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Postby The Great Gigsby » Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:54 pm

What do y'all think of rocks (class 5 weapon)? I hate 'em. The only rocks I regularly see getting used are the chunks of open cell foam tied up with pantyhose.

*Rocks are frequently so soft you can barely feel them if they connect. This is compounded by the fact that the most viable place to hit someone with a rock is on the top of their head (as opposed to the face). Dreadlocks, gigantic hats, and thick skulls all get in the way from feeling a rock connect. Additionaly, because they're coming from above, it can be difficult or impossible to judge if it deflects enough to score a legitimate hit. They don't feel anything remotely like a javelin or arrow. IMO, sufficient force should be mostly uniform for all weapons.

*Rocks are unrealistic. If they can score a hit to your head, why can't they damage the rest of your body? A rock is meant to emulate an actual chunk of rock that a fighter picks up to crush his opponents face with; in practice, it's a floppy peice of foam with no weight and that hits with no force. Even the most capable fighter with a rock can't rely on it's trajectory on a windy day.

*Rocks are cheesy. Losing a fight to someone with a rock is frustrating, and I feel robbed of a fair fight when it happens. If you just want to be an unskilled * killjoy on the field, pick up a bow, or get better at backstabbing.

*Rocks are just not that funny.


I would like to see one of two things happen to rocks in the future.

1. Remove them entirely from the rules. No more class 5.
2. Require them to hit solidly enough (similar to a javelin or arrow) that they can be felt. No more open cell rocks.

Rocks. Let's discuss them.

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Re: Rocks

Postby Rasheab » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:37 am

Don't rocks follow the same rules as arrows and javelins do? Do arrows and javs have to hit with sufficient force?

3.2. Weapons
3.2.1. Weapons which strike with sufficient force can score a hit and/or Injury to the Target Area.

3.8. Missile Weapon Conventions
3.8.4. A missile Weapon is considered to have hit if there is significant deflection of the missile head (>30 degrees). Once the missile head has significantly deflected off a target, the missile is rendered harmless.

If the answer is yes, they must hit with sufficient force, then that seems to solve the problem of open cell rocks. Just don't take it.

If they don't have to hit with sufficient force, and just have to deflect... then yeah, something definitely needs to change. Btw, why don't more people use foam baseballs? Alot of them are squishy, and they have enough heft that you can get a decent throw in with them.
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Re: Rocks

Postby The Great Gigsby » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:32 am

Well, if I judged hits from a rock roughly the same way I did for other weapons -missiles, and melee- 99% of the rocks I've seen would be completely useless. A rock will never have the force behind it that a javelin or arrow will so you can't really compare them. To add that much mass to a rock would make it pretty much unplayable.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Rasheab » Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:43 pm

Fair enough, but I would still want a rock to have a noticeable "thump" when it hits me.

The only time I've run into a rock though, it was down at Tacompton, and I believe it was one of those open cell rocks. At some point in the day it did hit me, I basically didn't feel it, but to be a good sport I took it (I wasn't sure I had to, but since we were visiting a different group it's polite to).

Rocks because of construction will never have the same thump as arrows and javelins, but if arrows and javelins have to hit with sufficient force, then rocks should (in their own way) have to also. (Thus making open cell rocks useless; they are stupid anyway.)
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Re: Rocks

Postby Angmarth » Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:40 am

This is a post by me from a couple of years ago. Since this subject seems to rear its head about that often, I thought I would skip the pretense and repost it.

Angmarth wrote:Rocks are the most unrealistic weapon on the field. They (dare I say) are far worse than our flails. You can carry a bag with 10 of them and toss around death and drek as if it were going out of style. I dare ANYONE in our game to throw a softball size rock any reasonable distance accurately. You certainly can't throw them like a baseball or a football, that is downright stupid. In the interest of science I am going to demonstrate my point. The volume of a sphere is one third pi r cubed. Our MINIMUM rock volume is 21.3 cubic inches (349.6 cubic cm).

If our rocks were made out of...

... iron they would weigh a MINIMUM of 6.1 pounds.
... sandstone they would weigh a MINIMUM of 1.77 pounds.
... granite they would weigh a MINIMUM of 2.1 pounds.

