Thoughts on Armageddon from someone who was there...

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Thoughts on Armageddon from someone who was there...

Postby Theros the Large » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:28 pm

I am very disheartened by the fact that so many people WHO DID NOT ATTEND THE EVENT are tearing down what was in my opinion the best Armageddon in years.

The Wolfpack girls did a great job running troll. Everyone was greeted with smiles and a welcoming word. The waivers and sign-in process went smoothly.

The FOUR feast that were provided (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday) were all amazing and well run. I don't see any other week long events feeding people that much.

The night life was interesting and lively. Sin night was a lot of mostly clean fun. The Bardic games were a huge sing-a-long session and everyone had a good time.

Skorr ran the best nighttime assassin game in years. It got almost all of the event involved with night fights, sneaky tricks and good times.

There was no shenanagins pulled on anyone. There was no vandalism, stolen property or rude behavior. The only remotely annoying thing was the BOF singing until 3 AM, but who is that hurting?

The fighting was fast and hard with very little in the way of bad sportsmanship or drama. We had a great team of heralds who kept fighting running from early in the day until dark every day.

Weapons check was well run and efficient. There were no serious injuries during the entire event. Everyone was very good about keeping potentially unsafe equipment off the fighting field.

The sight was set up very well. Bo and company did a superb job building the hay bale city and castle walls. There was plenty of fresh water and firewood for the entire site. Lady Feri even brought out a commercial ice chest so people didn't have to run to town for bags of ice.

It hurts me that so many of our biggest supporters are willing to write off this event as a badly run, sloppily organized and policed event on the word of a person who showed up for her first event with outrageous expectations and a crappy attitude. I'm am truly sorry that we aren't a 100% historically accurate medivalist group who spend all day brewing beer and talking with dreadful British accents.

If she wanted to go to a ren fair she was in the wrong place. We are Belegarth and we are who and what we are. I see no reason to be apologetic about running an excellent FOAM FIGHTING EVENT.

I think that all of the non attending nay-sayers should get their facts straight before jumping down our throats about how the event was run.

These are strictly my opinions and do not represent the opinions of anyone else.
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Re: Thoughts on Armageddon from someone who was there...

Postby Dabbanoth » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:36 pm

Theros the Large wrote:Skorr ran the best nighttime assassin game in years. It got almost all of the event involved with night fights, sneaky tricks and good times.

Go team Blue.

Also everything else you said gets a thumbs-up
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Postby Theros the Large » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:45 pm

I would also like to make a list of all of the people who worked their asses off to make Armageddon VI such a great event.

Squire Bo - This guy was everywhere at once. I have never seen dediaction like his to event running.

Joyous - Our Wolfpack front man was a dependable rock who was willing to do anything to make this event work.

And all of the other people who went out of their way to volunteer their time to help herald, cook and set up the site.

Sir Kyrian, Sir Morpheus, Meeka, Assyria, Janice, Sorbo, X, Rae, Chavez, Oracle, Skorr, Squire Keiichi, Davit, Sorcia, Nuri, Skada, Mistie, Lady Feri, Sir Fox, Tobin, Sir Nolen, Kuba, Klawz, and anyone else that I might have forgotten.

I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all of your selfless service and devotion to this game we all love so well.
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Postby Assyria » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:53 pm

I would say that this event had the most helpers I remember seeing in years. People did what needed to be done. Ohio fighters pitched in and heralded, Brotherhood helped take down the castle. Dunharrow fighters several mornings cleaned up all the bottles etc from the field before fighting started. People showed up at Troll and within the first few minutes were saying "If you need help, just ask." More events need to run like this so that not just one realm or group is stuck with all the work, and then all the blame when the small things get blown out of proportion.

We had a slow start to the week. A lot of people couldnt make it until Wednesday or Thursday. I spent hours at Troll, but as soon as we had enough people, we made sure that no one was stuck there for hours on end, because it is truly a thankless job.

If you did not come to the event, please reserve your judgement. You did not see the work that went into feasts, night life or other aspects of the event. I have to agree with Theros, if you want more non-combatant entertainment, then step up and create it, because since so much of our SPORT is geared toward fighters, when planning for an event that is going to take the first priority. Fighters bring in more fighters. When we start loosing the fighters we are going to be in trouble. This does not mean to say that we should not work towards building the non-combatant arts and activities. I am just saying that if the non-combatants want more, then they are the ones who need to approach the people running the event and say hey can i have a __________________ class set up, I will run it. Chances are the coordinators are going to say yea, sure, what supplies will you need.
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Postby Nuri » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:00 pm


So lets talk about the good, okay? Geddon had amazing feasts. The city fighting looked fantastic. The rain was mild in comparison to others. I'd say there was less drama, but I'm with the realm that ran the event -- theres always drama. I saw more people in good garb than ever. We've stopped handing people paper plates at feasts and expect people to provide their own. There was a lot less people being lazy and not helping out. This event was the smoothest I've ever helped run.

