Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

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Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:21 pm

Ok, so in post on the thread What do you want for Belegarth's Web presence? This was posted:

Beren Fellspear wrote:Derian and everyone else

I think, along the lines of getting new realms started, there should be some sort of zipped bundle of files as a starter pack to help new realms get started.

Here're the things I think new realms would need in such a bundle:

*Generic Adult Waivers
*Generic Minor Waivers
*A document that contains the most recent how-to's, or links to them
*A sample constitution for a University group (required for most groups to register as student organizations) and a sample constitution for a non-university group
*A current contact list for Belegarth's national officers, updated every year
*A document describing the process, specifically, for how to get a group recognized a first a "speaking" realm and then a "voting" realm at war council (currently, this info is buried in the BoW)
*A slick-looking, current BoW.
*A recruiting handbill that can be modified for the specific group's time and locations (business card size or 1/4 sheet)
*A recruting poster that can be modified, as well (full 8.5x11 or 8.5x14)
*A resources guide for popular vendors, so new groups know reputable online sources for gear and garb (perhaps we can use this item as a way to generate some ad revenue).
*A document/page with credits for all of the materials included, so that credit is given where credit is due for things like writing, design, etc.

As a 15 year veteran of the sport, these are some of the major items that I've seen EVERY new group need. They stand in the way of a lot of new groups growing to their full potential, either because the skills or the time aren't present in each new group to generate these items.

Each new group shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel; instead, we should be collecting all of our new-group resources and handing them to new folks to give their new groups a jumpstart. To kick things off, I'll talk to our group's designer and see if she'd be willing to put our handbills and posters up as templates for this bundle.

Just my thoughts,


Well, I am pleased to introduce the...

New Realm Starter Kit

Image ... starterkit

I am still in the beta stages of it, got a bit of work to go yet before it goes public, but it is in a semi finished state.

I should also note that it is a bit Alberta-centric, though I think it would be a benefit to anyone wanting to start a new realm.

I am looking for some help with it though.

Some things that I would love to include are:

*A sample constitution for a University group (required for most groups to register as student organizations) and a sample constitution for a non-university group (I have no experience in this at all, so I am unable do it) (Update, we now have Nan Belegorn's until we get a better one)

*A recruiting handbill that can be modified for the specific group's time and locations (business card size or 1/4 sheet)

*A current contact list for Belegarth's national officers

*A document describing the process, specifically, for how to get a group recognized a first a "speaking" realm and then a "voting" realm at war council (currently, this info is buried in the BoW) (I have no idea how this is done and so am not qualified to write one up)

*Streamlined BOW

*Marshaling/Heralding Guide (New on the wish list)

Also, in the Read Me First document, at the bottom, I have tried to make a list of credits, but I don't know who to credit for the majority of the things, like the book of war etc. So any help with that would be appreciated.

Anyone up to it?
Last edited by Cib on Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Jeggrim » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:48 pm

Wow, very very cool. The only advice that I have at the moment, is to include all the info on a CD as well, so that the flyers and posters/cards etc, could be modified on ones comp and fitted for that group.

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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:54 pm

It is actually a download, a box just makes people feel better about things (Learned at from e-books), so everything is designed to be printable, and modifiable.

I have been wondering about exporting my Gimp files as photo shop docs so people could edit them even easier. But am not sure if that might be to much...
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Juicer » Mon Nov 10, 2008 8:07 pm

Go with .jpg, .pdf, and .doc Compatible with * near everything.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Arrakis » Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:43 pm

I offer you my proofreading skills, if you like. I don't have a lot of free time right now...
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:12 pm

Arrakis wrote:I offer you my proofreading skills, if you like. I don't have a lot of free time right now...

At some point I will take you up on that (not quite yet), as you well know I am sure, my spelling and grammar can be atrocious ;)
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Timid » Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:47 am

Depending on how long you're going to take on this, Tir na nOg may be able to help you with a sample University contract. We're going to try to become an official club in late winter/early spring (We have to have been meeting for 6 months during non-summer terms, so we've got to wait a bit before starting the process.) so if you're still looking for the info then we can provide any contract and set-up info to people looking to do the same thing.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Aslaug » Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:16 am

And I really do intend to hammer out a streamlined BoW.

