Grappling not exactly clear for me

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Grappling not exactly clear for me

Postby Rhuarc » Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:20 pm

I wrestled (only for a year, but was quite intense about it; dropped 20 lbs, probably 30-40 fat, then gained the rest back in muscle) and I've really been confused about what would be allowed on the field. I've tried to search grappling and wrestling, but the few threads that come up don't really answer my questions, so here they are.

1) would it be allowed to get behind someone and pick them up to set them n the ground, use a dagger or similar to finish?

2)I'm assuming no form of headbutting at all? In wrestling, it was fine so long as you didn't rear your head back. It's actually just a way of pushing into someone, really. Less of a strike, but definitely enough to disorient someone who isn't prepared.

3)Less of a grappling question. Is it cool, if I was using a spear, to use the butt of the weapon? Not counting as damage, whatever, just to kind of push them?

That's all that comes to mind right now, I'm sure I'll have more. Thanks in advance for any replies
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Re: Grappling not exactly clear for me

Postby Cyric » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:13 am

1. Controlled takedowns are allowed. By controlled it means don't throw people to the ground. Don't be stupid about it.

2. Absolutely no striking of any kind is allowed with any part of your body. Nor are there any joint locks. Don't be stupid about it.

3. Striking someone with a non striking part of a weapon is illegal. It can be ok to cross check people with the haft, but i wouldn't allow anyone to hit people with the butt end of a weapon. Don't be stupid about it.

The moral of this story is Don't be stupid about it. This is not wrestling practice. If you want to try something, talk it out with your Marshalls or veterans of your realm first.

Edit your original post if you have questions.
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Re: Grappling not exactly clear for me

Postby Brutus » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:30 am

The safety of your opponent is your responsibility. That means you can't do anything to them that you aren't sure can be done safely. That means that you might be able to do some things with certain people that you can't do with others. It's based on their athletic ability as well as your own.
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