New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

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New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:25 am

So yeah...Raise your hand if you are or you know anyone along the race of "neko", lizardmen, weres, anything with fur or scales.
*Raises hand*
There are few of us among the orcs, the pinkies, elves, even sprites (fact check? lol). What I'm looking to do is to have a unified, mercenary (for now) unit for beastfolk. So again if you or anyone you know has fur or scales (not literally) try to bring up this unit (Untamed).

If I get enough replies I'll make it official and see where it goes.
Feel free to pm me too.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Black Cat » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:49 am

I'm a yokai neko. A 'catboy' form of the nekomata, to be more specific. My current and desired equipment, garb, and armor is primarily Feudal Japanese with some Fantasy Gothic elements mixed in.

The monsters in Belegarth consider me a 'pinky', but 'pinkies' in most fantasy and virtually all historical settings would consider me a type of monster and/or demon. Also, my character eats Skaven for dinner on occasion, and none but the bravest and most iron-stomached 'pinkies' would even consider eating such a foul, pestilent creature, let alone find it appetizing.

FYI, Lizardmen are actually considered monsters, or at least close enough to being a monster to be eligible for membership in Horde.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Rasheab » Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:55 am

Mmmm, furry stigma. *stands a goodly distance away*

But no, none out in our neck of the woods that I know of. Besides the furry stigma, I think this is a rather nifty idea (I like the idea of a band of mercenary cat people visually in my head; though after playing NERO I'm not sure if I like the idea in real life).

Good luck.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:59 am

I am a lycan, and while I like the Idea, I don't think it's going to get far with a vague description like that. can you be more specific. and yes lizard men are out, because to my knowledge both of them are in horde. keep it closed to the people like us. Further more, I'm so not going to join a Unit that has a furry/anime/bouncy/happy-go-lucky mentality. I am/have one. and while off the field that's fine, but when I'm on the field it's all business. And what about politics? Symbols? Belt Flags?

I'm sorry that this might be overwhelming, but it's a good Idea and I do support it. (infact I was going to get into making one later) I just would hate to see this good Idea be thrown into the dump.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:58 pm

Well actually Tails. After seeing this is a interesting idea by others. I'm willing to spill the details.

And yeah, the whole Lizardmen part was mostly to broaden membership, but so far it looks like only furry-type are the only one's replying.(with the few exceptions)
The most important part being the name. Untamed, it's a pretty good descriptive one word name. We may be animals, but we are not domesticated house pets.
And the mentality part, very good point. I plan on enforcing a serious battle mentality. Which means we operate orderly, don't complain about the little things, fight hard and never back down. I mean I Belegarth to fight, not run and mess around (most of the time *guilty*).
During peace time though...yeah, you can pretty much be that happy-go-lucky anime fur.
As far a politics go, as of right now we are aligned with The Reavers...which I believe have an alliance with the Uruk-Hai. And I only say that because I'm, as of right now, a Reaver. But if I can get a good enough following, The Untamed will be a full time unit.

Our symbol I'll probably post that a little bit later, I just need to find it. But here's a quick description. A square-esque shape with a paw(with claws) on top of it. My personal symbol which will probably be incorporated into the unit symbol is a four stripe chevron with a paw(again with claws...gotta have claws) on top.
As far a belt flags go and color scheme, our base color I'm thinking will be gray. A requirement for everyone's garb maybe. The flag would be gray with what ever color you're "fur" would be. Like for me, Panthera Tigris, I'd have the gray with black and orange.
I don't know, we'll have to debate about those.

Thats all I can think of right now. Thank you Tails for asking for details and no it's not overwhelming...I actually didn't want to make it over whelming at the start. I'll TAKE ANYONE'S INPUT for suggestions and ideas.

Black Cat
I've heard stories about you...
If you're interested just say so and we'll get things worked out.

Furry Stigma, eh?
Meh...thanks for the support. And yeah, I haven't heard much about something like what I'm trying to pull together. It's different and undoubtedly will get a few stares and so on.