These are the MINIMUM rocks. Unless someone can go around specifically find all the 4" rocks in the world, I think it safer to say that our rocks really should average around 5.5". Now you get this...

If our rocks were made out of...

... iron they would weigh 15.8 pounds.
... sandstone they would weigh 4.62 pounds.
... granite they would weigh of 5.4 pounds.

For simplicities sake, let's argue that 5lbs is the average rock a person would find. I think it is rather obvious that carrying more than one is going to seriously impede your movement. Find a 5 pound rock and see how far you can throw it.

The simple fact is this, if ALL rocks were built like bean bag chairs then I would have less a problem with them. Why you ask? Because it now behaves like rock.

1) You can only carry one effectively.
2) Throwing it is difficult.
3) It is much easier to block but is heavy enough to not be swatted away like a ping pong ball.

This makes the rock BEHAVE like its historical counterpart. My squire Griffith said to me, "A rock that size would weigh a ton." I replied to him with Yoda like wisdom, "Size matters not." It looks ludicrous and should probably be simply banned for appearance alone, but the fact of the matter is that you have to have something the size of a small child to REPRESENT something that is 4 inches on all axis. It is the same problem I have with flails, a problem which heavier heads would address.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Forkbeard » Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:56 am

Yeah, brother. Rocks are lame. We don't need them in this game. Unfortunatly,too many chuckle heads think they are funny.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Slagar » Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:13 pm

I just want to point out that Numenor has banned these suckers for a while now, and caught no end of flak for it. No way you're going to be able to vote 'em out. We couldn't even get stabbing damage fixes passed. This'd be right out.

I'd vote 'em out personally, but I don't hate 'em. This is a game, it's meant to be fun. You'll stand up in two minutes, and it's a good ego deflater. Whatevs.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:17 pm

**** Attention- this is a Test****

here we go again......

who was it that used to use the "WWWAAAAABulance"?

Rocks are part of the game- get a helmet or duck, dodge, block the rock- It might make you a better fighter...

Then again- you may just * about it like others in the past... "hacks*cough*cough*"

Also- Missles don't need "sufficient force"- if they did- you would not have been yelled at by the archer or the Herald.

If I am stupid enough or slow enough to get hit by a rock (in over 15 years- have NEVER been hit on top of the head by a rock) then I deserve it and need to applaud the person that killed me and smile and know that I will be right back up within 2-5 minutes having a good time.

Take the freaking hit- play the game and let the "chuckle heads" have fun since they don't mind you "*" having fun.

So, brother, call your Mom- it's Sunday- tell her you love her, say your prayers, and eat your Wheaties- And get ready to hit the fighting field the next time you have practice and tell everyone who has a rock to try to kill you with it- so that you can become a better fighter.

Oh, and have a nice day. :devil:
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Re: Rocks

Postby Rasheab » Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:57 am

Satanaka wrote:Rocks are part of the game- get a helmet or duck, dodge, block the rock- It might make you a better fighter...


Satanaka wrote:Also- Missles don't need "sufficient force"- if they did- you would not have been yelled at by the archer or the Herald.

What are you talking about?
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Re: Rocks

Postby The Great Gigsby » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:13 am

Rasheab, there is no sufficient force rule on missiles (class 4 & 5).
BoW wrote:3.8.4. A missile Weapon is considered to have hit if there is significant deflection of the missile head (>30 degrees).

Satanaka wrote:Attention
At the risk of giving you the attention you seem to thrive on, I ask that if you're going to continue posting in this thread that you curb the ad hominems and stick to the topic. If you're gonna be insulting at least be entertaining while you do it. This is Rules Discussion and Development not Satanaka's ****.
Satanaka wrote:Rocks are part of the game- get a helmet or duck, dodge, block the rock- It might make you a better fighter...
Uberlight weapons were a part of the game, too. So were 4 foot flails. Eliminating them didn't make people worse fighters, it just changed the rules of the game. Enough people seemed to think that those changes were beneficial to the game we play to make the change.
Satanaka wrote:Also- Missles don't need "sufficient force"
This is true, and probably necessary in order for armor to be on the field.

