Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

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Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:57 pm

So here it is in a couple of installments as i get everything together:

Only 3 combat tournaments will be for Banner Points
Sword and Board, Champions, and the 10man
All the other tournaments will be for fun and reward.

Washers Tournament Tuesday * lunch - Saturday * 6pm
The washers tournament this year will start Tuesday and run the whole rest of the week. This year you sign up with your partner by Tuesday during lunch and over the course of the week you'll play every other team signed up by that pt. The team with the most wins, wins the tournament and yes the goblets that go with it.

Tournament Schedule:
Monday: Red, Green, and Florentine at the field starting at 7pm.
Tuesday: Single blue at the field at 6:30pm. Washers tournament sign ups end at lunch and the tournament begins.
Wednesday: Sword and Board (BANNER PTS.) followed by newbie (1 year or less) and the new Duo tournament at the field starting at 6:30pm.
Thursday: Tank Tourney at the field at 6:30pm
Friday: 10man (BANNER PTS.) followed by the 4man at the field starting at 6:30pm.
Saturday: Champions Tournament at the field at 6pm. Also washers tournament should be over at this point.

First off this year only 3 tournaments will be for Banner Points (Sword and Board, Champions, and 10man). All the other tournaments will be for fun and reward. We're going to start a new (hopefully) tradition with all these tournaments we'll have a metal goblet ... H1XY8JRD3K that we'll be engraving with chaos wars and then when you win a tournament you'll have your name engraved on it with the year and you'll be able to keep the goblet for the year between the chaos wars, then you'll bring the goblet back and the next person to win the tournament will get their name on it etc. Now obviously this won't always work out perfectly but having discussed the idea to death with the event coordinating group i believe that the pros out way the cons. We don't do all the tournaments in a single day anymore like we used to so a lot of tournaments have a low attendance (like the red tournament which had like 8 people in it last year). So this is an effort to both make the tournaments larger and record people's awesomeness for years to come. I think it would be awesome to be some new kid and win one of the goblets like 20 years from now and have some older more squat version of Aleksii come up and say something like "i remember before you were born when i won that thing at chaos blah blah." hilarious and awesome...anyway if you don't like this idea run chaos and stop it or something. So ya that was longer winded then i meant it to be but all non-banner pt. tournaments will have a goblet, the 4man will have 4 of course.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:10 pm

There will be 2 cloaks up for grabs through field battle fighting.
A Top Realm cloak for the winner of the realm field battles held each day.
A Top Unit cloak for the winner of the unit field battles held each day.

Each day there will be 3 realm battles and 3 unit battles. 3 in the morning and 3 after lunch. Realm/Unit battles will alternate between times each day.

The winner of each battle earns a point. The cloaks will be awarded at feast.

This is on the CW schedule:

So mostly as a way to get fighters to the field more quickly in the mornings and after lunch we came up with 2 other competitions which will be exclusively for your realm and unit: Sometimes at Chaos wars with the banner and your group either being to small or joining up with other groups the units and realms get under represented. So in an effort to fix this and fix the dismal field turn outs in the morning and after lunch we're going to have 2 awesome cloaks done up with the Chaos Wars symbol down the back (colors pending) one for units and one for realms which are up for grabs for the new annual unit and realm battles (after all banner fighting is done we can still do regular realm/unit battles that have nothing on the line for them but representing and having fun fighting with your mates). The first 3 battles of the day and the first 3 after lunch will be alternately realm and unit battles (per day). The winner of each of these battles will get one pt. toward their unit/realm respectively winning the cloaks. At the feast the unit/realm with the most will win the cloak and keep it for a year and get to put their unit/realm symbol on the cloak(s). We'll have a tie breaking battle of course if need be before the end of fighting saturday.

I've stated the reasons above why we're doing this, and i don't want it to be something that detracts from the awesome glory that is the banner, but some smaller units/realms sometimes don't even get recognized at all and this seemed like a good way to help fix that. Of course the new shrinking edge of the world will be used during these battles.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:24 pm

For the non-combat side of the banner we're doing 7 events this year as I'm sure some of you saw in the schedule, they are:
Tuesday: Goblyn nite at 7pm, and the non-alcoholic drink mix-off at 7:30 at the monster feast (main fire)
Wednesday: Chaos Relay Race 5-6pm on the field. Participating teams will need 5 members. Be prepared for Chaos and some running, water and spoons.
Thursday: The return of the Chili Cook-Off at 7pm at main fire, and at 10pm the alcoholic drink mix-off outside valas' pub.
Friday: The Bardic Games at main fire after dark. This will be split into 2 categories, a period and non-period. Each will be scored separately and each will be for banner pts.