Start spreading the word and start coming up with suggestions and ideas to further develop The Untamed. AND most importantly, if you want in say so. At this point you probably won't be turned down.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:09 pm

Oh hey guess what? I found my emblem. Tell me what you think? I'm thinking about having the number of stripes being a ranking sort of thing. This is just a black and white sketch I did years ago, but it hasn't changed much.
Tell me what you think?
LINK to pic
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Quickie » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:45 pm

is this a full on fighting unit? or is it more of a colaboration or grouping of the alt. monsters out there?
you see, i already have a unit that im trying to get started. i'm very partial to it...
but this does interests me quite a bit. point being if i can be in both i'm all for it.
Last edited by Quickie on Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:57 pm

Well Quickie fist off welcome to The Untamed and what might your unit be? We might be able to help each other out.
Fighting is nice and will be a big center point for my unit. But yeah, it's more or less a group for all the alt. monsters, targeting the therianthrope (animal-human) races mostly. Like at events we'll have our own kind of camp and hang out and relax during our down time. I personally think a good unit is one that loves to fight and loves to hang out.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Black Cat » Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:24 am

I'm interested.

I can't think of any ideas for the unit right now, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

My subspecies is 'Felis chaus', but my full-cat form is within the same size and build range as a Leopard. This is because 'Nekomata' of any type are always several orders of magnitude larger than their 'base' species, with the strength and agility to match their larger size. My fur type and pattern is jet black. (melanistic) My full-cat form has wings, but my 'human' form does not.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Quickie » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:31 am

it's a small unit... based out of the people i originally started fighting with. its called jester court. it's not big and it's not quite respected, but mine and my group's idea's will definately make it unique and hopefully more reknowned.
the problem is im pretty loyal to them, so switch'n up isnt much of and option.

also the symbol needs a bit of refining. i can draw up a mock one if its good with you.
PM me an i get sumting going.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Orkin » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:14 pm

I am curious about this. In combat would you be any different than someone in a particular costume doing boffer combat? I mean would you be allowed special weapons and armor bonuses?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Spike » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:19 pm

Orkin wrote:I mean would you be allowed special weapons and armor bonuses?

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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:29 pm

Quickie wrote:also the symbol needs a bit of refining. i can draw up a mock one if its good with you.
PM me an i get sumting going.

Agreed, when I asked about politics i didn't mean alliances, What I ment is is there is a inter unit problem how would we solve it. would it be a monarchy like the kobald? a completer democracy (everyone has a vote "big or small") elder vote system? (like the top 5 vote)

Which brings me to another question, would their be a ranking system? I think that their should, because it promotes growth.

As you can see I am quite interested in this and would love to have a claw in this. (hurray for bad puns)

are you guys located midwest? West? south? east? north? wut?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Sir Guts » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:37 pm

sounds like a 'we wanna be like horde but arent quite as badass' group. It's ok to try n mimic us. We r that cool.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Quickie » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:44 pm

ok... so here is my thing. i like this idea so far. i've been big on the whole loupe garou shamanistic shapeshifter ****, but i've never explored it that much. this would be great for me to do that, but the idea of a sole unit dedicated to alt. monster persona's is going to limit it alot and make it seem elitist. i think that this would work better as an adandum or an "extra" unit. say they have night meetings, and have to fight with them for one unit battle during the event (if not more) but are still allowed to be in there seprete units. the unit can also have special ceramonies, etc. as well as an indepth heirarchy

eeach wrote:Reading all the Native American tribe / werewolf pack relationship stuff got me thinking ...a knights trial for like title of 'werewolf' but keeping it secret, where it is almost a cult like entity within the unit, would be a good way to go. It puts some people in the know and that you could talk straight to about 'wolf things' but at the same time keeps you from looking stupid to the public at large because the 'who is who' of the 'werewolf community' is a tightly kept secret. Telling werewolf legends around the fire during the nightlife becomes a sort of oral history and also keeps it in the context of 'legend'. 'Werewolves' then become mentors for the group which would split up into 'packs' of 4 to 6 members each lead (theoretically) by a werewolf. This also allows you to be exclusive... kicking members that cannot keep their mouth shut and all the cool info on the DL out of the group.

something along those line but more open. either way keeping is so closed is going to shut the door on alot of people since most of em are in very big units like hellhammer and horde.
with that said this could be really cool especially if you can get the bigger names of us to suppot it. and i'll work on a logo. (hope this doesnt offend you)
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:15 pm

Im going to second everything that Quickie said, even the "with that said this could be really cool especially if you can get the bigger names of us to suppot it."

Now then there is a series of books by Laurel K Hamilton what has a sub plot running through all of the books in her series that describe the inter workings of the shapshifters, and how they work things out between themselves and such. I'm going to dig it up and see what I can find.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:20 pm

teh Guts wrote:sounds like a 'we wanna be like horde but arent quite as badass' group. It's ok to try n mimic us. We r that cool.

