Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

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Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Embara Cayosin » Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:55 pm

i am bout to start construction on some better garb and would like some advice...
as you probably know i am trying to protrey a beast like race and would like my garb to reflect this.
i will be starting with a linen tunic made from this pattern made in linen ... _tunic.php
and a pair of wrap pants made from duck cloth.

my questions are

a)what can i add to give this the look of a civilized savage beast
b) what kinds of trinkets should i look for
c) what else could i add to this
D) i will need to dye my skin black...what would be the best thing to use
e) i will need to paint white strips over the black... would acrylic paint do for this. my art teacher once told me this is the best thing to use because it is slightly breathable and will last a wile. is there a better alternative.

refrence photos

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Sieglatan wrote: it looks like you killed and skinned a tiny cow, and riveted the hide onto it.

Ignatius wrote:I love that he just got put in time out for a month!!!
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Tiercel » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:24 pm

This, but with white and black, and no random sticks/bones poking up.
Last edited by Tiercel on Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Embara Cayosin » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:27 pm

i appreciate the thought but im being serious...this isnt GM i am asking for legit advice. and not to be flamed for my choice in persona.
In Draconic
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Sieglatan wrote: it looks like you killed and skinned a tiny cow, and riveted the hide onto it.

Ignatius wrote:I love that he just got put in time out for a month!!!
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby NessiePop » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:28 pm

Ha-Ha, you're a badger!

No, but seriously, I love those books, and it's awesome you went there. That having been said, FWIW:

a) Hmm. Maybe have the construction quality kinda rough, like you've gone from being savage to civilized. Other than this, I can't think of anything that would put across the dichotomy.

b) From the pictures, I'd say nature-themed stuff. This is taking into account the leaf necklace from the first pic. Maybe medallions of wood with pictures carved or burnt into them?

c) I'd have no idea what you could add, save for maybe some things that would indicate a woodsy vibe, like a medicine bag from the belt, or something. I'd turn to the books on this point, but I've got no other suggestions.

d & e) I've used food coloring to great result, but you're more or less out of luck for black and white when it comes to that. You'd prolly be good with the acrylics, or some specially made face paint. Sports eye-black might be usable for the black, but the white's a different story.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Tiercel » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:32 pm

Embara Cayosin wrote: i am asking for legit advice. and not to be flamed for my choice in persona.
You want to show up as a giant badger weilding a sword you forged yourself in a mountain fortress and wanted suggestions to pull it off. Suggesting you put broad stripes in your hair and use modest amounts of face paint is absurd?
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Embara Cayosin » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:37 pm

Tiercel wrote:
Embara Cayosin wrote: i am asking for legit advice. and not to be flamed for my choice in persona.
You want to show up as a giant badger weilding a sword you forged yourself in a mountain fortress and wanted suggestions to pull it off. Suggesting you put broad stripes in your hair and use modest amounts of face paint is absurd?

i already got that much down...i just wondering what i could use. and i have a hair stylist in my family that can do my hair :D .
In Draconic
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Sieglatan wrote: it looks like you killed and skinned a tiny cow, and riveted the hide onto it.

Ignatius wrote:I love that he just got put in time out for a month!!!
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby NessiePop » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:43 pm

WHOA! Mood whiplash. Defensive to Friendly. Bi-polar guy is bi-polar?
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Embara Cayosin » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:44 pm

Lachlan_McClung wrote:WHOA! Mood whiplash. Defensive to Friendly. Bi-polar guy is bi-polar?

How did you know? :D
In Draconic
Loreat mrith tiichi - Die with honor
Valignat ekess vignar - Burn to Ash
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Sieglatan wrote: it looks like you killed and skinned a tiny cow, and riveted the hide onto it.

Ignatius wrote:I love that he just got put in time out for a month!!!
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby NessiePop » Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:32 pm

Everybody's bi-polar these days. Same as ADD. I blame television and the Internet for shortening attention spans, hence ADD, and desensitizing children early to certain emotional cues and not others, hence bi-polar disorder. Some doctors will claim bi-polar is a chemical thing in your brain, but I think that's horse-dickery they use to sell pills. It's really about early development and how you're taught to handle your emotions when you're a child.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby kree » Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:34 pm

I wished people asked questions like these more often and not how to build a **** scythe or how to herp derp their **** herp. I am all for the sport having great looking garb, even though its a little out there, i like to see role playing in the sport so im going to put in my two sense.

