, if it's all the same to you. I'm sure you can work better alone."
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:31 am

zanark woke in a fright, he took out his sword and swung it wildly in the air. Only to find no one was standing there. Zanark got to his feet and sheathed his sword. Not far away he saw elebrim kneeling on the ground, zanark walked over to him and took out his buster sword. He placed the tip in the ground and kneeled before him, "my life is in your dept, I will serve you until it is repaid"
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Postby Elebrim » Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:28 am

Elebrim, smiling softly, shook his head. "There's honestly no need. I'm just as fit for you to serve as that poor fool on the floor." Elebrim gestured behind him to the open door, where he sadly expected that some screams would be issuing from in a few moments. "I'm only doing what tasks have been given to me; it's the same as I would have done for anyone else."

Almost as an afterthought, Elebrim peeked through the ruined window to catch a glimpse of an empty road outside. "While it seems we have this free moment, however, tell me this: I know you are royalty here at this castle from the way you seem to revere it. Do you know how all this began? The more we discover about these elves intent, the better." Elebrim sat down slowly, slightly crestfallen at the thought of his evil kindred. "My brothers should not be doing this; I am almost ashamed to be one of them right now."
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Postby Andrek » Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:57 pm

Andrek was upset by the remains of the city. He remembered the wars just over ten years ago, when he was called to fight the orcs to defend the farms around the watch. He knew that there may have been survivors outside these walls. Though he was not sure he wanted to walk through the elves in and enraged state, but he really had no choice.

"Marcadus, please be sure that the survivors make it safely out of here. It may still be a wise idea to escort them to the portal we opened just beyond the forrests for the Lords." He winks and turns to the gates, "I will go look for survivors outside these walls."

He walked to the gates and pushed them open, but only just enough to slip thorugh. His face looked back to Marcadus, "Please close this for me." He began his search for survivors and noticed in the distance what seemed to be a grain silo, a large animal corral, and a manure pit. He knew that the best place to seek safety would be the manure pit. He quietly slipped though the elves toward the outskirts of the town to look for survivors...
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Postby Olos » Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:04 am

Not wanting to alert the other elves, Olos had covered the prisoner's mouth with a gag while he was working, only removing it when he wanted a response.

This was definitely not one of his finer points as a human being, but he held no remorse for this elf, fair though he may once have been. Eventually, his work seemed to be taking effect, and he could see defeat in the elf's eyes.

He covered most of the elf's wounds, and got up sighing, "well buddy, if you're ready to talk now, you might even get out of this alive. I'm going to get Elebrim so he can converse with you. But if you don't cooperate, I can guarantee that your death will be slow"

But as Olos headed for the door, the elf spoke, in a strange variation of common, understandable to Olos. "Wait, there is not much time left" said the elf, and as he spoke, Olos thought that he saw the darkness leave the elf's face.

"Thank you, friend, for releasing me from that evil. My physical form will soon perish, but I will now be able to rest knowing that my soul will be clean from this stain. It was an evil creature that came to us, teaching us magic and giving us strength. He was initially in the form of a kindly elf, and we did not know that the new powers we received were those of darkness. Eventually, he was able to dominate our wills, and make us into the evil beings you have been fighting. If you are able to defeat him, the elves will gradually return to the way we were. It will not be easy, and you will need the knowledge of his true name to even have a chance of victory, and even then, it will be the most difficult challenge you have ever faced, but I pray you can overcome it before my race is utterly overcome with this madness. I believe he is now in the high chamber of this castle, but cannot be certain. Your friend, the elf with short hair, I feel that he may play a large part in this. And caution him! Tell him to use his magic sparingly, for if he is becoming more adept recently, it is because of the thing that corrupted us. Now go, find his true name and defeat him. I thank you again, friend, for releasing me, but now I must pass on" With his last words, life left the elf, but he let it go willingly, and his face was peaceful.

After a short moment of thought, Olos walked out of the door, looked at Elebrim, and said "I think you will find this interesting, come here now, I have a few things you probably need to know."
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Postby Elebrim » Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:23 pm

Giving Zanark a moment to gather his thoughts, Elebrim stood and walked back toward Olos. He was about to speak when he caught a brief glimpse into the room behind, seeing a heavily bandaged and bloody lump lying in the corner. Now concerned, and a little shocked that Olos had known how to do all this, Elebrim ran in and looked into the face of the dead captive. His eyes, however, were not dark like the dead one before; the eyes were white like they normally should be.

