Should we have a filter?

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Should the Belegarth board have a profanity filter?

Poll ended at Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:16 am

Only on public forums.
Total votes : 150

Should we have a filter?

Postby Kyrian » Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:16 am


With the way the profanity filter was received, I decided that it should be turned off for at least the duration of this poll. I leave it to you, the web community, to decide whether this filter should be active. The poll will be active for the next 30 days. After that, we will go with the results of the poll.

P.S. Could we make this a sticky please? Thanks.
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Postby ICARUS » Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:40 am

I wonder is thier a way that certain people could change thier profile as to make any post with profanity look like it has been put through the filter while allowing those who are cool with it to view the original post contents?
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Postby Tor » Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:21 am

I think Rali has the best idea: Implement an option where vulgarities could be filtered at the profile level. And for public boards (and private where the moderators of said board request) only.
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Postby Soo Ma Tai » Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:50 am

This should only be applied to the public forums. Private forums are private for a reason, so that the inane ramblings that go on among friends stays out of public view. There is simply no need to have the filter in private forums.
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Postby Spike » Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:42 pm

My vote is yes, but as an option defaulted on for new users. They have the option to turn it off or on within their prefrences. If they choose to change it, then they are declaring they understand what they're getting into. People who don't want to see, don't have to, and those want to can. This way, everyone wins.

Like I've been saying all along...
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Postby The Lost Celt » Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:16 pm

I think that by restricting some behaviors based on perceptions of what others may think, is inherently a slippery slope - in fact I can be a total * without using any foul language.

I have a better idea, how about a basic IQ and grammar test instead? (nothing major, just a minor amount of punctuation would be nice) I find idiocy more of a problem on the boards than language, and that's not to say idiocy isn't the root of some of the less tasteful posts to being with.

But seriously...

Personally I'm opposed to the idea, I understand the gray area it leaves you in - but the majority of the posts here - well, if you're easily offended you shouldn't be in this game to begin with - a little sarcasm and wit is always welcome to me, I always considered foamfighting a bit of a theatre sense of humor if you've ever done that in highschool or know the type. Things posted to deliberately offend or shock is what's given all the other smartasses a bad name. The pokemon hentai and someone else who posted about monster training, I think skinning a squirrel or something? That kinda stuff is *, I'd like to think the posters kind of police themselves - and to some extent can knock people back in line (there is a fine line between flaming and one particular individual saying what everyone else is thinking, it's just how he says it) I understand it can become a gray area, but untill it becomes a Us v.s. Them type of thing I'd take it as it will.

I've always believed it was all in the context - the words have never meant much to me it's simply the way they're used.

Like I said I understand the gray area it puts the moderators in, and I know it's a lot of work, I've adminned in other areas before, all I'm saying is without a little bite this board means nothing to me, do as you will.
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Postby The Lost Celt » Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:39 pm

Spike wrote:My vote is yes, but as an option defaulted on for new users. They have the option to turn it off or on within their prefrences. If they choose to change it, then they are declaring they understand what they're getting into. People who don't want to see, don't have to, and those want to can. This way, everyone wins.

Bah, for some reason I didn't notice this

That is a totally awesome idea - as long as they're aware of the filter.

I have NO CLUE how easily that would be implemented.
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Postby Spike » Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:11 pm

I've seen it on other forums. Not sure if they were phpBB, but I think it's definitely the most crowd-pleasing of ideas.
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Postby A Pimp Named Kabibbles » Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:25 pm

Spike has a decent idea.
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Postby Lady Katerina » Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:07 pm

YES!! Use a profanity filter.

There is a sense of honor when it comes to being a member of a realm. It reflects on us all when someone goes off the deep end with foul language. Please don't destroy that honor, that pride, by having a potty mouth.

What I've learned about Belegarth as I've studied it and researched it, is that it is an elite group of people who participate. not everyone has the guts to take this up. You lessen what Belegarth is and stands for by those '**** you' attitudes.

Take out your aggressions and anger on the battle field, not the web boards.
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Postby YAS » Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:44 pm

I voted no on the filter.

Perhaps enough has been said about this for people to stand up and pay attention to it. Maybe some of us are saying "Are we really that bad that we require a FILTER?" I think most of us are perfectly capable of controlling ourselves here, of all places, where we get the unique opportunity of thinking before we speak, or in this instance, write. I imagine, as others have, that I can be insulting without excessive use of the f-bomb, or any other word, for that matter. If you read some of my posts, I manage to control that quite nicely. (Talk to me in person, however...)

