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Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:56 am
by Rainjer
We have just finished putting up photos of all the inventory we have left. And will continue to make more.

Dragon Hide Armory

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:55 am
by Ignatius
Um, you have a bunch of weapons that are not Belegarth legal by any stretch of the imagination in your photo section. You say underneath them that they may not be Belegarth legal in some areas. This is misleading as they are Belegarth legal in no area that is actually playing Belegarth.

I seem to remember in another thread that you are right next door to Forkbeards realm and don't want to play with his group. Are you guys even Bele?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:16 pm
by Black Cat
Ignatius wrote:Um, you have a bunch of weapons that are not Belegarth legal by any stretch of the imagination in your photo section. You say underneath them that they may not be Belegarth legal in some areas. This is misleading as they are Belegarth legal in no area that is actually playing Belegarth.

I seem to remember in another thread that you are right next door to Forkbeards realm and don't want to play with his group. Are you guys even Bele?

Ignatius is right, Rainjer. None of the weapons you mark as "(May not be Belegarth legal in some areas.)" are Belegarth-legal in any area that uses the BoW. That stuff certainly won't fly in Aquilonia.

You guys seriously need to actually read the Book of War on the main site thoroughly. Club chucks and 3-section staves are expressly forbidden. Flails may only have one chain and only one end may be a striking surface. As for the Riddick Blades, those look like the most impractical and structurally unsound weapons I have ever seen. Not to mention they look like a type of punching weapon to me.


Book of War wrote:1.4.5. Flails must conform to the following: The striking surface must haves a minimum circumference of fifteen (15) inches measured on separate axes. The maximum chain/hinge length is six (6) inches. The maximum overall length is forty (40) inches. The hinged part of the flail must be padded with foam to keep the chain from easily entangling a Weapon or body part. No more than 1 ½ inches of chain may be exposed. Only one hinge per flail is allowed. Only the head of a flail is a striking surface.

1.4.6. Double-ended Weapons must conform to all of the following: Double-ended Weapons must not be more than 7 feet long. Double-ended Weapons must have a minimum of 18 inches in length of padding covering each end in a cylindrical fashion. Both striking surfaces of this weapon must follow Class 3 Weapon standards for a Double-ended Weapon to be legal. Regardless of length, a Double-ended Weapon is a Class 1 Weapon when swung and Class 3 when thrust.


1.5. Prohibited Weapons:

1.5.1. Entangling Weapons (nets, lassos).
1.5.2. Unmanned Weapons (traps).
1.5.3. Non-compliant double ended Weapons (nunchaku, double ended daggers).
1.5.4. Punching Weapons (punching daggers, tonfas).
1.5.5. Any Weapon when used as intended violates the rules stipulated in the Book of War.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:44 pm
by Thorondor
Wow, you guys really need to stop making stuff and advertising it on our boards. I know some of it is illegal, and I highly doubt much of it will pass anywhere in Belegarth. Go find an a-game board (like esam) to advertise on.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:57 pm
by Teej
Videogame and other obviously failing novelty weapons aside, some of those pommels aren't even passing. Don't come in here, try to push that product, and then namedrop a respectable realm as your own.

EDIT: Did a little research below...

Rainjer, back in January, wrote:We have all been affiliated with forkbeard and that is the reason why we want to start our own relm. No offense to Forkbeard.



The plot thickens... how about representing another realm then? Or another sport for that matter? I take it you're calling yourselves "Belegarth" and then using some "house" rules to sell those weapons to people who don't even know any better.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:04 pm
by Ignatius
Look at his post history. He started a thread about starting a realm because he and his friends didn't want to be associated with Forkbeard.

Rainjer, what's the deal dude? You never posted responses in your other thread.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:20 pm
by Black Cat
Teej wrote:The plot thickens... how about representing another realm then? Or another sport for that matter? I take it you're calling yourselves "Belegarth" and then using some "house" rules to sell those weapons to people who don't even know any better.

Ignatius wrote:Look at his post history. He started a thread about starting a realm because he and his friends didn't want to be associated with Forkbeard.

Rainjer, what's the deal dude? You never posted responses in your other thread.

Yeah, something about this whole thing stinks.

Now I really wish I were able to attend practices the last few years so that I could know whether or not these clowns have even attended Aquilonia practices to even "not want to be associated with Forkbeard" in the first place. And if so, maybe have a good idea why.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:37 pm
by The Great Gigsby
How much for the nunchacku and three section staff?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:59 pm
by Todo
Giggles wrote:How much for the nunchacku and three section staff?


Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:53 am
by randy
Thorondor wrote: Go find an a-game board (like esam) to advertise on.

HEY! What did amtgarders ever do to you? We dont deserve these guys! Send them to Nero or HFS.... :knight:

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:05 am
by Thorondor

Then off to NERO with you guys!

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:55 am
by varadin
wait a sec... are they just reselling an edhellen flail?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:59 am
by Black Cat
Varadin wrote:wait a sec... are they just reselling an edhellen flail?