Rocks are the kind of thing that I group in with spongebob swordcovers, the ban on SCA armor, gimped xbow rules, and green weapons that can't pierce leather. They're goofy, sometimes charming, but very outdated artifacts from a game that we no longer play.

We've dug ourselves into a hole in a way because rocks serve a function in the game, I just don't think it's a very good one or a well thought out one for the reasons I put in my first post. If people could live without their 6 oz. 4 foot flails, I think rock users can also move on.

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Re: Rocks

Postby Forkbeard » Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:58 am

Giggles, thats **** profound. I totaly agree.
Satan aka :fingers:
Shut up.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:14 pm

Just as YOU voiced an OPINION- I think Rocks add something to the game and have a place (guess that is why they are still around). It amazes me that the same type of people want to get rid of rocks. I think you cry to much about rocks.

Giggles wrote: I ask that if you're going to continue posting in this thread that you curb the ad hominems and stick to the topic. If you're gonna be insulting at least be entertaining while you do it. This is Rules Discussion and Development

Well- YOU are entitled to YOUR Opinion.

Giggles wrote: Rocks are the kind of thing that I group in with spongebob swordcovers, the ban on SCA armor, gimped xbow rules, and green weapons that can't pierce leather. They're goofy, sometimes charming, but very outdated artifacts from a game that we no longer play.

Again- great to hear your opinion- I on the other hand think is BS. I think we have plenty of room for rocks- that they are great and serve a good purpose and have a place in the game. (WE) Belegarth has spoken on this matter the last time it was brought up- did you miss that? and (WE) Belegarth want Rocks to stay, and (WE) Belegarth wants you people to shut up and have fun with rocks- embrace them- use them and be one with them.

Giggles wrote:We've dug ourselves into a hole in a way because rocks serve a function in the game, I just don't think it's a very good one or a well thought out one for the reasons I put in my first post. If people could live without their 6 oz. 4 foot flails, I think rock users can also move on.

NOW- what we do need- is a period of time when somethings is brought up to "change' and it gets shot down by the people of Belegarth- then you people have to wait at least 4 years before you can complain again and try to change it. Sorta like Presidents. (Of course safety concernes are the exception)

How about that for a new rule & idea?
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:18 pm


per giggles: At the risk of giving you the attention you seem to thrive on, I ask that if you're going to continue posting in this thread that you curb the ad hominems and stick to the topic. If you're gonna be insulting at least be entertaining while you do it. This is Rules Discussion and Development not Forkbeard's ****.

Guess it works both ways. Forkbeard- you have a helmet- why are you crying about a rock? Shesh Sometimes the biggest baddest fighters can be the biggest babies.


Forkbeard wrote:Giggles, thats **** profound. I totaly agree.
Satan aka :fingers:
Shut up.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Big King Jimmy » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:32 pm

Satanaka, can you make a point without calling peoples * and babies at the same time?
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Re: Rocks

Postby Angmarth » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:54 pm

It seems that Satanaka has countered my scientific observations with the "Waaambulance" retort. I think this means I lose the debate.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Arrakis » Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:19 pm

Don't make me invoke Godwin's Law to win this thread. I'll do it. You know I will.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:25 pm

Yes- Belagarth has spoken on this issue.

Big Jimmy wrote:Satanaka, can you make a point without calling peoples * and babies at the same time?
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:26 pm

Yes- next time I will attach the flux capacitor to add science in my mad methods.

Angmarth wrote:It seems that Satanaka has countered my scientific observations with the "Waaambulance" retort. I think this means I lose the debate.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:53 pm

From where I sit- when I read some of the post above- they sound to me the way you say that I sound.

Many of you post about the same way- IMO comes across offensive (jimmy), sarcastic (jimmy and others) and just trying to own agendas.

In my opinion if someone disagrees with some of you- your keyboard cowboy hat comes on and you attack (jimmy and others)

So- maybe if you think I sound a certain way- how do you think you come across?
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Re: Rocks

Postby Rasheab » Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:25 pm

1. Can you please read the thread and respond once? It's your internet given right to post multiple responces in a row, but it's really not needed. There is a preview and an edit button if need be.

