What is your character's story?

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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:05 pm

Alright Kiddies, since life has completely changed I have had to revamp. my character so here is a new character and a new beginning story.

Blackness, nothing but...blackness? The empty void that surronds me is now starting to melt away into white light. A crawling feeling starts up my arm. I swat at it, and notice that I have pushed something away.

I open my eyes to find that I am on my stomach, and I have knocked a snake off me. Releaved, I let my guard down. Then, the snake strikes. Shuffling back in fear, I see that the snake had not gone for me, but instead struck at a scorpion that was on my arm.

Bringing off the focus of the snake, I notice 10 - 20 scorpion talls laying around me. It then becomes aware to me, the snake hadn't been waiting for me, but had been rescuing me from a never ending sleep.

Peering up all I can see is desert, hot dry desert, and a slave master like sun. Beating me with its burning rays.

"Now that I am aware of my surrondings, lets see if I am aware of myself." thinking grogerly.

I try picking my self up, only to feel pain flooding through my entire body. I fall to the sand motionless. Waiting for the pain to subside, I stagger to my feet.

Looking down, my cloths have been completely ravaged, but it appears it wasn't a sandstorms doing. All that remains are, what used to be a silk tunic and embroidered collar, a kilt and belt with pouch, and one sandle.

I feel my for my skin, and it is nothing but cracked and dry, with sand pasted to it. At that moment a gust of wind kicks sand up into my back. I let out with a yelp, then feel for my back.

I finger my back to find hundreds of Eigth inch gashes, only days old. Throbbing as if on fire. Then I find my first verbal words,

"Wh-what? Where am I? Who am I?"

All I can remeber is my name. Chanted over and over in my head,

"Amenhotep, Amenhotep, Amenhotep..."

As if of prase! Then a man's voice rings thourgh, only his are of dread, hate.

My consintration is interupted by a sharp pain eminating from my mouth. It's driving my crazy. So I reach into the back of my mouth. To feel something wedged in my cheek next to my mollers. I start to fumble with it. I then manage to get a firm grip. I then take a deep breath, and yank it from it's hold.

Blood splatters the desert floor.

Screaming in agony, I fall to my knees. After recoverying, I wipe the portrustion clean of my blood. I draw back in dismay,


A small gold and silver pendent of Ra's eye circled by a feather, and a lion was stuck in my check.

"Luckely the chain hadn't been intack!", thinking thankfuly.

Then appearing even more confused,

"...but this is a symbol of royalty, of kingship?"

Moments go by, and my hold is broken by a rattling.

The snake that had once saved me before, acts as if it were trying to get my attention. It extends it's body of the ground in a weird dancing fashion. I ask the creature with a raised eyebrow,

"What's the matter with you? The sand can't possibly be that hot! Here I am, and I feel like I had been dropped into a fire ant hole. You are a repti..."

My gaze widens, and I see an oasis in the distance.

Jumping back up to my feet, I scream in praise.

"Oh, you stupid snake. You were only trying to help me!"

Switching the pendent in my hands I happan upon the feather again.

"Wierd? The feather seems to match that which you have on your back"

Saving the thought for another time. I place the pendant in my belt pouch and head off to the oasis. With the snake behind me...

Well folks, I hope you liked it? I still have more to go too.
Last edited by Rat Shattered Fist on Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:46 am

CONTINUED: After a few years in training and several missions Zanark has become number one in his class with Kotojinn in second and a girl named Saysha in third. After a few sparing matches and a couple missions with her they begin to fall in love a love so strong the village has never seen befor. Two years later and unmarried saysha soon finds out that she is pregnant. Two weeks after she finds out she is given a solo mission by King Areaga to find and capture the Akkadian Sage (A member in my realm and unit) He refuses to go with her and refuses to fight. But finally gives in, after a great battle Zanark finds her in a pool of her own blood and half dead she pulls off the red ribbon that holds back her hair and gives it to him as she dies in his arms. At that moment the evil sword Abraxas that was given to him by his mother awakens as sadness and hatred runs through his veins. He vows to avenge her and his unborn son Zanick and takes up is original duty that which is to destroy the world for the gods to creat anew. Years after he hears of there beign another angel, he seeks her out and finds out that she is his sister, but she looks identicle to Saysha. Overcome by joy and confusion for he knows that he must kill her and unfuse the two souls to get saysha back.
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:22 am


After the deathn of his love zanark went into a deep moarining feeling that human kind is a heartless race and senseless to keep alive. He decides to take up is main mission. A month after saysha's death zanark's powers have grown above normal haterd sworms around him, his father and the rest of the clan knows that he has grown too strong and feel that he will one day betray them. One day the Akkadians are paid to wipe out the ninja clan by the 29th swordsman tribe. When the get inside the strong hold they find that they have run into a trap as fog sworms all around them when it finally clears they find more than half of their men decapitated and zanark standing among them with a bloody sword in his hand. The elite akkadians survive but are on the verge of going seperate ways, after a long argument the akkadians split. And for the next year they are hunted down by zanark trying to find out where sage is. The search continues.

Zanarks sword abraxas dosn't only cut the skin it cuts the soul thus with every hit your life is cut in half depending on how bad the wound is.
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Postby bubbles » Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:22 pm

Should ask Kazi about his. I likes it.
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Postby Switchblade » Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:17 pm

Name: No given name, only known as "Switch Blade"
Race: Scist Elf/ human half-breed

A small, shadowed figure crept along the walls of the underground cavern, following the almost undetectable sound of the man's footsteps. She withdrew a long, poison tipped dagger from its sheath and silently threw it at the human. It struck him between the shoulder blades, buried into his back up the the hilt. The man fell forward heavily, blood seeping through his cloak and dripping to the floor. She stood over him, a sneer curling her lip.
"You shouldn't play with knives you know...you could hurt yourself...."

She yanks the knife out and wipes it off on the man's shirt, then tucks it back into her belt and kicks the body over on its back. She stares down into the blank, dead eyes of her human father. "Blood for blood, death for death. That's how it works isn't it?" She turns and walks away, vanishing into the shadows.

~ Switch Blade was the * daughter of Jiaskar Tames, a human mercenary, and Seridia Mahotawn, a Scist elf. Jiaskar had taken Seridia captive during a skirmish between the elves and humans and had used her as his slave- often raping her when other women were unavailible. A year after her capture, Seridia discovered she was pregnant with his child. She kept it hidden from him for 7 monthes before her stomach grew too large to hide. When he discovred her pregnancy, he beat her severly, causing her to go into labor early. She lost so much blood from the birth and abuse that she died shortly after the baby was born. Jaiskar dumped the helpless baby in the woods to die.

