Kester wrote:OK, I have done a search on the boards for an answer to this, but I can't seem to find one so here it goes: A new group of people want to start a realm. I would like them to be part of our realm, they are more than 20 miles away. Can they be part of our realm with semi-autonomy? -Kester Toll
They are that far away - why do they want to start their own realm as opposed to be part of your's?
There's arguments for and against it on either side. With two realms in close conjunction, you're splitting the foam fighting population - but (and I speak from experience) sometimes that 20 mile trip can be an hour plus travel time or more if they rely on public transit.
If I had to pack up my gear and ride the bus to the next nearest practice to me, it would easily be a 2 hour trip and I * well wouldn't do that.
Additional thoughts to consider, why not support them in their new realm? Be the big brother/big sister type and raid them. Offer them help with getting off the ground.
A lot of new realms tend to die due to lack of support/experience/proper leadership and if you have close ties with the group - if they go belly up, you are already primed to absorb any of their players that might otherwise drift.