Strength vs Speed

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Strength vs Speed

Postby Cade » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:53 am

Varadin said something in another thread that made me think, and i wanted to get some opinion on it.

Varadin wrote:Most of the guys who fight red round here/dag events are little spinny ballerinas most of the time. Sure they move in ways I can't but when a shield man rushes me and i block his shot and throw him to the ground with a shoulder check I teach them a different form of red sword fighting.

See, this right here is a good point and can (imo) be applied to any weapon.

Some of the best fighters in my realm are skinny whipcord kids that are about six foot tall, and maybe 150-175 LB. They are also ungodly fast and flexible. They all have one thing in common. They use really light short swords, and really light punch shields. I have also seen a couple guys from visiting realms, same basic body type, using min red swords. Also ungodly fast, flexible, and very light on their feet.

Heres my thing. I'm not a little guy. Never have been, probably won't ever be. I'm not tall ether. 5'10" & 240LB. So these guys get reach on me due to height, and they are just naturally faster and more flexible. I can't beat them at their own game, and I'm beginning to think i shouldn't try.

What i do have going for me is strength, a low center of gravity, and a complete disregard for my own personal safety. I'm not going to brag, but i could pick up any of these kids and chuck em a few yards. I'm not a weak guy and i use a glaive to good effect (in my own mind) because of it.

I believe in using your strengths to develop a fighting style. For instance, a guy my size probably shouldn't be doing Kung Fu. It just doesn't work for my body type. It might work for a five foot, 120LB Asian, but i can't ever use it to its full capacity. Now Boxing...ok, thats more my style.

What tips to you guys have for bigger fighters who want to be able to use their strength and size to negate the speed and agility of some of the smaller fighters?
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Forkbeard » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:24 am

Use longer but very rigid swords.
Put stab tips on eerything you own. Learn to use them.
Hit people with your shield. In thier shield and in their bodies. I use my shield edge like a battering ram. I hit people right in the center of the chest with it, or in their shield. That fac that I vastly outwiegh them shake the **** out of them. I also have fght with a 4' punch tower shield cut down into a punisher skull type shape that was only about 10" wide at the bottom. I coud stab people with the bottom edge of that like SCA dude use a Mandu. I knocked a couple people straight off their feet with that.
All in all, strenght VS speed IMHO comes out even if the people inolved are both equally skilled at using their abilities.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby varadin » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:43 am

Im guessing your talking a bout ... Shanks and Fang? those are the two fastest guys i know from medina but its been a while since ive been down there.

Being shorter i dont know much about im about average height out on the field. Remember though a Tall lanky guy who uses long weapons wants to keep you on the edge of his range. You are out of yours but within his strike zone. Basically your screwed. Youve got to get inside of his max range and into yours. The closer you are to him the more screwed they are. Long weapons are a curse when the person is chest to chest with you.

The other thing. Proper form is a body saver. I fight SCA with a 60 year old guy. Hes been fighting since he was 16. Hes maybe a 150 pounds 175 somewhere in there. He hits harder then anyone I know because he uses proper form and because of that he is fast. His body on the other hand is not all types of beat up and broken. His shoulders are in fine condition. Meanwhile look at guys like Shadow of the DA, who had to switch to being left handed because his shoulder is so ****(this is what i heard if there is a different reason please enlighten me)

Get into their comfort zone. Both physically and mentally. Toss a few shots out there that scare the bejesus out of someone. Crank a guy in the hand with a powerfull enough shot and he will not sword block for a couple hits.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Cade » Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:28 pm

Great Tips FB.

Everything i own has a stab tip on it, and i just built a shield i can bash people safely with, so i plan on starting to work with that when im not using the glaive.


Varadin wrote:Im guessing your talking a bout ... Shanks and Fang? those are the two fastest guys i know from medina but its been a while since ive been down there.

