Moderator: Mekoot Gorlock
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
* 4.2. Only a Member shall have the privilege and responsibility of ... of nominating and electing the Officers of the organization
The BMCS may however charge a fee for any national event in order to establish a fund to run the said event or the said event next year.
12.1. Any that may arise can be reported to the realm heads and then the War Council may take action. Any individual that wishes to be heard may meet with the President and ask to be heard at the council on any topic he/she wishes.
o 13.3.2. Allow his or her name to be used in the support of illegal or unethical activity in which any BMCS event is taking place
o 15.3.1 Meet all the criteria from section B of section 15.2.
Spike wrote:This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards and the rest of you are bad at things generally, too.
Tiberius Claudius wrote:I don't get cosplay. It's like a weekend-long Halloween in a hotel where everyone gets the herp, but there's no candy.
Belegarth Bylaw 10.5 wrote:10.5. Call to Vote: After a vote is seconded, a discussion thread is created in the private war council forum and a vote date set for 7 days after the motion was seconded. The Secretary must notify the realm leader or appointed designee of every voting realm via email that a vote has been called. The original proposer of the motion may withdraw their motion at any time prior to the vote.
Derian wrote:Well, ****. Par is right.
Spike wrote:This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards and the rest of you are bad at things generally, too.
Tiberius Claudius wrote:I don't get cosplay. It's like a weekend-long Halloween in a hotel where everyone gets the herp, but there's no candy.
Article 14: Policy of non-discrimination
* 14.1. Belegarth shall be non-profit and nonsectarian. There shall be no discrimination in membership, employment or services due to race, color, sex, age, lifestyle, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical disability.
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Spike wrote:This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards and the rest of you are bad at things generally, too.
Tiberius Claudius wrote:I don't get cosplay. It's like a weekend-long Halloween in a hotel where everyone gets the herp, but there's no candy.
Spike wrote:This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards and the rest of you are bad at things generally, too.
Tiberius Claudius wrote:I don't get cosplay. It's like a weekend-long Halloween in a hotel where everyone gets the herp, but there's no candy.
Rowan wrote:Edit: 13.3.2 No member shall actively or passively be involved in or support any illegal or unethical activity taking place at a National BMCS event
Elebrim wrote:mental disability
Elebrim wrote:The enforcement or application of this rule is left unspecified; in other portions of the constitution, I clearly defined the role of the herald as the ultimate authority on and adjudicator of rules and safety on the battlefield.
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
savetuba wrote:13.3.2 No member shall actively or passively be involved in/or support any illegal and/or unethical activity taking place at a National BMCS event or location that BMCS utilizes.
Spike wrote:This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards and the rest of you are bad at things generally, too.
Tiberius Claudius wrote:I don't get cosplay. It's like a weekend-long Halloween in a hotel where everyone gets the herp, but there's no candy.
Rowan wrote:savetuba wrote:13.3.2 No member shall actively or passively be involved in/or support any illegal and/or unethical activity taking place at a National BMCS event or location that BMCS utilizes.
Second, I don't think we should be trying to regulate the behavior of members at every second of their lives, which is a step the "or location that BMCS utilizes" head toward. If someone wants to go to a state park that belegarth uses once a year and do something unethical then that's their business.
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Spike wrote:This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards and the rest of you are bad at things generally, too.
Tiberius Claudius wrote:I don't get cosplay. It's like a weekend-long Halloween in a hotel where everyone gets the herp, but there's no candy.
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Article 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be Belegarth Medieval Combat Society, henceforth referred to as BMCS.
Article 2: Objectives
2.1. To stimulate greater public interest in and public understanding of the techniques and goals of the BMCS.
* 2.2. To disseminate educational information to the public about the purpose and creative ideas behind the organization.
* 2.3. To emulate battles and ideas set forth by the Realms and members of BMCS.
Article 3: Recognition
* 3.1. The BMCS shall adhere to all state, local and federal regulations under the laws set forth by the government of said State, Country, Province, Township, County, and Federal government and or any other pertinent government entity.
Article 4: Membership
* 4.1. Membership in BMCS shall be open to all individuals and institutions that support the objectives of the BMCS and the Code of Ethical Guidelines established in the Bylaws of the organization, and/or the Realm in which the individual lives.