Giggles paraphrased wrote:Rocks are frequently so soft you can barely feel them if they connect. Dreadlocks, gigantic hats, and thick skulls all get in the way from feeling a rock connect. It can be difficult or impossible to judge if it deflects enough to score a legitimate hit. They don't feel anything remotely like a javelin or arrow.

Angmarth paraphrased wrote:Science
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Re: Rocks

Postby Spike » Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:59 pm

Okay, we've heard the "I don't like rocks. They're stupid. Here's why." vs. "Rocks are awesome. Get a helmet." argument a lot. There's always going to be people who are pro and anti rock, and there's never going to be a resounding outcry throughout the sport to have them banned. It's better that we address the only thing in this thread that doesn't come up every year and a half: not being able to tell if you were hit by one.

So, what's the big deal? Sometimes people don't feel arrows. That's why archers can call their shots. When a fighter is hit by a javelin, do they not look to the thrower and ask if it was haft or tip? There doesn't need to be any sort of rules change over this issue, because it occurs with other weapons.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Big King Jimmy » Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:54 pm

Spike wrote:That's why archers can call their shots. When a fighter is hit by a javelin, do they not look to the thrower and ask if it was haft or tip?

There's a HUGE difference there though. What drives me crazy is when someone throws a javelin and CALLS tip (or point). Remember, if someone calls point on you and you thought it was shaft, you're perfectly within your right to give them the finger and go about your business.

Satanaka wrote:Many of you post about the same way- IMO comes across offensive (jimmy), sarcastic (jimmy and others) and just trying to own agendas.

Satanaka wrote:Take the freaking hit- play the game and let the "chuckle heads" have fun since they don't mind you "*" having fun.

The difference Satanaka, is that none of us were mud slinging in this thread. Once the first stone is thrown it's all fair game. But the first thing you did when you got in here was call everyone who doesn't like rocks an *.

I can see both ways. I think that rocks are are safe and even period to an extent, but I think they're over powered. yes, a helmet and you can just ignore them, but no one goes running for a helmet when a jav hits the field. They do when an archer does, sometimes, but I think that's just more that people hate being shot in the face.
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Re: Rocks

Postby The Great Gigsby » Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:51 am

Setting realism aside for a moment, because I think we can all agree that rocks are one of the most if not the most unrealistic weapons in our game (maybe tied with flails), what purpose do rocks serve from a rules/playability standpoint?

What purpose do rocks serve in our rules? Why do people like rocks?

*Rocks are easy to conceal and can target the head, a target area that's traditionally vulnerable at melee range. They are a good weapon to catch your opponent off guard with.

*Rocks are smaller than a javelin and can be thrown accurately with less force at a closer range.

*Rocks are a utility weapon that everyone can carry with them at little to no disadvantage. It's just that, nobody really does.

Nongameplay advantages to rocks:

*They are an ego-deflater. Losing a battle to a rock is the Belegarth equivalent to the McDonalds employee spitting in your hamburger.

*They are comedic. If you think Larry the Cable Guy and spitting in someone's hamburger is funny.

*They make Belegarth less sportlike and more gamelike. :attention: Appeal to emotion, anyone? :attention:

*This one's mine: they are an equalizer for people that aren't good fighters. Any noob, or random dude can score a kill with a rock. If you watched the Wreckreation Nation episode with Dagorhir, you'll remember that the only kill the host ever got was by blindsiding some kid with a javelin. It's similar to how in Amtgard, Joe Newguy who's only been playing for 2 months can play the wizard class and start lobbing insta-kill lightning bolts. It lets less skilled players have some sort of "edge" over veterans.

*They're a cool concept. Who hasn't fantasized about dropping a cinderblock on their bosses face? Killing someone with a rock is theoretically brutal as hell.

In my experience, rocks are most effective when used in melee range; you pull a rock from behind your shield and lob it on your opponents face/head, or when thrown into a group in the hope of getting a lucky kill. I guess as a third use, you can use a rock as a distraction. But, wait! There's already a weapon that can do all that, and more! WHAT? That would make rocks redundant!

Yes, we already have a utility range/melee weapon. The javelin. Javelins are much more balanced gameplay-wise, don't hit as many of the realism/function roadblocks that rocks do, and are plain freaking cool. And that brings me to my main point.