Ok those are the non combat events for pts. this year. Goblyn nite of course will be scored by the kids as usual, and relay race will be a simple first to finish, second to finish, and third to finish gets the pts. But all the other events will be scored by a panel of 5 judges. The judges will be chosen by a pre-set list of criteria so we don't have say: 5 close friends of Elwrath's who will always pick his favorite :P. Nah most like it will be based on region/experience/maybe one as bele-popularity/maybe a fight for a spot/we'll see for sure i'm going to conference with lief and dopp on this.

As far as pt. values, each will be worth equal pts of: 5 for first, 3 for second, and 2 for 3rd. Each group participating in the banner can only win 1 of the top 3 spots but you can enter as much as you want/have stuff for.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:19 pm

So just a run down so everyone is on the same page as far as how the banner is being scored this year:
First off its %50 fighting and %50 non-fighting...we think this is a good mix that allows everyone to be involved and have a good time. The %50 that is non-fighting is split into 7 events that are each worth a total of 10pts, 5 for first, 3 for second, and 2 for third. The Fighting is worth an equal number of pts. (70) that is split into 3 categories: Banner Battles, the 3 tournaments (sword and board, 10 man, and Champions) and finally Scenario Battles. The exact amounts for each is some math that was even when we came up with it and we didn't write down so ill get back to you on that but the they'll be even across the 3 categories.

Just so there's no confusion at all: The banner battles will be the standard big field battles with your group(i say group cause its often that its multiple units or realms) and the group that wins gets a number of pts. THESE PTS ARE NOT TOWARD THE BANNER, BUT TOWARD WINNING THE BANNER BATTLES PORTION OF THE FIGHTING PTS FOR THE BANNER. What that means is you might get 3 pts for winning the battle, but that's not 3 pts for the banner its 3pts toward the first, second, or third place pts, available. Which is probably something like 10, 7, 3 or something (ill let you know as soon as i do). Also the shrinking edge of the world will return to these battles. Finally if your group wins the battle within 1min you get 5pts. you get 3pts. if you win it within 4min, and 1pt after 4min. 3 of these will be run a day alternating between before lunch and after depending on the day.

The tournaments: The champions will be one person from each group. The will all fighting each other and the person with the most wins, gets first place followed by the next person etc. Sorry that more won't be able to participate in this tournament that's just the way it is, but to make up for it we have the sword and board. The sword and board is open admittance so you can put any number of people into it. We'll be running it in pools of 10 with the person with the most wins advancing into a second round where it will be best 2 of 3. Also using a handy computer program that b/c will have we'll be randomizing the pools so that as much as possible you won't be fighting your own group, but this means that you'll have to sign up before hand so, sign ups for the sword and board will stop at 5:30pm wednesday afternoon. Finally the 10man will be the same as the champion's only one group per group. In this you'll also fight each other group and the most wins takes first etc.

also someone internet savvy make this an announcement plz.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:20 pm

more to come but i'm getting lunch and running errands
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Sir Par » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:52 pm

Elwrath, for the Fighting side I'm pretty the decision was to make scenario and field battles each worth 20 doing a 10 6 4 split on each of them. Ten each for the tournies wich brought us to a total of 70 points possible.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Sir Anastasia » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:08 pm

Wow. A lot of these changes look great and I think really might help newcomers have an awesome time.
Would it be possible to have more transparency in banner points totals this year? maybe daily total updates, so we can confirm points are going to the correct groups?
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Forkbeard » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:20 pm

I think this all sounds very complicated.
I'm sure you guys will have fun with it. I don't care. Tell me if my team wins.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Valas Hune » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:49 pm

Mix off question because my brain is full of holes. Is the mix off limited to mixed drinks, shots, or either?
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Juniper Wynd » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:28 am

For things such as the chili cook off are we allowed to have multiple entries per unit or only one? We have a couple people that would like to participate.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Blackwolfe » Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:16 pm

Forkbeard wrote:I think this all sounds very complicated.
I'm sure you guys will have fun with it. I don't care. Tell me if my team wins.

