Offering my design services to you, YES YOU!

Webpage and Web Board Stuff

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Offering my design services to you, YES YOU!

Postby Askarus of Sparta » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:15 pm

Hey guys,

So I haven't checked out the unit pages on here yet but I have been through a million dag pages, and most of them are total garbage to say the least.

But Askarus! Professional Design Services cost money!

I'm a professional graphic designer. Have been since 03'. I have done design work for *'s Sporting goods, Deloitte, IBM, American Eagle, and countless others.and to get to the point, i would like to offer my design skills to anyone that's interested. I want to build your unit a website from start to finish for little to no cost! Here's how we're gonna do this.

Low cost option

Tell me what you want
You buy the domain (
You supply ALL content (text and pics of people)
I host it on my server to give me easy access to add things
I give you the bare minimum as in static info and a contact form.
You have a way to commiunicate with people!


Tell me what you want
I design your site, you give me 1 round of changes or so.
I give you an html file with proper tags on where to put info and even some dummy text so you can learn the ropes.
You have a way to commiunicate with people!

So thats it, I'm just bored at work and dont get enough fun jobs to work on. And figured I could give back to people as well as stimulate my brain a bit.

Some rules:

Since this is free and of my own good grace, you have no room to ask me to give you a site in 3 days, i'm usually really busy so chill, you will get it when you get it, and it will be awesome. Prob. about 2 weeks or so for a design a month for a full site.

If for some reasom you need it up NOW, you can always pay my 35/hr fee to pump it out for you.

My portfolio is at you can find my email there if any unit is interested.

check out to see what i did with our site.

PS - this is not a solicitation, please remove this post if you feel this is unwanted or spam in any way.
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Askarus of Sparta
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:19 pm
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Started Fighting: 05 May 2002
Realm: Angaron
Unit: Sparta
Favorite Fighting Styles: Front line

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