A small group of Scist elves were watching as Jaiskar dumped the baby, and so the rescued it and took it back to their village hidden deep in the heart of the Mariskani Mountains. The child was adopted into a family and raised decently, but was given no name- she was only half-elf and therefore not accepted by most of the village. As soon as she was old enough, the elves who had found her told her of the circumstances surrounding her birth. The girl left the village that very day with only the clothes on her back and the hatred in her heart. Ever since, she has been traveling the country in search of her father- and finaly has found him. She has given herself the name "Switch Blade" and now wanders deep in the caves of Shadow Mountains. Because of her Scist heiratage, Switch Blade possess a unique healing power- though it takes a large amount of energy to use and she is often only able to use it once a day.

~Charactor stats~
-Height: 5' 4" tall
-Weight: 114 lbs.
-Hair: medium-length, deep black
-Eyes: piercing silver
-Clothing: long, deep black hooded cloak, black tunic, dark brown pants, knee-high black boots, one silver bracelet.
-Weapons: 3 long daggers and a case of poisen
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Postby Ikeno_Dathorion » Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:30 am

Ikeno's life began when he was born in Moria and raised by cave-trolls. He expericined the sight of many battles just till recently had entered one. It was late one day March 2006 at Spring Wars when he realized what his duty was. He realized he must execute those who had killed his family of trolls. He must kill the elves and the humans. The ones who caused him suffering and pain. HE's always saying "When i get me handss on thesse vile creatures I'LL WRING THEIR NECKS". Thats the story of Ikeno the Goblin.
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Postby lord_sworn_phoenix_warrio » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:57 am

Name: Blade Sworn
Blood type:NA
Birth Place:Castle Phoenix
Birth date: Oct 31

He was born on Oct. 31. His Mom was a elv her name was Shie. His father was a explorer, He got involve by a great mage/warrior. Known as "Lunatic". His father name was Zink Sworn. When Blade was born. His father had to leave to help out kingdom Rune. His best friend. So Blade Lived with his mother till he got to the age of 15. He learned how to fight from his mother. She adopted his brother. His name was Serge Sherah. They've gotten so close.

Mother had to leave her two boys. She has gotten word that Zink has fallen in battle and she was going go retrive his body. So Blade and Serge got torn up when they found out about they're mother leaving them. They felt unwanted. So they made a pac with the Orcs and goblins. And Lord Thor. The msot fearful most evil creature ever known. Now the two hearted boys we're a nutral allince. They've helped the good. They ran with the Orcs.

Blade is still on the erdge to find mother. But his heart his filled with hate and love.. His heart his lost. Serge is on another path.. To be the best fighter.. the be known as a hero..A myth.

When you see the two boys. They're skin is a light swomp green. But still with the white color from their father and mother. Blade's symbol is fire.. And Serge is a lighting symbol.
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Postby Kudigudi » Thu May 04, 2006 7:30 pm

Here is my background ( I am a new fighter and new to the forums, so tell me if my name or story is crap)

Balian, once a knoble knight from a kingdom far to the the east was sent to attack a group of bandits that have been terrorizing the people of the land. With his group of 25 men he attacked them.

In this battle ballian was knocked unconcious and had suffered major head injuries and could not remember anything before he woke up.

From then he lived among the bandits, raiding villiges, coming back and feasting, sharing gold, and sparring. For years this was the life that ballian had know, until one day, when he was scouting he came upon one of his old freinds and they had told ballian all about the kingdom and what had happened since he was gone, Balian was confused, he slaughtered his freind and ran into the woods, to wander about the land, trying to figure out his past...
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Postby Nalaris » Mon May 08, 2006 1:07 pm

Oh yeah, that's original.

Details, boy, details!

And I hate to overcriticize, but 'Balian' does not sound particularly eastern...

Other than that, it's not bad. Just needs improvement.


Nethmaethor, Son of Sethmaethor Orborialis.

Heir to the command of one of three parts of the ancient and revered Knights Maethor (which is where the last two syllables of his name came from) who have long since fallen into ruin. A new and powerful religious organization known as Drakanatism smashed the Orborialis and the Drake clans to pieces, scattering them far and wide. They did this primarily through the traitorous Templar clan.

The defeated Orborialian heir, Grigor, fled to lands unknown, and enforced freelance justice until he died. His heirs to this day seek revenge on the descendants of Mathias, the once 'prophet' of the Drakanat relgious movement.

Drakanatism itself was a brutal order, and the Orthoradan kingdom suffered greatly under its human sacrifices and destructive rituals. All rebellions were ruthlessly put down, any and all prisoners tortured to death. The prophet and his disciples lead the dread Drakanatist cult, with high priests lording over vast tracts of land, and priests dealing with one town or area.

Nethmaethor is three generations seperated from Grigor. He has, so far, lived his life by the sword (or, as it were, the spear) and the book. Life for him is a never ending battle against evil, and he does his job well, rarely meeting equal foe among the bandits and hooligans he fights.

He does not fare as well in tournaments dueling trained warriors, and he has yet to undertake the pilgrimage to a holy Maethorian temple (there are only seven remaining, all of them secluded and many known only by name), and his hated foes the Drakanatists still lord over his ancestral homeland of Orthoradan.

And so he is today.

Alright, I've dished it out, if any of you have problems with my background I'm ready to take it.[/i]
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Postby Kudigudi » Mon May 08, 2006 1:13 pm

Eh, I guess your right, I should have put more thought into my name and background.

By the way, thanks for the feedback^.^
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Postby Nalaris » Mon May 08, 2006 1:16 pm

Wow, I got thanked for insulting someone. Cool.
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Postby Kudigudi » Mon May 08, 2006 5:21 pm

it happenes every day here my my freind
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Postby Ikeno_Dathorion » Mon May 08, 2006 5:52 pm

i posted my story earlier but it wasnt that good so i revamed it and here it is.

Ikeno's life began in Moria where he was raised by cave-trolls. He had only know life in Moria.When he came of the age to travel he sought out for war.When he had ventured to Spring wars. He realized was his duty was. He must execute those who had killed his family of trolls. He must kill the pointy ears and the pinkies. The ones who caused him suffering and pain. He is always out looking for them now at every battle he seems to wander.Killing all those who stand in his way.
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Postby Nalaris » Mon May 08, 2006 7:43 pm

That background still badly sucks.

