CW13 Constructive Criticism

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CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Bhakdar » Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:05 pm

How can we improve this excellent event (aside from banning Chaos Flu?)
I started this thread to raise awareness about some developing issues and nip them in the bud, not offer a place for people to rant. Let’s reflect on how we can improve.

1) Recycling. It was available again! Thank you Plithug and all helpers who aided bin pick up and drop-off. Despite their efforts, however, there was a LOT of garbage mixed in and overall less use of the bins than last year. So, how can we improve this?
We had more bins than last year, but also a bigger event. We definitely have more to accommodate for.

I would suggest multiple bins for plastic close to the field to soak up water bottle litter. Would using a different color of bags for recycling help? We could use colored bags for bins as well as distribute them to camps with the message to put recyclables in colored bags and trash in black, for example.

2) Site cleanliness. This one got came up loud and clear mid-week and seemed to get turned around. But, it involved the site owner getting on us before we got on ourselves. We need systems that make this a non-issue.
Yes, CW is a place for people to party. How do we make waste disposal easy enough to have less mess after parties? Would public bag dispensers for camps help? We could mount trash bag rolls visibly at eye level on the road, at troll, and quiet camp?
Is the issue access to disposal or the effort of cleanup?

3) Heralding. First, thanks to everyone who ran battles under the blazing sun. It is always more difficult than it may appear. It takes keen awareness, vigilance and courage to consistently call adrenaline-pumped warriors dead immediately following an error in their hit-taking. But, it’s a herald’s job.

Unfortunately, I perceived sentiments of unresolved frustration with hit-taking this year. Perhaps there were more ‘talkings to’ given to offenders than simple calls of “Take a leg!” or “Hey! You’re dead!” Ultimately, I want to invite a discussion of how we keep fields clean and heralding good (and nothing more). CW is a week-long event; we have the time to host heralding classes and we have the time to see problem fighters corrected day by day. Heralds- how can we improve the field?

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby The Great Gigsby » Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:27 pm

There was a real lack of varied scenarios on the field. It was pretty much nothing but pickup battles, and unit battles all week. The challenge cards were a cool idea, and I'd like to see more thought put into them next year. I blame myself for dropping the ball on jugging; it was a combination of apathy, lack of communication, and an unwillingness to disrupt field battles.

I would like to have a few different scenarios scheduled for each day. Things like castle battles, capture the flag, chaos ball, that sort of stuff. Pickup battles are fun, but it can become kind of a grind after awhile. Plus having things scheduled motivates people to actually get to the field on time.

Heralding did seem a little hands off this week, but at the same time, people were fighting a lot harder and cleaner than I've previously seen at Chaos. Heralds should make calls that are blatant examples of rules breaking (and they usually did), but they don't need to be breathing down anyone's neck. It was cool to have the fighters in the tournaments determine who won a match, instead of relying on the heralds to make a final call. To me, it made winning and losing much more satisfying.

I heard a few people that were opposed to not calling water breaks. Personally, I think water breaks should be called every hour or so. A lot of fighters don't hydrate or pace themselves properly and that can lead to people getting hurt, losing their temper, making poor decisions, and fighting sloppy.

I missed not having a City Guard, both for flavor, and for security.

That's all I got for now.

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Kurgan » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:11 pm

As far as cleanliness and recycling go, maybe next year we could have someone in charge of site cleanliness. They could get volunteers to once a day (say late morning or so) go around to each camp and help them clean up. I think a lot of us just need that extra bit of motivation/encouragement to make sure the site stays clean every day. This will also help all the people who stay on Sunday for clearing out the site. It would only take about 20 minutes a day as opposed to a few hours at the end of the week. We could even give out a prize at feast for the cleanest camp throughout the week.

If no one else wants to I'd gladly head this up for next year if there are people willing to help me out.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Bortas » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:30 pm

Giggles wrote:There was a real lack of varied scenarios on the field. It was pretty much nothing but pickup battles, and unit battles all week. The challenge cards were a cool idea, and I'd like to see more thought put into them next year. I blame myself for dropping the ball on jugging; it was a combination of apathy, lack of communication, and an unwillingness to disrupt field battles.

I would like to have a few different scenarios scheduled for each day. Things like castle battles, capture the flag, chaos ball, that sort of stuff. Pickup battles are fun, but it can become kind of a grind after awhile. Plus having things scheduled motivates people to actually get to the field on time.

