Hey there! peasant questions!

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Hey there! peasant questions!

Postby Stern » Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:23 pm

Hello! :armor1: My names Stern. Im still very new to Belegarth with rushing myself into a event too fast. A poor choice on my part, but now that the holidays are finished I am ready to grab the sword once more. I even have several others interested. We are going with a Germanic Warband look. With that aside I'll get into my questions.


We have found our Realms group and are waiting for the next training session where I know many questions will be answered, but there are a few that came up at a event and no one really had a good answer for me.

1) If a Red weapon stabs your shield does that count toward breaking it? I myself wouldnt think so sense that would be the equivalent to a Green weapon stabbing it.

2) I saw many polearm soldiers with small shields on their upper arm. Does this count as a shield still or is that armor by that point?

3) If a Red Weapon goes for a smash and I block its main hit with my sword, but it still touches my shield, does that still count toward breaking my shield?

4) So we are working on some simple leather armor (chest, arms, and fighting shoulder) and this interesting idea came to mind. If lets say I lost my shield and someone was coming in for a attack to finish me off. Could I use my armored arm to absorb the hit to close this distance and finish them off?

I do apologize for the questions. Also i do know that many are about Red Weapons, but at the time i see them as my main enemy toward my shield. Unless im using a spear then I should be fine even without a shield.

Thank you in advance! any help is appreciated and I am looking forward to fighting long side you or against you on future battlefields.
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Re: Hey there! peasant questions!

Postby Derian » Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:48 pm

Howdy, Stern, and welcome!

Here's the answers to your questions:

1) If a Red weapon stabs your shield does that count toward breaking it? I myself wouldnt think so sense that would be the equivalent to a Green weapon stabbing it.

It does not count towards breaking a shield. Your analysis is exactly why. Red damage is swung only.

2) I saw many polearm soldiers with small shields on their upper arm. Does this count as a shield still or is that armor by that point?

This would be a shield.

3) If a Red Weapon goes for a smash and I block its main hit with my sword, but it still touches my shield, does that still count toward breaking my shield?

It'll depend on how good of a block it was. If you barely manage to slow it, but it still hits your shield with sufficient force, then yes, this still counts as a hit to the shield. If, however, the opposite is true and you block the majority of it, but the striking surface still lightly touches your shield then: no, that wouldn't be considered sufficient force.

This one can be a bit tricky as you need to make sure that you have a good understanding of sufficient force. It's very difficult to explain online, but if you have any groups locally you can visit with, someone will be able to help you understand where to draw that line.

4) So we are working on some simple leather armor (chest, arms, and fighting shoulder) and this interesting idea came to mind. If lets say I lost my shield and someone was coming in for a attack to finish me off. Could I use my armored arm to absorb the hit to close this distance and finish them off?

Yes, you could indeed. Generally speaking, however, most people swing much faster than you'd be able to close the distance, so often times this doesn't end up being a practical tactic in anything except single sword 1v1 fights.

Let us know if you have any other questions!
- Derian -

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