CWXXI: Division Heads

Belegarth's Premier Western Event

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CWXXI: Division Heads

Postby Bortas » Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:04 am


One of our goals with CWXXI is to help spread the load, so that every person who helps out, gets time off, and it doesn't take their entire vacation away. As such, each "head" position (ie: weapons check) will have TWO leads, to bounce ideas off of, to give each other days off, etc. With these two heads, our goal is to have them from different aspects of the fields (ie: not TWO Gelfs, TWO Uruk'Hai, etc) to help reduce a feeling of both favoritism and unfair workload.

These heads are not responsible to DO everything in their area, rather to SEE TO IT. Each head should recruit "lieutenants" to help take specific items off their hands. For example: the nightlife heads may want to choose someone specifically to handle Bardic Night, or the Marshall heads choose someone specific to run tourneys, or design scenario battles.

Below, you will find a breakdown of the different positions, and what we are looking for from each of them. Very shortly, we will begin recruiting (pay attention to the facebook page!).

Chaos Wars is an awesome event, a great vacation, and more importantly, ALL of ours. If we each give a couple of hours over a weeks time, we can share an excellent experience with each other.

I can't wait to see you all again,
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Re: CWXXI: Division Heads

Postby Bortas » Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:08 pm

Head Marshalls (Bhakdar & War):
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Structure a list of volunteer needs for the event and submit list to ECs for inclusion into Banner plans. Recruit these volunteers.
    -Work with your Co-head to ensure you have a day or two “off-duty”.
    -Must have a masterful knowledge of the current BoW and be able to teach the basics of marshalling.
    -Schedule field battles in conjunction and cooperation with Masters of Weapons Check, with assistance of ECs, if needed.
    -Work with nightlife producers to bring thematic items into battle scenarios.
    -Make campwide announcements regarding battles.
    -All Marshalls shall be actively looking for wristbands and passed weapon’s stickers.

Nightlife Producers (Shino & Dourne):
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Structure a list of volunteer needs for the event and submit list to ECs for inclusion into Banner plans. Recruit these volunteers.
    -Work with your Co-head to ensure you have a day or two “off-duty”.
    -Work with Marshalls to bring thematic items into battle scenarios.
    -Recruit “lieutenants”, responsible for running after sundown activities including, but not limited to:
      -Lighting and suppling “Main Fire” until 1am, drawing people to this central location (Daily)
      -Goblin Night
      -Slave Auction followed by Gladiator Pits
      -Chili Cook-off followed by Pub Night
      -Bardic Games
    -Important: if there is a structured event exclusively for the over 21 crowd, an alternative event for the under 21 crowd must also be provided.

Community Enrichment Coordinator (Sin & Anij):
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Structure a list of volunteer needs for the event and submit list to ECs for inclusion into Banner plans. Recruit these volunteers.
    -In charge of judging all Arts & Science competitions and presenting awards (i.e.: not popularity contest, but rather skill level as judged by experts). Equal value placed on ‘monster’ and ‘historically accurate’ items.
    -In charge of all classes and similar items:
      -Daily announcements to entire event regarding the days enrichment activities.,
      -Recruiting varies peoples to teach various classes (i.e.: Sir Kyrian’s small unit tactics, or the Valkyrie’s combat class, or an embroidery class).
      -Gathering info about all activities for placement in event pamphlet used to create hype.
      -Schedule and run kids fighting daily to help build our next generation.

Masters of Weapons Check:
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Structure a list of volunteer needs for the event and submit list to ECs for inclusion into Banner plans. Recruit these volunteers.
    -Work with your Co-head to ensure you have a day or two “off-duty”.
    -Must have a masterful knowledge of the current BoW and be able to teach the basics of checking weapons.
    -Run a safe, efficient and timely weapons check.
    -Make campwide announcements regarding check.
    -Maintain a secure, out of view impound daily until the conclusion of marshalled fighting.
    -Schedule weapon checking in conjunction and cooperation with Lead Marshalls, with assistance of ECs, if needed.

Security Chiefs:
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Structure a list of volunteer needs for the event and submit list to ECs for inclusion into Banner plans. Recruit these volunteers.
    -Work with your Co-head to ensure you have a day or two “off-duty”.
    -Responsible for running after sundown patrols until 2am:
      -Making sure walkways stay lit.
      -Monitoring safe camps.
      -Checking wrist bands & period containers
      -Checking campfire regulations are being adhered to
    -Reporting severe issues to ECs
    -Absolutely no intoxicants on duty!

Head Trolls:
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Structure a list of volunteer needs for the event and submit list to ECs for inclusion into Banner plans. Recruit these volunteers.
      -Staffing check-in “Troll” tent 10:30-1730.
      -Staffing trash pickup morning and evening times to be determined by you, suggestion 11:00 & 17:00.
    -Work with your Co-head to ensure you have a day or two “off-duty”.
    -Handle all cash management (beginning and end of each day).
    -Organize completed registration paperwork for easy access.
    -Monitor supply levels at check-in, ensure enough documents are available.
    -Maintain community announcement board.
    -Make camp-wide announcements multiple times daily as needed (i.e.: bag your trash and get to a walk way).

Culinary Coordinator:
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Structure a list of volunteer needs for the event and submit list to ECs for inclusion into Banner plans. Recruit these volunteers.
    -Must be ServSafe certified.
    -Responsible for executing Monster and Main feast.
    -Check hydrations stations at least twice daily and fill as needed.
    -Supply Volunteer VIP area.
    -Observe food vendors daily for good practices, help determine if they should not be invited back due to practces.
    -Provide snacks in conjunction and cooperation with Nightlife Producers, with assistance of ECs, if needed.

Vendor Coordinator:
    -Take notes during planning phase and throughout the week of event and submit them to ECs for inclusion in “Improving Chaos” document.
    -Act as primary contact for vendors:
      -Adapts applications and reviews all submissions.
      -Gathers materials and information for all vendors.
      -Creates vendor entries for event pamphlets.
      -Places vendors on site so as not to interfere with Troll, Weapons Check or Fighting Field.
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Posts: 844
Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:38 pm
Location: Bremerton, WA
Started Fighting: 01 Sep 1995
Realm: Washington Wash ing ton
Unit: GELF
Favorite Fighting Styles: Crafty

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