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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:21 am
by lord_sworn_phoenix_warrio
Whats wrong with elfs?

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:43 am
by debuenzo
they cannot spell

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:43 am
by graavish
elves are the weak and broken race. the trash that the gods threw out when they made the world. they are also cowards. thats whats wrong with elves

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:19 pm
by Elebrim
And THAT is why we can't take Graavish out in public. :roll:

Actually, most fantasy systems put Elves in the first tiers of creation, considering that most of them are considered to embody goodness and order, whereas monsters came around later as the refuse and whatnot. Though you guys do have your moments of coolness in your own right.

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:48 pm
by Teej
Grey wrote:well glad you're not an elvish ninja anymore....

Amen, glad you're coming around...

PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:32 pm
by Grey
oh, about the wanting to use bigger weapons thing....

a theif/rogue type wouldn't use them because they simply aren't good for his trade. they're too big, and make too much noise

but seriously, you'll get a lot of crap for a persona like that.

maybe go with a theif/rouge human character and then people won't give you crap. you could use a florentine style...

but other than that, your fighting style doesn't have to fit your persona if you don't want it too

for example, i could think of a certain samurai who uses a flail and sheild

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:04 am
by Luink
Heeey, you talkin 'bout me?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:32 pm
by Grey
no i wasn't talking about you luink.

(are you a samurai, cause i didn't think you were)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:49 pm
by Andrek
(Topic Split by Andrek)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:47 pm
by Corin
there is nothing wrong with elves. I was raised by them and couldn't be happier. Your just jealous because they look better than you. Har, har, har.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:14 pm
by Faolan
In a word... everything.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:56 pm
by Dragon of Fire

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:30 pm
by Grey
trust me. elves suck.

"friends don't let friends be elves"-graavish

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:05 pm
by Shino
Most fantasy personas suck in Belegarth because we don't use magic (magic is lame ****). Your best and easiest persona to pull off is being "some fighter on the field." Think of the possibilities. What kind of weapons does "some guy" use? Anything he wants. What does he wear? Who cares?

The best thing about being "some guy" is that you can easily transform over time into "a specific guy." But trying to be too specific form the start is just going to cause you aggravation when all of your great ideas don't seem to come together on the field (i.e. being a ninja elf).

So get some basic garb and weapons when you start fighting and just roll with it for a while. You may eventually be picked up by a unit or something and will then be able to conform your garb and fighting style to something that will be well received by your peers both on and off the field.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:23 pm
by Shyftir
the problem with elves is that we don't have any in belegarth. I mean we do have some, but they aren't organized or anything. Same with Dwarves. I personally think dwarves are an awesome fantasy race. That I'd love to see on the field, but I know of like two of them, and one might have been kidding.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:16 am
by Argyll
When you consider their arrogance, femininity, and refusal to wield any weapon of a badass nature, it stops mattering that their urine has healing properties.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:23 am
by vek
Elves really fall short because they're specialty is arching and floentine. Nothing against either style since I have fought as both and against both, but in this sport archers are a scourge on the field and must be run down, while flournitiners are just block with shield and kill. Elves suck.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:57 am
by Dabbanoth
Salochstagh wrote:Manbearpigs get taken most seriously. You should be a manbearpig.

Dont be stupid elves, be a Manbearpig

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:59 am
by Argyll
On the subject of Manbearpigs, i beleive that it is stated in the BOW that all new members must be Manbearpigs until given leave of Manbearpigness by the President of Belegarth

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:02 am
by Dabbanoth
i chose my manbearpiggyness, now i need some appropriate garb...

* you guys, im Goin to make Garb.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:19 am
by Argyll
If you need help on your manbearpig costume, Vice President Al Gore is pretty much genious on the subject


PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:21 am
by Dabbanoth
I bet i can do him one better, my Wiki (wich i will let you search for yourself) has a pic of me at last weeks practice in full MBP apparel

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:42 am
by Argyll
you don't lie

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:54 pm
by thewraithofchaos
elves have honor and integrity. that just wont do :ninja:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:20 pm
by savetuba
Shino wrote:Your best and easiest persona to pull off is being "some fighter on the field." Think of the possibilities. What kind of weapons does "some guy" use? Anything he wants. What does he wear? Who cares?

The best thing about being "some guy" is that you can easily transform over time into "a specific guy."

That is why I started with a simple farmer and I have now evolved to a gong farmer. That is why I fight with glaive and round shield. When the fight is over there is allways some nice gong to scoop into my shield.

Dude this is the first time I have ever posted in this section of the forum. Or at least that I can remember...

