I have posted this on facebook but I know not everyone has facebook so maybe we can start a separate section on what classes will be provided at CW 18! As I was totally unaware that Oroku was teaching a class on "how to teach".
House Valkyries presents classes at Chaos Wars 18
Wednesday; July 23, 2014: 1PM -Women Only (Com and non com women welcome),
Meet and Greet & Open discussion
Topics: Sticking it to Fighting and Gender Issue, How to fight and camp with the Red Baron, Ruckus 101, Evasion and Escape: Eluding Creepers
*Bring your own lunch and any treats to share. Bring topics you want to discuss.
Thursday; July 24, 2014: 1-3PM- Women Only
Beginner - Intermediate level
25 minute rotation classes on:
* Florentine
* Spear
* Red
* Sword and Board
* Archery
* Fighting against lefties
* Aggressive shield work
* Fighting against tall people
Last 30 minutes we will bring everyone together and spar 2 vs. 2
Friday; July 25, 2014: 2-3PM OPEN TO ALL!!
Intermediate - Advance level
Team tatics
Instructor: Bhakdar
How weapon types work together, positions and angles, strategy of engagement and approach. The class will involve participants playing out scenarios of small groups engaging each other, including matching and mismatching weapon styles as well as even and uneven numbers.