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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Rope » Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:18 pm

Anastasia of Chamonix wrote:so we can confirm points are going to the correct groups?

or we could just trust that people will not cheat like we do with the rest of the sport

also elwrath fix your goblet link in the first post, i wanna see it!
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Juniper Wynd » Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:35 am

Still wanting to find out about multiple entries per it allowed, if so how many...etc...
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Shino » Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:09 am

I edited this topic for readability. I didn't change anything that was posted only bolded some stuff and identified key points.

If you look at my posting history you may notice that I love the use of the bold tool. :)

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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:39 pm

sry juniper didn't see you post: yes more than one entry per unit are allowed, in fact if every uruk-hai makes their own thing of chili that's fine by me. I would like to say that for each entry please have enough to share with others, that's kinda the whole point.

valas-i suppose if you want to feed the judges shots idc, though the mixed drinks will probably get a higher score.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:52 pm

Scenario Battles: So each day we’ll run 3 scenario battles that are explained below. These battles follow a war between 2 kingdoms we’re calling the ”chaos war.” It will have a progression from a skirmish and raid type battles at the beginning of the week to large scale city and castle battles at the end of the week. We’re following this progression so we can have a lot story line fun without too much “larping” and have a series of scenario battles of all types.

So each day all of the “groups” (i.e. the different realms/units/random people or conglomerates of these) will be randomly divided onto 2 teams either “white” team or “blue” team. We’ll have head bands so each team is easily identifiable. For example one day it might by(and for the sake of this example we’ll use groups or units or realms that might not actually be going for the banner but will explain how this is going to go) Uruk-hai, Chaos Guard, the eastern coalition vs. Ebonhold, God Squad, and Team sampler platter. The 3 groups making up each team will fight 3 battles together during the day. Each victory the team gets will give 1pt to each of the teams groups. Then the next day the teams are divided again and its Chaos Guard, Ebonhold, and Sampler platter vs. the other 3 etc. So at the end of the week the “group” (using the above definition of the word) with the most pts. will be first place, and the 2nd second place and 3rd third place. I hope that came across simple and easy to everyone, if you have questions please ask them.

Ok now the scenarios (some minor changes might take place before the event but we’ll have the exact rules by the weekend before at the latest):

Each team is divides their forces into 3 smaller forces (they don’t have to be equal sized). Then 3 fights are fought each smaller force participating once against one of the other teams smaller forces. Its best 2 out of 3. Winning team gets a pt. and is the “attacker” for the second battle. When the team is divided into 3 smaller forces each smaller force will pick a commander who will conference with the other 2 commanders on their team and secretly chose which order the 3 forces will fight in. This is so neither team knows who will fight who before we announce “number 1s to the field.” Extra bit of strategizing. :) .

Pitched Battle: Attackers have position advantage because of the skirmish. They deploy a 3rd of their force on the flank of the defenders force before the battle starts. This could be a tremendous advantage or a clever defender could use it against them. Winning team gets 1pt.

Tactical Retreat: The losing team of the pitched battle is trying to retreat across a river to a mountain pass. The field will be divided in half by a “river” the retreating force will start in the middle of the one half the divided field halfway between the edge of the world and the bridge over the river. Their goal is to get to the narrow bridge over the river, cross it and cross the other side of the field to the mountain pass. If they get at least half their force to the mountain pass they win (we’ll have a count of the retreating team before hand so we can tell of course). The retreating force will also start with a small force on the bridge to protect it to start (prolly no more than 5-7 people). The attacking force will start off the edges of the world, on all edges that are on the same side of the river the retreaters start on (don’t worry there will be pictures for all of this), also they’ll start with 2 small forces that start off the edge of the world on the far side of the river that can come in the instant the first retreater from the main retreating force crosses the river. The attackers goal is to simply kill at least half the retreaters. Also the river is a very fast river and to fall into it is death.

map1 by elwrath, on Flickr

Ill get tuesday up later today.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:33 pm


