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Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback thread!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:31 am
by Shino

A big thank you to the event coordinators and everyone who came and threw down at Chaos Wars XVII. It was a great event and one of the best Chaos Wars yet.

This thread is for the discussion of the event and what could change and what should come back for Chaos Wars XVIII in 2014.

This is a CW event thread so keep the flaming and trolling back in General Mayhem or I'll snuff it out.

That being said: You're all wrong! :devil:


Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:24 pm
by Coop
Two suggestions:

Unit Battles should occur at a more accessible time for all, instead of right after weapons check or lunch.


bring back JUGGING! :frog:

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:26 pm
by Shino
I miss jugging too.
That game is crazy fun.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:54 pm
by Remdawg Killionaire
I second Coop

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:15 pm
by Kørd
I agree with the unit battles needing to be at a more accessible time.

I definitely thing jugging should come back. Also the Torches would be nice.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:41 pm
by Sir Anastasia
I think that staff volunteers should get "cheat sheets" (1 page duties overview summary) for their jobs reminding them what items are in their domain and what needs to get done each day. This event has a lot of tradition, but as people volunteer from farther and farther away (who may also be used to different structure, ect.), they might need a bit more guidance to make sure they get everything right. I know I was mad at my self for forgetting obvious things, and though I think I was picking it up better towards the end - I still wish I could have accomplished things more smoothly. On the bright side, no one complained, so thanks for bearing with me :)

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:30 am
by Anij Kalish
I remember hearing it at one point but who are the coordinators this next year?

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:56 pm
by Sir Anastasia
Aizen, Shino,

and 3 other people whose names I should have remembered.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:27 am
by varadin
This was my first chaos wars and coming from the east it was a bit different then what im used to.

I liked unit battles being first thing, it got people to the field early and kept them around till lunch, realm battles being first thing after lunch was a great way to get people back to the field. To me that seems like a perfect set up, 10 am is a bit early for fighting IMO, but i had a 2 hour difference in time so it was great for me.

Night lights during glad pits and Bardic, I love these, they let me see what was going on but can you do something to get them up higher, higher stands.. boxes something. When you are sitting down watching a fight and move to the next one and get blinded by a light its kinda brutal on your eyes. if they were 5 feet higher I don't think it would be such an issue.

There seemed to be a whole lot of Res battles that killed the field. With as few people as our out there (note our day battles in ohio are 100+) Res battles wear people out, specially with a week of fighting and partying, walking around a bunch just to fight a tiny bit and die is no fun to anyone.

Ohh and Weapons checkers need to learn to swing a red right, i watched a lot of stuff I failed on people on monday pass the rest of the week because of light- medium light - medium swings on people. Had I not been hurt id have still been up there.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:55 am
by Ignatius
Event CO's are Ralinar, Shino, Aizen, Dopp, and me.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:10 pm
by Sir Anastasia
I liked it in the past when we had a mid-day break for lunch and river time. 1 hour seems to short, but I also don't want it to be too long, someone suggested 90 minutes. I wouldn't mind more fighting later during the afternoon. It's still light out and cooler. It seems like an under utilized time for fighting.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:18 pm
by Remdawg Killionaire
It really is. It'd be nice to be able to get out from the heat during the hottest part of the day. In fact, considering how long the event is, I'd suggest it just for longevity of fighting over the week.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:25 am
by Krow
Varadin wrote:Ohh and Weapons checkers need to learn to swing a red right, i watched a lot of stuff I failed on people on monday pass the rest of the week because of light- medium light - medium swings on people. Had I not been hurt id have still been up there.

I didn't bring my reds so I didn't personally experience this, but I heard many complaints about fluctuating weapon passing rates (particularly in red weapons) from various camps. It was mostly the same argument that Varadin says where people's weapons that failed one day would pass the next despite no construction changes.

I also agree with Ana on extending the lunch break and pushing fighting to later when it's cooler. People seem to use the break mostly to eat lunch, river bath, and drive to town - in various combinations of the three - so more time wouldn't hurt.

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:32 pm
by Midge Kai'Ironhand
Yes, I agree with Kord. Those torches that were sitting in barrels next to troll? Having them out would have been nice. It's rather difficult to see at night xD

An extended lunch would probably be a good idea. I saw people miss out on stuff because they went to town, and had there been just an extra like, fifteen or twenty minutes they would have been fine. And fighting when it's a bit cooler would be nicer, versus when the sun's directly over head. It got really hot, really fast.

Jugging? Jugging sounds good. I've yet to actually witness it xD

Maybe have some sort of system put organized for making sure the speaker system makes it back to troll and is connected again after it gets taken to main fire? While sending someone to run through the camps and yell can work, nearly everyone had a confused look on their face while i was doing this. that morning had some of the poorest attendance. if we do need to run through the individual camps, maybe have a couple of people rummage through the camps at the same time so it's better understood. I don't know.

Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to put things together this year, I know you all worked very hard!

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:40 pm
by Anij Kalish
Do we have the dates for next year yet?

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:16 pm
by Sir Par
Sorry I'm late to the party.

The longer lunch was tried in the past and it worked when we had LESS activities. I think the more stuff we try to cram in to Chaos, the less actual leisure time we'll have. I personally liked the two hour lunch, and if we can go back to that it'd be baller.

Also, having been part of the coordinating team for the last several years I can say this: They can't do it all. If you saw torches weren't out, and you want them out, then do something about it. The event coordinators are never going to turn down help!

Re: Chaos Wars 17 2013 Creative Criticism and feedback threa

PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:58 am
by Midge Kai'Ironhand
Cool beans. If they end up sitting out again or whatever, I'll ask and see about getting them set up xD