Cave trolls are reptiles. They don't raise their young.

If you're anything but a cave troll or an orc you'll be killed on site. In fact, you'll still be killed on site unless you can prove that the troll will regret it.

The only connection between Middle-Earth and our world is time: Tolkien claimed that Arda (the entire world of Tolkien, including Middle-Earth which was, in fact, in the middle) reshaped itself into Europe thousands of years after 'The Lord of the Rings'.

Go read the Silmarrilion, or just make up and original background that doesn't steal someone else's work (and totally botch it).

In other news, I finally corrected my triple posting problem.

EDIT: I'm in a much (much much much) better mood now, so I'm going to offer some solutions.

1: The easiest would be to rename Moria and then it's officially your own world and you can do whatever you want. You could call it Airom, which is Moria backwards.
2: Take out the bit about the Spring Wars and make yourself an Uruk of Mordor who (somehow) found his way into Moria and was raised by goblins.
3: Ignore me and keep on plodding along with a terrible background that I and any other person who's actually read Tolkien will ever be able to RP with because of its inanity.

Also, goblins are very small and very weak. A goblin is easily cut to pieces by any trained warrior. I assume you're better than that and do not rely on your army of comrades to fight a war of attrition. An Uruk would suit you much better.
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Postby Kudigudi » Wed May 10, 2006 10:08 pm

I changed my story, it will be much better now ^.^(I hope, still need feedback)

Ballian was a simple farmboy of six winters, and lived in a kingdom close to the sea.

Day in and day out he did his duties with no complaints and he lived in a happy famiy, being the youngest of 4 boys. Until one fateful day when the war came to them.

the two oldest boys were drafted for the war. for more than a year they worried for the boys, always trying to find out who had died. Then the day came, a messenger came to the family, he told them that thier sons had died as heros and were hounered by the king. They greived for many days until the day came when the kingdom was invaded.

When the warriors came to burn thier village ballian hid in the only safe place he knew. He watched as his freinds and family were tortured and murdered before him, watched, and cried.

5 years from that day is Ballian now, training hard as a warrior so that one day he may fight in the wars...

Any better than the last one?
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Postby Ikeno_Dathorion » Thu May 11, 2006 6:46 am

my character is a goblin and will stay a goblin honestly i hate uruks they may be fighters but i like being a goblin its what ido so iwill not chnage tat and thanks for your input but again its my background and will not change.
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Postby Nalaris » Thu May 11, 2006 11:22 am

Ikeno, that may be the most pathetic response I've ever heard. Got grammar? Besides, you don't seem to have anything against Uruks other than "I like goblins! Mine! My backstory! I refuse to change! Hey, look, a shiny penny! I'll kill you for it! Gah!"

Kudigudi, that's nice. I like it.
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Postby Ikeno_Dathorion » Thu May 11, 2006 1:50 pm

i didnt mean it like i hated the uruks as in the uruk-hai i just dont like uruks as in the tokein version of them anyways i fight as a goblin and i live to be a goblin.
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Postby Kudigudi » Thu May 11, 2006 3:56 pm

Hey thank nalaris, but let me inform you on something. This is NOT LOTR sure it is slightly based of it, but that does not mean that people have to abide strictly by her world.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu May 11, 2006 4:53 pm

Exactly! We are based from the books, but that doesn't limit it too. I play a once egyptian pharaoh. I have nothing to do with those said, books.

Also, if you are going to be harsh, please do it in a manner where they can learn without being affended. Or I will have to get you for flamming.
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Postby Maciah » Thu May 11, 2006 8:25 pm

Hell my character is a lion-esk creature that has a mix of origins, egyptian, incan, mayan, aztec, native american. Is it good? No. But I don't give a flammin rats *, it's what I like.
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Postby Sare » Thu May 11, 2006 8:39 pm

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Postby Nalaris » Fri May 12, 2006 12:37 pm

1. Tolkien was male. I just feel the desperate need to point that out.

2. No Flames! If you want to critises, be nice about it.

3. You want to be an ex-Egyptian Pharaoh, knock yourself out. I really could care less. Your story's original and doesn't tear guts out of someone else's. I didn't walk into this expecting LotR. In fact, I was hoping it wouldn't be mentioned.

4. If you contiune to be a ruthless critic, I will, without hesitation ask you to leave. Also the sport is what you make of it, that is that. And from what I have heard, it is not based off of any period, other than the fact that it was when you used sword and shield.

Nothing on this forum had anything to do with my decision. Your responses were natural and in no way wrong. Just for the record.

edit: Amenhotep
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Postby Ranger of Ithillien » Sat May 13, 2006 4:11 pm

Name: Tylon of Ithilien

Race: Human

Class: Ranger

My father is from Gondor, he send me to be a Ranger in Ithilien to protect the borders of Gondor. I was trained by Faramir himself.
As the orcs invaded Gondor many of my fellow friends died in battle.
So then the rest of my the band of Rangers went to Gondor to fight aside My big brothers band of Tower Guards to Destroy the Uruk-Hai.

and thats it for now :target:
Going to WAR

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Postby Arkin » Sun May 14, 2006 9:00 pm

my guy just wanted to fight so he fought
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Mon May 15, 2006 11:50 am

(my story the stone child doesnt even revolve around my character zanark.)

Kuja was born in the 34th swordsman tribe right out side traidin castle. His father was leader of the village and tribe. He had a twin brother named kojak(I started writing this before i knew of the show) Kuja was born very gifted with the sword. But his brother hidden in his twins shadow was not. But he did not hate his brother but looked up to him. One day the 29th swordsman tribe declared war on them with kuja at his fathers side and his brother still at school him and his father took on the last reamaning fighters. As they changed in to the battle feild his father took his men and fled leaving his son and a few hundred men to fight. Kuja managed to fight his way throught the enemy and kill there leader but at the cost of all his men. When he got back to the tribe his father was there to show his love and say congrats for his first victory. But kuja struck him knocking him off his horse when one of his fathers men tried to help him up he said " leave him there thats where he belongs lying on the ground with the other insects" After that kuja and his father were both stripped of there title. One day a old friend named shorn a black mage came to their village and asked kuja and his brother if they would go with him in search for the stones of elemental life. They did and so did a ax man and a archer. When the found the first stone they were confronted by a massive beast shorn fought and killed it but a the cost of loosing kuja's brother kojak. After that kuja became very sick and was taken to lord shalic's manner after three days he was awoken to see the most beautiful women ever her hair dark her skin tanned and her voice as lovely as a flower. (to be continued sometime this week as if any one really reads all these stories)
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Postby Kudigudi » Mon May 15, 2006 12:16 pm

Nalaris wrote:1. Tolkien was male. I just feel the desperate need to point that out.

