Threads with info from past events

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Postby shiv » Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:21 pm

-copied from Gen. Mayhem to advertise-

*monster truck announcer voice* SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!

O.k. just kidding about the Sunday part... this should be on Friday or Saturday of Armageddon, final details to come.

We are having the first Monster Olympics, an outgrowth of Springwar's small but promising Monster Smash. Come one and come all, we want as many monsters to come and participate as possible, this is just starting off here at 'Geddon but will continue to grow. Pinkies are welcome to watch and shout a lot but not to participate... this is something to try and keep monster races in Belegarth alive and thriving and for lore to be revived as well. Pinkies have many outlets for their various arts and crafts and we are trying to get some things going for monter-dom as well! So no offense intended. :frog:

The Monster Olympics will consist of games such as:

Greased stick tug of war
A four corners style "duel"

and some others.... currently planned but not announced in order to tantalize you!

Some of these things will need your ahead-of-time attention which will now be explained:

There will be a banner-off: Whichever race gets together and brings the coolest banner will win this. This will probably be something that needs to be made and brought to 'Geddon as materials aren't usually available on-site. Likely you will have to get together with a few locals of your race and make your banner. If more than one banner is brought from your race extra points will be added. If no one from your race brings a banner then you will be counted as participating but lose points for non-entry.

There will be an insult/brag competition: This can consist of a few sentences, but no more at a time, about how your race of monster is better than all the others, and/or why all the others suck compared to yours. ;) The reason there is forewarning about this competition is to encourage you to read up on your lore and get some things practiced. We're not all quick-wits and so some ideas ahead of time will help more people be able to participate. More points are awarded for lore-heavy wit.

There will be an "awesomest war-paint" competition, plan accordingly now.

There will also be a chant-off. Whichever race's chant is the loudest, wins. The chant must be somewhat lore related, however vaguely.

And finally, there will also be a BIG award for whichever race can drum up the most attending supporters. In order to make sure there is an accurate count a strip of cloth of different colors will be given to each race. Only those wearing the cloth of that color and attending the Monster Olympics will be counted as supporters of that monster race. Those supprting do not need to be aware of what or who they are supporting and ALL manner of bribery and "persuasion" of all sorts are allowed. BE MONSTERY AND CREATIVE in getting your supporters. :devil:

Finally, please tell everyone you know that is a monster, we want this to truly get huge, and here is where and when it starts.

Any questions? Ask away!

Sorry for how insanely long this is, I want it to be easily understood, so it had to be well explained.

Bo, if you could sticky this it would be sweet, if not that's o.k. too. Any chance on once info is finalized, getting this "event" in the 'Geddon guide?
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