And would a Herald's Guide be a good idea? That'd be the place for all the weapons checking info and other stuff that isn't in the SBoW
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:18 am

Timid, I intend to update the kit once it is finished periodically, so that nothing goes out of date, and all the best and most current info is in it. So it will never truly be done. So yes, that would be fantastic!

Aslaug wrote:And I really do intend to hammer out a streamlined BoW.

And would a Herald's Guide be a good idea? That'd be the place for all the weapons checking info and other stuff that isn't in the SBoW

I am really looking forward to the streamlined BoW, I think it is a fantastic Idea.

Herald's Guide!*slaps self* Wow, that is a good idea. Does such a thing currently exist? Or will it need to be made? I am unqualified for the task. *run of to search the wiki*
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Derian » Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:02 pm

A Herald's guide does exist. I believe it was written by Diego and Freyson some years back, but I have no idea where to find it.

Cib, here's Nan Belegorn's University charter for the University of Northern Iowa (UNI):

I. UNI Belegarth
II. The purpose of this para-athletic group is to have fun safely by recreating historic medieval combat with padded hand-to-hand weapons. We will practice weekly, compete with other fighting groups, and attend national events.
III. Three officers will be the representatives of the organization. They are the President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
1. All officers duties will be to maintain the rules and guidelines created by Cedar Falls/ Waterloo Medieval Combat Club and ensure that the organization is open to all UNI students and that safety is at all times maintained.
2. Responsibilities of the President include:
A. Representing the organization to UNI and the Cedar Falls/ Waterloo Combat Club.
3. Responsibilities of the Vice President:
A. To take over for the President in the case of absense for whatever reason.
4. Responsibilities of the Secretary/ Treasurer:
A. Maintain a current roster of members of the organization.
B. Inform members of any events, practices, and meetings.
C. Keep track of any monies that may pass through the organization.
IV. Election of Officers:
1. Qualifications:
A. Must be a UNI Student
B. Must have participated in the organization for a minimum of 1 semester.
2. Process of Election:
A. A new election will take place at the beginning of each school year.
B. There is no term limits for Officers.
V. Provision for ratification and amendment.
1. Ratification and amendment to the UNI organizations constitution must be approved by all three officers.
2. The UNI officers may be overruled by a two-thirds majority vote of all active UNI members.
VI. Organization Financing.
1. Majority of the organizations financing will be the responsibility of the Cedar Falls/ Waterloo Combat Club.
2. Any additional funding for the organization through the university will be restricted to UNI Belegarth.
- Derian -

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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Derian » Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:05 pm

Additionally, here is Nan Belegorn's realm charter. These are the rules referenced in the University charter as "Cedar Falls/Waterloo Combat Club". For a new group that is beginning at a University (and not separate, as Nan Belegorn initially was), a mix of these two charters would be good. I should warn you, however, that this charter is at least 7 years old and has had a few updates in the past that are not present in this version. Honestly, everyone in NB grew up and quit being wieners, so we haven't had much need for it, but that's likely not the case for the majority of realms.

Edit: Here's (I think) the most recent version from about 3 years ago:

Nan Belegorn Medieval Re-Creation Society
Foam Fighting Realm of Cedar Falls, IA
War Council Charter

The points here forth are the rules unique to Nan Belegorn Medieval Combat Society. These rules are Nan Belegorn's addition to the Book of War, rule book of Belegarth Medieval Combat Society written by Kegg of Numenor.

1. Participation
1.1. In order to participate in a local event, you must be of at least 16 years of age.

2. General Rules
2.1. Any battle exceeding 12 participants shall be overseen by at least one herald. Any battle exceeding 25 participants shall be overseen by at least two heralds.
2.2. All weapons must be checked and marked by the Master of Field Safety or an assistant thereof approved for weapon checking before they are used in combat.
2.3. When killed fall to the ground and remove any weapons from your hands. Otherwise proclaim yourself "dead" in a loud clear voice, hold your weapon or hand above your head and move away from the fighting area.

