Age Restrictions?

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should the age limit for national events be changed to 14?

Total votes : 136

Postby Jed » Sun Jun 15, 2003 11:25 am

I"m all for a junior division...providing the participance could control their strikes...
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Postby savetuba » Mon Jun 16, 2003 8:58 pm

My problem is that over 1/2 of my fighters are under the age of 15. How am I suppose to tell them they can't play anymore under my supervission? Or that I can no long have them at the regular practice???

And what about the legal issues of who sues who for damages? My mother doesn't like it that the majority of my unit is young kids and I'm 20. I can't help it if kids are attracted to the game more than college studens...

Argh, just too many conflicting issues...
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Postby Emerson Bridges » Tue Jun 17, 2003 12:17 am

"And what about the legal issues of who sues who for damages? "

Well you are 20, it would be worthless to sue you.

Also the age limit I believe only really involves national events. Just make sure the mothers have a copy of the rules and that your players sign a waiver and their parents sign the waiver(if under 18). Also make sure your players are well versed with the rules.

If the above doesn't make you comfortable get rid of grappling. Grappling is possibly the most dangerous thing allowed and depending on who you fight with rarely if ever used. If there is no grappling it would be an absolute freak accident to have a serious injury. You could also disallow archery(another possibly dangerous thing) and fight in an open field. Because running into a tree hurts... I know.
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Postby Owen » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:26 am

savetuba wrote:My problem is that over 1/2 of my fighters are under the age of 15. How am I suppose to tell them they can't play anymore under my supervission? Or that I can no long have them at the regular practice???

And what about the legal issues of who sues who for damages? My mother doesn't like it that the majority of my unit is young kids and I'm 20. I can't help it if kids are attracted to the game more than college studens...

Argh, just too many conflicting issues...


The age lint is only for national events, your practice our your realm can set any age limit it wishes to. In Gwynedd the age limit is 14 (9th grade) but in the Aratari the age limit is 15 to start but still 16 to FIGHT at a "NATIONAL" event.

If I where to run a battle and the Belegarth realms came too it and I set my age limit too 14 then that is what it would be for my war. No one is trying too keep younger children from playing, but try and remember that it is a very ruff sport, we try and maintain safety as best as we can, but people do get hurt. A 16 year old is better suited to handle him/her self at events and tend (not always true) to make better decisions.

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Postby Rurouni Valyn » Tue Jun 17, 2003 2:01 pm

Franky, I think the 16 age limit is good and that it should be enforced more strictly. I started this game at 16, nearly 17, and when I started there were few if any people on the field that were younger. Since then, I've seen the field filled with little kids, even younger than 10. I don't like it for many reasons, such as the fact that I instinctly go easier on these little kids. Also they are little backstabbers, you just don't notice if you don't pay attention to them. Another reason I don't like the younger players is that many just don't seem to understand the rules of play. I have fought many of them where I'd hit a limb 1, 2, 3, even 4 times before they got it in their heads that they have to take the hit. Granted, there are older players who I've fought and had similar difficulty with, but it is far more frequent with the little ones. This is a very aggressive full contact sport. You don't have a twelve year old play football with a college team, and we shouldn't have that here either. I think the age limit should be enforced.
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Postby Owen » Tue Jun 17, 2003 2:15 pm

When I stareted fighting Dagorhir I was 11 years old. I had no problem with the rules, if people take the time to actually talk to the younger peeps out there you might be a little surprised as to what you will recive.

Trystan took the time with me, he worked with me even when others would just treat me as a kid. By doing this he installed in me the loyalty and trust I have for my unit and people. Pluss he gave a young kid a chance, and I think I turned out too be a really good fighter and its because an adult took the time to teach me the things I would need too know. Just a thought not a sermon.
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Postby savetuba » Tue Jun 17, 2003 7:16 pm

thanks for the advise, I'll start making waiviors soon...

The total # of under 18 people are 12 in my group. Me and 2 others are above 18. And my youngest is 10.

We don't play with grappling rules, but my mother is still worried about the safty issues and who the parents might sue(not that my butt is worth anything) The kids are also well versed in the rules and they even know how to use many of the rules against us larger players, but I still have problems with the 10 year old with where he was hit and if he is still dead. But other than that the only injury that has happend was my knukle smaking the pole of a spear.

Wepons that we use are the ones I have made, 2 one hand swords, 2 2hand swords, 1 spear, 1 club, 1 punch sheild, and 3 rocks(foam footballs that are larger than 4")
Thus we only have 1/2 of the people playing or atending a practice, just to keep things extra safe.

