What is Role-Playing Events?

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What is Role-Playing Events?

Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:57 pm

I see some of you are a little confused about what the event is?

Think of it as a regular event, however it is twisted into Dungeons and Dragons. Use your character, and his personality, along with your fighting skills to play your way to the top. At a role-playing event, the best way to get the most of the experiance is to completely emerse yourself into your character's personality. Dawn any face paint or tattoos he/she may wear. If anyone has heard of a Masquorade, that is the best way discribe it. Play the part the best way as possible.

The event also features Magic. For example, if you have a spell placed on you call, Stone Skin. It gives you one point of Natural Armor. So if you are wearing leather armor, and you have stone skin. You will have to be hit three times before calling dead or a lim. Other magic can also be negitive. Example, some one has sludge and casts it on you. From there on or untill you a cured you will have to walk, no running.

Another thing we are trying to incorporate is a tavern/shops. You will be able to stop at these shops and purchaces items with the money that we will designate. The tavern will also be where you can pick up water, and if we get a big enough donation, who knows maybe we will be selling candy there as well. As for another form of shops, here you will be able to look at actuall items some one has brought with them to sell to you. So don't forget bring some real money along too.

Along with getting a lage donation, we are hoping to host a feast and give awards. The awards will be givin out for torneys, and contests. Such as awards for who put on the best act.

The event could be centered around one or many different goals. Such as, defeat the BIG badie, or find this treasure, or help out princess Rosemary. Each task you make it through, you will be awarded points. Making your character stronger.

Us Dm's are trying to create a Role-Play event worthy of coming back to, but the only way we can do it is if we hear everyone's ideas. That's the only way we can make it universally fun, and fair. This is all I could muster up for now, if I have missed anything let me know. I hope that this has allowed you to see how are role-play event is played if you have any questions regarding how it is played please post.

To all of you,
Last edited by Rat Shattered Fist on Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Andrek » Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:29 am

FYI... I don't know any of the DM's that actually play Amtguard... as far as I can tell it will be simple and fun. We are not trying to mimic any other game. But we all like to play along a storyline and lets face it we are all geeks at heart so have fun.
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Postby Jerlaine Trefenwyn » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:03 pm

I was gonna say this sounds a little bit to much like amtgard. That alone is a bad memory something about me barely hitting them and them whining that I was hitting to hard... Maybe this could be a bit more enjoyable... maybe...
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:59 pm

I made the comment about Dungeons and Dragons, just because it helps with the concept.
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Postby Jerlaine Trefenwyn » Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:31 am

that works.. but it's been awhile since I've played... I still have all my stuff and characters there just in boxes somewhere...
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Postby Ejike » Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:11 am

I think that would be really cool, like if we could get a little 'town' set up somewhere....

....would members of the 'evil' races be able to conduct raids and stuff like that, 'cause that (to me) would be really cool too....
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Postby Elebrim » Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:28 am

My personal opinion is that getting overly-intricate by allowing stuff like raids and pillaging might get a bit tricky, because that means that evil characters could just kill off an entire town and either A) * the entire plot or B) gain a quick advantage and not have to actually try.

The closest thing I remember to an actual "village raid" was a battle we had at last Octoberfest, when we set up a town with haybales and feast tables. In one of the fights, I ended up getting both arms pierced, so Sir Brutus picked me up and chucked me back into the village as a sacrifice. Cool and somewhat in-character, but really embarassing and pointless at the same time.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:55 pm

Village raids do not seem plausable at this time, too much uncontrolable destruction.

As for evil vs. good. This is where having more than one DM comes in handy. One DM would orcestrait how the evil people are going to move. Same goes for Good. Another idea is to have other major quests going on all at the same time. Like trying to find a treasure. To give you guys a better visual I will pull a consect idea from our forum and let you guys take a peak at it.

**Edited by Andrek.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:57 pm

Ok, I will try wording this the best way possible.

If we can, we need to find someone willing to loan a canopy tent, that will be a good size to fit about 80 people. A pavilion would be a really good place as well, seeing how tables, chairs, and coverage is provided. We could designate it as the main Tavern. Then to whom ever is willing to run it, will be giveing something like a decorated dagger or to what ever their liking is. I'm pretty sure it will take at least 3 people to run it if we have a large group show.