3. Classes of Nan Belegorn
3.1. There are to be 3 classes of Nan Belegorn: The council, the citizenship, and the mercenaries. These classes and their rights, duties, and privileges are described in the outlines below.

1. The Council
2. The Citizenship
3. The Mercenaries

I. The Council
A. Is to consist of five Citizens of the realm
B. The following Council seats are to be specifically run for:
1. Monarch
2. Secretary
3. Public Relations Manager
4. Inter realm liaison/Event Organizer
5. Master of Field Safety
C. Powers and Duties of Seats and Council

1) Monarch:
*Coordinator of the Realm and Council
*Plans for the future of the realm. Outlines what needs done for recruitment, event planning, etc. then assigns people to do it individually or through committees/teams.

2) Secretary:
*The secretary should be the MOST "in-the-know" person in the realm on national and local business concerning Belegarth. The Monarch should be second or equal. All council people and people assigned to tasks by council people should keep the Secretary and King informed of their work.
*Keeps group waivers on file
*Runs daily business and announcements at practice
*Runs elections/Keeps Records of elections
*Records law changes in NB charter
*Keeps non-weapon group funds
*Communicates closely with the Web Master as to what needs posted.
(Or more preferably IS the web master)

3) Public Relations Manager:
*Communicates with necessary outside parties on behalf of NB(campgrounds, University of Northern Iowa, places of advertisement, etc.)
*Serves as president for the UNI group

4) Inter Realm Liaison/Event Organizer:
*Communicates with other realms
*Serves on council for the Iowa Kingdom
*Coordinates Nan Belegorn's contributions of help to other inter realm events

5) Master of Field Safety
*Knowledgeable of the Book of War, Heralding, Weapon Check, and Training new members.
*Assigns heralds for battle
*Approves and assigns weapon checkers and trainers

Powers of Council members:
*Can propose change to law
*Each council member gets one vote in making changes to law
*Moderator privileges on the web board.
*Council members are to do their assigned tasks and appoint other members of the realm as needed to fulfill jobs that maintain the realm. If an appointed member of the realm is unable to fulfill a task they are assigned to, they are to let the council member know immediately.
*The council nominates among themselves a representative and alternate for National War Council. The monarch and secretary are recommended but do not necessarily fill the positions

Duties of Council members:
ALL council persons should have regular access to the internet and email so they are aware of group activity through the mailing group and web site. All council persons are to have moderating privileges on the mailing group and are to take responsibility frequently checking/approving messages as needed. ALL council persons are to CONSISTENTLY attend practices and events. Attending practice a minimum of every other week is imperative to maintain these positions. Prolonged absences are to be allowed only for vacations, illness, and other unordinary circumstances. If a council person does not show at scheduled practice for three consecutive weeks without communicating a written explanation to the council or NB as a whole, they are to be dismissed and a replacement is to be selected by the remaining council members. Work is not an excuse. Council people who work are expected adjust their schedules such that they can regularly attend practice and fulfill their commitment to the Council of Nan Belegorn.

II. Citizenship
A. Requirements:
1. Signed waiver on file with the Secretary
2. Minimal Garb
3. Fighting name
4. Active in Nan Belegorn for at least one month
5. Maintains at least one personal weapon that passes safety check.
B. Expectations of Citizens:
1. Provide leadership to the realm
2. Provide aid to the council when called upon
3. Attend events in as much as circumstance allow
4. Dress in garb/by fighting name at any NB function the citizen attends
5. Will act for the improvement of NB at all times(i.e. being a positive representative of the realm)
C. Privileges of Citizens:
1. May elect Council persons
2. May be elected to the Council
3. May serve in auxiliary leadership roles
4. May attend and speak in council meetings, however may not vote
D. Parameters of Citizenship status:
1. As long as you maintain all requirements of a Citizen, you are considered a Citizen

III. Mercenaries
A. All who do not meet the requirements of a Citizen

4. Council Rules
4.1. All votes in the war council shall operate on a straight majority ruling.

4.2. All council members are required to vote on every issue by the end of a council meeting.
4.3. An amendment to the rules can be proposed by a council member at any time. If the proposal is made during a real time meeting, it will be voted on by the end of that meeting. If it is proposed by word of mouth, a period of one week maximum shall pass before it is voted on.

