Rules of the forum

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Moderators: Kyrian, Belegarth: Forum Moderators

Rules of the forum

Postby Kyrian » Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:31 pm

Objective of this forum: To facilitate the professional study, debate, and discussion of combat and the military, both in a historical sense and as it relates to Belegarth.

What do I mean by ?professional??:
a) No flaming.
b) Cite your sources. If you are discussing a historical battle or tactic, please provide your references be they web links, movies, books, etc. I?m sure that many of the people in this forum (myself included) would be interested in those references also.
c) Stay focused on the topic and keep the posts relevant. If the topic at hand spurs a different discussion, feel free to start a new thread.
d) Please use a spell-checker?just because you understand what you?re typing doesn?t necessarily mean everyone else will.
e) Humor is OK?to a point. Please keep the role-playing and irrelevant posts to a minimum; that?s what the ?General Mayhem?, ?Humor?, and ?Role-Play? forums are for. If you want to continue with off-topic posts in one of those forums, that is your prerogative.
f) Don?t make generalizations unless you?re willing to back them up with supporting information. For example, I don?t want to see generalizations like ?Flails are stupid.? or ?Shield users can?t fight.? and nothing else. If you?re going to make a blanket statement, then you had better be ready to give your reasons as to why you think flails are stupid?and if people disagree with you and are able to provide supporting information, deal with it.

I?m fairly laid-back but I take the study of tactics and warfare pretty seriously. I?d like to be able to read a thread and not have to wade through twenty posts that have nothing to do with the subject. If posts start getting excessively off-topic or flaming takes place, I will warn the people posting in the thread. If it should continue, I will choose an appropriate action up to and including locking the thread, issuing strikes and/or kicking people out of the forum.

(Rules for strikes and kicking were taken from the Humor forum.)
I. Any strikes that occur in this forum will be posted on a different thread. You will be kicked out of the Tips and Tactics forum if you get a total of 3 strikes.

II. If you are kicked, you will have to wait at least a month to re-join. I will probably not be keeping track of it so you will have to request that I let you back in. You will be notified by PM of kicks and I'll let you know what date you can re-join.

III. After you re-join the first time, you will be on probation for one month. Any strikes during that time will cause you to be permanently banned from this forum. If you are kicked 2 times and re-join you are on your last chance and you only need one strike to be banned permanently.

I am the only person who can give strikes but they can be requested by PMing me.

Any questions can be sent to me via PM.

"...change requires action, it doesn't just happen. Define your actions by how you think the game should be, not how the game is. The game will follow."--Big Jimmy
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Additional focus

Postby Kyrian » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:51 am

Per a request, I'd like to expand this forum to also include any military discussions, both historical and modern, not necessarily pertaining to Belegarth. If your thread is about the present-day military, please preface your subject with "PRESENT-DAY:". If you're discussing a historical event or topic not necessarily relevant to Belegarth, use the preface "HISTORY:". These prefaces are mainly so that people who aren't necessarily interested in these subjects can choose not to read them.

And as an aside, I served 8 years in the Army: three years active duty enlisted in communications, one year in the National Guard in a medical battalion, and four years active duty as an officer working with Patriot missiles.
"...change requires action, it doesn't just happen. Define your actions by how you think the game should be, not how the game is. The game will follow."--Big Jimmy
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Pronouns: he/him

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