I admit I agree... in lazy camp we were discussing on how to do this in a reasonable manner. The issue with battles is that many people only like the standard varied teams no weird rules battles... this can make it difficult to host other battles, including jugging.

From my point of view, there are many really really fun battles that can be silly or serious, and don't take long to implement.
Two-headed giant battles are great for getting everybody laughing and still having a fun battle on the field.
Calvary - small team stands up, large team starts on knees, but with no 'hits'. Standing team gets one free hit (the horse). Very fun!

These are just two of my all time favorite scenarios. As for scheduling... what about keeping it simple? Announce a special battle once per day, say the first battle after lunch for simplicity?

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Big King Jimmy » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:43 pm

Yah, I think a better way to phrase it is that 2 teams is the battle that EVERYONE likes. It's universal. I love bridge battles, for example. But as soon as they announced them 10 fighters or so walked off. If you want to please everyone it'll be two teams all the time.

I mean, even with bridge battles I'm used to being able to shoot at the first rank, out east that's a rule I've never heard of (not being able to shoot at the first rank). While I was disappointed at this, 'When in Rome...' so I dealt with it. But that just goes to show that even though we were doing one of my favorite battles, a slight rules change and suddenly it's just kind of "eh."

I think they're great for early in the week when people don't always mind taking a break, but when it's Friday and Saturday it's time to throw down.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Niobe » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:47 pm

Re: site cleanliness

I found that making it a point to clean up the morning after everyday helped keep our area relatively clean. The one thing that I noted is that there did not seem to be clearly marked bins for recycling near troll or I would have gladly done so. I recycle quite a bit at home.

I like the idea of having a cleanest camp award (or recognition?).

I plan to attend again next year and hopefully not have the kids and I would love to help out on some kind of trash helper detail. So Kurgan I'd be willing to help with your idea of camp cleaner helpers.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Plithut » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:52 pm

You know what I would like to see? Different people doing event things. The same people seem to do the same duties every year. Everybody has something to say, but every year when it comes to volunteers... it falls to the same people.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Mekoot Gorlock » Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:22 pm

As a note before my comment I'm not taking the heralding comments personally these are just my thoughts on what was happening.

As far as heralding went people were doing a good job of concealing when they were cheating. I can tell you I saw people cheat, but I can't tell you I saw the hits on people that I didn't call dead or tell to take a limb. There were a lot of times that I would think someone was cheating but they didn't take a hit that landed on the side I couldn't see, or behind a shield. I didn't call them dead because I wasn't 100% that they were cheating. We can't have eyes everywhere and people need to let us know who to watch. People also need to take hits because it is the right thing to do, not because a herald is watching. There were a couple times where I was about to call something and the person would look around and see me there so they would die.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Sir Anastasia » Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:55 pm

Re: Recycling

My camp had a hard time getting to trash cans as other camps were moving them from the group spot and taking them away to their camps. I'm not surprised if recyclables were mixed with trash, at our trash station there were zero trash cans and it took us a while to figure out where the trash cans went. I heard there would be a trash can decorating competition next year (so that every camp got a can). I think this would help greatly, and if it doesn't work out-Leave the cans at their stations please.

Re: Heralding

Great jobs guys. Bummer some people made it tough for you. If only they knew how much we know about their cheating, maybe someday they'll get the point. Still, Chaos has the best honor of any event I've ever been too.

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Cedric » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:35 am

saturday should be for two teams smashing each other. Banner events and smaller pick up style fights should be for earlier in the week. I would like to do more field battles with the teams divided by units, that way I can still fight with my unit and it doesn't have to be in unit toilet bowl battles. Also a bigger variety of fights.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Juniper Wynd » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:11 am

Niobe wrote:I like the idea of having a cleanest camp award (or recognition?).

I think this idea rocks...gets the motivation going in the right direction.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Bhakdar » Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:33 am

I really appreciate Cedric's motion for sliding Banner point stuff back. Sliding the "competitive" battles back a day or two shouldn't keep too much attendance from being able to participate in them and ultimately should enable a bigger field that's out there all just for fun on Saturday. There's no ramp up to increasing pressure for points that tips a breaking point on the last day there. If banner points are over on Thurs or Friday, everyone can clear their slate partying on those nights and go into Saturday fighting free of any competitive baggage. I strongly support this idea.