We also play in an enclosed sunken plaza of my parents front yard or at the community park(trees are HUGH cottonwoods) and so the most things we colide with are wepons...
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Postby Kyrax » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:20 am

Practicing in Public Parks is a better idea than in someone's yard. That lowers the possibility of some sharp lawyer trying to sue the land-owner. It also raises your profile in the community and increases your chances of recruiting passersby.

One idea to help with the "was I hit and where" questions is to occasionally do a death pit (or whatever you want to call it) - form a circle and two fighters enter the ring and fight it out. As soon as one of the fighters is dead, another jumps in. All of the spectators will be watching the two fight, so it is easier to see problems. Also, everyone gets to watch what is happening and sees how both of the fighters take their hits. Also, take a step out of the fighting and Herald for a while, calling shots and talking to any of the people you think are having problems. Encourage people to role-play out their wounds and deaths, both as a tool to inform the other guy when they think they were hit, and to encourage the other fighter to stop swinging at them. Reward and recognize honorable fighting as much as possible, both to point out the right way to do things and to reinforce the rules of honor that underlie this game. I often repeat the mantra that we're all going to die in this game and then get back up and do it again. The more that you emphasize that each fight is less important than how honorable the fighting is, the better. We all get into this game for the competitiveness of it, to one degree or another. While that is something to encourage, just like in "mundane" sports we've got to emphasize that they game has rules and it is no fun when people cheat those rules.
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Postby Barahir Ingem » Thu Jun 19, 2003 12:15 pm

savetuba wrote:My problem is that over 1/2 of my fighters are under the age of 15. How am I suppose to tell them they can't play anymore under my supervission? Or that I can no long have them at the regular practice???

By all means, don't exclude them from practices. Keep them interested and improving, and in a few years, you'll have one heck of a unit.

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Postby Kyrax » Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:32 pm

Barahir of Emyn Uial wrote:
savetuba wrote:My problem is that over 1/2 of my fighters are under the age of 15. How am I suppose to tell them they can't play anymore under my supervission? Or that I can no long have them at the regular practice???

By all means, don't exclude them from practices. Keep them interested and improving, and in a few years, you'll have one heck of a unit.

B of E.U.

Just to clarify, your local chapter can set its own standards as to who is allowed to practice with you. The sixteen year rule is for regional or national events, with any variation from that age limit up to the event organizers.

So encourage those younger folks to make weapons and costumes and join the fun, and when they are old enough they will be scarily good.
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Postby Nor » Sat Jun 21, 2003 7:02 pm

Yeah I totally understand why its 16 and older. But I agree w/ Bahamut. Give the 16 and under some events. I mean it would be totally awesome. But also Not as big as the ones w/ 16 and up. So I dont know either way I'm fine because I'll always have swordfighting. And my dad is taking me to an event next summer to see what its really like that will probably make me see as a 14 year old why it is 16 and up... About the range weapons. I'm deadly w/ them. So dont give me a range weapon( I tend to hit guys places I shouldnt and I dont mean too!) :angel:
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Postby O'Jurek » Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:08 pm

I wish I lived in a fairy-land where 14 year olds were more mature. Then maybe I wouldn't have to crush them under my boot heel when they start getting all * and arogant. :devil:
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Postby O'Jurek » Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 pm

Oh yeah, and the whole "14/15 have to be an archer" thing would be cool to see, too, and stuff.
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Postby Aindreas » Mon Jun 23, 2003 6:31 pm

I've got no problem with the 16 and up rule, im 15 and will be 16 in Dec. I have a job as a lifegaurd so i can pay for supplies and equipment and ill have my driver's license in Oct. I know for sure that in afight i could hold my own against some fighters but I'm possitive that next year ill be much more experianced :monkey:
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Postby Elebrim » Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:26 pm

First: If anyone is interested in an underage combatant competition, drop me or Astarel a note.

Second: Okay, here's my 4.5 cents for the day.

I do agree that, for the most part, the age limit is there for the GENERAL safety of the participants. However, there are exceptions to every rule.

For whoever it was that said a 14 year old could be run down by a 6'4" 250 pounder, My realm has a 14 year old who IS 6'4" 250 lbs. And though most of the realm is under 18, he has been known to run down 23 and 24 year olds in the manner described earlier.

--Point--Physical Proportions are infinitesimally variable, and cannot be overgeneralized.