Caravan Raid:
Attacking color from Monday’s last battle is the defender. Both forces are divided into 5 groups that each have a force commander, forces don’t have to be equal sized. The defenders have valuable items that need to they need to get across a narrow valley. Attackers want the items. The defenders win if they get the majority of the items across the valley (they start at one end and need to get to the other). Attackers win if they stop the defenders from getting the majority across. Attackers can start on all edges of the world except behind the defenders. Attackers must all come into play at the same time. Each item must be carried by a defender and is captured when an attacker kills the carrier and runs off with the item. If they attackers can get the item off an edge of the world (with the attacking carrier) its out of play for good. Until that happens the defenders can get the items back. As with the skirmish battle of Monday the force commanders decide in what order they fight in so its secret from the other team.

Village Pillage: Attacking force is the defender from last round. The attacking force wants to burn the major buildings of a nearby enemy village. The defenders of course want to stop them. The village sits across a fast deadly river. The attackers have to attack from both sides and have regen spots at the ends of the field where they start. Each attackers weapon counts as a “torch” for the purposes of burning down the village. There will be a heralds at the spots on the buildings where a torch must be lit. To light the spot on fire a torch bearer must do a 5 “one thousand” count with their torch against the herald. Once a spot is lit it stays that way. Attackers win if they can light all the spots on fire within 10min. Defenders win otherwise. Defenders have regen spots at the ends of the rivers and run down the course of the river to the regen spot, regen and then run back down the river to come back into play on the bridge in the middle of the village. Defenders start in the village.

map2 by elwrath, on Flickr

Battle on the plains: The loser of the last battle seeks revenge by forcing a pitched battle. Each side has 2 standards represented by heralds holding a shield and flag. Each side wants to destroy the other sides standards and keep their own alive. Each standard counts as a shield and must be broken like one to “destroy” the standard. The standards will be equidistant from each other and the regen spots and cannot move. Regens for both sides will be at opposite ends of the field. Each side has 10min to win. If neither side has won in 10 min the side with one flag down wins, if still tied, no more regen.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:53 pm


The loser of Tuesday’s last battle has a small rearguard force defending a narrow pass against the attacker while the rest of the defending army prepares defenses on a river in the valley beyond the pass. For each 2 minutes the defenders defend the pass they get one advantage in the next battle. If they can defend for 10min they win. Attackers have endless regens and want to break through as quickly as possible. Defenders have no regens of course.

River Battle: The river mentioned in the last battle has only one huge bridge over it and its heavily defended. The attackers have 15min to take the bridge or the defenders win. Attackers start with regens . Defenders get them at 2min or more quickly if they got some of the advantages from the last battle (from holding longer for defenses to be prepared). The 5 following advantages are cumulative meaning that the defenders get them in order:
1. Get to start forces on the boats up to half way across the river.
2. Get to start forces on the bridge up to half way across.
3. Get to have regen at 1 min. instead of 2.
4. Get an outflanking reserve force that can come in when they choose on the flank of the attackers (on the attackers side of the bridge). Force is up to 50, 1 time.
5. Get immediate regen from the beginning.

map3 by elwrath, on Flickr

General Retreat: The force that lost the last battle has a wounded general. The general is represented by a herald that can only walk slowly across the field. The general starts a ¼ of the way across the field and must get to the other side alive for his forces to win. The general is wearing full armor and is immune to missile weapons. Attackers just need to kill him to win. Both teams have regen but defenders regen is on the far side of the field so its harder then easier as the general moves to defend him, and vice versus for the attackers.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:31 pm


Force Commanders: Each group/unit/etc that is part of one of the 2 teams chooses a force commander. If there are uneven group numbers on one team vs. the other team, there may be extra leaders who need to have forces assigned to them. The goal of each team in this battle is to kill the other teams force commanders. As long as a force commander is alive their forces (just the small force that is designated to them at the beginning of the battle (probably their unit/realm)) can regen. Once a force commander dies his/her forces can no longer regen. Force commanders are immune to missile weapons but cannot regen and cannot get within 50 feet of the regen line at the ends of the battle field. At the end of the 10min the side with more captains still alive wins. If tied then all regen ends. After 2 minutes whichever side has more captains left wins.