5. Election Rules
5.1. Only citizens can vote in elections. Each citizen may vote once for each council seat.
5.2. There are to be elections the first week of August and the first week of March each year. They are run by the Secretary.
5.3. You must be a Citizen in order to run for a council seat. You must run for a specific council seat. Each council seat is given to the person who wins the majority of votes for election to that particular seat.
5.3.1. In the case of a tie, the challengers will have a runoff campaign that lasts four days. All previous votes are erased and citizens revote for their chosen candidate between the two. At the end of the runoff campaign, the person with the most votes will win. If a tie goes unbroken, the remainder of the council will choose which of the candidates will join the council.

6. Other Realm Positions(all of which are to be held by people of at least citizen status)
6.1. There is to be one keeper of the community armory. This person should be well versed in weapon making as well as capable to host weapon making and help newer warriors build a variety of weapons. They must also have transportation to regular battle that provides space for the community weapon stock, and must come consistently as to provide the weapon stock for battle. They also must keep the armory treasury and records for community foam forging. (i.e. who paid for what, receipts for materials, etc.)
6.2. One member of the realm with web building experience is needed to maintain a web site for Nan Belegorn Belegarth and update it as needed. A list of all people holding titles or positions (as denoted by the charter: such as council members and their seat, Field General, etc.) should be kept very current somewhere on the web site, as well as current news/announcements.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:51 pm

Very helpful Derian, I will defiantly add these!
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Mekoot Gorlock » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:25 pm

When I see xipher next I will ask about the belegarth manual he wrote a few years ago. i think there is PDF somewhere of it.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Galya » Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:05 pm

Gorlock, I think there's a link to it on the Tir Asleen website. Is this what you were talking about?
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Rasheab » Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:27 pm

Cib, that is pretty much the coolest thing ever.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Mekoot Gorlock » Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:52 pm

Galya that is absolutely what I was thinking about. Derian we should look over this and see what needs updated and get it added into what Cib has started (after asking Xipher about adding it to the package)
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:26 pm

Galya wrote:Gorlock, I think there's a link to it on the Tir Asleen website. Is this what you were talking about?

That... is... amazing...

Its a Belegarth ebook! :eyes:
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:11 pm

Who should I contact about this book?
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Mekoot Gorlock » Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:41 pm

Mekoot Gorlock,

Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:44 pm

How do I contact him? Is he on the forum?
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Galya » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:50 pm

Yes, he's on this board, but I'm not sure how often he actually checks here. I'd say get on the Tir Asleen board and post something or send him a PM. I think he checks that one more often.
Galya Grikhunter, former Belegarth Secretary, Horde Commander, and War Council representative.
Still an admin though, because people trust me or something. ;)
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Forkbeard wrote:So, you can't decide if that is Galya or Par? I have to admit, I mistake Par for an old woman regularly. But Galya is a beautiful and intelligent lady. I'd never mistake her for him.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:01 pm

thanks Galya! PMed on both boards! :devil:
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:36 pm

Ok, so, I have put together a "complete version (though like I said, it will always be evolving and being updated), everything is now in .pdf, .doc, and .jpg formats. If some people would be so kind as to download it and give me there impressions, that would be fantastic! ... starterkit

My blog post about it: ... store.html
(yes, very hyped ;) )
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Aslaug » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:56 pm

Pretty good!

My only gripes (save for spelling and such) are that in the weapon, shield and garb section, at least put in tutorials for a blue sword, round shield and tunic as opposed to just a list of outside links. Do keep the links though! A more expansive list of material suppliers would be cool too.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:06 pm

Thanks for the input Aslaug! I think the gear section is defiantly the weakest right now. Particularly when it comes to Garb. But yes, weapons also. Should I just add a PDF copy of the wiki tutorials? Does anyone know of any other ones worth adding (I should ask in the foamsmithing forum probably)?
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Rocca » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:09 pm

As far as the garb goes, this link is for really simple tunic and pants. I've found it helpful and you might just be able to copy the images and such as long as credit/permission is given.