I loled that Guts thinks he's cool, and not a cookie-cutter-copy of the better members of horde.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Quickie » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:31 pm

don't ripp on guts he had a valid point.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:38 pm

so it would be another monster unit. if i made another human unit dose that mean it's a copy of House Dregoth?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Juicer » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:52 pm

Tails wrote:
teh Guts wrote:sounds like a 'we wanna be like horde but arent quite as badass' group. It's ok to try n mimic us. We r that cool.

I loled that Guts thinks he's cool, and not a cookie-cutter-copy of the better members of horde.

just out of curiosity, who exactly is Guts a copy of?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:57 pm

Juicer wrote: just out of curiosity, who exactly is Guts a copy of?

If I had to pick, (and I was just being argumentative) I'd say the defective, right-handed version, of Jesus.

I really should work on my online temper, it gets me into situations like this, but like I said, just because there is only one monster unit, dose that mean that if another one comes up out of the dirt, it is just a copy of the first one? Besides arn't we trying to classify this as a sub unit? correct me if i am wrong.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Juicer » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:13 am

By all means, make your unit. And Horde isn't the only monster unit. Uruk-hai are all monsters. A lot of Hellhammer. I'm sure there are others...

hehe... defective jesus... lawlz.
Zwei ap Owen wrote:Juicer sho' nuff loves tuh shuffle.


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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Sir Guts » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:30 am

defective that makes me satan?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Quickie » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:39 am

Juicer wrote:By all means, make your unit....

i can't tell if this is sarcasm.

and yes juicer you are the devil. :angel:
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Dane » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:09 am

This thread makes me smile.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:03 am

Looks like everyone is enjoying this or finding amusement. It's what I do XD

Tails wrote:Agreed, when I asked about politics i didn't mean alliances, What I ment is is there is a inter unit problem how would we solve it. would it be a monarchy like the kobald? a completer democracy (everyone has a vote "big or small") elder vote system? (like the top 5 vote) forgot communistic/dictatorial. Nah...that'd be too mean and controlling. I was thinking something like a tribal council. A number of top officers and of course the royalty figure(s). (Which really does bring up ranks)

Tails wrote:Which brings me to another question, would their be a ranking system? I think that their should, because it promotes growth.

Of course there will be a ranking system. But really it'd depend on membership kind of thing as far as number of ranks and how/how hard it is to get ranks.

Tails wrote:As you can see I am quite interested in this and would love to have a claw in this. (hurray for bad puns)

I love bad puns, and this could use all the support it can get.

Tails*again* wrote:are you guys located midwest? West? south? east? north? wut?

We're located in the pacific northwest pretty much. In the state of Idaho, its south of Boise.

Quickie wrote:his would be great for me to do that, but the idea of a sole unit dedicated to alt. monster persona's is going to limit it alot and make it seem elitist. i think that this would work better as an adandum or an "extra" unit. say they have night meetings, and have to fight with them for one unit battle during the event (if not more) but are still allowed to be in there seprete units. the unit can also have special ceramonies, etc. as well as an indepth heirarchy

Quicky, good point. It'd be nice to have this as a dedicated unit. But yeah, a lot of the older fighters already have a unit to call home. So yeah, having "honorary" members that are in different units that could also help recruit newer members or novice members who haven't declared themselves. A possibility.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:23 am

Yeah, yeah...So what if I'm copying Horde. It's a compliment of sorts XD Trying to be like them...ahhhh how I love the smell of uncertainty.
Monsters rule!
Juicer wrote:By all means, make your unit. And Horde isn't the only monster unit. Uruk-hai are all monsters. A lot of Hellhammer. I'm sure there are others...

hehe... defective jesus... lawlz.

I should know. Chaos Wars XII. Pirate Camp was in the bushes next to Uruk-Hai Camp. They're definitely Orcs (orc=monster...yay explanation for noob).'re one crazy * too. It's awesome!
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:28 am

eeach wrote:Reading all the Native American tribe / werewolf pack relationship stuff got me thinking ...a knights trial for like title of 'werewolf' but keeping it secret, where it is almost a cult like entity within the unit, would be a good way to go. It puts some people in the know and that you could talk straight to about 'wolf things' but at the same time keeps you from looking stupid to the public at large because the 'who is who' of the 'werewolf community' is a tightly kept secret. Telling werewolf legends around the fire during the nightlife becomes a sort of oral history and also keeps it in the context of 'legend'. 'Werewolves' then become mentors for the group which would split up into 'packs' of 4 to 6 members each lead (theoretically) by a werewolf. This also allows you to be exclusive... kicking members that cannot keep their mouth shut and all the cool info on the DL out of the group.