Anyway, I personally like elves. Not because every elf looks like a sexy CHICK super model.....even if they are guys...*drool*.......Huh? Oh yeah. Elves...mmmm....Elllllvessssss....reminds me of the word.....defication.....which reminds me I got work to do, ALWAYS plenty of gong and always being thrown around unless someone takes it.....mmm.....elves....

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:42 pm
by Grey
Salochstagh wrote:When you consider their arrogance, femininity, and refusal to wield any weapon of a badass nature, it stops mattering that their urine has healing properties.

reposted for acuracy.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:56 pm
by Argyll
why reposted for accuracy?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:20 am
by graavish
whoever said flourentine was a bad style is a moron an equal level flourentine fighter will usually take an equal level shield men it just takes forever to get good at.

ok we will go down this list in points

one: the elves are the embodiment of good and order....wheres the **** fun in that? who wants to be "the light bringer" when you can be a creature of evil and do whatever the hell you want

two: the ears. they just speak of homosexuality as i post before winfang made me remove it, friends dont let friends be elves cause elves lead to homosexual sex

three: there society is ruled by women

now these are three very important points and in the world of belegarth i can only think of two kinds of characters * than elves and that is gothic types(were-anything,vampires, etc,etc.) and celtic type characters
becuase they are amorous with sheep and think reds are cool. and judging by every celtic character i've ever fought they think gettin owned is cool too

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:08 am
by Big King Jimmy
You could never do an elf right. While you can fake "strength" of a monster race, you'll never ever be as agile and graceful as an elf. Your just not that bad *.

Being a big dumb retard (read monster) doesn't take training or skill. Being a flourintine fighter with hardcore finesse takes years of practice. And in this sport it's common belief that if your not awesome at something, you suck at it.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:24 am
by Elebrim
So basically, you're saying that you all aren't cool enough to be elves? :P

Taking the easy way out is highly overrated. Sure, it takes awhile to work up a good persona for an elf, boost your agility and finess and fight hard enough and well enough to develop a good reputation, but it's worth it if that's what you want out of the game. I'm an elf, and I know that I have a LONG way to go before I'll get to that point, but I'm willing to put in the work and get the results that follow.

If you're just here to mess around, then I would agree that being an elf isn't the best option.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:54 am
by graavish
While I actually agree with jimmy on the point of why it is hard to play elves, I would like to point out a few facts.

1. Big dumb retards? Ok try me I?m faster than you, stronger than you and smarter. Not an insult just a statement of fact. Or try bhakdar or nanga, vokor, or mor'deth. Maybe you'd like a little of Slaug, Jesus, or Gunlock.

2. Maybe you as a board troll would get a better reaction out of people by, instead of putting yourself out there as a pompous over-intellectual *, as a knowing intellectual with something positive to contribute.

3. yes you can play an elf, its just hard, I can think of multiple people who have the ability if not the inclination, ex. Snotbelly and Blixxx of the Dark Angels, Galin, Nollz of the E.B.F., Kazi of hell hammer, Mor'deth and Bhakdar of horde. These are all people with the natural grace and agility and the ability at Florentine to be elves

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:20 pm
by Peregrine
lord_sworn_phoenix_warrio wrote:Whats wrong with elfs?

ther is nothing wrong with them. do what ever you like! have fun.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:44 pm
by Slaug
Big Jimmy wrote:Being a big dumb retard (read monster) doesn't take training or skill.

First of all...I'm a better fighter than you. Secondly: I made it into Mensa. Thirdly: I'm Horde. Fourthly: Elves are ussually played by the facetious, and pretentious n00bs that think they're awesome. I don't like those people, thus, I think elves are gay. Half-Elves are gayer. Weres, vampires, and celts are pretty gay, (for the most parts, we have some cool celts in the game) and should be shot. Fifthly: There are alot of Florentiners that can take out most shieldman. Florentine is in my opinion the most efficient style, although it is only such if you are very good at it. Ask Eeach. Ask Bhakday. Sixthly: I've already made five points, why do anymore damage, my point is made.

Horde: If only your * was this big.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:43 am
by Black Cat
Big Jimmy wrote:Being a big dumb retard (read monster) doesn't take training or skill.

That is a terrible oversight on your part, Big Jimmy. Being any monster character, especially one of a bad-ass nature, takes a lot of skill to do. I have seen people from Horde fight at Chaos Wars and I wouldn't call any of them "big dumb retards". I don't know where you got the idea that Horde monsters are dumb, but you might want to actually fight a few before you post stuff like this on the boards.

