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I probably just lost all Dagorhir in Puerto Rico

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:16 am
by Outhro Youkker
Well, once again, the Wyvern Clan Dushbag has done something new to me. :goblin:
Probably cant fight Dagorhir in PR anymore. :unsure:

I will see if I can redeam myself to stay in.
or my other choices of getting him permabanned for the better good of the game.(Even if I get kicked from Dag too, it is a sacrifice I am willing to make) :angel:

:?: What exactly is Malecius Recruitment?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:51 pm
by Spike
Sounds like you were actively trying to recruit his people away from him because you have a personal vendetta against him.

Trying to get him banned from the game won't do you any good anyways.

If he infact is a douchebag, then your best bet is to do your own thing, establish your own group, and hope that word spread in your community is that you are more worth fighting with by far.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:58 pm
by Elebrim
Spike wrote:If he infact is a douchebag, then your best bet is to do your own thing, establish your own group, and hope that word spread in your community is that you are more worth fighting with by far.

Quoted for truth.

If there are enough willing fighters in the community, two realms are better than one, or none. Also, there's always the hope that winds will shift and people will be able to work together in the future.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:11 pm
by Outhro Youkker
In august, whenever I started, there was only 1 unit, Douchbag's unit. His numbers grew very quickly with the help of my recruiting to his field.
In december I was banned from practices because of "Malecius Recruitment"
There is only one Unit in the realm, what was I going to be recruiting people for? Plus why would I wanted to take the same people I just put there? There was no other Unit, he wanted to ban me anyways.
End of december I wanted to make my own team in the town I am living in, he banned me for not telling him any information about the unit and who was in it. At that time and still now, I am the Goblin Unit of ONE. His main reason for banning me was because I choose to NOT be one of his SubUnits like all the other new ones that were beggining.

I have tried making my own, but the stupid REALM rule of the amount of MILES per REALM, is stupid, because by him making the realm, there is no space for any other. If I make any unit/realm or whatever of Dagorhir in Puerto Rico, he has to have a say in it. The rules prevent anybody to get away from him.

I have invited people to have extra days of fighting if they wanted. That is all I did. They get to keep their Unitname, they dont join me, they just show up.
My plan was to make my field a marketplace of different visiting fighters from different units besided my own. Plus mostly talking and trading information about weapons/garb/shield/armor making.
That was my plan.
Now it is pure Belegarth. Tomorow I take a break to go visit the University close to my apartment to talk to some people for recruitment in my area, then go early to my university to grab the papers for making a realm in the university. The University will be made selfsuficient and will not need me. The realm in my town will be my goblin traders. Anybody can visit, even from Dag.

If I ever make it to Ragnarok, I have talked long ago to a few unit leaders that have invited me and any who are with me to fight with them.

I am not going to sweat the loss of Dagorhir in Puerto Rico. Now it gives me more time to think of other things than trying to help screwed up units that have been bribed with free weapons from the Douchbag.

I even feel releaved. No more crap from him, no more stupidity from hit lemmings. If they need my help again, they will have to go find me.
I now have a clear path for building my barbaric wave of goblins. :goblin: :D

Thanks for the spelling of douchebag

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:48 pm
by Outhro Youkker
Sorry about my venting.
This is the only subject that realy has me wanting to scream in a conversation.
I even have urges to talk on the phone to vent there too... and I dont use my phone much :(

I will get this out of my system away from the forums so that nobody has to hear my continued complaining

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:44 pm
by Sir_Mel
Good, cause this is gettin annoying.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:56 am
by Elwrath
keep going as long as you want bud...everyone needs an outlet and some forget that they don't have to read the forum if they don't want to listen to it.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:13 am
by Arrakis
Here's the thing:

IT DOESN'T MATTER what this guy says or does; you can ALWAYS start a Belegarth Realm. THEN, if Dag fighters want to come fight, they CAN! And if they don't want to, that's also fine!

Just do your thing! **** that guy!


PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:27 am
by Alunsun
Worry not my green friend, you will have your chance to destroy his hopes and dreams... Again, we got your back. Just help handle this Umbar business rq and we'll be rolling like some medieval pimps in no time.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:34 am
by Alunsun
Woa! I'm an underling! Sweeet, no more flail over my avatar.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:39 am
by Old Horse
I will second that opinion!

Don't worry about politics, Outhro.
As long as there's at least two of us, there will always be practices.

Just concentrate on the bright side and let's keep having fun! ;)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:27 pm
by Peregrine
Melannen wrote:Good, cause this is gettin annoying.