Otherwise, I think that its an excellent start and I wonder why we haven't had one of these before . . . ;)

A link should defiantly be put on the wiki under the "getting started" part of the community portal
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:31 pm

Thanks Rocca! I will contact them and see If I can't get permission to include it, at the least I can add it to my teeny list of links.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Aslaug » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:00 pm

I think what would be cool is the directions from the wiki, but with actual pics of all the steps involved.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:48 am

Aslaug, ya, that would be sweet, I plan on doing that some day with some of the weapon stuff, but it is to cooled here to glue right now.

Edit: In other words I wouldn't complain if some one beet me to it ;)
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Forkbeard » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:16 pm

My 2 bits...
I really like your idea.
I really do not like the idea of anyone "streamlining" the BoW. It's only like 2 pages front and back and as simple as it should be. "Streamlining" will only lead to confusion when your locals go to a multi-realm event.
You shouldn't put your own picture on the cover. Put a pic of 2 total Bad-asses fighting in good garb.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:53 pm

Thanks for the input FB.

Forkbeard wrote:You shouldn't put your own picture on the cover. Put a pic of 2 total Bad-asses fighting in good garb.

I am glad you brought this up, cuz, I am sure, it looks like I full of my self. An my be I am, who knows? But really, I am just lazy. Our realm is sooooooo new up here, and I am the only who wears my garb regularly, that I don't have any good photos, and I am to lazy to go through everyone else's photos from south of me, and ask permission to use them, and wait for permission (impatient to!)... ya I just turned my web cam on... so easy! :blush:

One day I am going to pay a photographer to go to an event and get some amazing picts.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Aslaug » Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:27 pm

Forkbeard wrote:My 2 bits...
I really like your idea.
I really do not like the idea of anyone "streamlining" the BoW. It's only like 2 pages front and back and as simple as it should be. "Streamlining" will only lead to confusion when your locals go to a multi-realm event.
You shouldn't put your own picture on the cover. Put a pic of 2 total Bad-asses fighting in good garb.

The streamlined version would be something just for first timers to help them remember all the basic combat rules and the like. The full BoW is still in the kit.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Forkbeard » Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:09 pm

Why would you need 2 copies of the BOW, 1 correct and one wrong? seems like a dumb plan that will cause people to beleive things that aren't true.
As for photos, just ask for them in Gen mayhem, you'll get thousands. Or if you want pro pic's, ask Crynolyn.
I'f you're doing something this big(and I beleive it is), you should do it right. Don't be lazy.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Rocca » Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:12 pm

The idea is not to have one right and one wrong. What would be stupid, as you suggest. I think its more like a diagram of sorts so that new recruits or walk-ons can have a simple visual of the basic fighting system. In our realm we have at least one walk on per practice, normally more. A simple diagram would be a nice reference for them; once their actually in the system then they can look at the BOW for garb and armor and stuff, but the fighting mechanics could easily be displayed - correctly - on a diagram.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:43 pm

Forkbeard wrote:I'f you're doing something this big(and I beleive it is), you should do it right. Don't be lazy.

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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Old Horse » Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:56 pm

Cib, I not only believe your idea is good but it has the potential to help a myriad of new people get started.
You should speak with the Edhellen Armoury. Maybe including a voucher for some sort of discount on their first order?.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:25 pm

FB, you mean like this one? I think it is from Ragnarok, though, is that to deceptive?

Old Horse: good idea, can't hurt to try, I will contact them.

The kit, currently, is Alberta-centric, in a few documents, does anyone think this is a problem? Does anyone who has looked through he current Kit think this the case? I could easily modify those documents and make a World version, and an Alberta Version.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Rasheab » Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:40 pm

Cib, the cover looks good. There is no reason you shouldn't use your own picture, especially in a early version. (You can't even see your face clearly, so it's not like your being self centered.)
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Chicken » Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:32 pm

I would definitely avoid using a Rag picture, though that is one of the few good "thick of it" pictures I've ever seen.