On another note, what Graavish and Slaug are saying about my type of character, that is their opinion. I disagree with it, but I am not going to start an argument over it. It just isn't going to stop me from roleplaying my character out on the field.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:24 am
by Tor
Black Cat wrote: I disagree with it, but I am not going to start an argument over it. It just isn't going to stop me from roleplaying my character out on the field.

Does that roleplay include throwing your weapons down in disgust every time you get hit?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:29 am
by Black Cat
Tor wrote:
Black Cat wrote: I disagree with it, but I am not going to start an argument over it. It just isn't going to stop me from roleplaying my character out on the field.

Does that roleplay include throwing your weapons down in disgust every time you get hit?

No, it doesn't.

BTW, You try getting ganked by a skill-on-a-stick during the first half-hour of the assassin's tourney and see how you like it.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:41 am
by Tor
Black Cat wrote:
Does that roleplay include throwing your weapons down in disgust every time you get hit?

No, it doesn't.

BTW, You try getting ganked by a skill-on-a-stick during the first half-hour of the assassin's tourney and see how you like it.[/quote]

If by "ganked" you mean "soundly beaten by someone with more experience and skill than yourself", then I probably wouldn't care. Rack it up to a learning experience and move on.

My guess, though, is you're complaining that you got beat by Peten because you think you're more skilled and the fact that he beat you with a flail messes with the hardcore image you have of yourself.

Face it: Peten's better than you. Hell, *I'm* better than you, mainly because I've been fighting longer and against more people. Best to just suck it up and keep learning, and drop the bad-ass attitude.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:52 am
by Olos
Tor wrote:
Black Cat wrote:
Tor wrote:
Does that roleplay include throwing your weapons down in disgust every time you get hit?

No, it doesn't.

BTW, You try getting ganked by a skill-on-a-stick during the first half-hour of the assassin's tourney and see how you like it.

If by "ganked" you mean "soundly beaten by someone with more experience and skill than yourself", then I probably wouldn't care. Rack it up to a learning experience and move on.

My guess, though, is you're complaining that you got beat by Peten because you think you're more skilled and the fact that he beat you with a flail messes with the hardcore image you have of yourself.

Face it: Peten's better than you. Hell, *I'm* better than you, mainly because I've been fighting longer and against more people. Best to just suck it up and keep learning, and drop the bad-ass attitude.

Sounds like good advice to me.

Grow some thicker skin, and go work out or fight instead of trolling the boards all the time attacking anyone who doesn't believe you are the best thing since sliced bread.

Edit: retarded quoting system.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:53 am
by Teej
why not elves...




and that's stuff that won't get me kicked off the forums... you should see what else I found...

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:56 am
by Olos
And to the original topic, elves are fine, just make sure you dont let one sneak up behind you.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:17 am
by Black Cat
Tor wrote:
Black Cat wrote:
Tor wrote:Does that roleplay include throwing your weapons down in disgust every time you get hit?

No, it doesn't.

BTW, You try getting ganked by a skill-on-a-stick during the first half-hour of the assassin's tourney and see how you like it.

If by "ganked" you mean "soundly beaten by someone with more experience and skill than yourself", then I probably wouldn't care. Rack it up to a learning experience and move on.

My guess, though, is you're complaining that you got beat by Peten because you think you're more skilled and the fact that he beat you with a flail messes with the hardcore image you have of yourself.

Face it: Peten's better than you. Hell, *I'm* better than you, mainly because I've been fighting longer and against more people. Best to just suck it up and keep learning, and drop the bad-ass attitude.

1) I called it getting ganked because I couldn't have defended myself against The Peten, even if I did have any skill at melee fighting. He caught me completely off-guard. I might as well not even had signed up for the assassin's tourney, considering the fact that I didn't even get to participate.

2)The hardcore image I have of myself? I wish. What I have said on the boards before Chaos Wars X doesn't mean anything. I have to admit that I was stupid to even continue to post on these boards past April 2006, much less say anything I did. Since all you guys want to do is bring up sore points with me in an attempt to derail a thread over it, I will be sure to not post here in the future.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:58 am
by Tor
Black Cat wrote:1) I called it getting ganked because I couldn't have defended myself against The Peten, even if I did have any skill at melee fighting. He caught me completely off-guard. I might as well not even had signed up for the assassin's tourney, considering the fact that I didn't even get to participate.

Excuse me, off guard? You mean he "assassinated" you in the assassin's tourney? What a surprise. Though even if that *were* the way it actually went down (and I have several sources that witnessed the event that say something completely different), you'd still fail for being off-guard.