Another exception is the maturity of the individual. For example, I myself am 15, but have taken more head, groin, and other various debilitating shots than you could fathom. The worst one only knocked me out for two minutes before I got back up (with the exception of the leg that took the brunt of the blow.) It is worthy to note that the fatal blow was delivered by a fourteen year old with a wicked aim. :spear:

A friend of mine that is the same age took and accidental uppercut to the jaw and almost bit off his own tounge, but only took a short water break before continuing to fight. I believe, Radiant, that you were there that day. :axed:

Also, I have seen several 17 year olds in my realm whine about how a shot or hit was illegal because it obscurely applies to X.Y.Z rule in a manner that can only be understood if you read it in a West Ethiopian accent whilst standing on your head. :roll:

--Point--The maturity of any individual can be varied in any manner.

----Overall Point----Participation of an individual should be judged based on how mature and how self-aware the person is over a long period of time. If some kid gets in over another based on maturity, tough. They were found to be unsafe for themself or were found to be mentally not ready for the life of a combatant. Sorry for them, but they'll have to wait until they're 16.
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Postby Tor » Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:42 pm

I remember a great post by someone explaining the way joints and such grow in people, and how damage to said areas at an early age damages them and can cause arthritis and other problems later in life... Anyone know where that post is?
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Postby Emerson Bridges » Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:56 pm

Faline posted the topic about growth plates not fully developed on the first page of this topic.

Mistblood though that would be nice, it is unrealistic. We live in the real world. We cannot test every participant that wants to go to an event for maturity and physical ability.

But as I stated earlier, other more realistic solutions ARE AVAILABLE.

I suggest you read my earlier post if you haven't already.

And what is everyone's opinions about my suggestions anyways?
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Postby Winfang » Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:22 am

At Ragnarok 9 (or something like that) a 12 or 13 year old kid was severly injured while fighting on the field. The shot was a simple up-thrust that would hit and average size person in the thigh. Thankfully the parents of the child were on-hand and the child suffered no permanet damage. War Council imagine if the parents were not on-hand and if there was permanet damage. The event coordinators, the person figthing, heralds, etc. could have sued because of this accident. So to prevent this from happening again they inacted a minimum age limit for national events. They choose 16 because that is the age that people usually recieve a government issused ID so it would be easy to verify the age.
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Postby Emerson Bridges » Thu Jun 26, 2003 4:45 pm

Winfang what do you mean "severly injured"? Did they just get hit in the crotch?

Do people realize how many people sue and how many of those cases are thrown out?

How can you create permanet damage from a foam weapon? Besides perhaps a broken nose, which you can get in any sport. Which isn't really permanent.

I really don't see why some people think this sport is so dangerous. How many people play tackle football in their backyard without any pads AT ALL? I did this when I was 10 and others were 14-15 and I'm a skinny guy.

People keep quoting "one time this happened" and I bet you I can find "one time this happened" for everything. We shouldn't make rules because a freak accident happened.

I've only recently participated in organized foam groups so maybe it is more common that what it appears. If so then I'm in the wrong. But it seems people are exaggerating the dangers of this sport.
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Re: ?

Postby Tor » Fri Jun 27, 2003 7:58 am

Emerson Bridges wrote:Do people realize how many people sue and how many of those cases are thrown out?

Yep, thrown out only after both parties have hired expensive lawyers, set trial dates and waited until a judge somewhere will take time out of his or her busy schedule to do it. :P
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Postby Emerson Bridges » Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:16 am

The plaintiff then pays the court dues I'm not sure about lawyer dues for the defendant though.
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Postby Tor » Sat Jun 28, 2003 2:20 am

What I'm saying is: Why go through the hassle? Just wait until you're 16, then you can fight to your heart's delight.
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Postby Elebrim » Sat Jun 28, 2003 8:03 pm

Where exactly did that kid get hit, anyway? A crotch shot is barely anything, but if the shot went past the leg and hit him somewhere a bit more vital, like his neck or head, then that would be more understandable. And besides, that's just one time. If you stopped everything because of just one time, NASCAR would cease to exist, the internet wouldn't exist, Belegarth would have died LONG ago, Man would not have gone into space, and we would all be Amish. Seriously! Stopping due to one singular incident is plain dumb.

Emerson, I seriously think you may be on to something there. If we could develop a generally acceptable set of guidelines for participants under the age of 16 and have it approved, it would help out tons of people who are perfectly competent to fight but are restricted by age. I'm thinking that both of us have good ideas, you with the physical and legal aspect, me with the mental and emotional aspect. However, what was all the A+B+C and A+C+E stuff you mentioned earlier? I have a feeling they are rule derivatives, but I have no clue what they could stand for.