* 4.2. Only a Member shall have the privilege and responsibility of holding office, of nominating and electing the Officers of the organization, and of being a representative at War Council. Members of each realm determine the representatives from their realm for the War Council.
* 4.3. Members in the BMCS shall affirm and adhere to the Code of Ethical Guidelines established in the Bylaws of the organization set forth by the War Council.
* 4.3.1. A Member whose acts are contrary to the objectives of the BMCS or the Code of Ethical Guidelines established in the Bylaws of the BMCS may be expelled or excluded from Membership by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of the War Council. Quorum shall be ¾ of attending realms.
* 4.3.2. This may take place only after the Member has been given 15 days prior notice of the pending action together with the reasons and has been given the opportunity to be heard, orally or in writing, by the War Council at least five days before the effective date of expulsion.
Article 5: Dues
* 5.1. The BMCS will not charge any dues to any member. That recourse is left to the separate realms in the BMCS to determine if they so choose. The BMCS may, however, charge a fee for any national event in order to establish a fund to run that event, or the same event in a following year.
Article 6: Officers and Their Duties
* 6.1. The Officers of the BMCS shall be:
6.1.1. President
o Will work with the WC to insure that all BMCS rules are observed at all national events.
o Will select Marshals for said events if the hosting realm has not already done so or in case of problems. In this case, the President has the final veto right on national Marshals.
o Shall oversee the progress of all Officers and issue any web site changes to the Webmaster should any need to be made.
o Will ‘Chair” and oversee the running and rulings of the War Council. He/she is responsible for calling a vote once the WC’s discussion is complete and will tally the votes. The President may also call for a speaking limit on the representatives of the War Council.
o Will be responsible for the voting on the UBB and must be able to tally votes accordingly.
o Will be a contact person for new realms.
o Will insure that Belegarth’s non-profit corporation status is maintained.
o Will perform all other duties usually associated with this office.
6.1.2. Vice President
o Will fulfill any obligation that the President is unable to accomplish or any task that the President delegates.
o The office will be able to assume control of all Presidential powers & responsibilities at a national event should the President not be able to attend.
o Will work with BMCS Realms and National BMCS Events concerning BMCS Rules.
6.1.3. Treasurer
o Accurately record all financial record for the National BMCS.
o Collect all receipts from the National BMCS.
o File any appropriate tax information as needed.
o Prepare a quarterly Belegarth financial report for public release.
o Prepare & publish an annual financial report for the public release.
o Establish and maintain a corporate checking account (Need the articles of incorporation for this)
o Review and remit payment for debts accrued by the BMCS.
6.1.4. Secretary
o Will be responsible for keeping the minutes of the WC meetings and all paperwork that needs to be filed for the BMCS. (If not in attendance, the WC may elect another to fulfill this obligation for the meeting)
o Will be responsible for filing of needed paperwork as well as post the War Council minutes to the BMCS UBB.
* Will be responsible for insuring the corporate paperwork is filed on a timely basis. The secretary may delegate this task as needed.
6.1.5. Webmaster
o Will be in charge of the national web page, making any and all changes to the page that the President has mandated. Will be in charge of the national online web board. Moderating, making any and all changes and updating the online web board as necessary.
o Report to the President so that the President may report to the WC any and all issues dealing with the page in question.
6.2. War Council Representatives
o 6.2.1. Each Realm shall determine their Representatives of the War Council.
o 6.2.2. The WC shall consist of two delegates from each Realm. However only one may vote on any issue. Each Realm has only one vote. Realm War Council representatives must have the means to access the internet at least once per week.
o 6.2.3. The WC shall determine the rules, and safety procedures that BMCS requires.
o 6.2.4. The WC shall elect the National Officers.
o 6.2.5. The WC shall determine the BMCS Bylaws.
o 6.2.6. If the Secretary is not present, WC will elect someone to take accurate notes from the WC Meeting.
Article 7: Installation and Removal of an individual from a National Office
7.1. A person may hold a national level position in BCMS (excluding Realm Leaders) only as long as the individual is able to properly perform the duties required for the fulfillment of said position.