Here are the images of each:

Dragon Hide Armory


Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:01 am
by Embara Cayosin
did you also notice the edhellen glaive.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:02 am
by Thorondor
That flail shall I say it...used...

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:04 pm
by No'Vak
Thorondor wrote:That flail shall I say it...used...

I was wondering if anyone else noticed the edhellen flail lol..

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:05 pm
by Todo
So far I've seen an Eddie glaive, javelin, two shields, and flail. All looking used.

straight hilarity yo

Re: Dragon Hide Armory

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:01 pm
by Rainjer
ok this is Taquito all the weapons we put up has been used and will be built new to anyone that wants to buy anything. so everyone knows I fight with forkberd every tuesday and thursday.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:06 pm
by Thorondor
Rainjer wrote:ok this is Taquito all the weapons we put up has been used and will be built new to anyone that wants to buy anything. so everyone knows I fight with forkberd every tuesday and thursday.

Put up pics of what you're going to be selling, not of another company's goods. That's like me putting a Coke Can on display and sending you walmart cola when you order it. Not a good thing to do.

And did FB hit you too hard and knock all sense out of you? If so, tell him to beat it back into you please...

Re: Dragon Hide Armory

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:50 pm
by Ignatius
Rainjer wrote:ok this is Taquito all the weapons we put up has been used and will be built new to anyone that wants to buy anything. so everyone knows I fight with forkberd every tuesday and thursday.

Did you read any of what we were asking you? What are your credentials, are you playing Bele even, why are you marketing illegal weapons as Bele legal in some areas, who the hell are you kids? Those would be some great places to start.

Could Forkbeard maybe get in on this and tell us a little about who these people are?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:04 pm
by Teej
All of the other discrepancies (affiliation, products from other businesses, advertising failing weapons as legal “in some areas”) aside.

Take a lesson from these guys...


They don't want to advertise yellow lettuce and burger construction done by an angry/careless minimum wage worker.

You don't want to advertise used weapons...

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:25 pm
by The Great Gigsby
Rainjer, I'm still waiting for a reply. I'm interested in purchasing the three section staff and possibly the nunchacku. I can do paypal, check, or money order. Or cash if you'll be at Chaos Wars. PM me if you want to keep this private.

Also, the "contact us" form on your webpage is broken.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:47 pm
by No'Vak
I don't know what may be illegal is doing on there if they fight with FB. I know he wouldn't allow that retarded ****.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:22 pm
by Kael Prime ... CN1633.JPG

Very very interesting? How would one even weild these things?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:15 pm
by Rainjer
Alright there has been alot bad mouthing about our company. I just want to say if any of you actually read the site it states that this is what we have on hand right now. OUR WEBSITE AND OUR PRODUCTS ARE IN THE PROCESS OF BEING MADE AND UPDATED. So please be patient until we finalize everything, Then we will be welcome to all feedback. Thank you.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:21 pm
by No'Vak
All feedback of reselling edhellen gear huh.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:33 pm
by Rainjer
Our company does not and will not resell anything that has been used, we will build everything new. Our photo gallery shows what we can and will make. ( WILL NOT RESELL EDHELLIN PRODUCTS!)

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:41 pm
by Ignatius
What about answering the rest of the questions we've asked? Without a lot of convincing I don't know many Belegrim who will be buying **** from you guys. Who are you and what do you know about Bele weapons? All your sight says you guys all make great stuff. Why should we take your word?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:45 pm
by Rainjer
If you don't believe us just talk to Forkbeard, Garrin, or even Taco. They all know how well we make weapons.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:29 am
by Dawken
Some crazy hate. I'd put some details of what you used for core and what not. Help let people know what they are buying. Good luck with trying to make a buisness. Everyone starts somewhere, if you are marketing to just belegarth I wouldnt offer those illegal weapons. Some new guy would get them and then never get to use it. Giving a few of your products away and letting them use it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some feed back on how your weapons work/last in combat. Maybe get them to back up your product a bit. Note: that short spear has a yellow tip, unless its a jav too. Information on products are your friend.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:13 am
by Ignatius
Rainjer wrote:If you don't believe us just talk to Forkbeard, Garrin, or even Taco. They all know how well we make weapons.

See that's the problem. As a business, it's kinda your job to convince me that your products are solid and you know what you are doing. I've not been convinced by your webpage or your actions here that you even know the rules for Belegarth. Why would I go look for other people to support your ****? Shouldn't you already have testimonials and recommendations from them on your website?

As a potential client of yours you should have all that I want to know available readily at your site. I shouldn't have to rely on your claim on your site that "we are VERY skilled in what we do". I should be able to see that from your products and your presentation and testimonials.

I'm not hating on you because I'm an *, I just think you're going about this all wrong and acting in a childish manner.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:47 am
by Teej
I just get snake oil salesmen vibes from you and your site. Trying to sell items not for our sport and backing it up with shady claims.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:03 am
by Thorondor
Teej wrote:I just get snake oil salesmen vibes from you and your site. Trying to sell items not for our sport and backing it up with shady claims.