My primary issue with rocks as they are -aside from them hitting too soft to tell a hit, and being completely unrealistic- is that there is no other game function that is remotely similar (a floaty ball of open cell foam that gently drifts into peoples faces, killing them instantly). It is in fact, it's own class of weapon. Having class 5 as a separate class makes about as much sense as any other additional class of weapon. Why not add more weapon classes? Class 1 could be hacking and Class 6 could be smashing. You could add Class 7 (flaming arrows) that would destroy shields in one hit (that would be cool, more gamelike, serve a combat niche, have a historical precedent, and humble all those hot shot shield bearers). Class 8 siege weapons that could only be operated by new players that would instantly kill anything they touch. What about gunpowder? Class 9? Class 10 morning stars that can score a hit to the head? Rules for elven armor? Hey, whatever happened to healing poems? I think you get the point. All of those pet concepts can be justified to hell and back (and actually exist in other games, namely Darkon and Amtgard). That doesn't make them any good for Belegarth.

I don't know when rocks were put into the Dagorhir handbook (I can't a copy prior to 4th edition), but I do know that in fifteen years, the rules on construction and usage haven't changed. Fortunately, that isn't true for other weapons or we'd still be fighting with weapons like this:


What purpose do rocks serve? Why are they good for Belegarth?

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Re: Rocks

Postby Forkbeard » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:56 am

It is near the end of the month. Maybe Mr. Lumpkin is off his meds.
I think WE(Belegarth) almost passed a ban on rocks before and have more of a chance every day thanks to well thought out arguments by people like Giggles here.
Rocks are dumb and a wiast of time.
I'd vote to get rid of them.
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Re: Rocks

Postby debuenzo » Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:51 am

Giggles wrote:What purpose do rocks serve? Why are they good for Belegarth?

What purpose do rocks serve in our rules? Why do people like rocks?

*Rocks are easy to conceal and can target the head, a target area that's traditionally vulnerable at melee range. They are a good weapon to catch your opponent off guard with.

*Rocks are smaller than a javelin and can be thrown accurately with less force at a closer range.

*Rocks are a utility weapon that everyone can carry with them at little to no disadvantage. It's just that, nobody really does.

Nongameplay advantages to rocks:

*They are an ego-deflater. Losing a battle to a rock is the Belegarth equivalent to the McDonalds employee spitting in your hamburger.

*They are comedic. If you think Larry the Cable Guy and spitting in someone's hamburger is funny.

*They make Belegarth less sportlike and more gamelike. :attention: Appeal to emotion, anyone? :attention:

*This one's mine: they are an equalizer for people that aren't good fighters. Any noob, or random dude can score a kill with a rock. If you watched the Wreckreation Nation episode with Dagorhir, you'll remember that the only kill the host ever got was by blindsiding some kid with a javelin. It's similar to how in Amtgard, Joe Newguy who's only been playing for 2 months can play the wizard class and start lobbing insta-kill lightning bolts. It lets less skilled players have some sort of "edge" over veterans.

*They're a cool concept. Who hasn't fantasized about dropping a cinderblock on their bosses face? Killing someone with a rock is theoretically brutal as hell.

You gave most of the reasons people want rocks in the game. Most of the people who want them banned are veterans who say they are lame (and also their argument gets a little stronger and doesn't make them seem like total jerks). Ask all the rock users and newer fighters, who just killed a knight with a rock, if rocks are a nice part of the game. It lightens the atmosphere, can take some egos down a peg, and can help jo newb score a kill.

Rocks are unrealistic? So are flails.
Rocks give a newb a potential kill or boost? So do flails.
Rocks don't weigh the equivalent of their real-life counterparts? Same with flails.
It's hard to feel some rock hits? Same with some flails.
Should we get rid of flails?
Come on now, why do we really want to get rid of rocks? Is it a gameplay thing or a social/ personal thing?
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:43 am

and you would be a ryhno hyding cheater....
and an *....