7.1.1. Installation of New Officers A person may be nominated for a National Office with a nomination and second from any two Voting Realms. Nominations for new officers may be made in either the Spring voting session or in the event of either a successful vote of no-confidence or the resignation of a current National Officer. In the event that only one individual is successfully nominated, the motion shall adhere to the standard 7-day discussion period to allow for other nominations. If no other nominations or objections are raised during that time, the motion is considered passed with no vote necessary. In the event that more than one individual is nominated for a National Office, all seconded candidates shall be considered during the same vote. A simple majority of half of the responding realms shall be considered a successful election. If a nominee withdraws his or her candidacy, votes cast in said candidates favor are considered as abstentions until those realms change their vote. In the event that a plurality of candidates causes no single candidate to receive half of the responding realms’ votes by the end of the voting period, a secondary election shall be called in the manner of an emergency vote. Only the two candidates from the original election with the greatest number of votes shall be considered in this secondary election. BoD terms will be a minimum of one year; after one year has passed, the position will be opened for a vote at the next voting period. If an officer's term expires during a voting period, the vote will take place at the beginning of that voting period.
7.1.2. Removal of Officers If the War Council feels that a person is not doing the job according to the criteria set by the War Council, said person might be removed from office by means of a Vote of No Confidence motioned and seconded by members of the War Council. The vote will carry by a simple majority of the WC quorum voting yes to the removal of the person.
7.2. The BMCS War Council will do its best to support the National Officers as well as general members of BMCS
Article 8: Meetings
* 8.1. The War Council shall hold a Meeting no less than once a year.
* 8.2 Emergency Meetings may be held as needed and/or online as needed.
* 8.3. Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall govern the proceedings of meetings of the War Council insofar as such rules are not inconsistent or in conflict with the Bylaws, with the Articles of Incorporation, or with provisions of the law.
Article 9: Referendum or Vote
* 9.1. Referendum vote may be held through the UBB at any time upon the initiation of the War Council or President. A Referendum petition must request and receive permission from said War Council.
Article 10: Online Voting Rules
* 10.1. The following rules are ONLY to be used for online meetings of War Council. These guidelines do not apply anywhere other than online in the War Council forums. All voting must take place in the War Council forum; no votes by phone or word-of-mouth will be allowed.
* 10.2. Contact List: It will be the Secretary's responsibility to create and maintain an updated list of contact information for realm leaders of voting realms and/or their appointed designees. Phone information should also be obtained, in case it is necessary. An email mailing list may be made for this purpose.
* 10.3. Motions: Only voting realms may put forward or second a motion.
* 10.4. Seconds: Once a motion is made, it must be seconded within 7 days. If a motion is not seconded within 7 days, a new motion will need to be made.
* 10.5. Call to Vote: After a vote is seconded, a discussion thread is created in the private war council forum and a vote date set for 7 days after the motion was seconded. The Secretary must notify the realm leader or appointed designee of every voting realm via email that a vote has been called. The original proposer of the motion may withdraw their motion at any time prior to the vote.
10.6. So long as rule 10.5 is adhered to, it is assumed that all realms are in attendance during any online War Council business. If rule 10.5 is for any reason not adhered to, a quorum of 2/3 of all Voting Realms must respond during the voting period in order for the motion to pass.
10.6.1.Non-responding realms will be considered as abstaining.
10.7. Additions: As with normal War Council proceedings, votes on new rules in the Bylaws or Book of War, and adding new voting realms require a 2/3rds majority. New speaking realms need only a simple majority vote. The election of corporate officers is outlined in Article 7 above.
10.8. Changes: As with normal War Council proceedings, changes to the Book of War, changes to the Bylaws, and removal of voting realms require a 2/3 majority. Votes of No-Confidence for corporate officers are outlined in Article 7 above.
* 10.9. Voting Period: After a vote begins, the vote will remain open for 21 days, unless extended. 10.9.1. A realm may change its vote at any time during this period.
* 10.9.2. Votes or changes on the 22nd day or afterwards are discarded.
* 10.10. Attending Realms: A voting realm that participates must vote Yes, No, or Abstain. An abstention will not count as a vote in support (for) or refusal (against) the motion in question. .
10.11. Non-voting Realms: A realm that does not respond at all within the voting period is still considered to be in attendance so long as rule 10.5 has been adhered to. Their vote shall be counted as an abstention.
* 10.12. Close of Voting: At the end of the designated voting period, the President (or another Corporate Officer if the President has delegated this duty) will count the vote tally and declare the outcome.