2. No Flames! If you want to critises, be nice about it.

edit: Amenhotep

ok, sorry bout the tolkien thing, I mixed him uup with rowling^.^

And you, talking about being nice about critisism, hipocyt much?(sorry if I spelt that wrong)
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Postby Kudigudi » Mon May 15, 2006 12:17 pm

Nalaris wrote:1. Tolkien was male. I just feel the desperate need to point that out.

2. No Flames! If you want to critises, be nice about it.

edit: Amenhotep

ok, sorry bout the tolkien thing, I mixed him uup with rowling^.^

And you, talking about being nice about critisism, hipocyt much?(sorry if I spelt that wrong)
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Postby Kudigudi » Mon May 15, 2006 12:19 pm

Nalaris wrote:1. Tolkien was male. I just feel the desperate need to point that out.

2. No Flames! If you want to critises, be nice about it.

edit: Amenhotep

ok, sorry bout the tolkien thing, I mixed him uup with rowling^.^

And you, talking about being nice about critisism, hipocyt much?(sorry if I spelt that wrong)
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Postby Versago Hayashida » Mon May 15, 2006 2:09 pm

Oh just for the heck of it.

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Postby Ikeno_Dathorion » Mon May 15, 2006 3:03 pm

once again i have updated my characters story

Ikeno's life began in Moria where he was raised by cave-trolls. He had only known life there. When he came of the age to travel, he sought out war, for he new nothing else. This path lead him to Spring Wars. It was there that Ikeno realized what his duty was, He must execute those who had killed his family of trolls. He must kill the pointy ears and the pinkies. The ones who had caused his suffering and pain. Now, he wanders from battle to battle looking for them. Killing all those who stand in his way.

While Ikeno wandered, he ventured to a goblyn kingdom. For a short time it seemed as though he may have found a new home, but it was not to last... He was berated often because he refused to cover his forbidden zones. There was also the matter of the kiiling of those pinky slaves of a higly respected slave trader. The slave trader tried to have Ikeno killed for this insult, so he slaugtered the trader and his family.

He was forced to flee the realm for his life, and so he wanders still..
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Postby Nalaris » Tue May 16, 2006 12:11 pm

That thing about the criticism was Amenhotep's edit. Apparently being blunt counts as flaming in some situations.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Tue May 16, 2006 1:14 pm

Not quite, if you take it to far it is considered flamming. Or when the person hasn't asked for it to be so blunt.
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Postby Grey » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:24 pm

Sare wrote:into a story that begins on a dark night, where a dark man waits, with a dark purpose...(name that movie)


let's just say mine's in the works

*edit* my story that is.
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Postby Argyll » Sat Jul 29, 2006 2:51 am

Dark times call for Dark Heroes,
And there was none darker than Argyle III Salochstagh

Argyle III is the captain of the Lost Children of the O?Reillys. He is named after his eldest kin, Argyle I who gave the service of his Scottish clan, the O?Reillys, forever to the great green god, Ginniegh. He was born to the noble blood of the O?Reilly kings, and is the last heir to the throne of the O?Reilly Kingdom atop Reilltoch. His father was the great king Mordgar O?Reilly the Black, and his mother one of Mordgar?s nameless whores. Like all Ginnic Scots he trained from a very young age as a warrior. He mastered the art of the Ginnerald, and excelled especially in the wielding of claymore swords.
His father was constantly away from home leading the conquests against the pagan Irish who fought in the name of a dark god. Argyle idolized his father as a warrior and a leader, but the absence of a father figure lead him to become a sick and tortured soul. By the age of 16 Argyle achieved his rank of Ginneighsack Captain and was given the honor of leading a company of chevroth riders into battle by his father, Mordgar.
Argyle?s riders became a fiery fist of vengeance for the O?Reillys, and soon became the spearhead of the Dark Crusades against the Blacksack legions of Ireland. As a new enemy from the south revealed itself, Mordgar took up the task of crushing the new enemy, and Argyle was given full command of the Ginnic armies against the Irish.
It was not long before Argyle developed a puritanical hatred for the heathens, and was gaining notoriety for cannibalization of his heathen enemies. He was at this time given his title, Heathensbane, or in Ginnic, Salochstagh.
Argyle and his riders gained much battle experience throughout the ages and were soon becoming the most decorated of all of the Ginneigh?s armies. When the British Armies under King Edward finally came to the gates of Reilltoch, Argyle and his riders were there running through the enemy, dealing death as they pleased. In the end Argyle?s hands were wet with the blood of his father, and Reilltoch had been seized, and his people all but destroyed.
At this time Argyle swore upon the memory of his father and the name of his god Ginneigh that he would avenge his people. To this day Argyle III leads his company of lost children into medieval battle as mercenaries to achieve honor through blood for their god Ginneigh.
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Postby Kodiak Bloodclaw » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:25 pm

I'm from the nation of Feralas, inhabited by a race called Ferals(no surprise there). We look like humans, but we have a deeper connection then human's can only dream about with nature. There are Tribes in the different regions of Feralas; the Mountains, Plains, Forests, Deserts, and Coast. I am the Shaman for a Mountain Tribe village nestled in a valley between the Guardians mountain range. I can give blessings to my comrades with the totems on my person. When pressed, or my comrade(s) are slain, I will fly into a rage, and kill all in my path, unknown ally, enemy, it does not matter. I decided to leave my village to protect from those that would do us harm. I make alliances with any race that seems to help me in my quest the most. If deceived, I will brutally slay the traitor when I am brought back to life.
Lo, there do I see my father...
Lo, there do I see my mother and my sister and my brothers...
Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning...
Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them
In the halls of Valhalla
Where the brave may live forever.
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Postby Keberos » Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:38 am

Not a character history, but a good story to help get to know him a bit better. Brief Backstory can be found here.

Kerberos gazed across the wide valley. As he watched, a gentle breeze whisked across his body. The cold wind swept the snow across the valley creating a sparkling dance across the early morning sky. He clenched the pommel of his spatha with his right hand, and eventually rest it on the top. Kerberos though intently as he looked down the moderately sloped valley. His brow tightened as he thought hard about what to do next.

