Incorrect Rules Answers

Straight Answers From Knowledgeable People

Moderator: Belegarth: Forum Moderators

Please read my post below before you vote.

Poll ended at Wed Jan 28, 2004 3:43 pm

Keep the Rules forum as it currently is.
Change the Rules forum to the new setup.
Total votes : 56

Postby Aragorn » Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:44 pm

I actually agree with Brutus 100% on this. Factual knowledge shouldn't be the only standard for being able to answer. Equally important is a calm demeanor and experience.

I say we nominate five or six veterans who are well known for their knowledege of the rules and a tendancy not to flame. For example people like Kyrax, Eoric, Owen, Freyson, or Kegg.

A lot of the newer people are upset because they will be excluded from this. I'm sorry, but experience and having heralded and checked weapons at twenty or more events is something that should be required. Just because you know the rules on paper doesn't always mean you will know how they apply in a real world situation. I don't think anyone who has been in less than five years should even be considered.
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Postby Thorondor » Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:50 pm

Kyrian would be another person I would like to see allowed to answer questions. Satanaka also.

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Postby Dante » Thu Jan 29, 2004 12:34 am

Thorondor, get off your high horse. I don't know who told you that you know everything about belegarth, but who ever they are they are a * fool. You do just as much stupid things as any newb in the sport. You built a quarter staff for christ sake. Last year you were saying that you were going to beat my * on the karkaje web board and you didn't even know who I was. So the short of it is You have done as much stupid stuff, as have everyone in the sport, so who are you to judge.
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Postby Thorondor » Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:07 am

Hehe...the staff has been in the dump for a long while now. I don't even remember what the hell was up with the Karkaje board stuff. But, apparently people remember things for years, just like women. As long as people learn from their questions, it's all cool, just * me off when people try to say what ever "they say is the truth" and think they are a god (note, no capital "g" means false god)

Oh, forget me taking the test, not worth the effort :)
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Postby Kegg » Thu Jan 29, 2004 9:22 am

I tend to agree with Brutus and Aragorn about the testing thing, and that we should just select a group of veteran question answerers without the rigamarole of a test. Heck, the current moderator group would make a good first order approximation of a good question answerers group.

The test though could be useful before an event like Arm, where people come up claiming to know the rules. We could then in a polite way say they don't know the heck what they are talking about.
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Postby Jikanta » Thu Jan 29, 2004 8:20 pm

I honestly don't care who answers the rules questions as long as they're answered correctly. The test weeds out the people who think they know their **** but don't. These are the people who are giving wrong answers to new people. So far less than half the people who have taken the test have passed it.

We need people who WANT to go out of their way and help new members who will probably ask questions that seem stupid and obvious to us. There are no special titles or privlidges that come with passing the test; only the responsibility of answering repetitive and borring questions from new people. *I* don't want that responsibility (I doubt most of us do), and I don't want to just go assigning it to other people.

Yes, there is the possibility that someone may take the test for the wrong reasons, or they might just cheat on the test. But let me remind you that if either of these things become apparent (or they are otherwise screwing up) I can always just remove them from the position. Also, if this new method doesn't work we can always change it later.

The people who are taking the test are proving that they WANT to help new people by giving correct answers to their questions. People who are knowledgable and self-motivated to take on responsibilities like this tend to do very well in the undertaking. I hear you guys (Kegg, Brutus, Aragorn, etc) saying we should just designate knowledgable veterans to answer the questions, and I think that would be a good solution and easier to begin with, HOWEVER, I think the current "volunteer and pass the test" idea will work better in the long run, with people who really want the job rather than people who we just assign it to.
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Postby Mori » Fri Jan 30, 2004 11:40 am

OK, so how do I take the test? I'm more curious about whether or not I know my stuff than actually being able to post.
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Postby Brutus » Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:20 pm

The test weeds out the people who think they know their **** but don't.

Only if they don't cheat. The test will keep out honest fools, but not dishonest ones.

These are the people who are giving wrong answers to new people.

Could be some dishonest ones too...

You want a good test? Make up a new login for yourself, and post a question on quarterstaffs. Anyone who answers your question with derision should be immediately disqualified from answering newbie questions.

Let's compromise: Why don't you have people take the test and submit a brief resume of their fighting/rules/heralding experience and then have the moderators pick from the applicants?

And just so nobody can say I toot my horn but I'm afraid to get my hands dirty, I'll take the test (god am I gonna look like an * if I fail it!).
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