Yea thats primarily who i was thinking of.

they added another guy, a little shorter, but just as fast to their speed demon pirate ranks, and theres a guy who visits occasionally from another realm, who is just as fast, but uses a min red...just insane speed. I don't think i ever saw him standing upright for more than half a second. He was just constantly flipping and spinning. Seriously looked like some crazy Monkey Fu. I wish i could remember his name.

I'm not concerned with beating them specifically, thats not what this thread is about. I'm almost twice their age, my ego is quite secure lol. There will always be someone better. My main point with this thread was to get thoughts on using what i already have to it's fullest rather than trying to perfect someone else's style of fighting.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Winfang » Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:27 pm

Since you're in Ohio, try to find and watch Usal, Mick, or me if I ever show up. These are two large fighters, Usal is about 5'10" 300+#, Mick is about 6'2" 240#, and I'm 6'2" 250#. Usal typically doesn't use a shield. Mick will use large long weapons, swing slow, and wouldn't move much. I use a shorter weapon (32"-34") and a smaller shield (28" round). Adaptability, accuracy, and consistency are much better attributes then tall, fast, and lanky.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Arrakis » Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:53 pm

Shadow **** his right hand all kinds of up in some horrible incident. That's why he's a lefty; he can't bend his right hand back at the wrist any farther than even with his forearm.

Go watch the SKBC 09 Pole vids. Everything Axgar says regarding getting up in your opponent's grills and headspaces, take to heart. If you get in there and just plain toss some * around, throw some sick checks and shield-edges, and hit like a truck, they'll lock up.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby The Bruce » Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:47 pm

My favorite strength/mass vs. speed clip: ... re=related
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Olos » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:45 pm

The Bruce wrote:My favorite strength/mass vs. speed clip: ... re=related

I like this one better:
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby varadin » Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:44 am

Kadis Id really suggest coming to either a Pentwyern practice (where i am) lakewood park friday nights 6-wheneverish or preferable going to an Avalon practice on a tuesday. Ill work with anyone Im not as good as the others but if you live closer this way it might be an easier trip.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Cade » Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:55 am

I just might do that.

I have been looking to branch out a bit. Lakewood is only about 40 minutes away depending on the level of my respect for the posted speed limit.

Thanks man,
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby The Lost Celt » Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:53 pm


Seconding Varadin's invitation to visit Pentwyvern at Belle park in Lakewood.

I'm Fodder btw, Shanks and Fang are amazing fighters and I'm the shorter guy that has to deal with them, not sure who you are down there but all I can tell you is if you're a shorter fighter like me you need to get past their monkey arms (especially shanks:P) and go toe to toe preferrably where they can't as swing/connect as effectively, hardest part is getting them to go face to face since they're rat bastards at flanking but it is what it is

I've stopped fighting shield for the most part but those guys were pretty much my major foil for me too, the hardest part is getting them to stand off (I officially refuse to try chasing Fang down, I leave him for the more energetic fighters to kill anymore, Shanks usually does me the favor of killing me before I'm out of breath from chasing him but I digress...)

You really should branch out, I found I was picking up bad habits from sticking to one particular realm for convenience sake. Avalon and Pent have many things to offer... Stick in one location for too long and things get stagnant, you need to mix things up and challenge yourself.

P.S. Anything Winfang suggests is worth a * too ;)
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Azgarehta » Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:02 pm

After weeks smashing the **** out of brick walls with my spear, I've been developing some good muscle power behind it to where people are like "* was that? a * SPEAR?" If you're not going to pay attention to me, I'll hit you hard enough to rattle your ears. :D
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Davit » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:04 pm

Just make sure that it still passes after bashing it against the brick walls, don't want your "strength" to really be core, or worse both.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Azgarehta » Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:29 am

I test it thoroughly before each practice. The nerf football is still intact and in good shape, at least until the off season.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby MagnusofDregoth » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:05 pm

Remember also that timing is just as important as speed. If you're not fast, then get some rhythm.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Slagar » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:46 am

MagnusofDregoth wrote:Remember also that timing is just as important as speed. If you're not fast, then get some rhythm.

Quote for absolute truth.