Broken Armies: with most of the captains dead or wounded the armies are in disarray trying to find their general and get reorganized. Each side has a general who with their body guard (no more than 1/3 of the force) are separated from the rest of the army in a mountainous pass area. Generals are considered to be wearing full armor and are immune to missile weapons. Each side has 2 regen areas and must battle their way to protect their general and kill the enemy general. Edges of the world represent mountains and are impassable but for simplicity we’ll call them death if you step over the edges.

map5 by elwrath, on Flickr

Multi-pass battle: The losers of the last battle are retreating through a multi-pass mountain range to their heartland. To secure the passes in a decisive manner the attackers must control 2 of the passes within 10min. The defenders win if the attackers fail. The problem is that each pass is separate from each other and so the forces of each army must be divided into 3 groups before the battle starts. To get forces from one pass to another there are limbo areas at the end of each pass where forces that want to move from one pass to another must wait for 1 minute (to represent them moving the distance between passes) to reinforce/change passes. Edges of the world represent mountains and are impassable but for simplicity we’ll call them death if you step over the edges. Both sides have regen.

map6 by elwrath, on Flickr
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:50 pm


Pitched Battle:
Once through the passes the attackers meet the defending army on an open field. Force that wins gets 1pt.

Last ditch river:
Defenders hold a river and 2 fords. Attackers win if they can take either the bridge or the 2 fords within 10min. The fords can be crossed on foot but fighters must cross on their knees. Attackers and defenders can use boats but cannot enter the fords or the bridge (which is too high above the river). Both sides have regen.

map4 by elwrath, on Flickr

Major city: The defenders eventually have to retreat to a nearby city regardless of their win or loss at the river. While the defenders are in disarray the attackers steal the march and have 2 minutes to secure all of the capture pts. within the city before the defenders reorganize and begin to get regen near the points they still hold. Attackers start with regen. If the defenders hold until 2 minutes then the attackers have a further 8 minutes (for a total of 10 minutes) to take the remaining areas or be flung back. The river cannot be crossed and is death to step in.

map7 by elwrath, on Flickr
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:09 pm


Swamp Battle:
Trying to slow the attackers short of the their main city the defenders hold the only causeway through a major swamp. The attackers have 10min to capture both causeways or are slowed enough that the defenders can have a firm hold of their city. The causeway and the 2 narrow side paths are the only areas that a fighter can stand. Everywhere else in the swamp they must move on their knees. Both sides have regen.

map9 by elwrath, on Flickr

The Main City: If the defenders win the swamp battle they start the battle controlling all 5 of the capture points in the city and their corresponding progressive regen areas with up to 1/3 of their forces while the other 2/3 start at their regen. If the attackers won the swamp battle they steal the march on the defenders and start controlling 2 of the 5 capture points, and corresponding progressive regen areas with 1/3 of their forces while the defenders control the other 3 with 1/3 of their forces. The attackers have 2 sides of the city from which they can regen and attack into the city. Defenders regen from the opposite corner. There are progressive regen areas throughout the map that if controlled by one side or the other allow fighters to regen right at them. Battle is 15min and winner is force that controls 3 of the 5 capture points.

map8 by elwrath, on Flickr

Battle for the Fortress: The attackers have pushed to the final fortress of the defenders its all or nothing! Attackers are assaulting from 3 sides with a main push up the causeway/bridge at the front of the fortress, a mining entrance on the right side of the fortress or use of boats to get into a gap blown in the wall on the left side of the fortress. There are 5 capture points. Winner is force that controls 3 of the 5 after 15min.

map10 by elwrath, on Flickr
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Elwrath » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:11 pm

cool that's all of them. If you have questions ask away. Most of the buildings etc. will be made from rope tied down with stakes like the scenario battles we ran last year. As with last year if you fell into one of these "buildings" we considered them lava filled endless death for simplicity and sanity we'll do the same thing here...try not to abuse that rule.
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby free corps » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:07 pm

rules for the assasins tournament:

1. There are 3 clans u can sign up for: the immortials, the black hands, and the vigilantes

2. the immortals have to be kept secret. they can not know you are about to assasinate them they can not see you and you have to make a clean get
away. There must be no living witnesses.