Plithug raises a good one. People need breaks from what they always do and it shows integrity to ask for it directly. It's OK to try to delegate one of your frequent jobs to someone else. If you can and need to, do it.

I really like a "cleanest camp" prize & recognition (which could be integrated into end-of-week announcements.

And along those lines, Shino and I began discussing another way we could play with balancing Banner points and encouraging service...

Make service count for Banner Points!

This gives incentive for groups to show up for the whole week, it encourages groups to alternate less glamorous jobs like litter patrol, and tempers competitiveness by rewarding stewardship.

Banner points could be given to groups that do weapon check, heralding, field clean-up, recycling, feasts, family activities/babysitting, volunteer to help with site improvements (like bridge building) and more.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Soo Ma Tai » Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:17 pm

Bhakdar wrote:Make service count for Banner Points!

This gives incentive for groups to show up for the whole week, it encourages groups to alternate less glamorous jobs like litter patrol, and tempers competitiveness by rewarding stewardship.

Banner points could be given to groups that do weapon check, heralding, field clean-up, recycling, feasts, family activities/babysitting, volunteer to help with site improvements (like bridge building) and more.

I really like these suggestions, and think they would do well to improve the quality of CW as a whole. I know that a lot of people don't even know what determined who won this last banner, other than banner battles.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby MeleeMoses » Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:16 pm

Thank you everyone for your thoughts on this

Bhakdar is right. Next year i plan to take lead as my camps cleaner upper, and after tuesday day when Paksha told us all how horrible messy we where i threw everything....EVERYTHING i used away in the proper bags.

I also plan on beeing a herald next year...seeing as the ONLY shot i saw a herald call was one **** Cedric, which i was watching the fight and the dude hits him in the head, Ced bashes him, then the kid hit his armor and then a herald calls him was im gonna fix it :)

you guys are great keep itup
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby ARKTOS » Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:47 pm

I like the idea of the cleanest camp award as well.

But with the heralding comment, they call them as they see them, why complain about it? They are human, and they were the ones out in the sun and the heat every battle.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Ralimar » Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:55 pm

Part of the problem that I saw with trash & recycling was that every time I tried to throw away a piece of Trash, all I could find was recycling bins. We needed to have more trash-only bins to go along with all of the recycling bins so prevent the lazy option of just dropping in trash with everything else. Also, we didn't have as many reminders to recycle this year, and we all know that swordfighters have brain damage and problems remembering things...
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Boss Kaptin Miikie » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:26 pm

I agree with gorlock on the marshal issue i spent most of the week out there in yellow most of the mornings i was the only marshal on the field i'm one man i can only see so much I don't why with all the * If you have a problem its part of you job as a fighter to find one of us and tell us hay watch that guy hes sluffing shots the was like 5 of us max during field battles and 4 experenced event heralds rotating most of the event if you have problems you need to tell us about it for the 5 days i spent on the field people came and told us about who was sluffing shot a total of twice there is like 200 or so of you on the field and 5 of us we dont see every thing we try but we dont but if you really have the balls to * about it why are you * now and not at the time its a 50 / 50 thing the marshals try are best to keep it clean but its the fighters job to be honerable and honest enough to take there hits and if some one gets think about it tell us so we know were to look if we just do that much the marshals can clean it up and you can have fun fighting and we do not have to have a * along the week after the event and then were all happy

point being as a marshal ill do me best to keep things clean help us out and tell us where to look!
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Bhakdar » Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:35 pm

I'm sorry the marshals are feeling ragged on here; that wasn't the point. I know cheating can't be eliminated and eyes can't be everywhere. Heralds, you have a tough job. I trust that all the heralds did the best job they could.

I raised the issue to emphasize the importance of heralds being trained and ready to do a difficult job, not to demean their service.

Honestly, a lot of people cycle through wearing that herald tabard and a select few tend to dedicate a full day if not multiple days to the endeavor each Chaos Wars. I think it would be of great value to have a heralding class instructed by the likes of Gorlock, Cedric, Reverend, and so forth for the benefit of the part-timers and so newcomers can understand the role of the herald. Whether this is desired or valuable though-- that's up for discussion.

On the trash topic, I totally agree with Ralimar. Recycling did seem to get mixed b/c of lack of available trash bins directly next to the recycle bins. We're still going to generate waste. My body does it all the time.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Crynolyn » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:51 pm

Great idea for a thread.

