I'm going to be laughed at!

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I'm going to be laughed at!

Postby Slug » Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:13 pm

ok I have had it brought up to me at realm practice, and I honestly don't see a huge problem but someone would like to use the hulk hands as wpns. we had a big discussion about rules and safety issues. The rules would apply only at our realm as long as safety concerns were addressed,what we have come up with is that once the voicebox has been removed, no head strikes, two hits to disable a limb(pierced ie dangling) and a strike on armor would be like a one hand green shot. no damage. Well if you would like to poke holes in this please do cuz I honestly don't know what to tell this person as to why they can't be used. Thanx for your help and try not to laugh too much. Slug OUT
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