The tall man had donned all of his armor except his helm. He bore a fine suit of golden segmentata, complete with greaves, large leather boots covering his feet and steel bracers and gauntlets over his arms. The plated suit was complemented with red leather underneath and a chain skirt. The soldier towered just over 6 feet in height. Slender for his imposing height however, not to be mistaken for weakness. The fighter had been a soldier since he was 14, and before that lived off of the wilderness. Kerberos? long night black hair blew gently across his face as he looked down the hill. At the bottom of the snow covered valley, small fires glowed faintly. In the dancing shadows of the fires Kerberos could make out the obscure shadows of several tents formed up around them. He could see the horses tied up along side the encampment.

?Calvary,? he though to himself. From the partially visible colors in front of a few of the tents, he could recognize the blue and yellow as Grabentod. Kerberos knew he had to act quickly, before the morning sun rose. These men didn?t look like the expeditionary force he had been told about. These men were no thinkers, they were definitely solders, and even if there were some surveyors in the squad, they were well protected. Regardless, they were the target and he had a job to do.

As the snowfall picked up he knew it was going to get cold. The temperature had dropped several degrees since he?d been awake. The increasing wind didn?t help either. Kerberos started the walk back to his camp. He was going to have to wake his men up early this morning, even after he?d said they might get a decent sleep. ?Hmmph.? he said aloud. ?They just marched 35 miles across the Yuleprech mountains? he thought to him self. ?A little more wont kill em.?

Kerberos followed his footsteps back to the encampment, about five hundred yards from where he had been scouting. The camp was a very small one. Only one, nearly exhausted fire burned in the center, of about thirty tents. Only the rookies were brought on this trip. The amount of time they had to execute the mission and the terrain of the mountains would slow the entire unit considerably. Besides, it wasn?t needed and the old bloods need a break. Kerberos gave a grim smile as he entered the camp. He knew the boys would get some good practice today.

He opened the door of one of the tents and looked down at his second in command snoring heavily. Walking up beside the sleeping beast he landed a square nudge in the torso of the man with his right boot. Startled the man quickly sat up and looked at Kerberos.
?What! Can?t you see I?m tryen to sleep here??
?Time to get up? Kerberos stated, ?Its going to be a long day?
Kerberos walked to the tent across from the one he?d exited and proceeded inside. A large man lay sleeping soundly. The man, Fox, as he is known to the solders, was almost motionless as he lay. At about five and a half feet and nearly two hundred pounds, Kerberos was almost reluctant to wake him.
?Fox, get up, we got work to do.? the commander said with a stern voice.
The large, muscular man rolled over an looked up at his commander. ?Ok, Ok, just let me get dressed?
?Hurry up, get the boys up and get me some coffee. I want the camp up in 30 minutes.?
? Yes sir? Fox replied.
?And you?d better be 5 minutes early!? Kerberos shouted as he left the tent.

Kerberos had walked across the camp and entered his own tent. The large hovel had a fire place complete with a table, two small stools and a bed. After stirring the small fire in the center of the tent beside his square table, he sat down and unrolled a map. As he examined the map his second in command walked in.
?Here?s some coffee? the soldier offered as he sat down on the other stool. Kerberos in the mean time was marking out locations of the camp he had observed earlier in the morning. ?I see you?ve been busy this morning? the soldier said.
?Yea Leonidas, I?ve been doing some early morning scouting.? Kerberos replied.
?Well, what do you got for me then?? Leonidas replied.
?Their calvary, Grabentod as well.?
?Well they didn?t mention that to us.?
?There?s more? Kerberos interrupted as he pointed to the map. ?If in fact they are calvary, and Grabentod, there gonna be elite, especially for this kind of job.? He pointed his finger at another point of the map. ?Here, is the best place to attack I believe. It is away from he horses so we will get a few extra seconds before we alert everyone. Secondly, If they are calvary were going to have to attack immediately, before they mount up. If they find us or we hit them when they are mounted we are going to have a lot more problems.?
?The only thing I don?t like? Leonidas said as he looks at the narrow passage that Kerberos pointed out ?is we are going to be cramped up. They could easily bottle us up there.?
?This Is true, but anything short of running down the slope here, is going to give them plenty of time to catch us.? Kerberos replied.
?How steep is it?? Leonidas asked.
?To seep to run down; the only way it would work is if we snuck down until the very end.?
Leonidas stood up, briefly looked outside and said ?lets do it. They need the practice anyway.?

?Form up!? Fox shouted as the unit gathered around the fire. Kerberos and Leonidas were standing at the front facing their men, evaluating their every move.
?Alright boys,? Kerberos said loudly so that everyone could hear. ?Were about to engage these guys and it looks like they are calvary.?
?What were going to do,? Leonidas filled in. ?is move QUIETLY? he emphasized ? down a slope over yonder, then break out at the bottom.?
?I don?t want anyone screwing this up? Kerberos stated. ?Stay down and Stay quiet. Now get ready to move!?

The unit, comprising of about 60 solders, mostly whom have not been in many major conflicts moved southward, toward the bottom of the hill. When the had arrived at the slope overlooking the valley, and encampment below. The sun was just peaking above the horizon. ?Were late? Kerberos thought as they moved into position. He could not recognize any major movements down below in the camp. The unit, all fully donned in complete segmentata, solid black, crept down the large hill with their massive round shields gliding in front.
?Your group go left, and mine will head right? Kerberos whispered to Leonidas as they snaked down the slope. ?I want noone to live.?
Leonidas gave a understanding nod as he moved with his group down the hill.

They had moved about two-thirds down the long slope when Fox decided to scan the camp again. He wanted to make sure they were not getting spotted as they made this advancement, in almost complete daylight now. As he scanned the encampment he eyes stopped suddenly. A man, who was previously working on what looks like the squad?s breakfast suddenly rushed away from his duties behind several tents. A snap of his head, Fox seen the man fanatically run inside a tent. He came out suddenly and pointed toward his unit.
?Oh crap,? he said out loud.
Kerberos was cautiously examining his own men to assure they did not * this up and get everyone killed. The last thing he wanted was to lay on some hillside with an arrow in his stomach, he already was having a bad day.
?Captain!? Fox shouted so loud that many of the other solders looked over at him. Kerberos angerly snapped his head over to Fox to see what was going on.
?We?ve been spotted? Fox said again, loudly, and motioned his head to the camp. Sure enough, what looks like the captain of the squad was moving fanatically across the camp. This is going to be a really long day. Kerberos thought to himself. He stood up, straitened his helm, and shouted ?MOVE!? so loud that he?d probably woken the enemy camp.