I'm not the fastest guy out there, but you don't need to be if you get into the rythm, be patient, and throw accurate shots. I win most of my fights in Numenor these days with one shot, just from learning the rythms of your opponents. Maybe the other guy throws 15 shots to your one, but if your one lands, then what does that matter? Machine gunning a bunch of shots may look cool, but all it does is leave you wide *' open. Feel the rythm of the fight, and wait for an opening. And as everyone else here has said, hammer the **** out of it when they give it to you!

If you can be patient, solid, and strike precisely, then the flighty, flashy sorts of fighters you're describing stop being much of an issue.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Soo Ma Tai » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:57 am

I have also seen some very heavy guys move like the wind....good technique can lead to a great deal of speed. Learn to use the force created when you strike to turn the blade around and hit again. Let the weapon bounce and then redirect the energy elsewhere. Get some combos that you can perform quickly. One I particularly like is "Shield leg, cross to sword shoulder, wrap to shield side"(you can also use your shield to pin theirs after the cross and hold the shield there for the wrap) . It's very quick and each shot leads to the next. I am not a big guy, but I am short so I understand the problems with fighting guys taller than you. Use the low line shots. Hit the leg and 90% of the time they will lower their shield even after the hit, use that and pop them in the arm, quick kill. Most tall guys will try to come over the top, so use the under arm wraps.

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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Eisenwolf » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:55 pm

I know this doesn't EXACTLY relate to fighting speed with strength, but being a small agility abusing fighter, I can shed some light on how to improve your natural agility in a way that will help your fighting and shock you and the people you fight...

I've always had a fair ammount of natural agility myself, and have had a love for things like foam fighting and parkour-ish stuff (more or less freestyle gymnastics for those who don't know what I mean) and one of the things that has clicked the most since I started getting really into foam fighting was on a day of practice where everyone was using daggers or short swords. If you grow complacent behind a reach weapon, you tend to lose all but basic footwork, which I firmly believe is the root of any agile fighter. That and timing, as was mentioned earlier.

That said, I highly recommend going out onto the field with a shortsword and buckler, or even just a short sword for a bit. You'll definately take your lumps, probably more than you want to at first, but if you just stick with it for a few rounds, I can promise you'll notice a difference in your agility. You'll have a lot less time to react, having a shorter weapon (because usually you're a bit closer in) and as shorter weapons tend to be well... shorter, there's less blocking surface. Which forces you to learn what I was always taught is the best way to block; not being there.

I realise that not everyone is flexible and fast, but this will definately help you improve in those areas. Perhaps even enough so that you can surprise the little guys who assume you're just another tank. ;-) As a little agility abusing fighter, nothing is more frightening than a big, baby eating giant of a man who can match me for agility. Or at least come closer to matching me than he should. After doing this for a few practices, I've personally come to develop the uncanny ability to dodge things I shouldn't be able to, earning me the reputation among my group of being able to "teleport"

So that said, give it a try. You might just surprise yourself and those you fight.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Big King Jimmy » Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:01 am

You should have seen the look on Peter the Quick's face when they called single blue field battles on Wolfpack Opener.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Poo » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:35 am


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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Brennon EH » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:26 pm

kadis wrote:Some of the best fighters in my realm are skinny whipcord kids that are about six foot tall, and maybe 150-175 LB. They are also ungodly fast and flexible. They all have one thing in common. They use really light short swords, and really light punch shields. I have also seen a couple guys from visiting realms, same basic body type, using min red swords. Also ungodly fast, flexible, and very light on their feet.

Heres my thing. I'm not a little guy. Never have been, probably won't ever be. I'm not tall ether. 5'10" & 240LB. So these guys get reach on me due to height, and they are just naturally faster and more flexible. I can't beat them at their own game, and I'm beginning to think i shouldn't try.

You have almost exactly the same body characteristics as I do. I'm 5'11" and 240. I'm going to give you some hard advice, and I want you to realize that it's coming from an expert in the field who has personal experience with your situation.