1. For fabrics, trigger poplan, light canvas for pants, cotton poly blends for shirts, hit up walmarts and joanns in your area for deals.
2. For trinkets, your guess is as good as mine, ebay, antique stores, junk stores?find something that was once someone else's and make it yours.
3.As for skin dyes i have no idea, ask a green guy.(inside joke)
4. DO NOT USE ACRYLIC PAINT, it was not meant to be put on skin, and water color markers wont work either, i suggest researching yourself.

All the reference photos i looked at all present basic garb, not too hard to sew, the belts and boots should be bought.

I hope what i posted was helpful, and good luck on being a badger man.(no sarcasm)
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby fishstix » Fri Dec 17, 2010 12:50 am

1st of all two thumbs up on the badger dude. i get really sick of everyone wanting to be a werewolf or cat person whenever they go anthropomorphic.

1. i agree that making it look a bit rough wouldn't be a bad idea. maybe even take that a step further and make it out of something that looks rough or is. burlap, wool that sort of thing. though i don't know how that will vibe with your climate where-ever you are.

2. if you really want to go for the savage trying to be civilized i think shiny is the key, like you see everyone else wearing shiny things so you just go for anything that glimmers. though the exact opposite (wooden medallions, medicine pouches, sprigs of foliage on cords) do have their merits. if you wanna get really hardcore, get some lacrosse gloves and try to make them look paw'ish.

3. oil paints. specifically oil based face paints. i'm pretty sure that's what most mimes use, and you never see them with runny makeup. also i think blueman group uses that stuff and if you've ever seen them perform live you know that s*** don't sweat off. and don't bother layering the paint just paint on the black leaving a blank strip for the stripe then fill it in with white. less layers= less hot, easier cleaning.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Dacian » Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:16 pm


ya know, what. I was being *, and that kinda **** belongs in GM. Never mind.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Salamander » Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:20 am

No no no, to acrylics. They flake off, and just end up looking absolutely terrible. Absolutely.
Cream based paints are not going to have the staying power you are going to want.
Food dyes are FTW. McCormick makes a black dye. ... 602_304662
I actually use it to darken my green dye. Food dye is cheap, relatively easy to find all year round. The black dye is a little bit harder to find than most colours, but you can try all your local grocery stores, and walmart as well.

You will still have a bit of trouble, if you sweat a lot. They do have some products to help out with that. It is professional make up stuff though, so the price jumps. I'm a big fan of Ben Nye products. You clean your face, seal it from more sweats, apply stuff, and put a seal on that. You must not put it on all over, most especially if you are going to fighting. Your skin must be able to breathe and sweat. Just your face *should* be fine.

I also use Revlon's liquid eye pens for my detailed warpaint. They are around eight bucks a pop, but I do so love them for details. They paint onto the skin mush easier that the khol pencils, and stay must better. It survives sweat better, and I have even woken up the next day with most of my paint intact, needing only a touch up. You can of course use just khol pencils, it will sweat off, but it can be cheaper.

You are pretty much out of luck for white. You can use the cream makeups, but they smear easy, are more expensive, and harder to find out of season. Again, white acrylic paint is just going to look terrible.
I suppose you could try out the black, and try and use a powder to pale out the rest of your skin. You still might look pretty bad * with just the black.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby warwell » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:51 am

Sir Tobias from Dagorhir has an excellent faun costume that might give you some ideas. There are some pictures in this thread -

Perhaps you could do fur leggings and sleeves to assist with the beast impression.

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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Dacian » Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:19 pm

I'm sorry. don't do this....please...for the love of God. I'm all for creativity, but no more ****' furries. Please. please....please.....
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Embara Cayosin » Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:07 pm

Dacian wrote:I'm sorry. don't do this....please...for the love of God. I'm all for creativity, but no more ****' furries. Please. please....please.....

i am well aware of the stigma of being a furry. i also know that a lot of them are douches that have had one to many sticks up their butts. also many of them are animals just to be animals. Im not like that. i am basing my decision off of a legitimate fantasy setting (no different than lord of the rings) and i feel that this bases is what makes my persona acceptable.

Being a big guy i wanted to have a persona that fit my size (i could have been an elf :P. but when was the last time you saw a good 6'1" 340 lb elf ) and i wanted to stay away from the common bulky races like ork, goblin, bugbear. so i looked for inspiration elsewhere. i tried the half dragon. but it just didnt stick. then i looked at Redwall where it is baxically a medieval setting where the humans are replaced with animals. i loved these books, so i made the tough decision to be a badger. i am aware at the **** i will get, but i hope that i can make people look past the furry and accept it because as i said before i took it from a fairly well known fantasy setting no different than LotR. untill that time i will just take the ridicule with a grain of salt, like im good at.