Anyone still interested in a junior realm battle should contact myself or Astarael.
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Postby Emerson Bridges » Sun Jun 29, 2003 1:54 am

Mistblood, at the begining of each thing I suggested I put A,B,C.. etc. So that way I wouldn't have to repeat myself, when I wanted to refer to each suggestion. Each suggestion simply is refered to by the letter in front of it.

Tor Lynspedet,

Why go through all the hassle you ask? Because they don't want to wait! They want to participate in what we talk about! They don't want to watch they want to FIGHT! AND some of us believe they can fight and keep safety.

I never wanted to wait either. AND I bet you didn't want to wait for participating in 16 and over stuff when you were 14.
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hey- how about...

Postby Satanaka » Sun Jun 29, 2003 7:04 pm

lets change it to 18!
then- if someone does something really stupid- we just let them handle their own problems with the law.
make it 21 so that then we would not have to worry about underage things. You would be a legal adult and responsable for your own actions.

i like this idea..... (smile)

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Postby Emerson Bridges » Tue Jul 01, 2003 11:42 pm

No matter the age they can still sue for injury. It just makes it harder for them to do so. Really, an old lady spilled coffee on herself and she managed to get something out of McDonalds, even though the amount is a non-public amount.

The age is not a HUGE factor in if they can sue or not...

There is no difference between 18 and 21 except for drinking. What really is your point there?

Maybe we should make an age limit because after a point people don't heal as quickly and are not as physically able. How about age 21-25 does that sound good?
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Postby Nor » Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:09 pm

Thats there problem if they sue w/ one shot. I mean its no ones fault really. It just more unlucky. Unless you are intentionally * at the person and want to hurt them then you mean to. But other then that. People dont go around hitting people because they want to. They dont mean to. And if you sue over a stupid shot then thats your problem. I would never sue. Because when I pick up a sword I know of everything that can happen and I go out there wanting to go out there. Knowing what will happen. So personally I think its stupid if you sue someone espically when you know it can happen

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Postby Nor » Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:11 pm

Satanaka- 16 is bad enough for me dude. lets not change it to 18 or 21 :D
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Postby Kyrax » Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:37 pm

Radiant Archangel wrote:Satanaka- 16 is bad enough for me dude. lets not change it to 18 or 21 :D

I think that Satanaka was teasing you. Nobody wants to raise the age limit (or set a top end). But at the same time, incessant whining about the minimum for inter-realm events does get boring.
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Postby Satanaka » Thu Jul 03, 2003 2:28 pm

Kyrax!!!!! >:( you just take all my fun away.

YES!!! I only posted due to the very high amount of silly whinning. The fact that you complain and b*tch about a rule that has been gone over thousands of time by thousands of very smart and experienced people is enough that I do not think you need to be on the battlefield.

The 18 to 21 limit will be for the whinners and people that complain to much.

Well- now that my mast plan to take over the world has been spoiled by Kyrax- I think I will find a way to curse all claives, spears, haleberts, and such weapons that a certain old guy might be using...



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Postby Kyrax » Thu Jul 03, 2003 2:36 pm

'S-okay, and I'll just add rules to make blue weapons hard to weild one-handed while you are holding onto your walker... :P
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Postby Satanaka » Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:34 pm


Then I will use my false teeth as a projectile "yellow" weapon!!!

did you not get the memo???? i was 'gifted' with a flail last Arm. and have been using one 65% of the time.

I was just picking- it is good to know that someone can I.D. when we are just joking.

hint #1: (smile)

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Postby Kyrax » Thu Jul 03, 2003 4:08 pm


A Flail? I'm shocked! :eek:

Why do you need 'skill-on-a-stick'? You're dangerous enough with a single-handed blue sword. Or at least almost as dangerous as I am with a spear or polearm... :angel:

The next portent of the apocolypse will be Kegg in a loincloth fighting with a buckler and dagger!
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Postby Nor » Thu Jul 03, 2003 7:38 pm

I wasnt b*tching or whining about it. I was messing around. I could actually careless if they raised it. More time for me. All I was saying was I wish it was younger.... but now that I think about I dont think I'm ready physically to go to a meet. :angel:
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Postby Elebrim » Sat Jul 05, 2003 10:34 am

I think, Nordir??, that you are highly underestimating the strength of your own realm. Even if a majority of us are still under the age limit now, we are all physically capable of holding our own against other realms. Just because you may not feel yourself ready doesn't mean that you wouldn't be able to fight with just as much spirit and strength as you would need to help the realm, not hold it up by yourself.