This is a really good Idea that I highly recommend implementing, but not solely wolf.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Quickie » Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:54 am

yes please... :target:
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:57 am

Going to try and organize the thoughts that seem to be accepted so far (anything in "()" is something I will trow in I thought would work), again correct me if I am wrong.

1) Sub unit, so that when time comes for unit battles, X ammount of unit battles must be fought for "untaimed"

2) Ranking system, that will be secretive. (Top x will be the Inner circle and will vote on nessisary items, again, depending on amounts of members.)

3) Shapeshifters only and other deamons of that sort.

4) Belt flag and symbol still inprocess.

Im missing something.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Spike » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:13 pm

For the record, I do not, nor will I ever, consider shape shifters to be monsters in any way, shape, or form.

Monsterdom in it's purest undiluted form is beautiful. Anything else is just a quirky pinky and needs put out of my misery.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:36 pm

lol, monsters consider us pinkys, pinkys consider us monsters. at this point I don't it really matters anymore, spike.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Orkin » Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:41 pm

Spike wrote:
Orkin wrote:I mean would you be allowed special weapons and armor bonuses?


So, to squeeze some meaning out of your lengthy reply... ;)
It's just a matter of costumes and personas, and does not affect gameplay.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Mekoot Rowan » Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:16 pm

You're spot on there Orkin. There is no class or race system written into the belegarth rules. People who choose to be one race or another do so for their own enjoyment and no other reason.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Juicer » Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:56 pm

Rowan wrote:You're spot on there Orkin. There is no class or race system written into the belegarth rules. People who choose to be one race or another do so for their own enjoyment and no other reason.

Except me. I was forced.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Orkin » Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:07 pm

Rowan wrote:You're spot on there Orkin. There is no class or race system written into the belegarth rules. People who choose to be one race or another do so for their own enjoyment and no other reason.

I was hoping to play a rhinoceros. :(
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:10 pm

Heh...rhino. Take your hits.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Rasheab » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:00 pm

So I had a couple of questions, which appear to have already been answered:

1. Based out of where? A: Southern Idaho (good for Chaos Wars)

2. So are only demons and animal people allowed, or "shapeshifters" of all sorts? A: Animal folks, Shapeshifters, and other "not human, not monster" personas (appears to be the answer).

Sure, why not; I'll play. I'll throw a "wolf skin" into my gear for Chaos Wars, pop some alkazelter pills before battle, and pick me up a big sword. Sounds like it could be fun.

Couple of potential critiques:

1. Don't call the leadership "werewolves." It's offensive to non-wolves, and sounds silly. (At least don't do it in english.)

2. No serious references to Laura K Hamilton's porn novels.

3. Definitely need to give members the option of having membership in other units. (Otherwise your shooting youself in the foot, both membership wise and being the new group.) But should require a "couple" of battles a day to be fought with this unit (otherwise, what's the point?) which can be figured out ahead of time.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:21 pm

Rasheab wrote:1. Don't call the leadership "werewolves." It's offensive to non-wolves, and sounds silly. (At least don't do it in english.)

with the leadership as "werewolfs" I tried to comment and say that
Tails wrote:This is a really good Idea that I highly recommend implementing, but not solely wolf.

When I said solely not wolfs that's what I meant sorry for the confusion.

Rasheab wrote: 2. No serious references to Laura K Hamilton's porn novels.

I loled, but yeah no serious references to the novel. I went through to try to find what I was looking for, and while it was/is a good Idea, it'd only work for a big group more then we will ever hope to pull.

now I have to throw a question out here. I am in Midwest, and making it to chaos wars is almost out of the question with the funds I have available to me, but I obviously want to have a hand in this. What dose it mean to be "Based out of the west"

Also I am no artist in any way, but I drew this sketch while I was bored on break at work. What do you think? Give you any ideas?


the Idea is to have a tear with an eye looking through.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Rose » Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:33 pm

I have a suggestion for how Untamed could fight together and avoid unit discrepancies. Again, this is only a suggestion, and I take no offense if it's unanimously turned down.

What if, during cut-throat, there's a temporary alliance if you meet up on the field? Untamed would team up to take down other fighters, and only towards the very end, verbally agree that the truce is over and fight one another. Kind of a pack/pride/pod mentality that you defend one another, but remains cut-throat in the end.

