
Strictly In-Character Interaction

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What race does your charecter belong to?

Historical Human(Celt,Viking,Samurai)
Fantay Human(Rohirum,Cimmarian)
Elf( includeing Drow)
Dwarf( includeing Derro and Durgar)
Hafling or Hobbit
Fae( includeing Sayters and Cenaters)
Undead( includeing Liches and vampires)
Savage Humanoids (Goblins,Bugbears,Orcs,Trolls,Etc)
Anything I missed (Crabpeople,Klingons,Etc.)
Total votes : 217

Postby Thomas MacFinn » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:09 am

Jeggrim wrote:I always thought that it would be cool to have a dwarf unit. Is there any of those out there? Or anyone that would be interested in forming one? Could be cool, and different than what I've seen on the field.

Kelmar Bloodstone (the fastest running dwarf I have ever seen) has been forming a unit in Dun Abhon called (oddly enough) Clan Bloodstone. I don't have any details as I haven't been in a hurry to join a unit yet.
Thomas Mac Finn

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Postby Punktrigger » Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:38 pm

I'm an interesting mix of things. I probably cross boundaries where most people would cringe of the idea.
I'm japanese born, half vampire(house is undecided)/Elf(Drou).
In other words i'm a freak of fantasy nature. :devil:
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Postby The Great Gigsby » Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:45 pm

I love/hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's actually nothing interesting about japanese, vampiric, dark elves. You just picked the three most blatant fantasy cliches known to western civilization and rolled them into one big bland ball of dough. Please try again.

I hear dark neko catboys are popular.
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Postby Quickie » Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:52 pm

i dont know how many tymes this thread has been reserected. but i got one for you, my new persona: a celtic humonculus half satyr. [kilted testube baby with horns] somekinda rude pagan experiment.
yes please... :target:
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Postby Farin » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:43 am

Im your classic Human, Celtic-ish.......i like it that way
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Postby Shyftir » Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:51 pm

Dwarven Pride!

I'm a dwarven barbarian with a very highland clans feel.

At least until I "Shyft" again...

edited much later:
I shyfted....
Last edited by Shyftir on Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Maewyn Succat » Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:03 pm

i am definetly a irish celt. those dudes made life seem as if it were a poem
and made warfare look like an art... in a messy, splattery, shower of gushing blood sort of way :axed: :D
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Postby Hendell Stoneshield » Tue May 06, 2008 5:50 pm

Dwarf and proud of it. We do seem to be smallest minority. Also in my realm I'm the only person who is apart of the Reapers. So whenever we do race riots or unit battles its "Alright everybody its the realm vs Hendell." Oddly enough though I have won a couple of times.
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Postby Bleddyn Stoneaxe » Tue May 06, 2008 6:26 pm

Giggles wrote:I love/hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's actually nothing interesting about japanese, vampiric, dark elves. You just picked the three most blatant fantasy cliches known to western civilization and rolled them into one big bland ball of dough. Please try again.

I hear dark neko catboys are popular.
Let him do what he wishes its not your place to judge. If he would like to be a japanese half vampire cat let him, thats his choice.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun May 11, 2008 5:52 am


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Postby Soo Ma Tai » Thu May 22, 2008 9:31 am

Western Mountain Orc, yeah baby!
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Postby Kat » Fri May 23, 2008 8:20 pm

Drow Purely evil and I LOVE IT!!!!!!! there are four of us in our realm
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Postby Iorek » Fri May 23, 2008 11:32 pm

I see myself as an "other" since my bloodline crawled out of a breeding pit of most of the common races. I.E. part orc, dwarf, elf, human.... etc.

