People bringing dogs

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People bringing dogs

Postby Kharn » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:43 am

Reading the responses to the forest battles got me thinking.

I haven't been to Arm in awhile, but I remember that at least a couple people bring their dog.

Things to have for your dog: Obviously rabies and distemper vaccinations. Lyme and Giardia are something to consider for anyone who routinely camps with their dog, but it's too late to get those finished before geddon.

Flea and Tick preventive: Lyme is a pretty minimal risk, but ticks carry alot of other stuff, and are just a pain in the * in general. You should have the good stuff from the Vet's office like Advantix or Frontline Top Spot. Over the counter stuff has a different active ingredient which is a repellent instead of an insecticide, and it's seriously weak sauce.

Heartworm preventive: your dog should be on this regardless of going camping with it, but mosquitos in the wild are more likely to be heartworm carriers than mosquitos in town. Heartworm preventive is cheap, treating a Heartworm infestation takes months and hundreds of dollars.
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