First, drop the excuses. You aren't losing because they are in shape and you aren't. You are losing because you're being outfought. You need to internalize your loss and change your view of combat. The correct mindset is "I only lose because I make mistakes. I must identify the mistake in each loss and correct it." If you have a mindset that says "I lost because my opponent beat me" then you are essentially setting up mindset of being a helpless victim in the confrontation.

What i do have going for me is strength, a low center of gravity, and a complete disregard for my own personal safety. I'm not going to brag, but i could pick up any of these kids and chuck em a few yards. I'm not a weak guy and i use a glaive to good effect (in my own mind) because of it.

A glaive is not an effective weapon. It can be an enjoyable weapon, but it is not effective. It also does not promote the development of the core skills of combat, and it gives you a distinct disadvantage in one-on-one combat against a competent opponent. If you enjoy fighting with a glaive and knocking people around, go for it. If you are serious about improving as a fighter, you need to ditch it.

I recommend fighting single short sword, minimum weight, with proper balance. This will force you to develop the key necessary skills to excel in any sort of foam combat: Timing, distance control, footwork, and prediction.

I believe in using your strengths to develop a fighting style.

You will get better returns by developing a well-rounded style and working to eliminate your weaknesses. Work hardest on the things that are hardest. Get everything to the same level, and then cycle through pushing each of them to the next level. My 'primary style' is fight control. I routinely fight single short, florentine, short and strap, and short and small punch.

What tips to you guys have for bigger fighters who want to be able to use their strength and size to negate the speed and agility of some of the smaller fighters?

You need to move away from this mentality. You cannot just overpower a smaller fighter who is better than you; it doesn't work that way. It might be fun to beat up on them, and if that is what you are looking for then go to it. It is not, however, a viable platform for long-term improvement.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Cade » Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:37 pm

Brennon EH wrote:

You have almost exactly the same body characteristics as I do. I'm 5'11" and 240. I'm going to give you some hard advice, and I want you to realize that it's coming from an expert in the field who has personal experience with your situation.

First, drop the excuses. You aren't losing because they are in shape and you aren't. You are losing because you're being outfought. You need to internalize your loss and change your view of combat. The correct mindset is "I only lose because I make mistakes. I must identify the mistake in each loss and correct it." If you have a mindset that says "I lost because my opponent beat me" then you are essentially setting up mindset of being a helpless victim in the confrontation.

I appreciate the hard advice, but i think your reading excuses where there are none. I am fully aware of the mistakes that i make when fighting, and i know full well when i am being out fought.

My main reason for making this post was not to come in here and cry about how im losing because a few people are faster but to get ideas on how to improve as a bigger fighter. I used them as examples, because frankly every realm that i have been to has at least one or two people who are fast and agile, and a few more that are a bit bigger. That's just how it works.

A glaive is not an effective weapon. It can be an enjoyable weapon, but it is not effective. It also does not promote the development of the core skills of combat, and it gives you a distinct disadvantage in one-on-one combat against a competent opponent. If you enjoy fighting with a glaive and knocking people around, go for it. If you are serious about improving as a fighter, you need to ditch it.

I recommend fighting single short sword, minimum weight, with proper balance. This will force you to develop the key necessary skills to excel in any sort of foam combat: Timing, distance control, footwork, and prediction.

Mentioning the glaive was clearly a mistake. I should mention that i rarely use it outside of larger group situations when i have a couple shieldmen to work with.

For one on one and small group situations i use a short sword and a 30inch round strap.

You will get better returns by developing a well-rounded style and working to eliminate your weaknesses. Work hardest on the things that are hardest. Get everything to the same level, and then cycle through pushing each of them to the next level. My 'primary style' is fight control. I routinely fight single short, florentine, short and strap, and short and small punch.