There was a lot of drinking going on that night........
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"Cool, I don't mind people thinking we're orks, I just don't want them thinking we're illiterate"- Iorek to fellow uruk.
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Re: Races

Postby Gore » Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:16 am

I would probably have to go with Orc or Uruk. But I am timid about Uruk cause I know so little of LotR Lore. Orc, with self designed war paint and a viking mentality probably sums it up.
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Re: Races

Postby Mork » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:36 am

green is da best!
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Re: Races

Postby Katsu » Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:52 pm

Me? I'm a sand elf.......nomadic hunters assassins and cut-throats. And then there's me. heh.
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Re: Races

Postby Sir Anastasia » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:34 am

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Re: Races

Postby Ryu » Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:43 pm

one of the problems with saying that Uruk is a race is your location. in the west we don't have the race, we are orcs or other things that join for the finding of the master orc race.

me, I'm an Oni( Japanese orc equivalent)
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Re: Races

Postby Big King Jimmy » Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:32 pm

If by orc you mean demon.....
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Re: Races

Postby Black Cat » Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:28 am

Big Jimmy wrote:If by orc you mean demon.....

I think he means that he is an orcish demon. Though an oni is technically a type of ogre or mountain troll.

'Demon' is a vague term. I am a demi-human version of a bakeneko/nekomata, also commonly referred to as a 'cat demon'. Then there are fox-demons also referred to as Kitsune. There are many other demons in Japanese folklore as well, but I am not nearly as familiar with them as I am with the ones I mentioned.
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Re: Races

Postby Ryzby » Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:37 pm

Well I just started so am still putting it all together but after a bit of deliberation I decided for something a bit different...Half orc/Half elf. Dunno if its been done or not but I figured I might be able to do some interesting things with look, feel and persona.
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Re: Races

Postby Jeggrim » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:20 pm

Half orc/Half elf. Dunno if its been done or not but I figured I might be able to do some interesting things with look, feel and persona.

If you do, please post some pics/info/whatever. No offense to you, but most people have **** garb, don't roleplay AT ALL, and they might as well just be a human.

Every time I talk to someone and their like "I'm a cross between (insert vampire, drow, demon, oriental monster of whatever, etc etc etc.) All I can think is "Wow your black hakamas and plain tunic totally gave that away"

I don't mean to be a sarcastic *, (really I don't) I just find that there is a complete lack of characterization in this game. If people put so much thought into their persona, why not actually put some effort into it too?

/rant off

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Re: Races

Postby Ryzby » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:16 pm

LOL I agree. The way I figure it; if you're gonna do something like that then do it. It doesn't have to be phenominal but at least try. I haven't totally worked out the whole look yet but it's gonna be mostly orcish. I'm thinkin something along the lines of pale green and blonde and basically orcish type garb but with elven flare (still in development). :unsure: it's a work in progress so far.
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Re: Races

Postby Fangesta » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:29 am

dun worry Ryzby...you has me to play dress up with you! mwahahahahahahhahaha bow to mah ebilness! :pirate:

pritty pritty princess time!!! :P

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Re: Races

Postby Seraphen » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:37 pm

I'm going for angel, and that's not an easy dress up. Well, after ditching the wings it isn't hard, but whatever!
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Re: Races

Postby Sicarian » Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:30 pm

Im undead. My body suffers no damage to limbs and didnt decay so Im like a vamp without magic.(Not a zombie.) My garb is pretty good...i gotta add blood around the fatal wound and done.
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Re: Races

Postby Big King Jimmy » Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:32 am

Arous wrote:My body suffers no damage to limbs

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Re: Races

Postby Agneezy » Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:34 pm

Big Jimmy wrote:
Arous wrote:My body suffers no damage to limbs


No, he's just an excellent role-player.
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Re: Races

Postby Jeggrim » Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:58 pm

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Re: Races

Postby Titan G » Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:00 pm

im a bugbear for all pertinent information please see example: vokor. if the pertinent example of a bugbear does not then crush and eat you please remember to clean yourself after the encounter.

and ahki's just mad he cant be a bugbear cause we're that much better than the gobos
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Re: Races

Postby heathlaf » Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:14 pm

Norse man (aka viking)
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Re: Races

Postby Shrike » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:31 pm

Red Lizardman

I'm new to Belegarth, so i figured i should learn how to fight before i fleshed out a backstory, but i decided to give it a start...
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Re: Races

Postby Outhro Youkker » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:41 pm

Shrike wrote:Red Lizardman

I'm new to Belegarth, so i figured i should learn how to fight before i fleshed out a backstory, but i decided to give it a start...