During line battles, any Untamed would group up and fight in close proximity to one another. It's a line battle, so even though unit members tend to group together, no one should really mind if you move elsewhere in the line.

I also have been in a drawing/avoid studying mood, so I drew up a paw print with Native American touches. If someone could PM me on how to insert an image into the thread. I can easily draw up another one, so if anyone has suggestions or ideas that they'd like to see represented, I can draw up more concepts.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Rose » Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:08 pm

Ok, so here's what I was distracting my studies with. I used the artwork I found online as a heavy influence, so I'll continue working on it to make it 100% original if people like it. Anything people want to see concept wise, let me know and I'll figure something out. I am currently drafting a second image that could potentially make beltflags more person specific, with a base image and then a second one people can layer depending what shifter they prefer. Again, in a Native American style.

So even with the help, I wasn't able to figure out the image insert part, so here's a link to it instead. ... =517545023
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Rasheab » Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:12 pm

:( Photobucket is your friend, fyi (or some other random image hosting website). Facebook wants me to log in. *grrrr* Needless to say, not an option.

So could you explain your idea for the quasy personalized belt flags a bit more? I like what I think your saying, but I want to make sure I'm not projecting.

Tails: my post wasn't necessarily directed at you. If we both agree on the subject, then just consider what I said to be an elaborate way of saying "seconded." I just wanted to make sure that point got across to the organizer(s).
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:09 pm

ok, I am just trying to get a feel for what we all agreed for. I'd love for nothing more then a unit I could call my own (not that I'd own it, that I belong to) even if is just a sub unit it would be amazing. What about everyone else?

Black Cat?
Anyone else?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Rasheab » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:45 pm

I think it definitely has potential. I've always liked the mythos/metaphysics behind "shifter" type stuff, and the idea is open ended enough to give alot of flexibility.

Anyway, I'm heading to Chaos Wars this year, which sounds like it will work with this project. I'll keep listening in to see what develops.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:08 pm

Thanks for all the support. I think I'll be making somewhat of a debut at the event held here. Manatherin. It's a small weekend event.
Anyway, if this progresses enough to where we, the unit, can make it to Chaos that would be awesome.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:21 pm

why don't we discuss further on this matter? or would you rather it be in person?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Rose » Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:19 am

I'll start up a photobucket or flickr thing soon. I wasn't sure if the FB links would work. Were other people unable to access it?

For a more personalized belt flag, my current idea is to have a basic paw print, maybe a little something else with it like a ring and triangles. Depending on what shifter/werecreature people prefer, I'll also draw up an animal icon that would layer on top of it. I know people here are into the charismatic megafauna, but I intend to draw an animal icon for a cat, fox, wolf, bear bird, otter/weasel, lizard and stag. This icon could fit inside the paw, or be offset for a more complex image. Depending on people's preference, you could probably put up to three icons on your flag. I'll draw up some drafts and get a photobucket thing going.

There could also be something to deal with rank (Nekka, you mentioned stripes, I believe).

Tails, what were you thinking about a personal belt flag?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:41 am

Rose wrote: There could also be something to deal with rank (Nekka, you mentioned stripes, I believe).

Tails, what were you thinking about a personal belt flag?

As far as ranks, if we want to do the secrecy thing, which I still think is a great idea, putting our ranks on our belt flags would kinda counter productive.

What I was thinking, as far as belt flags? Two layers of cloth, the top one black and the one underneath is red, with maybe a slash or two in the top cloth so that the tear would show through to the cloth behind it. and then maybe stitch a canine eye/feline eye on the second cloth. so that you have a normal black belt cloth but "tearing out of it" is a beast, with red in the background. I thought that would be a unique and simple way to do something cool looking, but that's just me.

*add* I also had a similar idea except it is three slashes on a diagonal, with the red underneath. Make sense?
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Nekka » Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:46 am thats sounds etcentric. I'm still kind of new when it comes to fabric working. If you can come up with a visual mock up that'd be excelent. If we get enough then we can have a vote or something.

As for the stripes thing I was talking about. It's kind of like the military ranks. Like this many stripes on the chevron is this rank. It's either that or we do something with claws. But that'd be wierd. I really should work on some of my own ideas.
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Re: New Beast Unit? (Untamed)

Postby Tails » Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:21 am


Something like this, granted this is a rough draft, but I think it would be a simple and sharp design. Three layers. First black, then red, then black with claw marks.
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