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Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:17 am
by Kauramnast
It's pretty basic, the sketches are all i have for now while i wait for the steel to come in. A veteran blacksmith from the local amtgard group is helping free of charge so he can add it to his portfolio for his armory website.

(not entirely sure of the image quality, posting this on an iphone)
Original concept art;
( that's right, chubby on paper, chubby in real life XD )

Final draft;

Got ahold of some cardboard boxes so i'm going to flesh it out 2 or 3 times before we start working the steel. When i finish the last mock up i'll post pictures of it, and by that time i should have already started on some of the smaller plates so i'll post pictures of the pieces as they are produced. The armor is going to be mostly silver with red trim. Using ender's guide for the horns.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:35 am
by Cade
If you are planning on doing all of that armor in steel, the horns, knees, and elbows will not be legal. The knees and elbows need to be made out of leather, and the horns probably foam.

How long have you been fighting?

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:40 am
by Kauramnast
Kauramnast wrote:Using ender's guide for the horns.

Horns are foam, what's wrong with the elbows and knees? I can just take the cops out of the pattern, i just thought it was legit if they were penny round, but i guess some one could catch a snag on them. Thanks for the tips.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:35 am
by Embara Cayosin
rule 3.8. Prohibited Armor:

3.8.1. Rigid Metal knee or elbow Armor (cops).
3.8.2. Rigid Metal full Helmet. Partial Rigid Metal Helmet as well as full Helmet made of any other Armor materials are allowed.
3.8.3. Rigid Metal hand Armor.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:41 am
by Kauramnast
Yeah, i glanced back over the rule book when i was first brought to my attention, thanks though!

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:57 am
by Forkbeard
look very modern or postapocolyptic.
Some kind of football/videogame thing.
You should spend some time fighting before making major decisions about armor.
What you're brain thinks will look cool and be comfortable is often a long way from what is actually wearable all day while playing intense contact sports.
Take you time thinking about this before spending money and TIME on making armor.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:06 am
by Soo Ma Tai
I agree with FB, I have a full set of armor I almost never wear. Not because it sux or is uncomfortable, I just prefer to fight without. You'll spend a lot of money and time to make a full suit of metal armor, and then may not even like it. I would suggest you fight for one season (summer) before sinking money into armor, but that is just me. YMMV. Good luck and welcome to the game!

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:37 am
by Caleidah
Soo Ma Tai wrote:I would suggest you fight for one season (summer) before sinking money into armor, but that is just me. YMMV. Good luck and welcome to the game!


Taking some time before making your armor will help you learn more about how you move while fighting. That will lead to armor eventually fitting better and being more mobile.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:04 pm
by Kauramnast
I've been fighting in the sca for 6 years, if i seem fresh it's becauase i'm new to foam, but not combat. People in sca hit like trucks so if you sustain a sunstantial wound thqt takes you out of the game, in my case, a broken collar bone, you tend to try something new.

What i favor about this armor layout is how flexible it is and how well it breaths, not to mention once you take a defensive stance you're like a brick wall. It's modled after my first sca gearset.

It DOES look modern though, so i'm going to spend some time buried in my sketchbook tomorrow seeinng if that can't be helped.

It actually all depends on what group i join, closest within a reasonable distance is amtgard ( lives in southwest louisiana ). If i did join a group like amtgard i think the modern look would dip more into the "fantasy gear" style than anything.

Great criticism and tips, that's what i'm here for, keep it coming!

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:27 pm
by Caleidah
Best things I can think of to help with the modern look would be the breastplate and boots. Make the breastplate solid and have it overlap the stomach pieces, and alter the boots. No real suggestions there.

It looks like you snagged inspiration for it from a mix of FFXII and Gears of War.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:40 pm
by Arrakis
Research historical armor. Hit up the Armor Archive. They'll help. They'll only be a little more condescending than us, too.

The torso needs to be reworked. I'd do a corrazina or a covered breastplate if I were you. Also, the shoulders are too big to function, the sabatons look like they might fit Bugs Bunny, and I hope you're not planning on actually trying to make finger gauntlets on your first project.

The way you've drawn that makes me think you never really wore steel in the SCA, but instead wore a lot of hockey/motocross padding and plastic.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:57 pm
by Kauramnast
I did a complete overhaul on reworking the armor. Pics will be up soon, dipped into a 16th century style while keeping key items that i wantwd to see in the armour regardless of the criticism i recieved, all of it was acceptable, there were just certain things i wouldn't change because it would take away from it being a unique piece.

Head- unhanged
Shoulders- completely reworked
Arms- completely reworked; elbow cops removed
Chest- reworked, but still modified at the waist for the kidney belt.
Legs- unchanged
Feet- unchanged; they looked modern because i wear combat boots irl, the combat boots will be visible when the armor is completed because if i tried to cover them completely it would just mean more cleaning maintanence. I don't wear steel to be pretty, i wear it because steel can win or lose a fight.
Gloves- unchanged; arrakis, an experienced blacksmith is helping me build them, otherwise i would never attempt at a first try and nor should anyobe else.

Again, updated pictures soon, thanks for the replies.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:23 pm
by Caleidah
Steel won't win or lose you a fight over leather, broseph. The latter will also be more flexible and forgiving. If you're dead set on steel, though, be my guest.

Re: Starting an Armor project.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:11 am
by Geshtal
Kauramnast wrote: closest within a reasonable distance is amtgard

If this is the case steel does give him a bit of an added advantage despite the weight and rigidness i wanna say, what?, 5 extra hits on limbs covered.
But don't forget you'll have to level up your character class before you can use it on the field