I brand you the smartest newb I have ever meet
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"Boot still with foot."
"That is disgusting!"
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Postby Titan G » Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:35 pm

Bleddyn Stoneaxe wrote:
Giggles wrote:I love/hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's actually nothing interesting about japanese, vampiric, dark elves. You just picked the three most blatant fantasy cliches known to western civilization and rolled them into one big bland ball of dough. Please try again.

I hear dark neko catboys are popular.
Let him do what he wishes its not your place to judge. If he would like to be a japanese half vampire cat let him, thats his choice.

im sorry but bleddyn is right giggles so not your place to judge here. that being said it is my place to judge however.
no anime crap
no gothic crap
no emo crap
be a monster or be a human

good day and......* MAN AWAY!!!

Edit: oh and for that 4 percent that put undead anything, i urge your realm mates to find you and stake you. and i don't mean in game, i mean in real life. please someone put and end to the plague of uber dork dueche-age
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Re: Races

Postby Outhro Youkker » Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:01 pm

whena a newbie says "I got this character..."
I brow beat them as I shove them around and hit them with any non lethal object in reach.

The beggining of how a character evolves and is created:
All newbie starts off as a RECRUIT FIGHTER
They are
-raceless, sexless, jobless, mindless, weaponless and Naked.
They have
-No past, no future, no family, no backstory, and no existance of any kind.

You might be a Scout Assasin Turtle Clamfolk Vampire in another game.... but if you are a newbie here.... you basicly start out as mentioned above.

AFTER A FEW MONTHS OF FIGHTING, you have an idea of what weapons you best use, you have made your own weapons, and in theme of the unit, you can start figuring out garb. Look into Lord of the Rings, Magic the Gathering, Warcraft, Narnia, and anything else that can help make a persona based on how you fight, part of the team, and how you can roleplay it if you realy need to.

Unless you have a Japanies Anthro themed unit and your leader is a shaman of some sort that looks like he raises the dead.... ZombieCatboySamurai then can be optional.

Until that happen, you are just a Fighter.
and you are to wake up cuddling a dwarf at events
Dont mind her beard
"Gobo, what are you cooking?."
"Boot still with foot."
"That is disgusting!"
"Gobo know, me hate feet"
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Re: Races

Postby Titan G » Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:53 am

we call all newbies "newbie bob" at dur-d until they have regular attendance. started actually when gabriel came home from afghanistan i think and started running around with rocks and a water bottle in a cubs jersey and jeans and all the new guys that WERE coming regular were getting mad cause they thought some newb was random pwning them, being unaware that gabriel is EBF. it was funny
Squire to Sir Chance the Tall
Smile! It's Graavish!
the monster with the red right hand.
A Life well spent in pursuit of pointless hedonism.
You are to wit what Hellen Keller was to competitive paintball
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Re: Races

Postby Oog » Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:05 pm

The best of both worlds - I play a Hobgoblin. Meaner than goblins, not as dumb as Orcs. Go orange skins!
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Re: Races

Postby Tenka » Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:12 am

human. :3
'what's that?' 'it's my red club, why?' 'well it doesn't look like a red.' 'oh no, it's just painted red, it's actually a two handed blue.'
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Re: Races

Postby Sir Roland » Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:34 am

Big Jimmy wrote:If by orc you mean demon.....
If by orc you mean demon.....

Technically its the same thing. Orc means Demon in some language I cant remember. Latin maybe?

Nog wrote:The best of both worlds - I play a Hobgoblin. Meaner than goblins, not as dumb as Orcs. Go orange skins!

:goblin: Orc is angry. Orc want crush dis puny weakling
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Re: Races

Postby Tenka » Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:12 am

it's sorta how people say 'red oni' when oni means demon in japanese, chinese, korean, and that other one wedged somewhere between said three...