Hehe, you and everyone else here.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:14 am
by Soo Ma Tai
^ this, for sure.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:18 am
by Black Cat
Thorondor wrote:
Teej wrote:I just get snake oil salesmen vibes from you and your site. Trying to sell items not for our sport and backing it up with shady claims.

Hehe, you and everyone else here.


Rainjer wrote:ok this is Taquito all the weapons we put up has been used and will be built new to anyone that wants to buy anything. so everyone knows I fight with forkberd every tuesday and thursday.

Rainjer, I was at Aquilonia Tuesday practice yesterday.

If you were there, would you describe what you look like? What kind of garb was you wearing and what was your primary weapon and shield? (if you used a shield)

Edit: Since you claim to know Forkbeard so well, I would like to see him come in here and tell us all about you. I'm curious about what he has to say about all of this.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 1:46 pm
by Forkbeard
Dakota, stop dropping my name. I in NO WAY endorse your weapons or other products. They may be very fine products, but you need to talk to people in advance before claiming they will back you up. Your weapons are actually kind of scary.
I told you at practice that the 3 section staff was dumb and illegal, though funny. The nunchcks and other **** are rediculous.
You are going about this all wrong, man. I wish you only well in you endevour, but I think you need to restart.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 1:49 pm
by Loptr

1. Do you think it is ethical to post another company's product to be used to sell your own?
2. What kind of cores do you use?
3. What kind of foam do you use?
4. What kind of adhessives do you use?
5. What kind of gurantees do you offer on your products?

I am very interesed in your answers to my genuine questions.


Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:11 pm
by Thorondor
Forkbeard wrote:I in NO WAY endorse your weapons or other products...Your weapons are actually kind of scary.

I think this says it all. Go hork your wares on the Dag board...they'll enjoy it over there

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:13 pm
by Akbar the Foul
chained clubs
double bladed sword
riddick blades


Forkbeard you are not beating your people hard enough.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:05 pm
by Kraesh
Loptr wrote:Rainjer,

1. Do you think it is ethical to post another company's product to be used to sell your own?
2. What kind of cores do you use?
3. What kind of foam do you use?
4. What kind of adhessives do you use?
5. What kind of gurantees do you offer on your products?

I am very interesed in your answers to my genuine questions.


Number 5 can be found on the website.

We have a 7-Day return policy.

If your not satisfied with your product please contact us and we will take care of it.


Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:44 pm
by Forkbeard
I assure you, none of those illegal weapons have been allowed on the field at practice.
He brought the 3 section staff once and we **** around with it and demonstrated why it is an armbreaking, absolutely entangling weapon and will always be illegal. But off on the side, not in actual combat.
The riddick blades and chucks I had never seen before. These guys are just being dumb.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:20 pm
by Ilariia Bulochnika
Kraesh wrote: sex changes.htm

lol wut?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:18 pm
by Teej
haha... so, homework for you guys.

1) Change your weapons or remove "Belegarth" from their descriptions.

2) L2Business

3) Make that URL "returns," "exchanges," or throw an "and" in between.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:38 am
by Soo Ma Tai
*? Why start yet another thread for this? You wont even answer the questions in the other one!?

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:45 am
by Ignatius
Soo Ma Tai wrote:*? Why start yet another thread for this? You wont even answer the questions in the other one!?

The other thread was the original thread he had posted. This thread was an update for some reason. Look at the original post dates.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:08 pm
by Soo Ma Tai
Nope, the other thread OP was May 12, this one is May 16 in the OP.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:00 pm
by Kraesh
Ilariia Bulochnika wrote:
Kraesh wrote: sex changes.htm

lol wut?

Wow, talk about moving spaces around... I think it's supposed to returns exchanges. :P


Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:21 pm
by Ignatius
Soo Ma Tai wrote:Nope, the other thread OP was May 12, this one is May 16 in the OP.

Hmmm, my bad. I thought there was more time between the two for some reason.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 2:25 am
by Rainjer
Due to all the feed back and questions, we have put our website under construction to be able to answer all the questions possible. We started this to make weapons and armor available since we have been asked to build for several people in the 5 yrs we have been doing this. To be fair this is not a personal bashing party. We are trying to make these things available to those interested. In agreeing with some of the feed back, Dragon Hide Armory will be giving out free weapons for testimonials. If you are interested in our company's products, post why you should receive a free weapon. We will be paying for the shipping and handling. Thank you for your patience and support.

Re: Dragon Hide Armory Updated

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:05 am
by Loptr

I think tweaking your site is a real good idea.

I have noticed your decision to not respond to my questions.

Let me repost them for your convenience.

1. Do you think it is ethical to post another company's product to be used to sell your own?
2. What kind of cores do you use?
3. Do you warrant the core against breaking?
4. What kind of foam do you use?
5. What kind of adhessives do you use?