That can go for ALL 14-15 year olds. Just because some are slightly less physically mature doesn't mean that they couldn't play a major or minor role in any fight. They can make decisions, shoot an arrow, swing a sword, and know when to quit just as well or better than anyone else over 16. Simply because someone is afraid that they could get into trouble over it doesn't mean the guy/girl didn't know what they were getting into. They read and signed the waiver, they heard all the nasty war stories about arrows breaking through the foam or huge maces ripping off peoples ears or whatever. It's their choice to fight, to put themselves in the way of the several pounds of plastic, foam, and muscle which could always have an obscure chance of killing them at any second. ANYONE COULD GET HURT BAD, NOT JUST THE LITTLE ONES.

Sure, letting 9 and 10 year olds fight is a bad idea, but COME ON!!! 14 and 15 year olds are High Schoolers, for the love of pete!! So are 16, 17 and 18 year olds, and the only thing making the difference is that the older ones have a car. If they can go out, wielding thousands of pounds of deadly steel, plastic, iron, and flammable liquids, then choose to get drunk, crash into a tree or other car, and kill themselves, and are still considered "mature enough" to swing a sword, why can't the younger half swing a sword as well?
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Postby Jed » Sat Jul 05, 2003 11:40 am

Mistblood-how would you know we could hold our own, we haven't faught anyone yet...
You have to draw the line somewere. If you let 14 and 15 year olds fight why not 12 and 13 year olds. If you let them why not 10 and 11? Pretty soon you and up with a game were there are so many small children out there that the fighting has no point. People would leave to start a new group and leave Blegarth to be a liddle kid version of the real thing. I don't want that, you don't want that. Have patience. You'll get your chance. Do you know the saying "all good things come to those who wait"?
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Postby Demon » Sat Jul 05, 2003 11:30 pm

I think that if you belive that you can understand the risk that you are encroching apon, then so be my guest, but i wouldn't be so apt for letting pre-teens/adolesence's(9-13) join...-can/will they understand the consequences that they are embarking apon? Will/Can they accept the responciblity that is placed apon them after they sign the waiver?....thus i belive it to be a case-by-case issue; if they (being 14/15) act responcible, and show on and off the field, .. so the only advice i could give would be to watch that player... if they show positive qualities about the sport in pretence and as well as in action that present themselves, then they are welcome.
....I waited untill I was 16 before I joined-but lol i am only 5'11 * lbs, and still feel inferior to my friends(most are on average 6'+) whom i fight against, even though i am one of the older (18 ) and more experienced fighters of the group.

...on a sidenote, do i know you mistblood?
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Postby Thorondor » Sat Jul 05, 2003 11:58 pm

You have to look at it in the way of the national field. I wear around 40-50 lbs of armor and even fully armored I weigh 225ish...compared to some people who fight, I'm tiny...compared to others, I'm pretty big. If we get a 14-15 yr old out who is small compared to me and he gets shield bashed (fully legal attack) by someone that's twice his size, there could be possible injuries. Then there could be joint problems because they aren't fully developed, etc. Then we got lawsuits, etc on our hands...

Plus finding insurance is easier if we are over 16...

Don't look at it in the individual case, look at it overall.

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Postby Emerson Bridges » Sun Jul 06, 2003 1:11 am

Ok, in the SCA you must take a test to fight in anything other than practices and fight with anything other than a sword and shield(kinda for only sword and shield).

Could we do something like that for 14 and 15 year olds? They have to have say 30 hours of practice(signed by an older fighter) and pass a test(at an event) to get an ok. I don't think this would be an incredable pain, seeing that the SCA does it for EVERY fighter. Once they passed they have a card and don't need to be tested.

The test would consist of asking them all the different weapon types and the rules and target areas. Then you have them fight some one on one combat. The fighter they fight would be an experienced one that is supposed to do several things to test the safety of the tested. The tested would be watched by 3 heralds who would decide if they pass or not.

You could go so far to test them AND require them to wear safety gear and only be a missle weapon wielder. Missle weapon wielders don't get shield bashed, don't get grappled because you don't need to do that to kill them. It might happen accidentatly.

