character story

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character story

Postby Alren » Sat May 06, 2006 4:36 pm

i was bored last night and wrote up a short story for my character. i havent roleplayed at all yet but i figured it would be cool to write a background. this is really the first thing ive ever sat down and written. i like supporting characters and development so thats where i focused my writing. i wouldve posted this in the other topic but its kindve long and i didnt want to crowd the forum. plus im spliting it into three parts so id also like any feedback you would be willing to give before i write up the next part. i already have the rest planned, i just need to write it.

i like going into background info so people can better understand the characters so i hope you dont mind. but the rest will pick up about halfway into it.

anyway, here:

Name: Alren Vanguard
Age: 20
Birth date: 28 September
Race: Human

Family: Father: Aradur (51) Mother: Sharil (47) Sisters: Isri (16) and Ariel (20) Brother in law (Ariel?s husband): Victor Hildagard (23)
Best friend: Baras Dersilin (21)

For centuries the empire of Ilirra existed without major conflict. Few disturbances ever occurred outside of scattered bandit raids and foiled assaults from the Undar, a race of demi-humans mixed with orcs, goblins, and trolls who thirst for nothing less than the blood and flesh of men. Undar varied in size, shape, and color due to which race they were blended with. Usually unorganized and scarrered they were a threat, but not a very big one. The peacful times we lived in are largely due to the superior military upkeep by our wise emperors and even wiser generals. My homeland of Ilirra was a great, vast empire reaching for leagues and leagues spanning from ocean, through mountain, past lake, swamp, valley, and finally ending at the Great Desert of Burnisil. Imperial law strictly forbids anyone from venturing out into the desert and even past any Imperial protected lands.

Being an isolated land has protected up from outside corruption for hundreds of years and it is that principle which our people hold closest to heart. However, since I was a child I wished to explore new lands and serve the emperor in expanding and conquering the outlands in the name of Ilirra.

I can still remember the golden days of my past. The days when a man would die and someone would care. Those days are all but gone now, with a great deal of credit that must go to the very emperor who has sworn to protect us.

Growing up on my family farm I was a happy child. Living with my father, Aradur, and mother, Sharil, I was raised to be courteous and respectful to all. That was not always the case, however, when it came to my twin sister, Ariel. She was a stubborn girl who fell in love with a local blacksmith apprentice named Victor Hildagard. Although the Hildagard family were nobles and very wealthy, Victor felt the need to work for his keep and wished to forge the greatest swords in the Empire. Eventually his goal was to successfully create and enchant a powerful blade using magic and to wield it with skill unparalleled. Almost all magic spells, however, have been lost for centuries ever since the Elves and Dwarves in our regions were systematically exterminated by the now scattered and dying out Orcs. However, that did not hold back Victor. Every day Victor would spend hours toiling away at the smithy, practicing his skills in combat, and absorbed in ancient books his family managed to retrieve from the Imperial Library. Victor, while humble, was not a fool and would use his family?s assets and influence when needed.

Since childhood Ariel has always taken a strong liking to Victor and was not at all afraid to let him know. Ariel?s constant attempts at creating romantic connections between them helped Victor clue into his situation. Bossy and demanding she expected marriage as early as possible and Victor was too nice to say no and instead kept her hopes high enough for him to live in peace. Although my twin sister was hard headed and difficult at times, she was also the best female swordsman ever seen in the Empire in decades. She proved it when she was only fifteen at the Tournament of the Great Knights competitions help annually in the Imperial City. That trait proved irresistible to Victor; who was three years older than Ariel and already serving as a unit leader in the Knights of the Red Steel; the king?s most famous and most professional group of knights sworn to uphold the law of the empire and defend the land against any foe. The two eventually fell in love and were wed when Ariel was only seventeen and serving as a swordsmanship trainer for qualifying knights.

Lastly, my sister, Isri, was born four years after myself and Ariel. A mild mannered girl, my mother saw it as her duty to raise at least one proper lady in our family. Isri had few friends until she met the Dersilins. A family of farmers a mile down the road that consisted of a single father, four sisters and one brother, they all befriended my family and took a special liking to Isri, who found a second home with the Dersilins. The single brother, Baras, was my best friend and one year older than I. It was he who helped implant the desire to explore and fight for the empire into me. At the age of fourteen, his father released him into a special training program for Imperial Knights and when he turned sixteen, was accepted into the Knights of the Red Steel.
I wished for little more than a chance to defend my land and empire. My father, a former sword master and captain of the Red Steel taught me how to wield a sword when I was six years of age. Since then I spent every day practicing with him and grew in strength and skill. However, my father refused to allow me to enlist in the Imperial Guard early as I wished. He saw war as a pointless solution to a debate that could easily be settled diplomatically within the provinces. I, instead saw it necessary to serve as enemy armies could invade without warning and we must always be ready.

Although I held a different vision of war and saw it as a chance to prove my worth and fulfill my duties with valor and honor. However, Imperial law forbade me from enlisting in the guard without consent of my family before sixteen.

