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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:38 am
by apollyon
Sleeper2006 wrote:Awe, so you lopps are jealous? Always some idiot who likes to criticize and shyt, you people make the sport unfriendly to newcomers, but oh well, * are all *...


Why are there some realy nast kids on here....i wont name names you know who you are but it seems like no matter what each reply is a personal attack on the person...look were all here to have fun laugh and possible break an arm..could we just calm it down a bit...someone ought to make topic and have a vote on if we should just kick out the retarded angry old women on angry old women usually it means 16 yr old boys...anyways thats my two cents lets be a little more friendly guys geees....

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:23 am
by Squire Moxk
how are you going to kick someone out of the foam smithing forum?

oh well sooner or later everyone realizes that the huge reds are not efective. ill just let you guys figure that out on your own.
well mayby sleeper wont.

and btw im not an old retarded woman or 16. I'm 20 years old and i've been in this sport for 5 years

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:17 am
by Lister
moxk wrote:oh well sooner or later everyone realizes that the huge reds are not efective. ill just let you guys figure that out on your own. well mayby sleeper wont.

moxk wrote:Last time I checked you get smoked at realm practices. A lot.

Ok.... You think huge reds are pointless for various reasons. But, here's my question - If huge reds are so very easy to beat, what the hell do you care if they like to use them?? You have a different opinion than they do.
So what? If your want you opinion to be respected by anyone else you really should stop trying to force it on them. So he likes big reds and you don't, big deal. Just chock it up to personal preference and move on. Bele is a great game, but that's the point, its a game! So you play your way and let him play his.

P.S. Its not an age thing, it's a maturity thing.

*Edited for accuracy

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:27 pm
by Big King Jimmy
Moxk's post wasn't about making fun of anyone. It was about lying.

Argyle (which is the fighting name of saghaoithai, I don't know why he uses that board name, and I can't spell it.) is a good person. I don't have any problem with him, and as far as I know Moxk doesn't either.

But he does NOT own our field, or anything of the like.

We're both just really tired of the * waiving conversation the foam smithing forum has become.

Just thought someones ego needed a public deflating. Argyle is a good guy, but a mediocre fighter. I like hanging out with him, but this was just getting rediculas. The giant red is his thing, and that's cool, but it's only holding him back.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:28 pm
by jessecrouch
so uh.. what happened to people actually posting pictures in this topic?


PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:13 am
by Argyll
moxk wrote:
Salochstagh wrote:yes exactly. I developed the tennis ball method of counterweighting in my old boffer sport where weapons tended to be heavier. The easiest counterweight i could muster was pennies, and i couldnt get enough inside the pipe to sufficiently balance it. This sword was quite larger so it required multiple tennis balls secured in a triangle shape.

Salochstagh wrote: this weapons reign of terror ended recently when it exploded at the hilt. I plan on restoring it's glory soon.

Salochstagh wrote: it's heavier than fiberglass but almost necessary because if the weapon size.

Salochstagh wrote:blah blah blah my penis is so big you can see it for miles

Salochstagh wrote:blah blah blah my sword contains the strength of a single gorilla, who possesed the strength of 10 silver back gorillas.

Salochstagh wrote:Everytime I wield it reaffirms my dedication to red weapons, and I feel like a complete pansy any time I wield something smaller.

Salochstagh wrote:A solid hit from this one took Killian from dunharrow straight to the ground when he blocked it with his shield.

Salochstagh wrote:No single blue could ever block or parry a full on swing from this one. Many a graceful fighter's blood stained the blade of this savage **** sword of doom.

Last time I checked you get smoked at realm practices. A lot.

yeah, i do. i have admitted i suck a lot previous. I am merely proud of the sword i've built and don't hesitate to brag about it. While i hold no hesitation to brag, i don't lie. It did knock a man down, it has gone through countless attempted blocks, i do feel like i'm letting down a commitment to red weapons when i use other weapons.

If you had been playing this game for only two months and you'd sucked the whole time, but was acknowledged for making a cool weapon by others, and had noticed it to be effective occasioanallyas it has, you would probably milk it for everything it's worth.

the comments about my huge penis were unessecary, but appreciated. thanks for noticing.