The unit began to rush down the hill, eventually breaking into a full run. Kerberos readied his shield as he approached the bottom, preparing for the onslaught. Once at the bottom of the hill, the charging men were just several yards from the camp.
?Sons of Ares!? Kerberos shouted his battlecry ?Bring them Death!?
As he crossed the first tents, a few solders were wearing armor, possibly the watch, were waiting to meet them. No matter, they would all be in hell soon.

Kerberos readied his shield for the impact. Drew his spatha for the hit and then collided into the first of the watch. Without a shield the watch folded as Kerberos hit him square in the chest with his massive round shield. As the man fell backward Kerberos overstepped him and thrust his sword into the solder. As he scanned the camp, Kerberos quickly ducked behind his shield as an crossbow bolt whizzed past his head, striking one of his solders behind him. Two more struck his shield.

The solders, as professional as they are, were no match for him without their armor. A parry, duck, slash; all who crossed him fell swiftly. Kerberos was not concentrating on this rabble however, he was looking for someone specifically. The surveyor, his job was to kill the surveyors. Noone else mattered.

In his error, though, Kerberos walked across a tent he had not looked into. Bursting out was a grizzly man who swung an axe straight into his shield. The incredible blow knocked Kerberos off his feat sending him onto the ground. Prone, he quickly dropped his shield and hurried to his feat. Meanwhile the man grabbed a sword laying next to him and rushed Kerberos. Still on his back Kerberos frantically parried the whirlwind of attacks thrown at him by this giant of a man. Finally gaining a split second window, Kerberos kicked the man in the knee, giving him enough time to quickly stand up. The man retaliated with a sweeping swing to the Kerberos? side, only to be parried. Kerberos however was thrown off balance by the massive swings of this man. One after another, they kept coming, unrelenting and unstopping. The anger in this soldier burned as his eyes lit up in fire of hatred. A large overhead cleave, at Kerberos? head cough the tip of his helm as he ducked the blow, throwing it off of his head. Disoriented, he fell to the ground on his knees. Kerberos couldn?t think. It was to hard and there was not enough time, so he instinctively thrust upward with his spatha. He felt something, as his eyes cleared he seen the angry look of the barbarian turn to pain as he fell to the ground. Embedded deeply into the man?s lower chest, Kerberos withdrew the sword and slowly stood up.

He looked around and saw Fox running toward him.
?Are you alright? he said helping Kerberos come to his senses.
?Yea, take out those archers on the edge of the camp, they are causing too much trouble?
?Yes sir? Fox replied as he took two others and rushed in the direction he was told.
Kerberos rushed to the other side of the camp, only encountering two enemies as he passed, and despatched both of them efficiently. Finding Leonidas he approached the warrior.
?Were is the surveyor??
?Nicalos found their tents and killed them. We are just finishing up the rest of the calvary now.? Leonidas informed.
?Alright good? Kerberos said.

When the fighting died down he walked about the camp, examining it more closely. Fox approached him with the death count and wounded report. ?What shall we do with the camp sir?? Fox said as he surveyed the damage. The leader of the mercenaries slowly looked around at his bounty. His golden armor was now stained in blood of those he took it from. The warrior looked at Fox and simply ordered:
?Burn it?[url][/url]
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Postby Griffolion » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:55 am

Name: Griffon

Race:half lycan human

Backstory: Griffon was birthed by a full blood human named aeana, Griffons father was full blood lycan himself. Bolth the parents understood what would happen if he was brought into either civilization, his diffrences would show in either, as would the parents diffrences show. In the end Griffon was left in the forest to die. The rouge soldier who would become Griffons adoptive father was leading a raid group agenst a small band of full blood lycans. The group spread out to see if they could find the group of werewolves, after about a half an hour of searching the soldier came across the newly born Griffon. The soldier could not bear to leave the kid there to die, so he picked up the bundeled up child he then began searching for 2nd in command . he explained to the man the situation and showed him the child . Then the man nodded in agreement and told him to get him to his home . thats a days walk the soldier thought, he asked his second in command if he should stay or comeback. The man was thinking the same thing and he told him to stay at his home until he was called for again . Fortune shined on bolth Griffon and the soldier that day, the raid group was ambushed and all were killed. The soldier then began training Griffon as soon as he was old enough to talk and act on his own accord. He kept up this heavy training for six years. until his father was sent back onto another mission, through this 6 years griffon was taught the skill of guting animals, skinning, and tracking, Griffon was pretty resentful to these skills, he dident quite want to hurt animals, but it was a skill that all were taught at his age, and he was no exception . The raid group that Griffons father went on was his fathers last, and for the next eight years, he hunted, did taks for the villagers, and most of all trained himself how to fight . after he turned 16 changes began to happen, his strengh incresased steadily without him doing heavy tasks, and he began to become more aggresive, he was starting to become more like the lycan that was his true father was. And now here he stood leaving the forest that had been his home all his life, he had remembered to say his farewells beforehand, but now here he stood entering the real world and preparing himself for whatever it may bring him.
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Postby Drizzi » Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:26 pm