[quote="Big Jimmy"]
There's a HUGE difference there though. What drives me crazy is when someone throws a javelin and CALLS tip (or point). Remember, if someone calls point on you and you thought it was shaft, you're perfectly within your right to give them the finger and go about your business.quote]
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:08 pm

Now this arguement- makes a lot more sense to me and does not sound like a typical ego "I'm a tough fighter that got punked by a rock and I'm *" arguement.
Thank you Giggles for actually putting more info that makes better sense. I understadn many of the points- can agree with some of the issues and disagree with others.

At the end of the day- I still think Rocks add a nice flavor, a balancing aspect and are playable. If they were the greatest mega weapon- everyone would have them. I'd say that less than 10% of the field will have a rock. (more like 3% or less).

I like them. I don't mind getting killed by them- it's a humbling effect that makes me appreciate the game and the players even more. I like the spirit that Rocks bring to the game.

Rocks, arrows and Javalins were all in the same class.

Giggles wrote: My primary issue with rocks as they are -aside from them hitting too soft to tell a hit, and being completely unrealistic- is that there is no other game function that is remotely similar (a floaty ball of open cell foam that gently drifts into peoples faces, killing them instantly). It is in fact, it's own class of weapon.
What purpose do rocks serve? Why are they good for Belegarth?

Well Forbeard good thing we still live in a country that we can all have a different opinion and to a point- voice said opinion. I am glad that the said vote was Voted "NO- we want Rocks!!!!!" by the good people of Belegarth. So- why do "you people" keep crying and complaining when Belegarth has spoke? :devil:
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Re: Rocks

Postby Physic » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:22 pm

There is a solution on how to get this rule changed. Find every person in the game that hates rocks and make sure they bring 20 of them to all events. People are gonna get tired of them pretty quick when half the field is wielding rocks in every battle. This can also work for flails.

The main reason that the rules on rocks and flails still exist is because they are only used by a select few and thus considered a minor nuisance. Find people to support this at events and I guarantee you will see a change pretty quickly.

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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:38 pm

Jimmy- Either you can't read or just a liar. Which one?

Giggles: If you just want to be an unskilled * killjoy on the field, pick up a bow, or get better at backstabbing.

Forkbeard: Unfortunatly,too many chuckle heads think they are funny.

Big Jimmy wrote:The difference Satanaka, is that none of us were mud slinging in this thread. Once the first stone is thrown it's all fair game. But the first thing you did when you got in here was call everyone who doesn't like rocks an *.
Last edited by Satanaka on Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Derian » Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:45 pm

Take the 'who-said-what' discussions to PMs or GM. This is not the place for them.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Arrakis » Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:20 pm

Let rocks and javs and whatnot live and encourage more Ditching at events.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Big King Jimmy » Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:38 pm

Satanaka, you're right, my bad.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Loptr » Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:51 pm

Arrakis wrote:Let rocks and javs and whatnot live and encourage more Ditching at events.

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Re: Rocks

Postby Theros the Large » Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:50 pm

Is this argument really even relevant?

I have seen a steady decrease in the use of rocks over the years. There are usually only a handful of them at most events. Aside from Tennessee events of course, thanks to Wick and his garbage bags full of plaid misery.

In my opinion, some people take foam swinging FAR too seriously. If getting killed on the field with a chunk of foam really upsets you that much then you might need to rethink exactly why your out here in the first place.

This is a game enjoyed by people of all types. Having a "stupid and cheesy" weapon like rocks helps keep foam fighting in perspective. This is supposed to be fun...for everyone!

If you are looking for a completely serious medieval fighting group then perhaps you should look into the SCA. They seem to be the people who like their Medievalism to be "serious business". I find it hard to demand perfect realism in a game that allows people to dye themselves green or pretend to be Orcs.

Just my two cents...
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Re: Rocks

Postby Arrakis » Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:55 pm

Theros the Large wrote:Aside from Tennessee events of course, thanks to Wick and his garbage bags full of plaid misery.

Wick AND Koom!
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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:20 am

*** Applaud****

Theros the Large wrote:Is this argument really even relevant?

I have seen a steady decrease in the use of rocks over the years. There are usually only a handful of them at most events. Aside from Tennessee events of course, thanks to Wick and his garbage bags full of plaid misery.

In my opinion, some people take foam swinging FAR too seriously. If getting killed on the field with a chunk of foam really upsets you that much then you might need to rethink exactly why your out here in the first place.