Moxk's post wasn't about making fun of anyone. It was about lying.

oh yeah, ther was no malicious sarcasm in that post whatsoever. i take offense that you say I lied. I did not **** lie, and do not **** lie, to anyone other than my parents who **** deserve it. Find a post where i lied and i will castrate myself before you.

I like red weapons. I knew when i started these games with year with Ragnarok that red weapons were not the norm. I could tell from the start 90% of fighters use shields and that it will be difficult to commit myself to wielding red weapons.

I made a red weapon for ragnarok. it's building was influenced by weapons i wielded in a different boffer group. What came of it was a large crosshilted sword with a large pommel.

At first i merely admired it's length and balance. I then found people to give me "props" for making a cool weapon. I suppose then i began to become proud of it.

I acknowlege the unorthodoxy of my weapon, and that much of my success with it was owed to the fact that most seasoned fighters don't encounter such a thing, but nontheless marginal success was met.

People asked me how i counterwieght my weapons and i tell them how and why...
yes exactly. I developed the tennis ball method of counterweighting in my old boffer sport where weapons tended to be heavier. The easiest counterweight i could muster was pennies, and i couldnt get enough inside the pipe to sufficiently balance it. This sword was quite larger so it required multiple tennis balls secured in a triangle shape.

...somehow i guess that makes me a jackass

I enjoy the role-playing aspect of this game. I flavor my wording often in text, which i suppose attributes to it's apparent boastfullness..

like when i say: "my swords reign of terror" i am literarily exaggerating the period from ragnarok to it's breaking in which i had a unique weapon which killed about 150 fighters.

The giant red is his thing, and that's cool, but it's only holding him back.

i have not practiced a day without picking up a shield and sword. it is more likely to say i fight half of the time that way, and take all tips given to me.

Medeival combat is my passion and I will play this game for a very long time. It would be much easier for me to fight sword and shield and do everything everyone else does, but i guess if nothing else this forum will motivate to not do so.

I fight with heavy weapons so when my edhellen sword comes i will be as trained as possible to use it. My unit will fight with red weapons as long as we are in existence, because it is of my opinion that this game needs flavor, and our unit can do that. If red weapons were stupid and pointless then they should not be in the BOW so that jackasses like me and my friends wont make them. We will practice and one day we won't suck and we will be grateful that we are skilled red-fighters and stand alone as the only all-red group in the game.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:32 am
by Black Cat
I fail to see what is so wrong with reds. I'd put down the bow for a while and use one myself if only I had one. That is assuming it has a stab-tip though. I find reds too limited in usage without one.

Cool weapon, BTW.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:57 am
by Big King Jimmy
Okay, your right, lying was way off.

However, what I meant, was that Moxk's post wasn't about making fun of you, so much as about giving your ego a shield check.

Just don't want you to become a keyboard cowboy is all. Your too cool for that egotistical crap.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:29 am
by Sleeper
****, it did not seem like he had a bad ego, we just like his sword! And giant reds are not completely useless, I have fought and killed two skilled shield men before, by myself with a giant red. Yes, it happens rarely, but it still happened. Think of it as more of a challenge, not only do you look cooler than a shield man, you must work extra hard to fight with one. Is this sport more about winning or is it more of having fun? I guess opinions differ here, I am here to have fun, **** winning.

lol, oh yes, you are a noob, and they expect you to be killing everybody in the field, this world is quite krazy. The conformists and their crowd following hate for giant reds, amazing. :roll:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:41 am
by Spork
so uh.. what happened to people actually posting pictures in this topic?


Working on it, almost have pictures finally found my camera today so I'll post some stuff after school.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:38 am
by Peregrine
as an archer I say more reds please :devil:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:41 am
by Olos
Peregrine wrote:as an archer I say more reds please :devil:

Eh, I'm more flexible. Just as happy with spears here :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:41 am
by Peregrine
so true :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:46 am
by Olos
it's kinda funny though, because one of my favorite things to do when not arching is pick up a glaive :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:17 pm
by Wumpus
Peregrine wrote:as an archer I say more reds please :devil:
You know, one of my favorite activities on the field is the archer chase. I'd say 8/10 times I'll disable a bow if not kill the archer outright. :devil:

Fun times.