* 10.13. Extensions: Any voting realm may request an extension on a vote on or before the 21st day of voting. They must provide a viable reason for this request.
* 10.13.1. It must be seconded on or before the 21st day of voting to take effect.
* 10.13.2. If the motion is made and seconded, voting will continue for 7 days past the end of the original voting period, making the voting period a total of 28 days.
* 10.13.3. A vote may only be extended once.
* 10.14. Emergency Votes: If a vote has been called on a motion and a quorum has not been reached by the close of voting, an emergency vote may be called at the President's discretion (or Vice President's if and only if the issue is a Vote of No Confidence on the President) within 7 days, so long as it meets the requisite criteria. The President may only call emergency votes for the following reasons:
* 10.14.1. Election of Corporate officers
* 10.14.2. Votes of No Confidence on Corporate Officers.
* 10.14.3. Votes required due to pending litigation
* 10.14.4 Changes required to resolve a persistent deadlock situation which has lasted over at least 6 months and 3 votes where no quorum has been reached on any vote, other than previously called emergency votes. This may include votes for the addition of new voting realms or temporary removal of negligent realms from the War Council, but under no circumstances may an emergency vote be called for dissolution of the War Council.
* 10.15. In the event an emergency vote has been called, all realms will be contacted by the Secretary immediately and approximately 2 weeks into the voting period if they have not yet responded.
10.15.1. If necessary, alternate methods of contact such as telephone calls will be used. The emergency voting period will last for exactly 28 days.
* 10.15.2. So long as these procedures have been followed, all realms will be considered in attendance for the Emergency Vote.
* 10.16. Proxy votes will not be allowed. War Council votes must be submitted by the designated realm representatives.
* 10.17. Parliamentary Authority. The Roberts Rules of Order, latest revision, shall be the governing authority in any matter not specifically covered by these by-laws.
Article 11: Finances
* 11.1.Each Realm is responsible for its own finances and is must adhere to the appropriate state and federal laws.
* 11.2. In case of dissolution of the corporation, the assets will pay off all indebtedness and all creditors. Any remaining monies shall be given to a non-profit organization(s) in Illinois, the state of incorporation. And no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall inure to the benefit of any private persons. Upon the dissolution or winding up of the corporation its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation, shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes meeting the requirements for exemption provided by Section 214 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article 12: Amendments
* 12.1. Any issue relevant to these by-laws may be reported by any member to the War Council through a War Council representative.
Article 13: Code of Ethical Guidelines
* 13.1. The following guidelines shall be adhered to by the BMCS to advise the most ethical course of action in the various matters which may arise.
* 13.2. Ethical Responsibility to the Public
o 13.2.1. BMCS members shall:
o Recognize a primary commitment to present the public with any information that will promote the BMCS.
o Actively support the BMCS by any means available under law.
o Encourage the members of the BMCS to uphold the involvement of educational awareness of local realms and the disposition of materials for the growth of the BMCS.
o Realm leaders are responsible for contacting local park services to insure all aspects of local law and codes are being maintained by their respective realms.
o Encourage careful compliance with procedures specified in state and federal law regarding the use of lands or facilities for the purpose of the BMCS populace.
* 13.3. A BMCS member shall not:
o 13.3.1 Advocate destruction of any site or cause damage to any area in which the BMCS is using.
o 13.3.2. Allow his or her name to be used in the support of illegal or unethical activity during or in relation to any event, associated with BCMS.
o 13.3.3. Knowingly misrepresent oneself as "qualified" in matters for which there is a reasonable doubt of qualification such as weapons checker, marshal, medical personnel, or any other office at the Realm or National levels.
o 13.3.4. Violate any local or federal laws while at a BMCS event.
Article 14: Policy of non-discrimination
* 14.1. Belegarth shall be non-profit and nonsectarian. There shall be no discrimination in membership, employment or services due to race, color, sex, age, lifestyle, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, mental disability, or physical disability.
14.1.2 BMCS retains the right to refuse participation in simulated combat to members with medical conditions that would pose a safety risk to themselves or other members. The risk is to be determined by the head herald of the event being participated in. This ruling shall apply only to simulated combat and will not bar any person from any other aspect of participation.