I hear you! come on just start a group and let people choose.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:47 pm
by savetuba
quick questions, how does one ban a person from a practice and then enforce it? And what is to stop someone from going to a practice and asking everyone there if they are there for the fighting or are they there for the drama? Then proceed to let everyone know they are welcome at/on your field as long as they leave the drama?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:30 pm
by Alunsun
Tuba, it's already been done. And those that want to fight more than they want play cosplay grab-...butt... will either come to us or drop the sport altogether. The majority have chosen the latter because they really don't find a need for what they have seen and are understandibly hesitant to give another group a try. Again, this is fine, though. The turth is that we can't be stopped from giving fighters the choice and we won't be dropping out. Also, to answer the question of fighting or drama, most people in the Dag group are there because they heard someone was handing out free stuff and titles. They won't get the same treatment in Umbar, so naturally they'll take the road of least resistance. Anyways, I'm sure this thread is done for, it was just something that had to be told out in the open so we don't get associated with a scrubby Super Unit. Anyways, it's not that big of a concern to me or anyone else, it never was.

Consider this thread shot in the face. :neutral:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:52 pm
by Kyrax
Outhro and Phallys,

Go for it, start your own group. But start it on its own merits, not as a reaction to someone else (and we know who that is) or some other group or groups. 99.99999999% of the people in Puerto Rico have never heard of foam fighting, Dagorhir, Belegarth and so on. To all of those folks, your goal is to convey what a fun activity this is, how easy it is to try, and how creative they can be when coming up with their character, costuming and weapons. Go out of your way to avoid setting things in direct competition to that guy, or his unit, etc. - just set your times and schedules for your own reasons and let the fun begin.

Over time, members of that other group, particularly those you are friendly with may contact you and want to join in on your activities. But let them make that choice. Directly recruiting people who are a part of the other group will only generate more animosity, could create retaliatory actions, and would put those people in the middle of what right now is a personal dispute you're having with the other group's leader. To me all of that is what I'd call Malicious recruiting. There are so many people who've never heard of this sport, that poaching recruits from other groups just doesn't make a lot of sense. Recruiting from the unaware masses is the way to go, both growing the sport overall by bringing attention to it, as well spreading the word that this is a normal, fun activity to participate in.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:30 pm
by Alunsun
You're right, thank you Kyrax. Nobody ever tried to poach members from any organization. We're not even looking that way, we're focused on Umbar and Belegarth. At least I speak for myself and the Corsairs.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:44 pm
by Shyftir
This one group from another sorta similar group recruitment is similar to a phenomenon in certain Churches called. "Transfer Growth" It's cool to be a big group, but if it consists of ganking other people members instead of recruiting your own originals it's lame.

Just do your own thing and let him do his. It doesn't take long for lameness to show itself out.

Re: I probably just lost all Dagorhir in Puerto Rico

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:43 am
by Dedric
OK, dude, chill, and listen well. A while back, in a Dagorhir chapter with which I am affiliated, there were hard feelings and misunderstandings during the off-season. Not unlike the Dag/Bel split, I must say. Some threatened to start their own realm... and some said it was impossible, and would be shut down. So here's the upshot. Graymael himself stated, on the Dag national forum, that he would allow a second realm to be started in the same city, if two leaders of competing viewpoints could not work things out. So if this guy REALLY is a d-bag, then you CAN start your own realm. The "so many miles" thing is pure BS. I don't know who fed it to you, but it's 100% against what Graymael posted on the Dag forums.

Re: I probably just lost all Dagorhir in Puerto Rico

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:47 am
by Big King Jimmy
A. Your necro skills are amazing. This post is months old. I'm sure everyone here has "chilled."

B. It's one thing to talk about other sports, it's a whole other to suggest an established Belegarth realm become a Dag realm. That's just rude.

Re: I probably just lost all Dagorhir in Puerto Rico

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:11 am
by Arrakis
And yet no one is going to ban him! Isn't laissez-faire moderation a wonderful thing?

Re: I probably just lost all Dagorhir in Puerto Rico

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:49 am
by Solusar
Outhro Youkker wrote:Well, once again, the Wyvern Clan Dushbag has done something new to me. :goblin:
Probably cant fight Dagorhir in PR anymore. :unsure:

I will see if I can redeam myself to stay in.
or my other choices of getting him permabanned for the better good of the game.(Even if I get kicked from Dag too, it is a sacrifice I am willing to make) :angel:

:?: What exactly is Malecius Recruitment?

I've never actually met Akeron (despite him going to 2 Rags) but he seems like a huge douche on the Dag boards. For instance, he's been promoting some Spanish Amtgard-like game on the forums, but that's totally okay although when I tell someone in CA to go to an event in ID I get the perma ban-hammer. So I think you should burn his house down, but that might just be the Militia in me talking.

Re: I probably just lost all Dagorhir in Puerto Rico

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:42 pm
by Dedric
Haha, Big Jimmy, I wasn't recommending an established Bel realm to become a Dag realm. I didn't see where he said that he was now an established Bel realm (it was late and I was tired, sorry :P ), rather, that he was PO'd at the current leadership and wanted to start his own Dag realm, but didn't think he was allowed to. I was simply pointing out that he is absolutely allowed to, as I was involved in a similar argument in another realm.

Re: I probably just lost all Dagorhir in Puerto Rico

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:16 pm
by Enoch
Having met all parties in question and spoken with them at one time or another, this necro is stupid and I should have been here earlier to catch it.