Elebrim turned back toward Olos. "Well, whatever you did, it seems that this one somehow overcame the evil. What did you find out?"
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Postby Griffolion » Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:08 pm

Griffon followed the old man that said he would help him get him through the gates, the old man led him to the wall on the side of the castle, he then procceded to push a few bricks in, then a part of the wall opened up, the old man spoke "there is your entrance, it would do you good to be carefull" with that the old man walked off. Griffon took out his polearm that was strung across his back, and then walked into the side gate. he noticed a large number of people around. He pointed out his polearm and approched a few of the people he noticed that an elf was lying on the floor next to to men, he moved slowly and quitley to the two people. " what did you do to the elf? Griffon asked raising his polearm in a defencive manor, he prepared himself for a fire weapon spell if they were hostile then he would cast the spell and roast them like a pig over a slow burning fire.
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Postby savetuba » Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:46 am

It seemed like hours drifted passed as savataba sat there.

Every little sound was intense...the occational scream of pain was always unsettling. Holding the spade close I looked up at the narrow hole. My thoughts wandered to what happens if someone looked into this hole. Would I throw **** at them hoping they leave? No...They will only raise an alarm and more would come... Should I cower against the wall and hope the person doesn't take a keen interest? But what to do with the pales....and what if they raise the ladder, then what....What should I do. I could leave that pale in the center of the hole and when someone pokes thier head down here to see if there is someone I could hit them...yess...that might do. But suppose no one comes before night fall... Do I climb the ladder and run...or should I stay put and hope someone comes to rescue me...But then how do I know the person is going to try rescue me and not kill me.

Wait...what was that...sounds like....something approaching. Holding the spade at the ready I melt into the shadows of the slimy wall hoping the thing would pass.
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Postby Olos » Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:20 am

As Elebrim approached, Olos made sure that there was noone else in earshot, and then began with a chuckle. "heh, it's funny, it wasn't the torture that changed him in the end, it was my kindness, if you can call it that." Olos then recounted the story he heard from the elf, and emphasized that Elebrim must be careful with his magic now, especially because he now knew the reason.

Well, let's go find those two strangers. I don't know that I can trust either of them, but I'd be willing to bet they have the best shot of helping us find that demon's true name.

But first, let's check up on that big fellow, what's his name, and see if he's ready to do a little traipsing through the castle. He may not be the brightest or most cautious here, but his zeal to protect his homeland could be a valuable asset.
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Postby Elebrim » Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:44 pm

After hearing Olos's warning about magic, Elebrim looked down at his hand and flexed it, almost pensively. Thankfully for him, his recent boost in skill had come at some personal effort over the past day. He was more tired than he let on mentally, but there wasn't time to relax in this conflict.

"Well, it seems like this mess keeps getting thicker and thicker. Maybe there's a way to break all of them of this darkness and free them." Elebrim grinned slyly. "After all, they are giving me a bad reputation."

"Let's go ahead and grab Zanark. He should be waking up by-"

Elebrim was interrupted by the new figure in the room. How he got in was anyone's guess, and how the two had completely missed his approach was even more astounding, though the polearm he wielded and the determined look in his eye told the young elf that he should probably try to reason with him. "We were trapped in the city when the attack started. We had been trying to gather the wounded when this one jumped us and killed a few of the men we had saved. Olos-" Elebrim gestured to him "-had just interrogated him and freed him from whatever curse was upon him before he died."

Holding his hands in front of him and backing up slowly, Elebrim continued to speak. "I prefer to know the name of the one who is holding me at spearpoint. Who are you? How did you get here?"
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Postby Griffolion » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:04 pm

"We were trapped in the city when the attack started. We had been trying to gather the wounded when this one jumped us and killed a few of the men we had saved. Olos-" Elebrim gestured to him "-had just interrogated him and freed him from whatever curse was upon him before he died."

Holding his hands in front of him and backing up slowly, Elebrim continued to speak. "I prefer to know the name of the one who is holding me at spearpoint. Who are you? How did you get here?"

Griffon considered his options, he knew how the world worked but he backed away and began answering the elf. "an old man led me to a point in the wall and activated something which opened the wall enough for me to slip through, and very well i give you my name but i request yours in return, i am Griffon, and if you are speaking the truth then it is my duty to help you" Griffon lowered his polearm, but moved to the other side of the elf, he judged his eyes, and he then let a sigh of relief. Hes not hostile from what i can tell, but i still must be carful, people have fooled me before, thought Griffon.
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