I am all for a well rounded style, but i think its also important to know your limitations as well. I'm not 16, nor am i an idiot. I know i have limitations. Pushing that boundary is fine, but there are just some things i will not be able to pull off with my size and weight. This is just a fact of life, and while you may be able to site a few people our size who can move like Jet Lee, by and large, the average guy my size will not be able to dodge strikes matrix style and i think its just as important to realize that as it is to improve as much as you can.

You need to move away from this mentality. You cannot just overpower a smaller fighter who is better than you; it doesn't work that way. It might be fun to beat up on them, and if that is what you are looking for then go to it. It is not, however, a viable platform for long-term improvement.


This is the only thing you have said that i actually disagree with. While long-term improvement on reflexes and technique is not disputed at all, and i don't think there is anyone who would dispute that it's important and that we all need to work on it, i would disagree that i can't overpower a smaller fighter who is faster and has better technique. I have done it before, and yea your right, it is fun to beat up on them, but the result of long term improvement is winning, not just winning in one particular way. Now i know its not going to work every single time, just like having flawless fighting technique won't win you the fight every single time.

If i can get the win by shield kicking them off their feet and then taking out the leg while they are on the ground, ill do it. That's a win in my book and its just as legit as someone making a flawless right cross to catch my shoulder before i can turn away. Both are technique in their own way and just because one took more muscle and weight to pull off does not in any way negate the technique involved.

This is the same reason i don't get upset when some kid runs through the field stabbing me in the back with a dagger before i even knew he was there. Maybe you think its cheap, but its still a win regardless of how he managed to do it. I couldn't do it, I'm not that stealthy. That's fair in my book. I may hate going out like that, but I'm not going to begrudge him the kill just because he did it a different way than i do.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Soo Ma Tai » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:17 pm

You must use your strengths ~while~ eliminating your weaknesses. You are right, you'll prolly never be as fast or agile as some of those 16 yr old kids. But you can still be faster and more agile than you are now. I am 37 years old, 5'10" and weigh about 160 lbs. Ask anyone who's fought me, I am one of the faster more agile fighters around, and prolly faster and more agile than almost anyone my age who still fights.

Attack speed is all about soft strength and explosive muscle movement. You have to remain relaxed until the moment of attack, and then use a fast burst of muscle power followed by a relaxed state as the weapon travels toward it's target. If you are trying to use your muscle to move the weapon along the whole time, you'll actually slow the weapons travel speed. The only thing I keep tight as I fight is my weapon grip, which really only consists of my index finger and thumb, the rest of my hand/arm is still mostly relaxed.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Nikola the Bear-hat » Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:15 pm

Soo Ma Tai wrote:Attack speed is all about soft strength and explosive muscle movement. You have to remain relaxed until the moment of attack, and then use a fast burst of muscle power followed by a relaxed state as the weapon travels toward it's target. If you are trying to use your muscle to move the weapon along the whole time, you'll actually slow the weapons travel speed. The only thing I keep tight as I fight is my weapon grip, which really only consists of my index finger and thumb, the rest of my hand/arm is still mostly relaxed.

I'm not so sure about that. That would be like shot putting but only pushing until your arm was halfway extended then just stopping. Or power cleaning and stopping your pull at your knees and trying to shelf from there. I just don't see how that works.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Brennon EH » Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:36 am

Nikola the Vengeful wrote:I'm not so sure about that. That would be like shot putting but only pushing until your arm was halfway extended then just stopping. Or power cleaning and stopping your pull at your knees and trying to shelf from there. I just don't see how that works.

A good illustration is to imagine a whip. If you swing a whip as hard as you can, no matter how strong you are, the whip will not travel faster than your arm (which is pretty slow). If, on the other hand, you use a whip in the way it was intended, the whip will go supersonic due to conservation of energy.

Your arm and sword behave in a similar manner. Your goal is to create a wave-propagation starting at your hips and moving through your shoulder joint, through your elbow joint, through your wrist, and into the joint of your sword to your hand. Due to decreasing mass and conservation of energy, your sword will be moving much faster than the speed at which your body moved (or is even capable of moving).