Unfortunately for my father Imperial law also ruled that every able-bodied male and female of the empire must report to the Imperial Capitol to be screened and enlist in the guard at the age of sixteen and serve for six years. Almost every male and even some females who showed exceptional skill in combat were placed in the infantry and people?s guard while most of the females were sent back home. Especially talented individuals were drafted into intelligence, spy networks which officially did not exist, and only the most talented and loyal combat soldiers were made Knights of the Red Steel.

On my sixteenth birthday Ariel and I departed from my farm towards the Imperial City to report for my duty as a citizen of Ilirra. At this time Ariel was not married to Victor and was only able to see him between every several weeks to months. She was overly worried about where she would be placed and also hopeful that it would not be far from her beloved.

Upon arriving at the palace where all young citizens register for duty we were examined by a series of physical, academic, and psychological tests. Afterwards we were to spar with instructors to show what skills we had in several different areas. We both excelled in swordsmanship. After a night staying at a run down hotel we were then given our official orders. Ariel was drafted into a specialized training program to help her excel and master the sword and other combat weaponry while I was drafted into the infantry. After a few weeks of training I was ordered to join a post on the ocean border far to the north. As I arrived to my new post I was greeted by my good friend Baras who was a Lieutenant helping to oversee the outpost. I served three months there with nothing more to do than arrest a few escaped criminals trying to get out of the imperial provinces.

One day I had pulled latrine duty and had forgotten to empty one of the buckets. A Corporal woke me in the middle of the night and told me to finish the job immediately. It was when I was taking out the last bucket when I heard a faint cry from the forward watchtower. After listening closely for a few moments and brushing it off uneasily, I heard the snap of a twig behind me. After spinning around I came face to face with an Undar scout. Covered in black and with a dagger in hand it was obvious he was going to kill me from behind. Immediately he lunged at me stabbing and slashing wildly. After several desperate attempts at dodging, I blocked a stab with the bucket of stool I was holding. With the dagger pierced into the wood I knocked his hand away to disarm him, smacked him in the face with the bucket, and took out the dagger. Seeing that he was now unarmed he jumped at me in an attempt to grapple. With a kick to the stomach to keep the Undar at bay I then dumped the bucket over his head and stabbed him in the chest. The Undar fell over with a shriek, alerting the guards who remained and the other Undar who were fast approaching.

?Alarm! ALARM! We?re under attack! Ready for battle!? I yelled as I rushed towards the barracks for my shield and sword. Let it be my luck to be attacked the one night I leave myself completely unarmed. Immediately a guard pasted at the alarm bell in the center of the camp began ringing. With the remaining guards engaging the enemy as they saw them the rest of the camp began kicking into action. Archers atop the watchtowers were picking off any Undar they could see but visibility was still very low. The ground patrol guards were quickly being engaged by more and more Undar and needed immediate relief. Being no use unarmed, I ran as fast as I could to reach the barracks before the line the guards made broke. As I entered the barracks I saw soldiers everywhere rushing out ready for battle. It would seem now that the midnight training exercises are actually proving useful. Inside the barracks there were two other soldiers fiddling with their armor and struggling to get it all on.

?Hurry it up!? I exclaimed. ?We need you out here! Just grab what you need to fight! Hurry, damnit!? As soon as I reached my bed I kicked open my footlocker, threw on my boots, grabbed my sword, and picked up my shield. Foregoing my armor I then exited the barrack. As I rushed out half-shaking from the close call just a few moments ago and half-shaking from the excitement of finally seeing some action, the beacons used to light the base in darkness were set ablaze, making most of the camp easily visible. Pausing as I looked out over the beach and sea, I froze in amazement. For it was then that I saw the terror of what was upon us.

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Postby Tepeshe » Fri May 19, 2006 10:28 am

Well my character story is
Tepeshe was a soldier fallen from grace as he had taken the life of a nobleman after he witnessed the nobleman rape his wife and murder her so he was banished from the town as a traitorous barbarian and that is the title that I have prided myself on keeping that as the characterization I will use and keep so there it is my charcterization of the infamous tepeshe of ralingarde peace
If you need to get a hold of me i am * this address

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Postby Grey » Sat May 20, 2006 7:24 pm

hmmm... good job alren i liked it ( lookin' forward to part 2 (pronouned "dos")
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:37 pm