One day Drizzi (driz-eye) was playin with a couple of freinds,then all the sudden boom. A women came up screaming then sudeenly stoped "ack". Her body droped to the floor behind her was a drow assassin From the tribe shadow. walking towards me a fake fainted luckly the drow was so full of him self hed thought i had died of fear when the rest of tribe went past 9i got up and ran home or what was left of home I saw my mother dangleing from a lamp post outside by a rope shed been hung and my fathers head burning along with his body, Then i heard a scream It was my sister i ran to were it was i saw Shadow tribe mebers closing in on her to the side aI saw a sword as I reached to pic it up I heard we one of them say to my sister "We killed your parents now you then your brother.!" . Then out of greaf i charged kiling both of them hanging one and decapitating the other my sister was crying I went to her gave her a hug and said "Well trvel to the nearest village and well get help dont worry.". then as we were on the path to elimen (the next village) my sister fell to her knees and as her body droped th the dirt I saw a knife in her back then i saw the assassin insted of killing me he said join me and will purdge the ones who did this. I was confused he had just killed my sister and a inocent women beforwe who knows what he did between.Then he pulled of his mask he was a spy from the drow high councilAnd the gril he killed was a decoy the tribe knew if she didint come back terhe were no guards if she did there were
and i didnt kill your sister all my blades are on me see he showed me all six of his daggers."He killed your sister." he said pointing to a bandit body. Sure enough one knife missing."Whats your name boy?" he asked. Drizzi I replyed follow me. I was a long journey to the Realm's main city Tenaray.On the journey I asked him his name "kalen" he responded. when we reached the city the council debate weather to take me in as an apprentice.Finnally the descion was madeYES!I sepnt the next 10 years training with kalen as my master then i graduated i was now a assassin/spy. I was sent on my first assignement 2 weeks outta school.Iwas going to spy on the shdow tribe lord himself Shadoe. Inpersonating 1 of his body guards was my plan and it worked too =p. Then when im about done I get cantcted i had to kill the bandit lord.I ws still inpersonating and when we swap out shifts that takes about 5 mins ill kill him then thats what i did except they found out it was me and bowed. I had no idea what was goin on. Then i realized Im the new bandit lord. I abandoned the high council and started usind the tribes power and strength for good we arnt on te good or bad side we just do what needs to get done no matter what the cost .
And now im commander of the shadow. thank you for reading.
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Postby Olos » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:45 pm

If you are going to post in dead threads, at least make a good post.
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Postby Shaft » Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:31 am

for those of you who dont me i am shaft stone leader of the darkheart brotherhood we are a brotherhood of drow who swear aliegence to very few. as for my background i was born and raised in the blackcloud mountins somewhere far away from here. my father Aronon Stone destroyed a human king and took his kingdom from him and raised me and my brothers there. over the years the skys turned dark more and more until they stayed dark. my father was assasinated by my mother. we dont speak her name. me and my three brothers. (ArKon, J'kon' and laustade.) all watched when my father died we turned the same knife on her. as we did that we learned she had betrayed us by joining with the humans. as humans filled the castle. i as the oldest son. took my father's place as leader. (ooc: i know in the drow society women rule but at my kingdom the men ruled along side the women. as equls none less then onther.) i guided my brothers through the castle making our way down to the celler. killing a few humans on the way. when we reached the celler there were four stables. in one a nightmare, in the other three griffens. gifts my father had given us as children we choose our own rides. i Shaft climbed onto the nightmare. and we all rode off out the castle through a trap door. we flew untill we couldn't fly any more. then when we landed we landed in the shadow mountins. we camped there for days traveling only at night. one night we came upon two travelers. (nashova and siren)
we camped with them for the night neitheir party trusting the other. the next day we traveled to the kingdom of oasis (before it fell.) and we were befreinded by the people there. but still to this day hatered for the humans who killed his father and brainwashed their mother into doing it. he voed to one day return and take what rightfuly belongs to him and his brothers.

if you want to know anything else just ask. and andrek if you read this and ask me somthing you already know im going to sick griff on you ( unless you'll like that.)lol :devil:
Shaft Stone
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Postby ICARUS » Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:36 am

Name- Icarus (son of Daedalus
for backstory see:

Well, for the most part it is all true. Except for my drowning. Although I for the longest time had wished it true, instead I drifted to a lost island. That may have not been the case if not for my father's design of my winged frame. The island was lost to the mist of time and unknown to all of mankind but not to the creatures that inhabited it. I was near death when I came ashore lost was all of my greek posessions. My body full of burns and pain, a pardoning gift from Helios the god of the sun. For now I must not focus on my pain but on survival. For I know my father will come and he will find me. If only I was correct maybe then I would not have fell even further. I fell from sky, then from civilization to savagehood. I had no Iron, steel or bronze so no sword could be forged. I had no linens beside what I already had so no clothes could be weaved. But the island had creatures and that would be my clothes and weapons.
So I began my hike into the island and casted of my wings and my humanity....
Shortly after I began my hike I found a horned bore. I needed meat and it was meat. It was not scared. It did not blink. It did not flinch. I would not let it leave my sight not until I got what I needed. My survival depended upon its death. I would survive.
I finished my new spear, crude as it were, the horn of the boar latched to a good strong stick. I found the part of me I knew slipping faster than I thought. I had been here less than a week and already my humanity was but a shadow of itself and the beast in me had come to control my thoughts, simple and basic. All I wanted was to hunt and eat nothing more nothing less. Death did not, and could not for the man Icarus was dead, pertain to me only what, or whom I hunted.
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Postby Katsu » Thu May 10, 2007 3:52 pm

Shinka Sandweaver was a young elf growing up in the Kadeshi desert among the elves there known as the Pandrarai. Among the elves he learned and learned and learned. Ways to kill, ways to live, the arts, history and literature. In time, his sword speed grew and grew and grew, and eventually, he left Kadesh to wander the land, a sword for hire. There were few things that he took with him aside from his beliefs. Beliefs that if one fights, he should face his enemy head on with courage, valor, honor, lest he fail to atain glory. He joined with a group early in his wanderings known as the Aijelae, or the Wind of the Gods. They dedicated themselves to thinnning the herds or mortal beings. When humans grew too numerous, the Aijelae would slay humans. when the orcs grew in power, they'd slay orc. They dedicated their lives to preserving the balance. It was their belief that if one side were to gain power, then all would be destroyed. One could not have light without dark. So if the dark overcame the light, there would be no light, and thus no dark. All would come to naught. So they dedicated their lives to being gods of death.But....Shinka sought more. It wasn't enough to simply preserve the balance. He did not want to sacrifice his life to safeguarding the lands. He sought that which we all seek. Love. He roamed the lands, seperating himself from the rest of the Aijelae, yet still performing his duties as one of them. He came across, in his travels, a warrior....who's blade swung with much more experience than his own. He'd found what he sought. He found love. Not incarnate in any living being, no. That'd be too easy. The battle nearly cost him his life....and that was his love. That barrier between life and death. Throwing away his life in combat, and returning from the shores of the dead. The ecstacy that was held on the sword's edge. True love.
Almost died of * Thaw Brawl '09

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Postby Amaranth » Fri May 18, 2007 7:10 am

