>>SOLD<<Barbarian Helm>>SOLD<<

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>>SOLD<<Barbarian Helm>>SOLD<<

Postby Claus » Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:56 pm

Helmet IS SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Brutus » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:02 am

This won't be field legal. Even if the horns weren't a hazard, the helm is unplayable as it completely blocks the shoulders. Sorry.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby varadin » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:34 am

this wont be legal in ANY game you mentioned. Sure its wearable off the field... but do you even read rules?
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Sir Thurat » Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:29 am

The horns are removable, there are no >1/2" projections, and the leather appears to be 3/16" thick. In what way does it fail by Bel standards?
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:07 am

Thurat wrote:The horns are removable, there are no >1/2" projections, and the leather appears to be 3/16" thick. In what way does it fail by Bel standards?

Thank you. You are correct.

The leather all around measures 3/16". The only leather that is thinner is the single layer used to hold on the horns. With the horns removed they eliminate the 1/2" projection rule. As again they can be replaced with foam horns.
Brutus wrote:This won't be field legal. Even if the horns weren't a hazard, the helm is unplayable as it completely blocks the shoulders. Sorry.

The neck is included in the target "head" area for projectile weapons. The armor on the helmet does not block the shoulders so much as guard the neck. The bottom of the neck guard rolls upward only to allow the wearer to look up and down without running into the chest. There is still ample shoulder exposure under neath it. As it is worn as a head armor it could not be used as armor for the shoulders anyway.

Have you read the rules? If some one wore this to protect their shoulders from hits they should be called on it on the field. Not here. All I'm doing is selling it. No where in my description did I say this armor was design to protect shoulders.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Brutus » Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:16 am

Have you read the rules? If some one wore this to protect their shoulders from hits they should be called on it on the field. Not here. All I'm doing is selling it. No where in my description did I say this armor was design to protect shoulders.

The problem is that the horns, even if foam, would obstruct a legal target area.

So your argument is that it's the buyer's problem if they shell out a bunch of dough for this and end up not being able to use it in a way you specifically say they would be able to? I made my post so that some poor new guy didn't see your helm, think it was awesome, and then spend a bunch of hard-earned money for something they wouldn't be able to use on the field.

I offered my unsolicited advise to your potential customers, and now I'll extend the same courtesy to you. In the long run, your reputation as a seller will suffer if you don't make an attempt to be upfront and honest about the drawbacks of your wares. All of the successful merchants in our sport have built their business one satisfied customer at a time. It's too small of a community to try to make money by slipping something past your customer and hoping they don't tell everyone else that they weren't satisfied.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:26 am

Brutus wrote:
Have you read the rules? If some one wore this to protect their shoulders from hits they should be called on it on the field. Not here. All I'm doing is selling it. No where in my description did I say this armor was design to protect shoulders.

The problem is that the horns, even if foam, would obstruct a legal target area.

So your argument is that it's the buyer's problem if they shell out a bunch of dough for this and end up not being able to use it in a way you specifically say they would be able to? I made my post so that some poor new guy didn't see your helm, think it was awesome, and then spend a bunch of hard-earned money for something they wouldn't be able to use on the field.

I offered my unsolicited advise to your potential customers, and now I'll extend the same courtesy to you. In the long run, your reputation as a seller will suffer if you don't make an attempt to be upfront and honest about the drawbacks of your wares. All of the successful merchants in our sport have built their business one satisfied customer at a time. It's too small of a community to try to make money by slipping something past your customer and hoping they don't tell everyone else that they weren't satisfied.

I wasn't trying to trick nor slip anything past any buyer. I stated that the horns are removable. I'm not talking shield core foam for replacements. I'm talking open cell foam that can clearly bend and give when a swing blows through it. I even stated that it's use could be intended for Feast or Faire. I said it was built for the different sports and it can be adapted for them. I did not hold out this information at all. Accuse me all you want, but it's not true.

As for the advice about building reputations in the long run. I appreciate that. I do. I've watched fighters make a lasting impression in my mind just from their combat demeanor. I myself have only been fighting Bel. for a year but still don't allow myself to use armor. I still call every hit with no lights.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Sir Thurat » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:10 pm

One could also simply not put any horns in, and tuck the sleeves for them down.

There were a lot of pictures and text, and the seller was quite upfront about the construction of the helmet. I think you may have misinterpreted his intent here, Rufus. The only discrepancy would be his failure to mention that one could not wear the horns on the field due to the 1/2" protrusion rule, which should be self evident.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Magpie Saegar » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:54 pm

Thurat wrote:The only discrepancy would be his failure to mention that one could not wear the horns on the field due to the 1/2" protrusion rule, which should be self evident.

Also perhaps the claim that this would suffice as an SCA helm.

That said, it's a fun look. Not my style, but fun. I'd enjoy seeing it at an event during nightlife.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Sir Thurat » Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:58 pm

Oh, I overlooked the SCA part. That it certainly would not work for. Thanks for pointing that out, Magpie. I was looking at it totally from a Bel perspective.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:06 pm

I did figure the protrusion rule would have been self evident considering the penny round issue too.

Either way. If it does not match SCA specs either I can change the description. It can be wax hardened for SCA. I do have the wax, but if the horns (in or out) wouldn't pass then I'll change the description.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Magpie Saegar » Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:19 am

Claus wrote:If it does not match SCA specs either I can change the description. It can be wax hardened for SCA. I do have the wax, but if the horns (in or out) wouldn't pass then I'll change the description.