And you did participate in the Tourney. As a mark.

Black Cat wrote:2)The hardcore image I have of myself? I wish. What I have said on the boards before Chaos Wars X doesn't mean anything. I have to admit that I was stupid to even continue to post on these boards past April 2006, much less say anything I did.

At least we agree on something.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:40 pm
by graavish
Black Cat wrote:On another note, what Graavish and Slaug are saying about my type of character, that is their opinion. I disagree with it, but I am not going to start an argument over it. It just isn't going to stop me from roleplaying my character out on the field.

hard core man it at least shows some balls

tor man **** off it was an assasins turney, leave it off the kid wants to act ninja let him act ninja he will continue to be pwned but will eventual learn

alright im bein the rational one in the conversation

and in my immortal words "friends dont let friends be elves because elves lead to unprotected homosexual sex"

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:54 pm
by Teej
graavish wrote:"friends dont let friends be elves because elves lead to unprotected homosexual sex"

It ok, pointy-eared pinkys don't get AIDs like the dumber ones with the round ears.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:49 pm
by Big King Jimmy
Whoa, let me back up, I didn't mean that the people PLAYING monsters are big dumb retards. And there are GOOD monsters, just like there are good elves. It was a gross generality, and not what I meant.

What I meant, was that there are badly played elves, but it's much easier to be a badly played monster (who often just play dumb, or "retarded"). Bad monsters are more accepted in this game than any other badly played character. If your a bad elf, or a bad celt, you'll probably be laughed at. But bad monsters get away with more.

Yes, there are A * TON of monsters out there that are better fighters than me, and I'm sure there are PEOPLE out there who play monsters that are smarter than me. I wasn't saying that people who play monsters are big dumb retards, I'm not an *. I'm just saying that a lot of people act like big dumb retards, and call themselves monsters.

Also remember, I'm from the north, we don't HAVE that many good monsters up here, but we do have a good amount of bad ones.

::edit:: a few days later moxk pointed out ^^^ that line. No, we do have a lot of good monsters around here. Killian and Davit and moxk and people, just not a lot make it out much. I'm gonna just keep my mouth shut.

I apoligize. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:11 pm
by Tor
graavish wrote:tor man **** off it was an assasins turney, leave it off the kid wants to act ninja let him act ninja he will continue to be pwned but will eventual learn

See, here's the thing: I know the guy. I fight right next to his realm and was around him and in banner battles with and against him.

I have nothing against roleplay. Problem is, some people don't know when to let the persona go and just have fun. That's the camp Black Cat falls in, which many people at CWX would attest to. When the kid lost in any battle/fight/scenario, there'd either be a meltdown or some sort of complaint about equipment. I don't think he ever admitted to just getting owned. Which was the case.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:42 pm
by Marcadus
Didn't this start out as something about elves? Eh what the hell no one give a **** about an elf anyway and black cat bashing is pretty entertaining. Tor I love you, you crazy Viking *. by the way black cat his god damned name is "Peten" not "The Peten" ok I'm done now.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:56 am
by Mekoot Rowan
You couldn't just let him say The Peten? I mean, there is only one of him. What if it was The one and only Peten? Would it be ok then?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:07 pm
by Lars
I don't see anything wrong with elves.
Before Tolkien, elves were any sort of little people. The modern High Fantasy elf was basically created by Tolkien, so I consider him the definitive source. here is how Tolkien described Legolas:

"He was tall as a young tree, lithe, immensely strong, able swiftly to draw a great war-bow and shoot down a Nazg?l, endowed with the tremendous vitality of Elvish bodies, so hard and resistant to hurt that he went only in light shoes over rock or through snow, the most tireless of all the Fellowship." (The Book of Lost Tales Volume 2

"The most tireless of all the Fellowship". That includes Gimli --the dwarf.

On pointy ears(from
There are no explicit references to pointed Elvish ears in The Lord of the Rings or The Silmarillion. It was stated elsewhere that "the Quendian (Elvish) ears were more pointed and leaf-shaped than Human." However, practical considerations, including a number of occasions where Men were mistaken for Elves (most notably T?rin Turambar), suggest that the points must have been subtle.

So, in conclusion, the proper High Fantasy elf is basically just like a human only bigger, stronger, faster, more gracefull, better looking, tougher than a dwarf, unaging, immune to sickness, slightly pointed ears, and endowed with a magical nature.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:17 pm
by To'Gur
TeeDge wrote:why not elves...




and that's stuff that won't get me kicked off the forums... you should see what else I found...

lol this is to funny... and to think i follow you into battle...