Article 15: Realms
* 15.1. What is a Realm: A community or territory that has an active status in the BMCS.
* 15.2. An active realm in BMCS:
o 15.2.1. Must have and maintain at least ten (10) active members for a one-year period. An active member is defined as a person who participates in realm activities and represents the realm during inter-realm events.
o 15.2.2. Must register with the BMCS. Either contacting an Officer of BMCS, and/or the BMCS online message boards .
o 15.2.3. Must use the rules for combat based on those contained within the Book of War of the BMCS. A realm may develop realm-specific rules. However, the national rules will be used during any inter-realm event.
o 15.2.4. Must not be within 20 miles of another BMCS realm. Alternatively, if within 20 miles of another BMCS realm then must have at least ten (10) active members separate from the other realm.
o 15.2.5. A realm must have a regularly scheduled practice at least once per month.
o 15.2.6. A realm must have a written constitution and/or bylaws. These will be submitted to the War Council for review prior to being granted voting status.
* 15.3. Becoming a Voting Realm.
o 15.3.1 Meet all the criteria from section B of section 15.2.
o 15.3.2. An Officer of BMCS, and/or voting member of the BMCSWC must sponsor a new realm before they are granted a seat on the BMCSWC.
* 15.4. Duties and responsibilities of a sponsor realm.
o 15.4.1. Designate points of contacts for both the sponsor and sponsored realms.
o 15.4.2. Exchange contact information including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email.
o 15.4.3. Make an attempt to visit the sponsored realm practice or event at least once every six months.
o 15.4.4. Bring the sponsored realm up for speaking rights at the Belegarth War Council.
o 15.4.5. Once this is done, the sponsorship needs to be addressed by the BMCSWC and a vote taken. It will be a 2/3rds majority vote. Once passed, the new realm will have its voting rights.
* 15.5. Removal of a Realm:
o 15.5.1. If for some reason a realm does not fulfill the requirements of section 15.2 the BMCSWC may remove that realm’s voting status until such requirements are met. A 2/3 majority of all voting realms is required.
o 15.5.2. If a Realm knowingly violates local or federal law, the realm may lose voting rights by order of the BMCSWC.
o 15.5.3. If a realm is dissolved, or states its wish to no longer be associated with the BMCS, the BMCSWC may revoke its voting rights.
o 15.5.4. A realm may voluntarily choose to reduce its status from voting to speaking rights. To regain its voting rights, it must follow the procedures in sections 15.2 and 15.3 of this article.
o 15.5.5. To remove a realm from its right to vote is a voluntary action by the BMCSWC and therefore is not mandated.
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Derian wrote:Well, ****. Par is right.
This ruling shall apply only to simulated combat and will bar any person from any other aspect of participation.
Article 7: Installation and Removal of an individual from a National Office
7.1. A person may hold a national level position in BCMS (excluding Realm Leaders) only as long as the individual is able to properly perform the duties required for the fulfillment of said position.
7.1.1. Installation of New Officers A person may be nominated for a National Office with a nomination and second from any two Voting Realms. Nominations for new officers may be made in either the Winter voting session or in the event of either a successful vote of no-confidence or the resignation of a current National Officer. In the event that only one individual is successfully nominated, the motion shall adhere to the standard 7-day discussion period to allow for other nominations. If no other nominations or objections are raised during that time, the motion is considered passed with no vote necessary. In the event that more than one individual is nominated for a National Office, all seconded candidates shall be considered during the same vote. A simple majority of half of the responding realms shall be considered a successful election. If a nominee withdraws his or her candidacy, votes cast in said candidates favor are considered as abstentions until those realms change their vote. In the event that a plurality of candidates causes no single candidate to receive half of the responding realms’ votes by the end of the voting period, a secondary election shall be called in the manner of an emergency vote. Only the two candidates from the original election with the greatest number of votes shall be considered in this secondary election.
7.1.2. Removal of Officers If the War Council feels that a person is not doing the job according to the criteria set by the War Council, said person might be removed from office by means of a Vote of No Confidence motioned and seconded by members of the War Council. The vote will carry by a simple majority of the WC quorum voting yes to the removal of the person.
7.2. The BMCS War Council will do its best to support the National Officers as well as general members of BMCS.
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
Kyrian wrote:Thanks to the rain gods (that includes you, Gorlock)
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