And for the record, I prefer to use red weapons.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:23 pm
by Peregrine
Wumpus wrote:
Peregrine wrote:as an archer I say more reds please :devil:
You know, one of my favorite activities on the field is the archer chase. I'd say 8/10 times I'll disable a bow if not kill the archer outright. :devil:

Fun times.

And for the record, I prefer to use red weapons.

if you can get through the Iron Crown shield wall more power to you. :devil:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:33 pm
by Olos
I carry a sword and shield when i arch, if someone runs at me, i usually drop the bow and melee it out, gotten some pretty nice kills like that when people aren't expecting it.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:35 pm
by Spork
Finally got some pics, but I haven't finished the last of my rocks, so I'll post this later.

My really old punch shield (Sled core, don't know why it doesn't look round.):

My baby rattle mace (Perfectly weighted):

Front of Smog Shield with Egyptian Sword:

Back of the Smog Shield:

My two favorite weapons (Flail chain needs fixed):

No offense to Knights:

Perfect weapon for new people:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:20 pm
by Sleeper
lol, love that one... "The Loaner"

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:40 pm
by savetuba
Spork wrote:My really old punch shield (Sled core)...

How do you prevent it from tacoing?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:41 pm
by Dabbanoth
some sleds are more rigid than others

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:44 pm
by savetuba
no really, I bought the sled and I could bairly make it taco. 4 months later I can bend it in half.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:50 pm
by Dabbanoth
you live in Arizona, they dont MAKE good sleds there...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:55 pm
by savetuba
hmmm you may have a point there...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:03 pm
by Spork
It tacoed, but I have PVC reinforcing it.

It's quite the old sled, I have a bar that runs down the middle (Punch handle) then crossbars. It isn't very heavy and it barely gets used, because I have a Heater strap now... that covers almost my whole body... :D

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:50 pm
by Wumpus
Well my * has increased in the last couple of months, so I guess I'll post some pics.

Here's a shot of my full range of weapons. You may notice the image of the Almighty Spatula on the blade of the ten foot Zanbatou. Also you see all 8 of my rocks (6 blue, 2 brown).


Here are my twin 38" dual core blue swords:


Twin butter knives (23"):


One of my blue rocks (among the first I made, they are all about the same size and made with the same material.


One of my brown rocks, made from a worn out t shirt and obviously much llarger than a blue rock.


Each of my swords have a "W" on the pommel as a way of identifying them as mine. two blue rocks also have "W"s on them. All swords are fiberglass core and rocks are foam and cloth (no tape).

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:02 pm
by Argyll
i like brown rocks. I always wanted to fashion some sort of rock bag to hang on the inside of my kilt, so during battle i can reach up between my legs, remove a huge brown **** rock, and throw it at someone's head.

here's some o'reilly weapons:


PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:00 pm
by jessecrouch
Spork: I really like that black and orange club you have. Does that have a stabby tip? how many layers (and of what) are around the head? How long/heavy is it?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:49 am
by Sleeper
There he is, The Mighty Ten footer, * I wish I could have a core as long as that, then I too would have an obnoxiously huge red, just to make the crowd followers mad! haha!! :devil:

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:29 pm
by Wumpus
Well, Sleeper, if you're ever in the Ogden, Utah area, I can point you to a great place that will almost certainly have an identical core in stock. It cost me about $15 with tax.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:58 pm
by Sleeper
Utah huh? Havent been there in years. What store is it? Mabye they have one over here.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:58 pm
by Wumpus
It's called Grating Systems, and according to them they are the only fiberglass store in a 3 state radius of utah. It wouldn't hurt to check tho.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:47 pm
by Sleeper
Thanks homez, if I find this store, I will make another monster, though I think not quite as big, but just as ridiculous! And that isn't the half of it, it shall be my primary weapon! YOU READ THAT EVER Body!!! ...better..

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:58 pm
by savetuba
Wumpus wrote:It's called Grating Systems, and according to them they are the only fiberglass store in a 3 state radius of utah. It wouldn't hurt to check tho.

