Role-Playing Council

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Role-Playing Council

Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:59 pm

I was pm'ing andrek back and forth, and he came up with the idea for an online Rp. That will in-turn award points to those who particapate in the Rp forum, for later use during an actuall event(I'm not sure if it was DW or not). Any ideas of how we can begin this? I vote that we should at least have a firm foundation on when we should have the event, and how we will run the Rp part online. I wouldn't like to get started with it and then later have it fall apart. That would disapoint a lot.

Now any ideas :?:
Last edited by Rat Shattered Fist on Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:23 pm

<Cough, Cough>

Are there any DM's alive, except Andrek?
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Postby Andrek » Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:59 pm

Good RP 1 point a week.

Anti-God mode 1 point a week.

Keeping the story going without DM involvment 1 point per occurance (when it is stale).

Unique ideas 1 point.

Bringing a story back on topic 1 point.

Not arguing with DM when they need to move the story along 1 point.
This is a good start. Now we will decide pricing on special abilities as we see how many points there are to acumulate.

As well we need to post 5-6 months ahead of the event in the Event's section with a link to a post in the RP section about our event and how they can get abilities/weapons upgrades.

Giant Strength could be any class 1 = class 2 weapon.

Fire = destroy shields, all but Heavier than chain is affected
.......Plate type armors are destroyed as normal.

Ice = Brittle shield and will only act as extra piece of armor, Armor wearers cannot move more than one step until they count 30-50 (we need to play test this)

Tough Skin = Natural armor or +1 hit.

There will be those who will have special powers from previous quests if they PM us with how they obtained the item in a previous Belegarth/Dagorhir quest event.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:12 pm

I love it!!!

What about anti-ablities? Like:

Sludge = can only walk.

Zombify = cannot gain certian things

Shrink weapon = lower class weapon (ie. Red - blue, blue - green, yellow[javilin only] - white[arrows would hurt if white])

Tiny = On knees only (ie. if you are hit below the hip joint it still counts as a leg. not a death. Untill hit again.)

Brittle Shield = One solid red hit would break it

Heh, heh, I'm having fun now! :D
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Postby Andrek » Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:26 pm

These should only be used on NPC's. And they might need to be used to kill certain Demons/Monsters.

I like it, but KISS. If too many rules the players will not like it. But if they read how the curse rule works at the game when a Sage gives it to them and they could use it on an NPC others Players will not need to memorize big rules.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:35 pm

I know there should be at least a few, but not over burdening. I think what we should do before the event even starts, is put most of the rules up, that way some of the people have some time to memorize anyway. That way later on most of them won't be too pressured. I also thought it would help, because you can't have the good without the bad.

On another topic, I think we should leave charm out of it period. The last Demon Wars was hell for a lot of people. They got so * at the fact that so many fighters were able to use it, that the whole community there was a bunch of puppets. That is why a lot of them didn't like it. I went around asking people about the event because no one knew me that well, and Fox wanted me to.

Jumping to the rules again. I think we should brainstorm the rules and X out the bad ones, as towards the abilities right now.

What do you think?
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:41 pm

Sorry, for some reason the site says it can't find it, so I have to jump back then go back in. Then it says it posted in the topic, but elsewhere it says I haven't.
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Postby Andrek » Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:26 am

You could PM each member of the DM's group about this topic Arahtep.
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Postby Squire Horati » Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:27 am

I think its a great idea but how would we get it done?
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Postby Andrek » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:49 pm

We would need to create threads dedicated to the story pertaining to the quest we will set up.

Say' DM Event'. Like the (DW) story lines we could have it set as (DME) story lines. The DM's could start the topics with this and then describe the setting. Anyone could jump into any of the stories.

Then one, and only one, DM would keep track of the points in any one topic. We could assign mutiple DM's to mutilpe topice, but only one per topic so we can keep the points straight. I can set up an Excel sheet that we would all use to keep track of points the same way.

Now when the guys come to the event, or even a week before, we will have the point cost posted for abilities listed and how many points they have gained. We could as well send them the points they have earned once a week. This would encourage them to keep playing and gaining points.

They could as well purchase the storyline to focus more around them if they wished it to.

These are all just ideas. Let me know.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:57 pm

I like it. How often is Marcadus online? Or who is going to be the head DM?

Whoever that is could keep a hard copy of the points, and all us DM's will keep track of the points in our forum. So, what we can do is set up a new topic like, "RP points". Then in there we take a list of who's playing and write their names down in that topic. If anyone happens to get a point, we add it next to their name with the approprate date when it was done. We can leave it open that way all we have to do is just hit the edit button. Then when every week rolls by we can repost it so nothing happens, and the person that has the hard copy can check it every so often for updates.

We could aslo post one in the rp forum and update it every week and a half. That way it will incorage others to think more creatively, that way they won't be half-assing it. We will also have to make a note that only the DM's can post in that topic, that way someone won't go in there and start flinging mud at others.

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Postby Marcadus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:17 pm

If we can get all this going with good character involvement there are a few things that I'd like to see happening.

1. I'd like more seperated speach and action, like quotes for talking and a set of * * around actions or some other character, we can keep doing the Italics for telepathic messages but you need to specify to whom your sending the message or if it's to anyone within range of you, also limiting this ability so that everyone can hear you just might not be able to send.