3. The Black Hands are poisoners. in order to poison you must use a piece of tape and must be marked as poison..(ex. your initials can mark the
tape) to use it on the mark and or assasin. you can not use the same dose of poison more then i time.
(ex. you poison your dagger you can kill one mark with that poison. not go around stabbing everyone)

4. The vigilantes must announce the attack and there must be 3 or more to attack. if by chance there are too few still alive to attack,
they will be allowed to recruit in order to still be able to attack. Recruits do not count as mercenaries and are still bound by clan style
and personal stipulations.

5. Bribery for a kill is goes either way for your life or death.

6. You cannot have a 24/7 stipulation...they must be reasonable
(ex: cannot be killed while unarmed and are a non com).

7. Kills DO NOT count till all lists are passed out. The list will be passed out as soon as weapons check opens. pick up your list from ish
at the appropriate camp.

8. If you hire a mercenary to do u killing for you there will be allowed one contract per clan per day per kill. so pick wisely.
(ex: your clan may hire a merc to kill one hard mark, safety stipulations still aply)

9. each clan must pick a leader and be brought to ish by tuesday. if you pick a clan leader that is not a mark or an assassin they may only be killed
by bribery(so make it good), if someone sucsesfully kills said person that assassin will recieve double the points for the day. It is the murdered
leaders responsibility to report their demise and killer, failure to do so may mean disqualification from the leadership.

10. Mercenaries are not held to the clan style .If a mercenary is killed while attempting an assassination that mercenary is done for the day.
They may still be a mark.

11.You can not be killed or kill at least 10 feet from a fire or while inside tents.

12. cut off time for the previous list will be dawn.

13.If there is further questions then report to your clan leader and they will report to me.
This is the part where we discuss
what's in it for us.
Uhhh... HAIL camp?
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Shino » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:51 pm


Wednesday at 5pm there will be a relay race before the Gladiator Games
Teams must consist of 5 members and the members must all share the same affiliation in the banner running in order to be eligible to win points.

This relay race is for non-com Banner points and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Banner-affiliated teams will score Banner points.

Units and realms competing for the Chaos Banner can enter as many teams they would like but only one of them can be awarded points. Like-teams that are on the podium will be bumped for the next highest scoring banner-affiliated team.

Mixed teams are allowed but will not be eligible for points. (This race is timed so a winning mixed team can score some rad bragging rights by being the fastest team.)

What it is:
There will be 5 laps.
Each member of the team will complete a lap around the field and then compete a challenge before tagging the next runner in line.

Time penalties will be applied for failing challenges, cheating and whining.

Expect twists, challenges, water and guts. Put some thought into your team combinations. There will not be any alcohol or Sin Night-like elements in this race. Bring the whole family to watch!
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Re: Banner Pts. Tourneys, Etc...

Postby Guy Leslo Jans » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:20 pm

The Free Corps will be hosting the Dangerous Drinking Games. Four events,

Beer chug, determines starting order, First to finish starts next event. Must finish as a team.

Lightsabers: no headshots, headshot=chug. Must make lightsaber sound, no sound=no kill. Death=finish your beer. This is a two on two fight.

Bridge Race: Failure is obvious, no pushing, you push you chug then leave (in shame). Teams line up on opposing sides of the foot bridge and race in opposing directions. Once across the runner must finish their beer before the next runner may go.

Team upside down waterfall chug: Falling over, Losing your beer, Passing out, Barfing, or stopping before your turn all equal disqualification for the individual who fails. Both members of the team will be given an opportunity to complete this task. One team member must support the other to achieve upside down status. If your team mate is incapable, you may find an alternative means of being upside down.

All Games are played Beerentine (with an open beer)
Any spillage of your beer will result in a chug.
Chug: A 3 second drink of your beer. To chug you must stop and drink. you may not continue till your chug is complete(you may protect yourself but feet must remain in place).
Finish your beer: must be empty, subject to inspection.
All teams consist of two people.
A team that loses a member is disqualified from first place, but may continue with a replacement member.
Any offense to the rules may be punished as a referee sees fit.

Disclaimer: By participating in this event you forfeit, life(just in case), limb, hygiene, and your dinner. But in winning you gain a good drunk, Respect, there will be prizes. The cake is still a lie.

After the Gladiator fights sin night on loud side of the foot bridge.
Foot loose and shoe free.
Soo...what's the story?
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