I would like to have the porta-castles cleaned more often please. Who knows, this might have been how the Stomach Plague was transmitted.

Also, everyone should wash their hands more often, or use the sanitizer.

Thanks again to everyone who takes time to run things at Chaos. I agree that this should have something to do with banner points. For instance, people planning night events, or cooking feasts often don't have time to fight during the day for points.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Reverend » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:23 pm

Bhakdar wrote:I'm sorry the marshals are feeling ragged on here; that wasn't the point. I know cheating can't be eliminated and eyes can't be everywhere. Heralds, you have a tough job. I trust that all the heralds did the best job they could.

I raised the issue to emphasize the importance of heralds being trained and ready to do a difficult job, not to demean their service.

Honestly, a lot of people cycle through wearing that herald tabard and a select few tend to dedicate a full day if not multiple days to the endeavor each Chaos Wars. I think it would be of great value to have a heralding class instructed by the likes of Gorlock, Cedric, Reverend, and so forth for the benefit of the part-timers and so newcomers can understand the role of the herald. Whether this is desired or valuable though-- that's up for discussion.

Personally, I don't feel ragged on at all.

The fact that the only real complaint that we received about our heralding was that we weren't being vocal enough * is, I think, a good thing.

I also think that a heralds class (and maybe even a job-shadowing type setup) would be very useful and constructive.

I'll happily step up and do a lecture on one of the days and take apprentices throughout the event next year if people are interested.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Mekoot Gorlock » Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:57 pm

I was thinking about running one this year but it never happened. We can work one out for next year.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Loptr » Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:08 am

Bhakdar wrote:Make service count for Banner Points!

This gives incentive for groups to show up for the whole week, it encourages groups to alternate less glamorous jobs like litter patrol, and tempers competitiveness by rewarding stewardship.

Banner points could be given to groups that do weapon check, heralding, field clean-up, recycling, feasts, family activities/babysitting, volunteer to help with site improvements (like bridge building) and more.

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Shino » Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:08 pm

Bhakdar wrote:I really appreciate Cedric's motion for sliding Banner point stuff back. Sliding the "competitive" battles back a day or two shouldn't keep too much attendance from being able to participate in them and ultimately should enable a bigger field that's out there all just for fun on Saturday. There's no ramp up to increasing pressure for points that tips a breaking point on the last day there. If banner points are over on Thurs or Friday, everyone can clear their slate partying on those nights and go into Saturday fighting free of any competitive baggage. I strongly support this idea.

I support this idea.
I think that this should be seriously considered for next year.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Ralimar » Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:43 pm

Bhakdar wrote:Make service count for Banner Points!

Well, this seems to have gotten a lot of attention... I'm all for it, but it's tricky. I spoke with Dopp about this, and we only really came up with one good idea. It's very difficult to make this fair. We can't just say, "You get 1 point for everybody in your unit who heralded or checked weapons" because it's too easy for every unit just to have every member herald one fight a day, and it favors whoever is hosting the event...

If you have any ideas about how to do this logistically (fair and not easily broken), I'd LOVE to talk about it. Do it soon before everybody forgets about it, too.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Lady Moonstone » Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:04 am

A little anecdote for you:
When I noticed that Shannaran camp was looking a bit **** up, I offered Epic Beads (an exclusively Shannaran phenomenon) to anyone who volunteered to clean up. As a result of that, I had some wonderful helpers that worked their asses off to keep our camp picked up. Not one of them was over twelve years old.
Offering a reward for desirable behavior is a no-brainer, as far as I'm concerned. It always works.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Kurgan » Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:53 am

Maybe say you get a point per day if one of your group helps out with something for at least a specified amount of time--one hour in weapons check, two hours+ of heralding, things like that. We could also make it so you only get one point no matter how many there are so you don't have 20 people from the same group mobbing the field in yellow tabards. It doesn't have to be a lot of points, just a little extra encouragement to get more people out there helping. Also the people who keep track of these things could be the ones heading up weapons checking/heralding.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby BaGeal » Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:55 am