Tavern owner, and tavern assistance's responsiblities:
1. He/She will maintaine the Tavern.
a.) Pulling in chairs/tables if it happens to rain or if they are slowly floating outside of the tavern.
b.) Making sure tables and waste have been picked up and cleaned.
c.) Checking the tent periodicaly, to make sure it is still tied down.
I.) If everyone is willing to support, they could bring tables to. So when set up, you can come to the tavern to sit down and eat with your friends. It will be nice especially if it is a hot day, another good reason to have a large canopy tent.
II.) There will be more but I will need assistance with any other responsiblities they will need.

2. He/she will Keep track of the water supply for those that come for drinks(free of charge, we all need water at some time).
I.) If everyone is cool with this idea, maybe we could get candybars and sell them at the tavern(using real money). That would be another reason to stop by the tavern.

3. He/she will help out the troll.
I.) seeing how the tavern is always the pintical of a city this will be the best spot to put the troll.

I can't come up with anymore at the time, I would appreciate it if you guys would help me on this one.

As for the smaller stores and what-not. Here is how they could run.

Each store, or "booth" will be large enough for about six people per booth. These booths will be set up and maintained by the people who are selling what they have brought with them. Real items. But initially if some one is interested in an item they have they can barter it over with the owner. When they have come to an agreement, the owner will hand that player a sheet, then the player will right down his/her real name, battle name, and phone number. Just for safty reasons. Then when the event has come to a rest period, the store owners will stay open for an hour longer, allowing the players to come back with real money to pay for the item they wanted.

As to the fake stores, or "booths". They will be designated(here is where I will need your help).

These "Item Shops" will be places where you could buy your red potions(if we have it) and what-not. You could also buy other mock items her as well. These "shops" would be similar to the real ones, but there woud be certain items set out, like mock items. For example, say a scroll wound up. The scroll, being of say a low level wizard. If you are able to make it out of the area with the scroll unnoticed by the town patrol or shop-keep. You would then comfirm it with someone outside the are with you. Then you would bring the person along with you back to the shop-keep. Here you would present your prize and the witness. The shop-keep would tell you what it is and seeing it was a low level wizard's scroll you would only get small points for it. The shop-keep would record, and present it to the event hosts who are keeping track of points.
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Postby Jerlaine Trefenwyn » Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:16 pm

this is sounding better...
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Postby Elebrim » Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:50 pm

Okay, so the EXP Points you would get from the quests and whatnot translates exactly how? Are we talking stronger strictly in the sense of extra armor layers/more damage dealt (ie. blue shots eventually could count red, which in my opinion could get a bit shady after awhile), or is there some grander scheme of skill categories and feats that I'm not tuned in with yet?

BTW, most of my Role-Playing experience comes from games other than D&D, so I might need a bit of explaining if we use D&D as a primary basis for alot of this.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:33 am

There are NO experience points during the fighting itself. That will all be given on the boards through RP and Storylines. This will be completed in two weeks by the DM group.

We do need to hear what the players would like to see work.

Though we will have the ability to purchase faster respawn, strength, and similar easy bonuses with any points you earn on these boards.

As of now the only way to earn points (in the DM eyes) will be on these boards.

**Edited by Andrek
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Postby Nalaris » Mon May 08, 2006 1:25 pm

Naturally, this thing is going to be incredibly cool and located somewhere on the east coast where I will never, ever be able to get to it.

Other than that, I like it.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Mon May 08, 2006 1:33 pm

Hey you never know, if we can get a big coming. We could offer special offers for those coming a great distance. Especially those driving...
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Postby Nalaris » Mon May 08, 2006 8:22 pm

I simply can't do it. Too far away, extremely time consuming, and don't get me started on gas prices...
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Postby Andrek » Tue May 09, 2006 8:12 am

Nalaris wrote:Naturally, this thing is going to be incredibly cool and located somewhere on the east coast where I will never, ever be able to get to it.

Other than that, I like it.

Amenhotep, I think you did not read this correctly ;) .

Likely this will happen in the West as the majority of DM's reside in the Mountain Standard Time Zone.
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Postby Nalaris » Tue May 09, 2006 8:57 am

Honestly? Wow, that's unnatural.