Grating Systems Inc.
P.O. Box 390
192 W. 20th Street
Ogden, Utah 84402

I checked thier entire site and they are only located at the above address. :( no 11 foot glaive for me.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:34 am
by Wumpus
Another thing for anyone who has a desire to get fiberglass from grating systems, the smallest diameter rod that they stock that is square is 1". all diameters under 1" are round.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:51 am
by Sleeper
So Wumpus, if I were to get, say, a half incher, would it pass the flex test if it were a 7 foot sword? I must know, I am looking to build a red that has range and speed wrapped in one, and seeing as you made a ten footer, you must know its flex limit. And, how bad is the wear and tear on it, my swords are quite wide, like yours, but they break down after two or three months of fighting and I have to repad them. Yours still looks intact.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:25 am
by Wumpus
Sleeper2006 wrote:So Wumpus, if I were to get, say, a half incher, would it pass the flex test if it were a 7 foot sword? I must know, I am looking to build a red that has range and speed wrapped in one, and seeing as you made a ten footer, you must know its flex limit. And, how bad is the wear and tear on it, my swords are quite wide, like yours, but they break down after two or three months of fighting and I have to repad them. Yours still looks intact.
Ok, first off I've never used 1/2 in diameter core so I wouldn't know. My guess is that it would work, but you'd end up cutting it close with flex. personally, I think if I were going any more than 6 ft, I wouldn't settle for anything less than 3/4 in, especially if it were round core. That would at least have a very good chance of passing flex.

For what it's worth, the ten ft sword has next to no flex. The most I can get out of it is when I swing full on at a tree I get about 10, maybe 15 degrees of flex

The wear and tear on the Zanbatou is still pretty minimal, but you have to remember that A) it gets to MAYBE two practices per month, sometimes less, sometimes more; 2) The * thing is built super solid, with 7 (SEVEN!!!11shifty1!) layers of blue foam, 2 layers of 1 inch thick open cell and 5 (FIVE!!!) cans of dap. In other words, it isn't coming apart easily; and Q) I don't do stupid things with my stuff. I take pride in my work, and so I take good care of it. I'm not saying you do stupid things with your stuff (I don't know how you treat your stuff), I'm just saying that taking good care of your things will make them last longer.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:51 am
by Big King Jimmy
Wumpus wrote:swing full on at a tree

Wumpus wrote:taking good care of your things

I know it's to test flex, and maybe break it in, but in the end I felt comicly compelled to point out that those to statements were so close to eachother.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:35 am
by Sleeper
Well, I've noticed that certain peoples won't take my red hits. They seem to want me to smash the **** of their shields with my sword, so yeah, my swords take a pounding.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:40 am
by Squire Moxk
heres all my stuff

all my wepons

my armor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:12 pm
by Teej
* moxk has quite a collection, love that club dude.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:39 pm
by Wumpus
Was that a rock made to look like a shrunken head in the second pic? If so, it's kick *!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:11 pm
by Squire Moxk
ya it is suposed tio be a srunken head.

and the grey square rock next to it says holy bible on it

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:35 am
by Pierce
thats great, smite them with the word of god.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:46 am
by Dabbanoth
moxk wrote:ya it is suposed tio be a srunken head.

and the grey square rock next to it says holy bible on it

a new person in our realm a few weeks ago brought a tellytubby head that passed

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:00 am
by Wumpus
Dagganoth wrote:a new person in our realm a few weeks ago brought a tellytubby head that passed
Was it a bloody, severed tellytubby head, or more of a child friendly head that looked like it never had a body in the first place?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:42 pm
by Dabbanoth
bloody and severed, he didnt even know it passed as a rock until i grabbed at them (there was also a rabbit) and was amazed

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:45 pm
by Dabbanoth

oh **** yeah!!!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:45 am
by Faolan
That looks really bad.....

Socks and duct tape. I'm impressed.

Remember kids don't use socks and duct tape to cover you weapons.

Knowing is half the battle!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:34 am
by Dabbanoth
its not socks, its yellow fabric+bright light+bad camera, ive already fixed the duct taped handle, and im doing the rest of it today