Suggestions with solutions
1. Put a big bottle of sanitizer at troll with a note: “Prevent stomach aids clean your hands”
2. Increase the education of all camps about how to deal with uninvited guests. Some are obvious and some are tougher to spot. Examples: The drunken teenagers were easy to find. The Ren Fest guy who claimed to be invited by the owner was much harder. In any case the more people who know the plan for dealing with outsiders the quicker the will be removed.
3. Maybe a few more people with communication devices are in order as well. In essence increased passive security.
4. Put weapons that cannot possibly be fixed in a lock box. Owners who want them can claim with the understanding that if it goes on the field, they will be bounced from the event.
5. If someone asked to leave because they have caused trouble comes back, call the cops. Being, “nice” sends a message to them that they can come back for a more chances to steal without fear.
6. For variety a one or two hour scenario battle a day is fun without clogging up a whole day. If people really like it, run it again later in the day for another hour.
7. Camp garbage cans with a party responsible for taking out the trash. (or buy a slave to do it)
8. Tiki torches near the bridges. While most people could get out (of the river) on their own improving the bridges is a no brainier.
9. Possibly a merchant area open for garb, weapon, and feast gear sales.
10. Walking around and NOT seeing drunken people with live steel was great. Considering the very limited benefits of having it present, eliminating it (live steel) as an option may be a good idea. Food for thought.
11. The SLC airport ruined my mid-evil experience, anyone have any pull with that? …. :P

I enjoyed this event more than any event in the last ten years.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Bortas » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:07 pm

Good post and ideas, I did want to comment on just one of yours:
BaGeal wrote:5. If someone asked to leave because they have caused trouble comes back, call the cops. Being, “nice” sends a message to them that they can come back for a more chances to steal without fear.

This is truly a double edged sword for us, as we are already considered the misfits, having law enforcement remove someone from within our midst shines poorly on all of us, regardless of the true reality of the situation. I'm not saying there isn't wisdom there, I am saying this option should be used with extreme caution.

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Sorcia » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:46 pm

BaGeal wrote:1. Put a big bottle of sanitizer at troll with a note: “Prevent stomach aids clean your hands”

Instead, how about you get a small bottle to take with you.

"Hi! Welcome to Chaos Wars 14. Here is your hand sanitizer. Remember, only you can prevent Stomach Aids!"

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Soo Ma Tai » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:57 pm

Put a pic of Smokey on there, but instead of a shovel, he'd have a javelin.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Kyrian » Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:38 pm

How about an arts and sciences exhibition much like the chili cook-off and mixed drinks contest for banner points? Some examples might be artwork, leatherworking, woodwork, sculpture, etc. People would submit entries to be evaluated by several judges. The highest averaged entries would count for banner points.

As far as service counting for banner points, the only thought I have is for people to submit recommendations, either for individuals or units/realms, detailing specific accomplishments to the Banner committee (I remember Dopp outlining who was on the committee but don't recall the specific members) and have the committee determine the overall service winners.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Bortas » Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:05 pm

Kyrian wrote:How about an arts and sciences exhibition much like the chili cook-off and mixed drinks contest for banner points? Some examples might be artwork, leatherworking, woodwork, sculpture, etc. People would submit entries to be evaluated by several judges. The highest averaged entries would count for banner points.

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Niobe » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:03 pm

7. Camp garbage cans with a party responsible for taking out the trash. (or buy a slave to do it)

We used some of those spiral collapsible laundry basket things and lined them with trash bags to help keep our area clean. I got them at Ross for $7. You could probably find something like that at Wal-mart as well. The benefit is that they go flat so they are very portable when packing the vehicle for travel. When they got full someone from camp would take the bag to the dumpster.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Ralimar » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:01 pm

Kyrian wrote:How about an arts and sciences exhibition much like the chili cook-off and mixed drinks contest for banner points? Some examples might be artwork, leatherworking, woodwork, sculpture, etc. People would submit entries to be evaluated by several judges. The highest averaged entries would count for banner points.

I tried to do this last year, and only had one entry. Granted, things don't usually have a lot of participation the first year they get done, but if there's enough vocal interest before the event, I think it would be worth doing again. Perhaps simultaneously with another event like the Chili Cookoff, which gets lots of turnout.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby BaGeal » Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:16 pm

Bortas wrote:Good post and ideas, I did want to comment on just one of yours:
BaGeal wrote:5. If someone asked to leave because they have caused trouble comes back, call the cops. Being, “nice” sends a message to them that they can come back for a more chances to steal without fear.

This is truly a double edged sword for us, as we are already considered the misfits, having law enforcement remove someone from within our midst shines poorly on all of us, regardless of the true reality of the situation. I'm not saying there isn't wisdom there, I am saying this option should be used with extreme caution.