2 If we can get more active characters then what we have now of like 3 people + the DM's posting, I'd like to see some large scale RP expanding the worlds to allow people to interact in more places then just a bar and in the dungeon. adding things like travel time, city interaction 9people buildings ect.), food, tools, actual money, things like that, but that means we need to start each character out with like 1 starting ability a set amount of gold depending on what type of char they are playing and giving them one weapon, then let them interact with the people of the citys get a quest of some sort and go do something. This would however require that the DM's for the most part stay out of posting and rule the world but whatever. I know this is sounding more like an online DnD thing but at least some sort of organization is needed also exp for char fighting with good RP can go to the stuff as above such as new abilitys and new weapons but we could have some control over what they're getting like putting up a list of abilitys and what they do.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:26 pm

I think it is good. As for the storey part of it we need to set up a porameter on how we rp. I liked writing out what I did novel style, which is easily understandable. But when it comes down to using ** and othere things like that. There needs to be guidelines that way not everyone is asking, "what does that mean?".
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Postby Andrek » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:28 pm

Once again I would like to keep it simple and focused around the Belegarth game. I may be wrong on this note. But we could state that each story has a unique identifier such as (DW) so that there are quest specific ones and what not. I would like to see that you do not have special abilities in these threads unless they were given by a DM or in at an event. This will keep GOD PLAYING low.


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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:31 pm

I would love it too if God Playing is low. I would like to see abilites handed out, instead of, "Hey, look, seeing how I was born half demon I already have the powers to open an abyss underneath you." :goblin:
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Postby Andrek » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:32 pm

Rules stated in an announcement by Marcadus or another DM.

*text* = action

"text" = speech

tesxt is thought

Clear you powers you think you have through the DM council.

Tell the people to PM Arahtep with requests as to their powers on the boards. He will bring it to the council and we will say yea or nay and tweak where needed.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:34 pm

I vote on:

>BOOM< = sound effects
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Postby Marcadus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:35 pm

Arahtep II wrote:I was born half demon I already have the powers to open an abyss underneath you." :goblin:

For the most part that ones just me and i try to only use it when I'm not going to be posting for a while :angel:
other then that I'm all for those for signs to be used, if we can agree on them I'll post in in RP under a new rules thing
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:37 pm

sorry, miss typed it.

I meant it in terms of, "I am going to kill you with it."
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Postby Marcadus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:39 pm

yeah I know what you were going for I was just giving you a bit of crap about it
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:41 pm

I fling my poo at myself. :monkey:

Edited out of spite by Marcadus :devil:
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:48 pm

So, do we want to make a general anouncement in the RP foum about what we are trying to set up? It seems pretty dead right now.
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Postby Marcadus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:54 pm

let's give this a day for anyone to look at then I can throw something up in RP and in general with what we're going to start doing once we get a group decision on rules and things
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:59 pm

I think it needs to reside within the RP forum, first. That way we have everything established before we get spit down our necks, by other anti-rp belegarthians.
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Postby Marcadus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:01 pm

I keep up on those guys, and Me and J take care of them then I delete the posts so we're good there
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:05 pm

I said what I said, because it can sometimes discourage other players. The newer people don't know how to not take others crap on this site. Especialy if it was Peten dishing it out to a new person.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:06 pm

Just so eveyone knows. My character's new story is in the RP forum under charac. stroy.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:54 pm

Just to keep things moving, what do you guys think about making the anouncement :?: Like I said I think we should keep in the RP forum untill we have things set in stone.
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Postby Marcadus » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:00 pm

Yeah go ahead and go for it, I'm a bit wrapped up in something right now so I'm going to be in and out for a while.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:01 pm

How would you like me to propose it?
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Postby Marcadus » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:03 pm

just throw up some general info on what we are going for and the posting symbols or what ever you feel like, we can always edit later
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:04 pm

Will do, Capi'tan!
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:18 pm

Alright, it is all set. I add a two more topics for incouragement. Let me know what you think? I don't want it to sound too overzelis, or whinny or...ya know?
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:07 pm

I'm beginning to wonder if I am the only one really in on this?

From what I'm seeing I'm having a conversation with myself on developing the event.
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Postby Marcadus » Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:33 am

sorry been a bit occupied as of late. It all looks good to me and Andrek needs to get access from winfang again.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:14 pm

again?! :roll:

I know ppl can get busy with work and life, but it just seems like I'm the only one coming up with ideas.
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Postby Andrek » Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:09 am

DAMMIT! I was blocked and I will post by tomorrow.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:02 pm

I made an ancouncement on what an event is, I noticed finally as to why no one has posted anything about it. They don't know what it is? So if I have missed anything, edit it and fill in the blank. That way it doesn't get copied and unnesisarily posted again.
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Postby Andrek » Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:44 am

We had one called Demon Wars that happened 3 times. I apologize, I have been working 4 jobs in the past year and did not get into my hotmail account for almost that entire year (wow I am posting to this almost a year late).

If Marcadus is willing to run with this idea we may be able to have a Demonwars this year (later in the season).
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Postby Andrek » Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:46 am

We had one called Demon Wars that happened 3 times. I apologize, I have been working 4 jobs in the past year and did not get into my hotmail account for almost that entire year (wow I am posting to this almost a year late).

If Marcadus is willing to run with this idea we may be able to have a Demonwars this year (later in the season).
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:32 pm

WOW...almost exactly a year later!!!!
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Started Fighting: 07 Jun 2003
Realm: Oasis
Favorite Fighting Styles: Hand Axes, Florintine, Sword and Board.

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