At any rate, I think that if we need to be told that we are a bunch of potty mouths, perhaps we need to take the time to think before we write a passioned response to a post or reply. You all know that you can do it on the spur of the moment, in cases where you are talking before a group of people that you know it would be best not to swear in front of (like, I don't know...a job interview?) How hard is it, really?
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Postby calebmonkey » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:41 pm

i think if we are going to filter it should be not inculde private forums or general mayhem i. also think we should try to figure out what "excessive" is and enforce that better.saying(or in this case typing) a curse word dosent make you look immature unless you over-use it
plus you guys are forgetting one thing,alot of our members are just plain immature me for example
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Postby debuenzo » Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:58 pm

i voted "only in public forums"

however, i like spike's idea of a default profile filter with the option to turn it off
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:26 pm

as most of us are adults or teens, we shoukd be allowed to say what we want although the language does get out of hand from time to time. But thats to be expected because most of us are filled with rage and the urge to fight and have to wait until the next practice or until their friends get off work.

Is there someone you can set the filter for only the younger users?
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Postby Reverend » Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:14 am

I voted yes, but with the caveat that it can be turned off in a person's individual profile.
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Postby Magpie Saegar » Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:52 pm

I know this is a little late, but I don't think there should be any swearing allowed in people's signatures. I mean... Cyric has the f-word in his... and he always posts in the rule forum... which means that more than half the threads in the rules forum have the f-word.

I agree with what some other people have said: I no longer feel that pointing people to the boards to get info/help is a viable option with things in that state that they've been in.

I am forced to support a filter. Some argue that "oh, we're all adults," but.. if that were true, there would be many more people acting like it. Maybe I'm just too idealist... but I think we can really make the boards into the functional place they should be.
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Postby Cyric » Sat Apr 07, 2007 9:56 pm

if people are going to be offended by my sig, then maybe this game isn't for them. I don't want to exclude anyone or drive people away, but really, that's pretty lame. That's been in my sig for at least a year, and i don't think anyone has quit the sport because of it. At some point, people are going to have to be adults and deal with things they don't like. it's not any worse than you'd overhear in a crowd, in some songs, etc.

besides, if the filter is re-instituted, then it'll get filtered out. i'm not typing around it or anything, so it'll be fine. If people really think this is a problem i'll change it, but there are so many better things we can be fixing. :unsure:
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Postby Magpie Saegar » Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:21 am

Yeah (sorry to specifically single you out... I'm not trying to attack just you)... I'm not saying anyone has quit the sport because there's swearing all over the forums, and it's not that I can't deal with it either.

But the combination of the general immaturity of the online belegrim crowd and the language they use has made it so that I often do not wish to point people to THIS webboard (which could have otherwise been so useful).

I just think it's a shame that people feel free to * all over this place, just cause they feel comfortable here.
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Postby Georghiu Leonte » Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:05 am

I voted yes only in public forums...but I have a side question.

What about the other F word. The six letter one? I am fairly certain people would raise hell if someone used a six letter N word, what is the going to be the policy on the sadly all to common 3 and six letter F words? I know I have seen the words on the board before and knowing some openly gay fighters, I am sure they love seeing it.

What is the policy because I really detest the word from a personal stand point, I do not care if your vulgar as hell but when your slurring peoples race, gender or sexual orientation that is another thing entirely.
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Postby Mungus » Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:16 pm

ok like im new here and all but i think ppl shouldnt be using cuss words cuz that only makes other ppls mad and stuff and my parents are kewl with stuff like that cuz they say thats how the times are and stuff but i personally dont use them but its kewl if u use them just dont cuss at other ppls cuz thats not kewl
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Postby Reverend » Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:22 pm

Mungus wrote:ok like im new here and all but i think ppl shouldnt be using cuss words cuz that only makes other ppls mad and stuff and my parents are kewl with stuff like that cuz they say thats how the times are and stuff but i personally dont use them but its kewl if u use them just dont cuss at other ppls cuz thats not kewl

What the hell did you just say?

It sounded like you feel strongly about the topic, but I'll be damned if I'm going to try and translate to find out what you said.

Clean it up a bit, eh?
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Postby Kyrian » Tue May 01, 2007 4:51 pm

Mods, please lock this thread. Thanks.
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Postby Ju'Dekei » Tue May 01, 2007 5:16 pm

Kyrian wrote:Mods, please lock this thread. Thanks.

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