I hear you, no one wants to involve authorities, it will suck. I am thinking that with the underaged kids drinking and such a stern warning "we will call the cops" and doing it if they show up again is the best. Legally you want it to be clear we are doing the responsible thing. Otherwise when that 13 year old comes up pregnant... :blush:
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Necronos » Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:27 am

BaGeal wrote:Suggestions with solutions
11. The SLC airport ruined my mid-evil experience, anyone have any pull with that? …. :P

Yeah, bioengineer some giant condors and avoid the airport experience completely
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Sorcia » Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:26 pm

I just saw your new avatar, Necronos! I too am Not Necronos.

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Valas Hune » Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:14 pm

Reverend wrote:I also think that a heralds class (and maybe even a job-shadowing type setup) would be very useful and constructive.

I'll happily step up and do a lecture on one of the days and take apprentices throughout the event next year if people are interested.

I would be very interested because i suck as a herald
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Boss Kaptin Miikie » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:35 am

I would be happy to donate my time to helping with a heralding class i have been spending all week as a marshal since CW9 and i would defiantly like to help out with that
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Shino » Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:08 pm

Kurgan wrote:Maybe say you get a point per day if one of your group helps out with something for at least a specified amount of time--one hour in weapons check, two hours+ of heralding, things like that. We could also make it so you only get one point no matter how many there are so you don't have 20 people from the same group mobbing the field in yellow tabards. It doesn't have to be a lot of points, just a little extra encouragement to get more people out there helping. Also the people who keep track of these things could be the ones heading up weapons checking/heralding.

This is sound.

Maybe require each unit/realm that is running for banner points to front a minimum number of fighter for each service. You may only need 5 to weapon check but 10 + could patrol for trash and empty bins.

The units/realms would have to be evaluated by say Head Weapon's Checker, Head Herald, and any other appointed position that involves service. The Heads of each service would have to take up responsibility for checking out each realm/unit's work but this is probably less work than it sounds.

Ninja Edit:

The idea of judging or evaluating a realm/unit's event service might be too difficult. How about requiring service in order for said party to remain in contention for the banner? That makes a strong incentive for doing your part because of the harsh penalty imposed for skipping out on your duties.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby bacchus » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:12 pm

FOr awording the banner points for service

you could put together a group of people, say 1 from each unit/realm and after fighting on saterday they could decide the points. like 5 points for the week in heralding, weopans check, cleanest camp, Extra mile(runner/troll help/firwood) things like that.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Big King Jimmy » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:50 am

Shino wrote:The idea of judging or evaluating a realm/unit's event service might be too difficult. How about requiring service in order for said party to remain in contention for the banner? That makes a strong incentive for doing your part because of the harsh penalty imposed for skipping out on your duties.

You just took "reward for volunteering" and morphed it into "Penalty for not working."
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Shino » Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:31 pm

Big Jimmy wrote:
Shino wrote:The idea of judging or evaluating a realm/unit's event service might be too difficult. How about requiring service in order for said party to remain in contention for the banner? That makes a strong incentive for doing your part because of the harsh penalty imposed for skipping out on your duties.

You just took "reward for volunteering" and morphed it into "Penalty for not working."

Yeah, scratch that. I just reread that after some brainstorming about the issue and that doesn't sound good at all.

I'll draft up a better solution and post it in Western realm Leaders.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Big King Jimmy » Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:06 pm

Shino wrote:
Big Jimmy wrote:
Shino wrote:The idea of judging or evaluating a realm/unit's event service might be too difficult. How about requiring service in order for said party to remain in contention for the banner? That makes a strong incentive for doing your part because of the harsh penalty imposed for skipping out on your duties.

You just took "reward for volunteering" and morphed it into "Penalty for not working."

Yeah, scratch that. I just reread that after some brainstorming about the issue and that doesn't sound good at all.

I'll draft up a better solution and post it in Western realm Leaders.

I'm glad you caught that.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby BlackFire Fusions » Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:51 pm

Ok first things first. Best Chaos Wars EVER! Nothings perfect. Did you have a good time cause I sure did.