Other than what appears to be a piece of PVC sticking out of a pool noodle on the right. * is that?
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:19 pm

Chicken wrote:Other than what appears to be a piece of PVC sticking out of a pool noodle on the right. * is that?

I have never been to rag, so I can't say for sure, but it seem through all the pictures I have seen that most/many heralds cary a pool noodle covered PVC pipe. So I think there is a herald right off camera there. Best I can tell, I think they use them some how to keep people in the boundaries.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Forkbeard » Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:10 pm

V'hil is one of the two central figures in that pic, so you could say it was taken anywhere. You should photo shop that pool noodle thing out.
But ,yes that's exactly what I'm talking about.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby eeach » Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:58 pm

That's the coolest thing since the warplock pistol.

Edit: Oh, well... It's only the first section. Are there links to the Section 2 and Appendixes mentioned in the ToC?
Anastasia of Chamonix wrote:Horde marched to the field. Their leaders up in the air, adorned in furs and animal skulls. Women from camps chained underneath the platforms, fire-breathers & flag bearers ran about before of the procession. I have never in my life felt closer to being in a fantasy world. I will always remember that for a moment I thought so many things were possible.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby eeach » Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:45 am

So, while I was thinking about Xipher's book. If the missing pieces are still around, that the BoW at least needed updating, and how I would go about updating it if I had to... then I was surfing the wiki.

It occurred to me that moving this project to the wiki... making pages to 'glue' the book together and linking to content pages on the wiki would probably be the best way to do it.

We consistently update the wiki, it documents our culture and how we think about fighting. And the wiki has a "print this page" option to make pages look nice on paper. It is the perfect way to make a "Realm Starter Kit" and make sure it is *always* updated.

What does everyone else think about this?
Anastasia of Chamonix wrote:Horde marched to the field. Their leaders up in the air, adorned in furs and animal skulls. Women from camps chained underneath the platforms, fire-breathers & flag bearers ran about before of the procession. I have never in my life felt closer to being in a fantasy world. I will always remember that for a moment I thought so many things were possible.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Cib » Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:08 pm

eeach, are you talking the book, the starter kit or both?

Most everything (but not quite everything) in the starter kit is already online, the advantage of the kit is is is all in one place, so don't have to look all over the web. Just makes it easier for new people.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to have it all on the wiki as well though.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Galya » Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:00 pm

eeach wrote:Edit: Oh, well... It's only the first section. Are there links to the Section 2 and Appendixes mentioned in the ToC?

Not as far as I know. I don't know if Xipher still has them on a hard drive somewhere or if they were never completed, but I've never seen anything other than what's there. If he ever gets out to practice this winter, I'll try to ask him.
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Forkbeard wrote:So, you can't decide if that is Galya or Par? I have to admit, I mistake Par for an old woman regularly. But Galya is a beautiful and intelligent lady. I'd never mistake her for him.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby eeach » Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:36 pm

Cib wrote:eeach, are you talking the book, the starter kit or both?


I haven't actually looked at your "New Realm Starter Kit" yet, the computers at my workcenter are locked out of lots of "personal web" spaces. Just downloaded it, and will try to read it this week.

From the looks of it, Xipher's book endeavored to be a single point resource to start new realms much like your own. I'd love to see the finished product if one exists.

I'll see if I can come up with a wiki-fied example in the next few days. I just hate to see great projects that only have one maintainer. Once that maintainer becomes distracted, looses interest, or otherwise cannot maintain the project, the project dies. I don't want to see that happen to this project (again?).
Anastasia of Chamonix wrote:Horde marched to the field. Their leaders up in the air, adorned in furs and animal skulls. Women from camps chained underneath the platforms, fire-breathers & flag bearers ran about before of the procession. I have never in my life felt closer to being in a fantasy world. I will always remember that for a moment I thought so many things were possible.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby eeach » Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:58 pm

eeach wrote:I'll see if I can come up with a wiki-fied example in the next few days.

