Pre-Reg for Chaos Wars XXI

Belegarth's Premier Western Event

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Pre-Reg for Chaos Wars XXI

Postby DragoonAntoinette » Sat Apr 15, 2017 8:28 pm

You can find all of the information about Pre-Reg here:

Heads of Troll are Squire Antoinette and Oraeus

We are testing out an online waiver process, if you are 18+ please try it out and fill out an online wavier here:

If you are a Minor you cannot fill out an online waiver.
If you are 18 or younger you have to have a waiver signed and notarized if you are coming without your parent/legal guardian.If you are coming with your parent/legal guardian a waiver can be signed on site.

You can find these waivers here:

Pre-Reg Prices
  • Pre-Reg for arriving on Sunday July 23 or Monday July 24 will be $45.00 US
  • Pre-Reg for arriving on Tuesday July 25 will be $40.00 US
  • Pre-Reg for arriving on Wednesday July 26 will be $35.00 US
  • Pre-Reg for arriving on Thursday July 27 will be $30.00 US
  • Pre-Reg for arriving on Friday July 28 will be $25.00 US
  • Pre-Reg for arriving on Saturday July 29 will be $20.00 US

  • We have broken down pre-reg by day. So if you cant arrive till say Wednesday you can pre-reg for the cost of arriving that day.
  • If you are travelling from the Eastern Time Zone (Like Antoinette) you can take $10 off your pre-reg.
  • If you are travelling from the Central Time Zone (Iowa....looking at you) you can take $5.00 off your Pre-Reg.

Please send your Pre-reg Via Pay Pal to

Information to Include In Pre-Reg:
  • Mundane Name(s)
  • Belegarth Persona Name(s)
  • Unit
  • Realm
  • Time Zone if applying a discount
  • Where you plan to camp
  • Arrival Day
For Everyone's Information:
Every 15 Pre-Regs, that person (15, 30, 45, ect) will be getting an event bag made by me.
The person who is our 100th Pre-Reg will be getting a Hood in their colours made by me.
The person who is our 150th Pre-reg will be getting a Pair of Wrap Pants in their colours made by me.
The person who is our 200th Pre-Reg will be getting a Garb Coat in their colours made by me.

Any questions Please post here or message one of us!
Dragoon Antoinette Finnrsdottir, the Moosewitch
Master Seneschal
Thunder Guard War Council Rep
Armageddon XXI Event Coordinator
"Spontaneous combustion is a myth. If you burst into flame, someone wanted you to." ~Chandra Nalaar
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Posts: 1345
Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:41 pm
Location: Sioux Lookout, ON
Started Fighting: 29 Sep 2008
Realm: Roaming Canada
Unit: Elite Bloodfalcons
Favorite Fighting Styles: Non-Com and Needle and Thread
Pronouns: She / Her

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