Armor coverings/accessories.

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Armor coverings/accessories.

Postby Tordek » Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:04 pm

Is it legal to add accents and accessories to a already passing suit of armor for the purposes of making it look better, when the added pieces have the appearance of armor but in fact are not. Example would be if I were to wear a 3/4 sleeve chain Hauberk, and wanted to add an upper arm piece that looks like Gimli's from the original LOTR trilogy and made them out of plastic (3D printed them) would that be Legal?

I happen to think it is legal, because while the piece itself is not armor, the location that it is covering is already covered by armor, thus you are not indicating you are wearing armor in a location that you are not. Also, since the added element has the appearance of armor, you are not hiding the armor you are wearing either. I would not be short cutting encumbrance, nor would I be attempting to hide armor.

I guess it comes down to a debate between realism vs looking good on the field. By the way, yes, I am aware I could do them out of leather or metal, but the cost and hours put into it are prohibitive by comparison, and there seems no reason to double armor a location just to get "the look". Anyway, I would like to hear the community's thoughts.
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Re: Armor coverings/accessories.

Postby Kage » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:23 am

3.3.5. The presence of Armor must be easily discernible to count as Armor.

I would say its fine as long as the accents looked like armor so players weren't confused. Also I want your printer if it costs you less in time and money to design and print that vambrace than make a leather one. Leather will also hold up better than plastic. Realism for me will almost always trump just "looking good," because real can still look good.
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