AND Thank you Jeff, thank you site owners, thank you Dopp, Troll, Heralds, Weapons Checkers, Cookers of ED, all you fabulous people behind the scenes that make this happen year after year. HOOOZAAAH! :D

1- I have worn the heralds tabard a long time, but only to camera. This was my first official heralding try. I think I made only one call the week. Other then that I just kept my eyes open and if someone was a repeat offender I pointed it out to a more experienced herald. I will gladly take the class. Lady gray even offered for us to shadow her but then got sick. So I blame the chaos flu. Monday I was left in charge of some pick up battles so I just tried to let things flow. But I did throw in some other fights, and took suggestions from some players what they would like to fight. In the end my camera doesn't lie.

2 - Point being you can't make everyone happy. But we sure can try. I suggest doing a split field. One side Heralds, the other those that just want to do the one side vs one side, and one herald to watch if needed even. The other side can run tournaments, instead of smashing it all into one day which ended up being two anyway. They can also run the more tech savvy fights. Zombie battles, lord battles, king of the hill, Queen battles (I know lady moonstone and lady lilith missed this one), God Battles (I missed this one myself), Three to the tree, race battles, assassin battles. There are so many to do. I did throw some of these in on the Monday pick up battles I was heralding.. kinda. I would love some feed back on this. Like, dislike? It was my first time.

3 - Who built that bridge?! I love you! Entertainment ALL night watching people trying to cross that thing. Oh... bishop. lol A few more boards across it for us short legged people, and a few lights and that thing was perfect. I think a second one was desired for those far camps too.

4 - I did personally escort some free loading teens to troll. Despite all the excuses tossed my way. I took the big B points and made sure people were legit.

5 - Cops have enough on their plates as it is, and yes this is a doubled edged sword. I say we have at least 200 armored and armed people SCARE them off. I can just see it now. Dopp leans in. "You see that field of people right there. They love beating on people. Especially freeloading thief's who cause trouble at their favorite field. You see this microphone here. Put two and two together and don't come back." Or something like that. :armor1:

6 - I missed the nightlife events from last year for banner points. Such as the trivia. As horrible as I was for it, it was still fun. I missed god night too. What happened to the talent competition too? Maybe smaller realms that can't run full events can take a single thing to create for nightlife. Give us all more to do. Yes? No? I know I as a Mountain Merc could easily and would gladly do something for everyone to enjoy.

7 - Trash by the bathrooms? They already smell so might as well add to the stinky. Each camp have some kind of trash. And recycle was good where it was and how many there were. But yes a light over main trash cans. Tiki torch? Glow sticks? Something? These lights also serve as a path finder.

8 - I overheard several at my table at feast say that the awards was only a popularity contest. Which seemed a little rigged to me. Maybe those that want to try for an award can sign in at troll. So for armor, show what you got, and then either heralds can vote the best or from the best 3 or 2. Cheer the favorite. Best death just hit the guy a few times and watch him die. lol. Just an idea. But it might help save our voices on feast rather then cheering for 8 people per award.

Over all again love you all, I had so much fun! I can't wait till next year! :rose:

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Ralimar » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:07 pm

Phira, I'm gonna add you to the Western Realm Leaders forum so you can read the "Future of the Banner" thread and give your input there--it would be much appreciated. This year Dopp ran the banner, and because people said they wanted to fight for the banner again, most of the points came from fighting on the field. Last year I ran the banner and really just had too many events. We're still trying to figure out where the happy "Just enough" spot is for banner activities.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Juicer » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:26 pm

Rali, please add me to that board as well.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Shino » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:25 pm

BlackFire Fusions wrote:8 - I overheard several at my table at feast say that the awards was only a popularity contest. Which seemed a little rigged to me. Maybe those that want to try for an award can sign in at troll. So for armor, show what you got, and then either heralds can vote the best or from the best 3 or 2. Cheer the favorite. Best death just hit the guy a few times and watch him die. lol. Just an idea. But it might help save our voices on feast rather then cheering for 8 people per award.

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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Shino » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:27 pm

Big Jimmy wrote:
I'm glad you caught that.

Love you big guy.
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Re: CW13 Constructive Criticism

Postby Bortas » Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:47 pm

Shino wrote:
BlackFire Fusions wrote:8 - I overheard several at my table at feast say that the awards was only a popularity contest. Which seemed a little rigged to me. Maybe those that want to try for an award can sign in at troll. So for armor, show what you got, and then either heralds can vote the best or from the best 3 or 2. Cheer the favorite. Best death just hit the guy a few times and watch him die. lol. Just an idea. But it might help save our voices on feast rather then cheering for 8 people per award.

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