I'd like to thank everyone who has been mentioned and everyone who hasn't.There are literally too many people to mention. I do have to ask....Bo, Joyous? Are you really robots like Sir Fox? Because * it, you must at least have wind-up things in your back to be running around like that.
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Postby Sipris » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:15 pm

I had a flippin' blast!!!! Kudos and five thumbs up to everyone who worked there butts off to make a great event!

I especially enjoyed the night life, marinated pork, fizz ball, amazing people and butt ruckus!! :angel:

Great job! Great fun! Great week!


P.S. Go team green COBRA! RAAAAR! And two hollas out to 2 boys, 1 girl and a bat for fizz ball!! :D
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Postby Ralimar » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:17 pm

Preach on, Brother Theros!
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Postby Thorondor » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:54 pm

Stop telling me how good it was!!!

Makes me sad I couldn't come due to my major field exit exam ::(:

Hopefully next year I can get back to the midwest for an event though.

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Postby Galya » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:21 pm

We're only telling you how good it was so the that bad reputation Armageddon has had in the past will hopefully be erased. :)

Really though, this was my first big-time national event, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I had nothing but high hopes for it coming in, and I was not disappointed. The feasts, the fighting, the bardic games, the amazing weather!
Personally though, my favorite part of events (aside from fighting itself) is getting together with other people and just hanging out. I mean, I like nothing better than to sit around a campfire, listening to jokes, stories, monster mythologies and just getting to know those around me. After all, isn't one of the most precious things to this game something called community? In my opinion, Belegarth is a group of people who come together to have fun and be friends. Or even more than that, to be family. There are some people in this game that I would trust my life with. And that's not something you run into every day.

Bottom line: I'm sorry that some people didn't enjoy Arm as much as me. All I have to say is that I think some of the focus is being lost in the details of being 100% accurate and "period". Yes, people should try to make decent garb so as not to hinder the experience of others. But like I've heard people say, we're not the SCA. The point is to have fun.

I do respect the opinion of all veterans however, and if they disagree with anything I said, I apologize in advance. I'm just expressing myself.
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Forkbeard wrote:So, you can't decide if that is Galya or Par? I have to admit, I mistake Par for an old woman regularly. But Galya is a beautiful and intelligent lady. I'd never mistake her for him.
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Postby Sai » Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:43 am

I will also back everything that Theros stated. Running an event this long and this large is a hard task to accomplish, I have been there and done that.

From the very second I arrived at the event I felt the presence of hard work and dedication to the event. The girls at troll were extremely friendly and very comforting. All the heralds did an amazing job, and kept the field relatively clean and safe while fighting off the heat. The weapons checkers got their job done every day, quickly and efficiently. All the cooks did a splendid job the entire week. That feast on Saturday was the best I ever had at an event. Not to mention that everyone in attendance was very socialable with everyone. I don't know many people that felt left out.

I am not sure what the total number was for attendance, but I do know it wasn't as many as we have had in the past. Despite that, I honestly must say that this was my favorite event I have been too. Thank you Wolfpack and Rhun for putting on this event. Thank you Joyous and Bo for putting all your effort, time and strength into running this event. Finally, thanks to everyone who was there for showing the rest of us a great event. We do appriciate it.
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Postby carr » Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:37 pm

It may have been small, but it was fun as hell. My girlfriend, a non-fighter, also had a great time. Feasts were supurb, nightlife was chill but fun, and fighting was clean. I dont know what more i could ask for in an event other than more people show up next time.

And thanks to everone that helped run the event, you all did a great job.
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I have never felt so inspired

Postby ChaplainThorn » Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:38 pm

Seriously, this was one of the top three best events in my 11 year memory. In all this time this was the most inspired i have ever been to make my game stronger, and bring about a better game for all. To those of you who did all the real work(THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART) And to those of you who just showed up and had fun(THE SAME FOR YOU). I hoped i explained my love for this game to you all. If I had not been at this event, i might not feel the way i do right now and that would be an absolute shame. Please remember this game is what you make it! so complaining and not working to fix it is just counter productive.

ALSO B.O.F. rules Bags!!!!!!!

Thanks again

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Postby bo1 » Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:49 am

I wish to thank a few people. I was the point man, but i would have folded in a day without Sorbo, Joyous, Digoza, Meeka, Dia, Assyria, Nuri, Davit, Fox, Katina, Keichi, Peter, Ragnar, Rae, X, Dilirium, Gruul, Kyrian, Sorcia, Lock, Trigger, Misti, Skada, Ike, Theros, Piper, Galin, Izzy **** who am i forgetting??lots of people.
This was the event for me thanks for making it so successful.

i owe this sport another.
whos up for next year.
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Postby ChaplainThorn » Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:40 pm

No Joke Bo busted his * for this event i watched him.(Yes i said watched him, not helped him, well not much) Anyhow way to freaking go Bo! You all did an awesome job.

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Postby Vokor » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:33 pm

I am sorry that I could not make this year, I started a new job monday of that week. I want to say to all the nasayers,. this is a huge work load. and to those that busted that butts thank you !! all but BO..JK BO love ya man.
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