*tosses a red club over to demox* enjoy. *sits and watches*
'what's that?' 'it's my red club, why?' 'well it doesn't look like a red.' 'oh no, it's just painted red, it's actually a two handed blue.'
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Re: Races

Postby Soo Ma Tai » Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:27 pm

Oni (鬼, Oni?) are creatures from Japanese folklore, variously translated as demons, devils, ogres or trolls.

In chinese it is Guaishen

In chinese it is funny enough "emo"

Oni is a Japanese term, not chinese or Korean or anyone else, though I think that Okinawans use the word since Okinawan and Japanese are almost identical.
Soo Ma Tai, Warmaster
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Re: Races

Postby Tenka » Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:59 pm

Soo Ma Tai wrote:Oni is a Japanese term, not chinese or Korean or anyone else, though I think that Okinawans use the word since Okinawan and Japanese are almost identical.

that's probably what messed me up.

also the emo part is amazing. should go around and tell people who call themselves emo (this is in real life by the way) that they don't look chinese and sure as * aren't demons. :3
'what's that?' 'it's my red club, why?' 'well it doesn't look like a red.' 'oh no, it's just painted red, it's actually a two handed blue.'
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Re: Races

Postby Oog » Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:04 pm

Nog wrote:The best of both worlds - I play a Hobgoblin. Meaner than goblins, not as dumb as Orcs. Go orange skins!

:goblin: Orc is angry. Orc want crush dis puny weakling[/quote]

:: snorts! :: bwing id un Byg Felluw! Meeb peep lat ayd Oktoberfezd - peep fer dee Hobgob wiff dee Hed Pole. Meeb be seyll'n dem.

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Re: Races

Postby Kinmen » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:14 am

Wood Elf
not like Oblivion wood elf but Zelda Wood elf except taller.
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Re: Races

Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:14 am

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Re: Races

Postby Titan G » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:45 am

Dagganoth wrote:cheater beast from the land of cheating, where the greatest of the greater cheater-kings hail, i was born to a family of world famous cheaters and learned from a young age to cheat. now i go from realm to realm and battle to battle cheating as ferociously as i can. no one will ever out cheat me, my rhino hiding is supreme and i call shots like a champion. upon a comet i was blessed with the ability to feel no guild over my mighty and easily spotted cheating.

dagganoth has the best character story everz
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Re: Races

Postby Jeggrim » Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:56 pm

graavish1 wrote:
Dagganoth wrote:cheater beast from the land of cheating, where the greatest of the greater cheater-kings hail, i was born to a family of world famous cheaters and learned from a young age to cheat. now i go from realm to realm and battle to battle cheating as ferociously as i can. no one will ever out cheat me, my rhino hiding is supreme and i call shots like a champion. upon a comet i was blessed with the ability to feel no guild over my mighty and easily spotted cheating.

dagganoth has the best character story everz

I think he forgot to tell you that he was relaying the lore of Par, not himself. ;)
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Re: Races

Postby Titan G » Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:12 pm

no no thats dagganoth

im sure par may be a great western cheater, i dont know though having never met him. however upon watching dagganoth fight i just could not beleive how amazingly good at cheating he was. i mean for those 3 battles before heralds take him off the field for the rest of the event he is just amazing. literally he can take 30-40 clean sword blows to the chest and a face full of arrows and never go down. its awe inspiring
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Re: Races

Postby Vokor » Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:56 pm

graavish1 wrote:we call all newbies "newbie bob" at dur-d until they have regular attendance. started actually when gabriel came home from afghanistan i think and started running around with rocks and a water bottle in a cubs jersey and jeans and all the new guys that WERE coming regular were getting mad cause they thought some newb was random pwning them, being unaware that gabriel is EBF. it was funny

Was not funny at all....ok a little I was one of the "new guys" and yes I was pwned until I sent 5 people at him and he he lost an arm, yup a arm.
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Re: Races

Postby Sir Roland » Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:41 pm

Was not funny at all....ok a little I was one of the "new guys" and yes I was pwned until I sent 5 people at him and he he lost an arm, yup a arm.

At that point a well placed shield bash solves the problem lol
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