I am tempted to quote all of the SCA helm rules, including things about not having an open face etc... let's just start with the very first one, though:

Helms shall be constructed from steel which has a thickness of no less than .0625 inch (1/16 inch or 1.6mm), or of equivalent material. Alternative materials, such as stainless steel, brass, bronze, or like materials, are permissible as long as the material is structurally equivalent to 0.0625-inch-thick steel.

I don't mean to try to interrupt your attempt to sell this, as it is a nice looking helm, but I like to get details right. I suppose it doesn't really matter, though, as anyone who would want to buy this for the SCA would probably already know their regulations.
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Re: Viking Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:19 pm

I have taken down the helmet. Please stop commenting.

If anyone knows how to help me delete this post and my account, I am ready to quit bel now.

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Re: *CLOSED* Barbarian Helm NOT For Sale*CLOSED*

Postby Magpie Saegar » Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:58 pm


I tried to say a number of times that it's an awesome looking helm, just not quite ideally designed for what we do. By all means, go ahead and sell it. It still looks cool. But if you have trouble selling it here, then consider other places to sell it too.

I can see how some of the comments may have hurt a little, but most of us are just trying to be helpful. Stay with it and keep it up -- most of us are a LOT friendlier than we come off online, and don't even come off as mean online if you read everything in a casual and helpful voice.
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Re: *CLOSED* Barbarian Helm NOT For Sale*CLOSED*

Postby Brutus » Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:30 am

Belegarth needs more people that know how to make good looking gear. You shouldn't tuck your tail and run just because your first attempt to sell stuff didn't work out. You should look at this as a chance to (1) refine your designs and (2) refine your selling techniques. You now know that there's people in Belegarth watching out to make sure other less experienced members don't get misled, so you have to be very careful in the claims you make about your gear. I for one do not believe you were intentionally attempting to deceive anyone.

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Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:37 pm

FEAST HELMET! I'm trying to list this right guys, please bear with me.

This helmet is not suitable for combat as shown in the picture, however if you slice a few threads and remove the horns yourself then it will pass for armor grade head gear in Bel.

For anyone interested the Helmet is back up for sale.

I will post a starting price of $100, but feel free to PM your best offer.

It is hand sewn dual layered leather barbarian helm. Featuring 2 large bull horns that are removable by untying their mounts and loosening them. Dyed black with a rustic wear and tear aged look. The eye piece is sturdy and allows for amazing peripheral view.

If you have any questions regarding any other specifics feel free to ask. I am not trying to swindle anybody here as it was surmised the last time I tried posting this. I took a winter off of the sport to think some things over and I want a new start in 2014.
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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Magpie Saegar » Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:05 pm

Not my style, but gorgeous. Someone should get it.
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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:48 pm

Magpie Saegar wrote:Not my style, but gorgeous. Someone should get it.

Thank you. I spent more time on it tooling/carving designs into it's survace. I then used white out paint to draw in the grooves to make them stand out more.

Originally conceived as a rendition of Frank Frazetta's "Death Dealer" helmet, but it could work for a Minotaur, or Orc Garb.

Again I'm trying to be very clear that as is it can't be worn on field. I'd remove the horns myself but I like it too much as is.

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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Brutus » Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:34 am

This looks great. Even with it not being field legal, I think $100 is too cheap. You should make some other designs that would be field legal and sell them; there's always a market for good leather work.
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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Derian » Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:26 pm

I agree, $100 is way too cheap for that. $150 would probably even be too low.
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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:10 pm

WOW! I never expected that kind of positive support, but I'm glad to hear you guys like it!
I have made personal armor for some people outside of Belegarth. Some were very basic in design but great in functionality.

Here's a viking helm I did for fellow House Dragoth fighter Mustachioh

I'm looking to maybe do some more in the future.
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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby bangor » Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:10 am

You should also look outside of belodag to sell the helm. I can't see the helm on this computer, but if it won't damage boffer weapons, it'll be legal in Amtgard. Look up the electric samurai. It will also be legal in just about any light-contact Larp out there, and those kids usually have some cash to spare. Lookup nero and any other local larps you have.
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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby Claus » Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:31 pm

bangor wrote:You should also look outside of belodag to sell the helm. I can't see the helm on this computer, but if it won't damage boffer weapons, it'll be legal in Amtgard. Look up the electric samurai. It will also be legal in just about any light-contact Larp out there, and those kids usually have some cash to spare. Lookup nero and any other local larps you have.

That's the hot button right there. The helm has bull horns. So, yeah it's not field legal at a lot of stuff. Again, I've looked outside Bel-dag. There's not much for a Ren-faire forum to sell stuff. So, I'm posting it up anywhere I can to see if there's interest for it.
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Re: Barbarian Helm For Sale

Postby bangor » Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:54 pm

Thats *mostly* field legal for Amt. The horns don't look like they'd harm a standard boffer weapon badly. Since grappling/bashing/kicking isn't allowed, it makes designs like this semi-ok, but it might get kicked off some fields for safety. With the new ruleset going in, helmets will be worth something, and pretty much no one has one, especially of that quality.
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Barbarian Helm Auction on Ebay

Postby Claus » Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:14 pm

This helmet is now listed on Ebay and it's got 1 bid thus far.

Any interested parties can bid on this helmet via the ebay listing.

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