One of our goals with CWXXI is to help spread the load, so that every person who helps out, gets time off, and it doesn't take their entire vacation away. As such, each "head" position (ie: weapons check) will have TWO leads, to bounce ideas off of, to give each other days off, etc. With these two heads, our goal is to have them from different aspects of the fields (ie: not TWO Gelfs, TWO Uruk'Hai, etc) to help reduce a feeling of both favoritism and unfair workload.
These heads are not responsible to DO everything in their area, rather to SEE TO IT. Each head should recruit "lieutenants" to help take specific items off their hands. For example: the nightlife heads may want to choose someone specifically to handle Bardic Night, or the Marshall heads choose someone specific to run tourneys, or design scenario battles.
Below, you will find a breakdown of the different positions, and what we are looking for from each of them. Very shortly, we will begin recruiting (pay attention to the facebook page!).
Chaos Wars is an awesome event, a great vacation, and more importantly, ALL of ours. If we each give a couple of hours over a weeks time, we can share an excellent experience with each other.
I can't wait to see you all again,