This is a game enjoyed by people of all types. Having a "stupid and cheesy" weapon like rocks helps keep foam fighting in perspective. This is supposed to be fun...for everyone!

If you are looking for a completely serious medieval fighting group then perhaps you should look into the SCA. They seem to be the people who like their Medievalism to be "serious business". I find it hard to demand perfect realism in a game that allows people to dye themselves green or pretend to be Orcs.

Just my two cents...
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Re: Rocks

Postby The Great Gigsby » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:51 pm

Arrakis wrote:Let rocks and javs and whatnot live and encourage more Ditching at events.
I like bows, and javelins, and armor, and breakable shields. I think they add a lot of variety and strategy to what we do, and I would be sad to see them go away.

Theros the Large wrote:In my opinion, some people take foam swinging FAR too seriously. If getting killed on the field with a chunk of foam really upsets you that much then you might need to rethink exactly why your out here in the first place.
It doesn't upset me that much, but I think it's a stupid and archaic part of Belegarth that doesn't belong from a rules/playability standpoint.

Theros the Large wrote:This is a game enjoyed by people of all types. Having a "stupid and cheesy" weapon like rocks helps keep foam fighting in perspective. This is supposed to be fun...for everyone!
Belegarth (like it or not) is competitive. The rules don't exist to legislate how much fun everyone's having. If somebody wants to have "stupid and cheesy" fun, fine. I find that annoying, but whatever. I come out to fight and get drunk with friends, not play dodgeball with stuffed animals and crocheted pokeballs.

Theros the Large wrote:I find it hard to demand perfect realism in a game that allows people to dye themselves green or pretend to be Orcs.
Realism isn't really the issue here.

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Re: Rocks

Postby Forkbeard » Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:14 am

Indeed, Giggles, realism isn't the issue. THe issue is a few people doing somthing stupid to distract regular fighters rom the competion they showed up for.
It also seems to really * off * like satan-aka. Anyhting that gets **** like that **** upset is my kind of cuase. Once we get his mouth diarea flowing I can't stop laughing.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Loptr » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:31 am

Forkbeard wrote:Indeed, Giggles, realism isn't the issue. THe issue is a few people doing somthing stupid to distract regular fighters rom the competion they showed up for.
It also seems to really * off * like satan-aka. Anyhting that gets **** like that **** upset is my kind of cuase. Once we get his mouth diarea flowing I can't stop laughing.

Your a bit vague there Fork. What are you really tryin to say?

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Re: Rocks

Postby Satanaka » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:43 am

heheheheheehehehe... wow- kiss ya mom with that mouth?- oh- wait you were in panzy "character" mode heheheheheheheh :devil:

Seems like forkbeard needs a Tampon and Mydal. :goblin:

It just amazes me that these "I'm a big bad fighter- that likes to whine and * about everything and have my selfish way" can't just have fun. :frog:

Maybe to much 'mommy love" or to much "daddy love" growing up. :monkey:

But- if no one said anything against the 'bullies' trying to force their own opinions on others- and then attacking them for any reply- we would not have any good comedy relief.

so- in short forkbeard- hate to burst that small bubble of a thought you might have- but- I don't get * that easy- and not by a blowhard like yourself. ;)

Rocks are here- Most of Belegarth thinks they should be. I agree with majority of Belegarth. If it changes- (unlike you) I won't cry and * about it- I will just go out and still have fun. Maybe you might do the same and set a better example.

oh- and "have a nice day"- tootles. :angel:

Forkbeard wrote:Indeed, Giggles, realism isn't the issue. THe issue is a few people doing somthing stupid to distract regular fighters rom the competion they showed up for.
It also seems to really * off * like satan-aka. Anyhting that gets **** like that **** upset is my kind of cuase. Once we get his mouth diarea flowing I can't stop laughing.

And Jimmy- before you start- Forkbeard started this. Thanks
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Re: Rocks

Postby Big King Jimmy » Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:31 pm

Satanaka wrote:And Jimmy- before you start- Forkbeard started this. Thanks

The day I stop calling you out is the day you stop bein an old spinning coot.
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Re: Rocks

Postby Derian » Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:17 pm

Worthless topic is worthless.
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