Put an example up. It's not the best thing in the world... mostly a ToC that links to existing wiki content right now. But it shows the concept I am suggesting.

Anastasia of Chamonix wrote:Horde marched to the field. Their leaders up in the air, adorned in furs and animal skulls. Women from camps chained underneath the platforms, fire-breathers & flag bearers ran about before of the procession. I have never in my life felt closer to being in a fantasy world. I will always remember that for a moment I thought so many things were possible.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Galya » Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:24 pm

I really like the concept, but I wonder if it's completely necessary. I mean, we've already got that "Community Portal" thing on the main page that lists links to nearly everything you'd need. It doesn't go into as great of detail as this would though, so I don't know.
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Forkbeard wrote:So, you can't decide if that is Galya or Par? I have to admit, I mistake Par for an old woman regularly. But Galya is a beautiful and intelligent lady. I'd never mistake her for him.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby eeach » Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:28 pm

Galya wrote:I really like the concept, but I wonder if it's completely necessary. I mean, we've already got that "Community Portal" thing on the main page that lists links to nearly everything you'd need. It doesn't go into as great of detail as this would though, so I don't know.

[Note: My head hurts, I can't tell if the tone of this post is what I really intend. As I re-read it, I get the feeling that it will come off sarcastically and that was not the intent at all. I also cannot see a way to fix the tone without rewriting the whole thing so I decided to post it as is. Please don’t take offense at the tone of this post.]

We do have a Community Portal, and as I was duplicating Cib and Xipher's work I used it quite a bit. My point is to recreate the Community Portal, but format it so that when either printed directly from the wiki or cut & past into a Microsoft Word (Star Writer, Mac Write or whatever) document it will look and feel like a book.

My vision is to take Xipher’s book and wikify it. Create a unifying page, like a TOC, so that by following and printing each link in the TOC you create a fully up-to-date rulebook for the game. Then I want to tie that wiki-book to Cib’s content (waivers, posters, “fill in the blank” charters, etc.) so that prospective realms can get the most up-to-date versions of that content as well. I want to do this with as much pre-existing information as possible, using a few new wiki pages to tie pre-existing ones together and create this quasi document. Essentially I want the Community Portal to do what I tell it to and print itself as a book. Or more, I don’t want to see a new wheel every time someone wants a “Streamlined BoW” or “New Realm Kit.”

Then I’d like to extend this project to include ‘optional’ material (or advanced, experimental, or whatever) that isn’t essential to a “Belegarth Rulebook,” but that some may find useful. So that when printing updated books, one could print all the ‘essential’ content (omitting only at their own risk) but also pick and choose from the more advanced ‘optional’ content.

For example, my Realm will be located on a military base which has strict rules about possession of weapons (like bows). Because of this, while it is still important for members to know about archery rules, knowing how to construct arrows isn’t essential to my realm. We will simply never have the opportunity to fight with them. Dur-Demarion on the other hand may want to include this info because “How do I make arrows?” is a frequent question from new members.

So I guess that really means that I want the Community Portal to print itself, but only print the parts that I absolutely need and the additional parts that I want, all in an easy checklist/ToC format and in the form of a book.
Anastasia of Chamonix wrote:Horde marched to the field. Their leaders up in the air, adorned in furs and animal skulls. Women from camps chained underneath the platforms, fire-breathers & flag bearers ran about before of the procession. I have never in my life felt closer to being in a fantasy world. I will always remember that for a moment I thought so many things were possible.
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Re: Introducing the "New Realm Starter Kit"!

Postby Galya » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:15 pm

Wow. That's amazing, I didn't even think of it that way. In that case I am all for it.

(And no, it didn't come off as sarcastic at all, don't worry.)
Galya Grikhunter, former Belegarth Secretary, Horde Commander, and War Council representative.
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Forkbeard wrote:So, you can't decide if that is Galya or Par? I have to admit, I mistake Par for an old woman regularly. But Galya is a beautiful and intelligent lady. I'd never mistake her for him.
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