But good.
The field of crows, wherein there is endless battle and no meaning, where death is reversible and life worthless. That is Battlegaurd.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Tue May 09, 2006 1:52 pm

Andrek wrote:
Nalaris wrote:Naturally, this thing is going to be incredibly cool and located somewhere on the east coast where I will never, ever be able to get to it.

Other than that, I like it.

Amenhotep, I think you did not read this correctly ;) .

Likely this will happen in the West as the majority of DM's reside in the Mountain Standard Time Zone.

yeah sorry, one loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggg week.
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Postby Sir_Mel » Thu May 11, 2006 4:15 pm

So, what happens if we do not have a character from any role playing game. The closest thing I have to this is the characters I have on morrowind and oblivion. I also think this should be a little less amtgard and a little more belegarth. It's all fine and good but I really don't like the idea of multiple hit armor. What if we're not lucky enough to have that kind of stuff and what not. It also opens a huge area for cheesing the rules, not everybody is very honest. I dunno, I'm sure there's a way to make this work but it would take a lot more time and thinking than I can or want to do right now.
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Postby Rat Shattered Fist » Thu May 11, 2006 4:50 pm

To answer you question is order,
1. You will not need a character from any role-play game. You may have one from a role-play game, tv, anime, book, etc... But you also can make up a character. It's not nessesary to have a character, it just makes the game for fun.

2.You may get a Toughskin scroll that will allow one extra hit MAX!!! (ie toughskin and armor = 2 extra hits). NPC's may well have extra hits beyond that as a result of the story and power they have to keep it going.

3. as for "Cheesing" the rules, that is where we hope to have multipule willing heralds out on patrol. Sort of an "invisible 'Sheriff of Rottingham'". Also, if some one has stone skin on for example, if they are hit, they have to call out "Stone Skin" as if you were calling the type of hit. If they didn't have that ability, they most likely will be found out later, and be given a penilty. We are trying to set up a system, where we distribute experiance points, they won't be given for battle. Or be applied thusly. They will help us keep track of your progress.

5. Don't think, wait for us to do it for you(as in trying to come up with the event yourself) and sit back and have fun.
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Postby Andrek » Fri May 12, 2006 12:59 am

Andrek is solely a Belegarth Character set in a late Tolkien setting. I will post his story somday as I get more time, but I have never played him out in any RP game.
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Postby Trigg » Mon May 15, 2006 7:09 pm

hey whats up Amenhotep and Andrek, i think that role-play would be kool, you let me know when you guys have something somewhat planned out, i really want to get involved here as much as possible. so just PM me or e-mail me, or something of the like... anyway.

my character is set-up in the early stages of the Meiji restoration (e.g. Japanese Revolution) my charater is loyal to the sword and will not change his ways.
Trigg is a nickname given to me by my freinds, but anyway im still going to stick with the name.(even though its not japanese or chinese) im going to develop a story for my character soon and post it.
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Postby Andrek » Wed May 17, 2006 11:17 am

Good to hear Trigg. We appreciate the devotion.
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Postby Elebrim » Mon May 22, 2006 10:03 am

Let me know what I can do to help from a distance. I thought I was going to be able to work with you guys more, but I just got accepted to college in Atlanta. Kind of separates me from the loop, but I'd be more than happy to be a work horse if you need someone for number crunching or extra planning.
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Postby Andrek » Mon May 22, 2006 10:39 am

Thankyou Elebrim. We will let you know.
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Postby Shyftir » Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:38 pm

This sounds cool, but seeing as I'm in an eastern (central) realm, I don't think I'd ever make it to one. This is also the kind of thing that I will NEVER tell my friends who see Belegarth as too character driven already about. That's right I have friends who think Belegarth should just be guys in street clothes beating each other with foam weapons. They think the whole garb thing is dumb and ridiculous. Sad no? and these guys like table top and video game RP.

Oh and about spells, you could set up a system of belt flags that indicate what defense spells you have activated like a brown one for stoneskin, a grey one for magic resistence, a blue one for protection against ice, or a red one for protection against fire. Or spells that give your weapons powers, like a sludge blade, that sludges anyone it touches even if its just on a shield or something. Just some ideas.

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