I am Slyphs the Nephilim, of the Realm of Thunder-Guard, Skirmisher to the Knight Superior, Enforcer of the Persona, * Son of the Angel Keiael.
I fight to find freedom. To find my wings. To destroy the twisted powers that claim to have created me. To stop them before they crush this world under their rule.
Amaranth the Never-Fading of the Realm of Thunder-Guard, Commander of the Tyro Division.
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Postby mekoot Ikis » Sun May 27, 2007 1:34 pm

im skaven

im the son of splinter, you know from ninja turtles. And we had a fight where I walked out of the house. Splinter was laiter killed by shreder and I never got to say good bye, not to mention are last words to each other where harsh ones.
So now im hunting shreder for revenge.
IM in the horde, thats all you need to know!!
(> < )
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Postby div » Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:16 pm

some unwanted children are left on church and orphanage steps, I was forgotten between the sofa cushions where mah momma gave birth to feed off of dorito crumbs and spare change. i think i came out better for it... i mean with the religious extremists out there and the overcrowding in orphanages, i could have become crazy or had to share. to both of those, i say nay, son. werd.
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heres My story

Postby Kat » Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:22 am

A blood moon rose as she slithered from the cave entrance making hardly a sound. Airia turned and hissed to her sister Lithriel "Don't tell father."
Lithriel responded softly "I promise."
This was all she was going to get in response and Airia knew it. She sighed slipping off into the dark, dark night. She broke into a silent fluid run alowing the shadows to consume her. Her long hair trailed behind her, creating a stream of seamless color. Her hair did not have a definite color, but rather it was a mix of several colors. Many shades of brown with streaks of blond, red and black. It was a shame to her father, Minnien Lea. He was a light elf member of the elustrious Chaos Guard. He had fallen deeply in love with the Emperess of the Dark elves of Falcannon, Maggi, thus Airia had inherited many triats of apperance from her mother as well as the title of Emperess. She took very little from her father only his skills with weapons. Her mother had abdicated, so that she could spend more time with Minnien. So Airia and her twin sister Lithriel were Co-rulers of the drow, and at only age 18, but Airia had a secret one that would shame her father and disgrace her title. She was in love with a man, a mortal man. Ralan, he adored her for her hauty, proud nature, and sharp wit, as well as her sharp tounge. He loved her teal/blue eyes and pale skin. He cared for her, as she did deeply for him. She loved his quiet nature the way he could calm her anger with a few words, the way he held her and respected her. He was always courteous, and kind, the perfect oppisite for her. That was were she ran to this night, she ran faster than a thought to see her love. She reached the glade and saw him there, her personal angel.
Ralan stepped toward her opening his arms wide to hold her. "I was afraid you would be held up." he wispered
"Never my love, I mearly took another route to loose any who might be following."
Ralan laughed "As if any one could follow you. I swear you have eyes like a hawk, ears like a fox, and the lithness of a tigress."
"You over exagerate, my love. I am merely attentive." She responded laughing with him.
"My love it has been to long since I last saw you." Ralan said softly and sadly.
" I know I've been held up at court. The farmers need mushroom seeds, the pheas..." She was cut short by Ralans finger
" You talk to much." he wispered.
Again silencing her retort, this time with a kiss. He rapped his arms about her holding her close.
"I've missed you so." she gasped when they broke.
"I know," he replied, " Let us use what littletime is left before dawn."
They settled down beneath a large oak, and talked through the rest of the night, tucked beneath the deep blue sky.

"You're late," Lithriel wispered, when Airia walked in at around four in the morning. "You had better get cleaned up Mother needs us to cover the whiners assembly in the great hall at six."
"Oh, not again. We listened to those farmers complaints all day yesterday."Airia groaned
"Never the less we will listen to them again." Lithriel was the cooler headed of the two. She rairly raised her voice or a complaint. Her hair was black with highlights of fading blond. Her face was less angular and less sharp then that of Airia's. Lithriel spoke in few words and the ones she used were powerful.

The day flashed by quickly, flying by in a wave of complaints one after the other. Then the day was over, it was time for dinner the worst part of the day. Airia listened to her father complain and harp over why she couldn't be more like her sister. Airia loved her sister, but sometimes she wished her father would except her for who she was. Finaly dinner was over and she could go to bed.

Weeks flashed by in much the same order. staying out all night listening to coplaints all day and being judged at dinner. While the dwarves atttacked their caves. Trying to claim them for themselves. Then in a single flash her world was destroyed.

It happened on one of the few nights when she could not get to the glade to see Ralan. The dwarves broke through rainig terror on the underground country of Falconnon. Minnien and Maggi were off to Shannara on official bussiness along with Lithriel. Airia had deemed it necccessary to stay with her people. She rushed from her Chambers calling orders all around as she raced to gather her weapons.
" Group together, form the battalions, get the women and children into the mountain passes." She rushed down to her people ignoring the armour offered to her. She screamed to the High Chancellar " Lead them out. Lead the innocents out of the city." She turned her attention to her soldiers and gasped the dwarven army was huge they lept from every corner waving their stout axes. She knew that they were lost half her troups were absent. She didn't have time to wonder why, though she asumed that her parents had merely taken them as gaurds.
he shuddered not believing the words coming out of her mouth." Retreat, " She cracked, "Retreat to the caves, Follow the Chancellor."
She herself ran through the throng of dwarves racing through like a deer. Hacking down all who stood in her way. She would get to Ralan she must be sure he was safe. She rushed to the glade, he was nowhere to be found. What she did find scared her more than anything she had ever seen a trail of blood leading in the direction of the Dwarven caves.
Airia Screamed to the darkness allowing her fear to spill out into her cry disguised as hatred. The night filled with her terrifing sound. She would find her love. She turned to follow the the trail and stumbled she gasped as her hand slid on her thigh a deep gash ran from her hip to her calf.the blood died her black pants a dark red. She knew she would never be able to hunt down the dwarves the only thing for her to do was to turn and head to Shannara hoping that she would come across her parents and sister. She headed off into the night, stumbleing through the woods round dawn she fell prey to weakness. Falling in a mass beside the road
This was were her family found her.She woke to her mothers screams. Airia told them to return to Shannara, for there was no home for them to return to the caves were lost.

And so it was that a troubled maid of Falconnon arrived in Shannara, byding her time until she could hunt down the dwarves who stole away her love and with him her heart leaving her cold and empty a killing machine.
Kat Lady of Kimberly
Airia Lady of Falcannon and Shannara
Airia <_>
The Queens Official Dark Side
A Proud Member of The Sisters of Anaxilea
"Life is pain, courage, hope, wisdom and love." - A Blue Eyed Soulmate-
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