For blood and vinegar Dacian, you dont have to like it, but it is really no different from me being an orc based on setting. So SUCK IT UP and deal with it. capiche?
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Sieglatan wrote: it looks like you killed and skinned a tiny cow, and riveted the hide onto it.

Ignatius wrote:I love that he just got put in time out for a month!!!
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Embara Cayosin » Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:14 pm

to everyone else thank you for your great constructive advice. specifically to you Salamander. i will talk to the guy who did my makeup for the production i was in on Ben Nye. that stuff is amazing. when used with a setting powder that **** wount ever come off by sweating.
In Draconic
Loreat mrith tiichi - Die with honor
Valignat ekess vignar - Burn to Ash
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Sieglatan wrote: it looks like you killed and skinned a tiny cow, and riveted the hide onto it.

Ignatius wrote:I love that he just got put in time out for a month!!!
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Salamander » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:36 am

No problem! You'll get crap, yes, but you just have to legitimize it. You aren't being an over defensive douche about it, at least as far as I have seen. Just say, **** 'em, and do what you want. Be a great person, and Belegarth will eventually find someone else to make fun of.
I got **** when I started painting green. I said '**** you'(in a perhaps nicer fashion), and just went out to be an even better goblyn. It's pretty accepted, and now I'm even working on trying to add stuff to the lore.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Dacian » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:51 am

Embara Cayosin wrote:For blood and vinegar Dacian, you dont have to like it, but it is really no different from me being an orc based on setting. So SUCK IT UP and deal with it. capiche?

<whine> I don't wanna

*stomps off to his room*


It's all gravy. Just don't take yourself too seriously. Not saying I think you're a douche or anything, it's just I've come across so many furries that take themselves as Seerius Bizniss. However, I'm taking this thread way off topic, and I'm not quite feelin' that frisky this morning.

Post pics once you got your get-up put together.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Rocca » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:15 pm

The trick seems to be the black stripes going over the eyes. I wouldn't bother with white makeup - it would just be a waist of time, but some good black stripes that go down the face and hair and a pair of ears should do it. Additionally, I would get a cool pair for gloves, like mma gloves, and modify them with some fur. Also, if you slick your hair back, rather than spike it up, it would add to the illusion of a longer skull. If your totally into it you could get a nose to, but paint should work just as well.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Arrakis » Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:27 am

kree wrote:1. For fabrics, trigger poplan, light canvas for pants, cotton poly blends for shirts, hit up walmarts and joanns in your area for deals.

Ewwww. He said he was gonna use linen for his shirt; why would you suggest that he backslide all the way to the worst possible clothing fabric ever, poly/cotton broadcloth?

Otherwise, all advice in this thread seems sound. Hardened leather sabatons that look like badger-clawed feets might help, too.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby kree » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:30 am

Arrakis wrote:
kree wrote:1. For fabrics, trigger poplan, light canvas for pants, cotton poly blends for shirts, hit up walmarts and joanns in your area for deals.

Ewwww. He said he was gonna use linen for his shirt; why would you suggest that he backslide all the way to the worst possible clothing fabric ever, poly/cotton broadcloth?

Otherwise, all advice in this thread seems sound. Hardened leather sabatons that look like badger-clawed feets might help, too.

i was going for cost effectiveness, cotton poly blends do not breath well, but i can find that **** on sale for two to three bucks a yard all the time. You are right though, go for more natural fabrics for more breathable garb.
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Re: Garb Advice Wanted (refrence photos added)

Postby Arrakis » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:37 am

kree wrote:
Arrakis wrote:
kree wrote:1. For fabrics, trigger poplan, light canvas for pants, cotton poly blends for shirts, hit up walmarts and joanns in your area for deals.

Ewwww. He said he was gonna use linen for his shirt; why would you suggest that he backslide all the way to the worst possible clothing fabric ever, poly/cotton broadcloth?

Otherwise, all advice in this thread seems sound. Hardened leather sabatons that look like badger-clawed feets might help, too.

i was going for cost effectiveness, cotton poly blends do not breath well, but i can find that **** on sale for two to three bucks a yard all the time. You are right though, go for more natural fabrics for more breathable garb.

It is cheap, that's for sure, but it looks cheap, too. Cheap linen can be found here: 5.3 ounce is the joint.
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