Thoughts from an Outsider about Armaggedon VI

Threads with info from past events

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Postby Sorcia » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:16 pm

Due to a freak thunderstorm on Saturday night the sign in sheets were destroyed along with several tents. I think Joyous or Bo has a round about figure.

Since I am trying to not yell at anyone, I'll say only a few things.

I would like to thank the person who started this thread for doing so while the event was still going on. You made it sound so bad to people who were not at the event that they took your side without any input from the people who actually attended the event.

Do you realize that at the time you were posting this the Brotherhood was cooking and serving food to everyone at the event. They volunteered to do this and take a little of the workload off the organizers. Some of those organizers were there for a week and a day.

Everytime I went to troll to check on things, the ladies there were more pleasent than any troll types I've seen in years. They welcomed every car and gave them info pertaining to the event and everything they did was with a smile. If you needed something they did everything they could to help. Some of them even stayed at troll for almost 8 hours because we had so few people to run it early in the week.

Sin Night... here we go again. The planning was wonderful. The games were fun and the people were hilarious. The people who smoked pot were jerks. We tried several times to find them and make them leave. But just as soon as we smelled it they stopped.

My tent is modern. My car is modern. My flashlight is modern. Some of my garb is not 100% historically accurate. I bought my shoes at a department store. I even used a modern fire staff to entertain the masses at sin night. I've also been doing medieval "recreating" for 14 years. I have been in Amtgard, Dagorhir, Belegarth and the SCA. NONE of those groups are perfect. Not even the SCA. When Kyrian and I showed up at Estrella Wars years ago, they didn't even care what we were sleeping in. They were just glad we showed up and had fun. That is how we treated people at this event.

I am so glad that you were there. I am not glad that you trashed an event that took months of planning and 24 hours worth of care each day to make it run smoothly. It took over 100 people at the event to work and provide for the event and just you to bring it down.

If you are at Octoberfest I will pesonally walk you around the event and show you what it really takes to run it. I'll show you what it takes to get water there, wood, food, portapotties. I'll let you know how much workgoes into putting up the castle. I will show you what it is like to herald and work at troll. We will walk around at night and I'll introduce you to tons of people who are having a blast without the use of drugs or booze. We will join in on the non-com activities that are there. You will even have an opportunity to fight and see what that is like.

This is an open invitation for anyone who would like to learn about events from the other side. I will not be hostile and I will not be mean. I will only be informative. If I get no takers then I will assume that everyone at the event understands how much work an event takes. And I am sure I will only hear praise about how the event was run.

By the way, I suggest that everyone here take time to start all of your posts on this topic with " Thank you event organizers for working during your vacation."
Sir Sorcia the Matriarch
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Postby =KATO= » Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:32 am

SMOKE WEED! its legality is proof of the failed system of which i am sure you are proud to be a perpetuator!
we dont need dictators or supporters of oppression we will look towards the leaders of this country for that

I agree with everything about the realism and garb! anyone who ever disagrees with the midevil aspect and its necessity should be straight up banned until they realize their own ignorance!
as far as non-combatants go, i agree that you could find something awesome to do if relaxing in the country isnt enough. i fully support creativity and initiative towards making non-combatant and Family oriented activities with a midevil basis! Lets call it a non-combatant project;)

OH! and did i say SMOKE WEED!
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