We're trying to keep it 100% on track with the state's history. Including accurate times that other citystates (chapters/realms) popped up, with some anachronistic deviation for the sake of good storytelling. The destruction of Atlantis representing a HUGE numbers slump the state endured in 2010 just before we started monthly day battles that now break 3-figures. Win for win, loss for loss. Brutally honest about mistakes made and arrogantly honest about successes. We've even created faux cultures to represent local units so we're not hurting people's feelings and our lore does not look like a * written fanfiction with Greeks, Japanese, Vikings, Orks, Dragonslayers, Medieval Noblemen, Power Rangers, Werelamps, etc...
The below quote is some FLURBY detail, feel free to skip (TL;DR), it's not essential to my question; just an idea of why I'm being so meticulous with the lore... it goes DEEP.
FLURBFLURBFLURBFLURB wrote:We put thought into local conditions... such as the construction of buildings (taking influence from the Castillo de San Marcos, a local landmark) being primarily of mud brick and coquina (a limestone formed of shells)... seeing as to how Florida does not have any major quarries.
We took Florida's monthly average temperatures and rainfall into account to develop a 3-season year (Flood, Seed, and Harvest) that starts in June; we use these seasons to shift unit actual focus and keep it fresh. Flood is Atlantean Training Season, Seed is Atlantean Warring Season, and Harvest is Atlantean Garrison (non-combat) season. The year is divided into 12 cycles (moon cycles/months), which are divided into 3 decads (10-day weeks). Our timeline divided into 4 eras (the First Era, the Era of Two Kingdoms, the Republic Era, the Imperial Era). Basically today would be 4.0008.11.18 (Era.Year.Month.Day).
We even considered FL's colonial history to give Atlantis a unique culture (a Greek base culture with influences from Rome, FL in the early to mid 1800s, and US Marine military traditions).
Yes, even cuisine because we're hosting symposia and Greco-Roman influenced festivals at events (based on the Karneia, Lupercalia, etc). The cuisine is a mix of Greek/Italian with FL influence (citrus, *); I even cranked out some Loukoumades the other night.
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 1996_n.jpg
I'm running into a couple speed bumps:
1. How long would one assume a dirty village to become a wealthy capital? I don't necessarily need a number, just maybe some sources or being put on the right track. I'd assume x time for coquina and mudbrick to be laid out and dry... but the real issue being the actual time construction would take.
2. I've been doing research on ship speeds... triremes coming in at 11mph (oar), cargo ships coming in at around 4-6mph (sail)... But I'm trying to figure out a good average speed for a oar-powered cargo ship with a crew of 3 or 4, but know NOTHING about rowing and am pretty sure I'll only get rowing team speeds... which is probably much faster than a cargo ship. Any ideas?