The trick here is not to fight it. If you attempt to muscle the shot the entire way you will end up killing the wave propagation effect. You want to start it hard and fast and then position your body correctly to direct the energy rather than try and sustain it. Once you get really good you can give little 'pushes' at the appropriate time to magnify the effect.

The result of this is a weapon tip moving very fast. It will impact solidly against a small surface area and impart an enormous amount of kinetic energy instantaneously to the target. This is why fast shots 'sting' instead of 'thump'; they are actually dealing more 'damage'.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Soo Ma Tai » Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:24 am

Thanks Brennon, that's exactly it. I'm glad you made it more clear than I could have.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Geshtal » Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:59 am

A good illustration is to imagine a whip. If you swing a whip as hard as you can, no matter how strong you are, the whip will not travel faster than your arm (which is pretty slow). If, on the other hand, you use a whip in the way it was intended, the whip will go supersonic due to conservation of energy.

Your arm and sword behave in a similar manner. Your goal is to create a wave-propagation starting at your hips and moving through your shoulder joint, through your elbow joint, through your wrist, and into the joint of your sword to your hand. Due to decreasing mass and conservation of energy, your sword will be moving much faster than the speed at which your body moved (or is even capable of moving).

The trick here is not to fight it. If you attempt to muscle the shot the entire way you will end up killing the wave propagation effect. You want to start it hard and fast and then position your body correctly to direct the energy rather than try and sustain it. Once you get really good you can give little 'pushes' at the appropriate time to magnify the effect.


When i started fighting I was taught to do just this. I'm one of the small guys and I'm not all that agile, when i try dance fighting i usually end up on my *. In my fighting experience my shots have been just that and it has allowed me to become one of the faster fighters in my realm T.T (second to ruben)T.T. I guess what I'm trying to say is once you get that whip motion down you will supprize many of these faster fighters
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Nikola the Bear-hat » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:40 pm

That makes more sense. But that only applies for a sword-like weapon, with continually diminishing mass, not like an axe or a hammer, correct? Even a polearm has a heavier head than haft.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Eisenwolf » Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:35 am

european style longswords are balanced more to the tip than to the middle or to the pommel. they're counter-weighted so as to make swinging a bit easier, but in full swing tip heavy=chop-age. :-) granted polearms and axes are more tip heavy as a rule.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Arrakis » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:18 am

deutscherwolf wrote:european style longswords are balanced more to the tip than to the middle or to the pommel. they're counter-weighted so as to make swinging a bit easier, but in full swing tip heavy=chop-age.

Lies. Look it up.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Thomas MacFinn » Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:14 am

Brennon EH wrote:... You cannot just overpower a smaller fighter who is better than you; it doesn't work that way. It might be fun to beat up on them, and if that is what you are looking for then go to it. It is not, however, a viable platform for long-term improvement.

Kadis, let me put it another way. There are no foolproof techniques. Some moves are used more commonly than others by people of certain body types. I'm short with a low stance, so I receive a lot of wrap shots, especially from tall people. Shield-bashing is a technique like any other and there are techniques for stopping a shield bash even if the opponent is bigger just like there are techniques for blocking a wrap.

One of my favorite methods for keeping sharp is teaching other people everything I know about stopping me. If I get a shot in on somebody, I like to think its because I used the technique better than they did - not because they didn't know what to do.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Eisenwolf » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:46 pm

Good call Arrakis. I stand mostly corrected. I did some looking around, and discovered that although the center of gravity is relative to the sword and sword maker, it appears that most were balanced closer to the middle or the guard. That said, I apologize for my error and would definately appreciate any further information you could shed on the subject, as I was taught incorrectly.
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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Arrakis » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:44 pm

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Re: Strength vs Speed

Postby Eisenwolf » Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:10 pm

Sweet beans. I especially enjoyed the german short sword essay. Although his translation isn't PERFECT it's one of the best translations of a German to English manuscript. And as I'm bi-lingual, I have the benefit of being able to do my own translation in areas where the English version is confusing. This link rocks. Thanks for posting.
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