Name: Malic
Class: Ranger
Occupation: Marshal

I was born and raised in the hamlet of Slevic, in the Kingdom of Corthal. It is a simple place surounded by woods to the North and East, Swamps to the West, and a Mountain Range to the South. All rangers of Corthal are dispatched to train in the surrounding area of Slevic, it being a prime enviroment for most terrain conditioning, the children of Slevic are introduced into the elite rangers corps due to their accustoemed surrounding's. The winter of my six-teenth year war struck the once ordered kingdom of Corthal, all the rangers were sent to defend the kingdom.
Slevic never knew fear of attack due to the rangers always surrounding the hamlet, however they were all gone. The Marshall of the town was Klevanor Roanak, the bringer of law. I was fascinated by him, and the knowledge he had to lend. By my eighteenth winter, i had learned the most important laws by heart, and was deputized by Klevanor. I was not the only deputy of the law, but I was the most enthralled.
Then the men came. In the cold freezing dawns of winter they slipped in, unnoticed, into my world. The result was devastating, in surpirse they struck. The tavern was first struck, the cries of the innocent filled the air as they reaped destruction through the holding, raping and killing as they went, setting it a blaze with Hanz running out as charred as tree after a blaze. This roused Slevic, only to add to the pandamonium. Slevic never knew pain, hate, want, or bandits. the town people were unprepared, mostly only women filled the hamlet and the elderly.
Klevanor and the other deputies had run for their bows and were firing at the intruding bandits, I wasn't among them. My string had broken earlier that weak and I hand't restrung it, thus I charged at the bandits while arrows sailed over head. With my sword in my hands, Mollon, I struck. many bandits had cross bows, returning fire at the archers, men falling from arrows around me. A man with an axe cmae at me, step left and slashed down. I moved on has his chest gaped wide. I was to find my next assailent when suddenly thunder filled the air. They were also mounted. The beasts charged down upon me. Quilcky stepping stepping to aside to avoid being trampelled, I swung at the man that passed, just as a heavy boot caught me in the back. I sprawled forward, head cracking against a rock. Darkness.
As I slowly opened my eyes, it was sunlight but a darkened world. The ash of Slevic filled the air, corpses dead were they lay. I listened, to my racing heart, the throbbing in my skull, buildings burning, and looting occurring to my left. I turned my head slowly to avoid being seen and to keep the pain of the effort to a minimum. I tightened the grip of my sword, ready to spring when the * came near. He was coming my way, step by step closer to his fate, I had enough stregnth for only one swing. I jumped into a kneeling position and swung out, cutting off the leg below the knee. He screamd and fell back holding his stump as I slumped from exhaustion. When I had regained stregnth, I stood and started asking What I needed to know. Qualkenook, was the leader and they had left earleir the previous day, I was out longer than I had thought.
"What are you going to do to me?" asked teh bandit.
" What the law deems fit", I replied as I lifted my sword in both hands tip down, " An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:38 pm

...why did you do this??
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:43 pm

Dagganoth wrote:...why did you do this??

Who are you talking to?
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:44 pm

whoever ity was that started this article, i didnt think Belegarth was much about this kind of thing
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:47 pm

I threw mine in mainly because I enjoy writing especialy fantasy and I thought it would be fun, besides I'm thinking of starting a story for people to join in with.
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:49 pm

still seems kind of silly to me...
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:52 pm

heh, each to there own
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:52 pm

ok, i can respect that
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:53 pm

cool! :D
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:55 pm

lioke me, my "own" is being the first person to get to Vet in under a month
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:56 pm

dude, thats crazy
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:56 pm

ive been a member of the forums for 9 days, and im already nearly halfway there
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:59 pm

now thats dedication, how many hours do you put in a day?
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:01 pm

lol, alot, i am one of 3 things at all times:
On the Forums
Making Weapons
Sometimes i do 2 of them at the same time
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:02 pm

let me guess, sleeping and making weapons? ;)
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:03 pm

lol, my room is a worshop, sometime i catch a catnap and wait for DAP to dry while waiting for some more posts in the forums
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:05 pm

for me its while dap is drying and waiting for a new post, i'm threwing in a snack.
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:07 pm

i just take an entire pizza and several 2-liters up to my room in the morning
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:12 pm

lol, i love that idea, saves the trips to the fridge.
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:15 pm

im savin up for one of those mini-fridges :devil: then i would trule rule over all
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:21 pm

*Meniacally laughing as a cool soda is pulled from the fridge* MWAHAHAHAHHAHA
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:25 pm

or maybe a vending machine, they sell little bitty ones for like 200 bucks at HHGreg
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:26 pm

I think it would be cheaper to get a small fridge that could hold two liters, cans get expensive.
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:27 pm

ooh, too true... good advice, il just do a minifridge, maybe one with a little key
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:31 pm

lol you find one with retinal scanning
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:32 pm

id like to see them * TRY and steal MY munchies
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Postby vek » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:35 pm

*As Dagganoth enters his room, he finds five people trying to pry open his fridge* *!
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Postby Dabbanoth » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:39 pm

*Dagganoth lifts decorative barrel beside his door and hurls it at the fridge-assassins*
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Postby vek » Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:52 pm

*cringing in fear* not the decorative barrel... * it crashes into fridge* NNNOOOOOO!
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Postby Dabbanoth » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:10 pm

*Noth lifts one of the fridge-vandals and hurls him out of window*
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Postby vek » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:30 pm

*window was still closed, so all we hear is a loud THUD, Dagganoth mumbles t ohimself as he opens window then hurls hm out of it.*
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Postby lord_sworn_phoenix_warrio » Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:36 pm

Name: Blade Sworn
Age: 20
Birth date: 17 Oct.
Race: Human

Father: Phoenix Sworn

Mother: Shie Sworn

Best friend: Serge Sheray

Most known family member: Achilles
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