Battle for the Ring X

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Battle for the Ring X

Postby Sir Anastasia » Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:17 pm

Please join us for Battle for the Ring X - we are expecting over 1000 attendees from all over the country for our 10th anniversary. It should be an event you can't miss!

Pre-registration has been extended to December 5th - don't miss out. Save money by pre-registering.

To pre-register, send $40 to through PayPal. After December 5th, you will need to pay $50 for the weekend at the door. If you prefer sending a check please send a message to the Battle for the Ring Facebook.
Cofounder and Marshal of Andúril
Cofounder Battle for the Ring
Order of the Shining Tower
Order of the Western Flame

See you at Battle for the Ring in January
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Sir Anastasia
Grizzled Veteran
Grizzled Veteran
Posts: 2236
Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2005 3:27 pm
Location: Irvine, CA
Started Fighting: 31 Aug 2001
Realm: Marshal of Anduril
Unit: Wardens
Favorite Fighting Styles: Sword & Board, Extreme Taunting

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