But the question is, nationaly how many 14/15 year olds could make it to an event? I mean if there is a large number, it should be more seriously thought about. But if it is 20 or so... then maybe it isn't a big deal.
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Postby Demon » Sun Jul 06, 2003 1:44 am

true on the insurance issue, but arent most people at this age (14/15) still under the coverage of their parents? and also i am for the 16 rule for fighters at a national event, i was just stating for practices on at a non-national event. (i.e local events/practices...-sorry i should have been more specific.)

question: what would you say would be about the avg. height/weight for people at national events(this has no bearing on anything-just curious.)

o0 (the testing idea is also a good one-it also makes you a more versitile fighter and at the same time, well versed in the rules as well.)
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Postby Nor » Sun Jul 06, 2003 10:04 pm

Okay 14/15 year olds can hold their own to some extent... but we're not as experienced... so I'll wait... I can be patient

As for the lawsuits. I think that anyone that puts a lawsuit against this is just plan stupid. For the reason of. You picked up the sword. You know every consequence that can happen to you. Or you should. If you dont, dont pick up the sword.
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Postby Darstab » Mon Jul 07, 2003 11:32 am

Nordir?? wrote:As for the lawsuits. I think that anyone that puts a lawsuit against this is just plan stupid. For the reason of. You picked up the sword. You know every consequence that can happen to you. Or you should. If you dont, dont pick up the sword.

The thing is that with the minors it would be thier parents sueing not them and they have no control over their parrents.
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Postby Sorcia » Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:14 am

This subjest has been rolled out time and time again to be beaten and misunderstood.

Young kids...WAIT!!! Why are you in such a rush to get on the field and get your body screwed up? Ask anyone who has been in this for a long time to tell you all the injuries they've had in the past and then find out how many of the injuries have turned into lifelong problems. Fight on the side with people of your own age and spar with older people for training. In a few years you will be one of the more advanced 16 year olds on the field.

Old folks...Children do not belong on the field at any time. I can't even think about a 10 or 11 year old on the field. It is our responsibility to keep with the 16 age restriction. If it changes to 14, 12 year olds will say that they are old enough because there is no diffrence between 12 and 14. Then 10 year olds will get ideas. STOP IT BEFORE IT GETS OUT OF CONTROL!!! 16 on the field!


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Postby Jed » Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:31 am

I agree with you Sorcia. Waiting isn't that big of a deal. You can practice with other young people till your 16 then go participate.

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Postby Ruri » Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:49 pm

bahamunt wrote:if 14 15 year olds could only use ranged weapons i would be okay with it. it would also be cool to just have junior regements where only 14 15 year olds could fight.

im VERY small with a waight of about 96 pounds. i woulndnt want anyone to go easy on me becouse of this. i dont do well in close rang battels is thats why i archery becouse i can use it proberly and efficiently so if a 14 yrold can think like that i dont see why they cant battle. but i can also see werre your coming from so it all depends on the kid
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Postby Nor » Thu Jul 10, 2003 6:54 pm

I dont mind waiting. I need to be a better sword fighter anyway....... I'm not that great and I need a few years to actually be a better fighter. So I'm all for waiting. I'm just wishing sometimes I could go and fight w/ people that have been fighting for like ever...... It gives me more exp and it tells me more of what im up against... ;)

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RE :Ok, enough already

Postby Calarn the Black » Thu Jul 10, 2003 9:00 pm

Enough already. If you're under 16, and you really want to fight, talk to your local realm and your parents. This isn't that difficult to understand, and I'm trying not to sound like a total * here, but for god's sake people, I've seen this kind of posting three times since I joined, and that was October of last year!! ENOUGH!!
(Sorry, had a stressful day)
And for those of you young ones who are curious, I'm 19, I was 18 when I joined, and if you're 14 and want to fight, good...have fun with your buddies. You'd be surprised how much satisfaction is to be had in beating down your best friends. :devil:
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Postby Nor » Thu Jul 10, 2003 11:11 pm

Calarn the Black- Your right its extremely pleasing to knock the shyt outta your buddie I enjoy it espically when some of them are major butts to you. Yep its great... And I'm sorry you had a stressful day its alright it happens to us all hope you have a better day

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Postby Satanaka » Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:27 am

Kyrax you are truly a sick person!!!! hehehehehehe

to think that Keg would use a buckler!!!!

I guess it is the old age thing- having to adapt to being rolled around in a wheel chair, taking short naps during "holds" and having someone pre-chew my food.

yeah- few more years and I'll have to start archery...

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Postby Sir Beak » Wed Jul 16, 2003 1:52 pm

i vote yes simply because im 15 but i think some 14 and 15 year olds should b able to participate, but not all becuase i do agree that some underaged fighters are inmature and shouldnt fight
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