being knighted

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being knighted

Postby Attero » Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:41 pm

What is the process of becoming a knight? I know its more of a valor and honor thing, but who does one prove that to?
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Re: being knighted

Postby Caleidah » Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:20 pm

Everyone's path to knighthood is different, based on what realm/lineage/organization you are joining. In general, though, they have challenges for the squire to complete. These generally involve service to the game (running events, cooking feast, running tournaments, etc), combat prowess (learning new weapon styles, beating the people in their realm on their preferred style, leadership on the field), craftsmanship (sewing garb, making weapons, making armor), and teaching of the above skills to other people. That overview hits a lot of what I am currently working on in my squireship.

As far as becoming a knight, the first step would be getting to know other knights. They are also generally good teachers, so even just sparring and talking with them can be a good start. In some cases, people approach knights they would like to squire under. In others, the knight approaches the squire with an interest.

The truth is that there is no one set way of becoming a knight. Different areas apply different requirements to it. And it can take a while to start down the path. If you focus on making yourself better and being a good influence on the community, though, you can make yourself the kind of person that would become a knight.
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Re: being knighted

Postby Sir Anastasia » Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:48 pm

Geddon has some info, also on the lineages:
Cofounder and Marshal of Andúril
Cofounder Battle for the Ring
Order of the Shining Tower
Order of the Western Flame

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