A newbie with some newbie questions

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A newbie with some newbie questions

Postby leerm02 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:21 am

Hey everyone!
My name is Lee and my girlfriend and I were looking to get into this sort of sport as a fun new activity we can share together. We have never done any sort of medieval combat/LARP before but are really excited by the idea.

I've done a lot of martial arts in my life but not all that much large weapon fighting when you get down to it...and am looking for something a bit more on the "for fun" side these days you know? I HAVE done an awful lot of knife-training and in fact used to be in charge of a small knife-training program...but I imagine that this is substantially different from that!

We are both (of course) life-long fantasy addicts as well.

We live in the Portland OR area and I have already looked up that there is a group nearby we can join.

A few questions though:

1) what gear should we bring (if any) to our first time visiting the practice session?

2) are sessions treated more like games/sports or more like "training" as in an emphasis on fun or an emphasis on building a skill?

3) If we end up liking the sport but don't want to make our own gear (we are both about as handy as a no legged dog when it comes to making or fixing things) are there places that we can actually purchase weapons/armor that looks good/is functional for a reasonable price? So far I have seen some absolutely AMAZING looking LARP weapons online but I am unsure if they meet up with the rules of the game. I would hate to shell out money for something cool and then not get to use it!

4) Just how much contact are we talking about in an average bout? I'm one of those rare breed of people that really dosen't mind being beaten up a bit (like i said: I used to do a LOT of martial arts) but I know my girlfriend might not like getting bruised up every week. Shes tougher than a nail and I'm sure she could take it...but she might not actually WANT to do it week after week.

That's about it for now! I thank you all in advance and can't wait to get started!

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Re: A newbie with some newbie questions

Postby Hallec » Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:58 am

So, I've only been participating in the sport for a few months, but I'll a give a shot at answering your questions.

1) Most realms keep some amount of loaner equipment so there will probably some weapons available for you to use until you acquire some of your own. As far as attire goes strictness of dress code varies from realm to realm, but its generally encouraged to participate in wearing garb. That being said if you are just starting out most realms will be pretty flexible and/or have some loaner garb. At the vary least show up clothing that doesn't restrict your movement and that you wont mind getting roughed up and dirty. If you can show up for the first in time in period or fantasy wear (that again you don't mind getting roughed up and dirty) mad props to you.

2) The precise manner in which practices are run will vary from place to place but you should expect some mixture of sparring (one on one) and field battles (group combat). Ideally you should both be having fun and have ample opportunity to improve your skills.

3) Generally speaking LARP weapons that aren't made specifically for this sport (or other very similar sports) wont be allowed for multiple reasons. The weapon specifications and requirements for the sport are in a large way built around safety reason. There are however several websites that retail equipment for this sport as well as many individuals who produce weapons and gear for sale.

4) This is a full contact sport with rules for person to person grappling and there are enthusiasts who are very much into that. That being said the amount force and aggression exercised should responsibly be tailored to the opponent, at normal practices no one is going to force you to engage in the sport outside of your own comfort level.
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Re: A newbie with some newbie questions

Postby Magpie Saegar » Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:18 am

Different groups can always be different, and contacting the actual group you're meeting before hand doesn't hurt, but from someone who has been doing Bel and Dag for almost ten years, I say:

0) You sound like a great newbie. I wish all newbies sounded as on top of things as you do and asked such good questions.

1) Show up in clothes you can move around in that you don't mind getting dirty. Garb is never expected for your first time out.

2) This sport bears very little resemblance to a normal martial arts class. At all the practices I've been to, people show up late and leave early if they have to, sit out when they want to, etc. It's very rarely about one person telling everyone else what to do, and usually based around playing games -- capture the flag, kill the monarch, two person regen, etc -- stuff you can do with paintball, you can generally do with us, and each realm has its favorite way to do things. If you'll be going to an established realm, there's almost always someone who can take you aside and teach you specific skills, if you want that, and some realms do put an emphasis on drills as well.

3) Look for people or websites who sell Belegarth equipment or Dagorhir equipment and you should be fine. When I haven't made my own equipment, I've generally purchased from Forged Foam or the dag fighter Alric, though I've also heard good things about Gorg, as well as http://www.foametheus.com/. If you ask around, there are plenty of other places though, and there may be someone who'll make you things locally.

4) You should at least be sore the next day from all the moving around, and unless you bruise easily you shouldn't be covered in bruises. Beyond that, this question is pretty much impossible for me to answer, as it REALLY can change from group to group. But yeah, don't expect automatic blood and bruises all the time. That's a sign that things are going too far. I've heard some people compare us to rugby, but I've never played rugby and don't know.
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Re: A newbie with some newbie questions

Postby Tails » Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:11 pm

leerm02 wrote:1) what gear should we bring (if any) to our first time visiting the practice session?

leerm02 wrote:2) are sessions treated more like games/sports or more like "training" as in an emphasis on fun or an emphasis on building a skill?

leerm02 wrote:3) If we end up liking the sport but don't want to make our own gear (we are both about as handy as a no legged dog when it comes to making or fixing things) are there places that we can actually purchase weapons/armor that looks good/is functional for a reasonable price? So far I have seen some absolutely AMAZING looking LARP weapons online but I am unsure if they meet up with the rules of the game. I would hate to shell out money for something cool and then not get to use it!

leerm02 wrote:4) Just how much contact are we talking about in an average bout? I'm one of those rare breed of people that really dosen't mind being beaten up a bit (like i said: I used to do a LOT of martial arts) but I know my girlfriend might not like getting bruised up every week. Shes tougher than a nail and I'm sure she could take it...but she might not actually WANT to do it week after week.
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Re: A newbie with some newbie questions

Postby Rasheab » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:44 am

leerm02 wrote:Hey everyone!
1) what gear should we bring (if any) to our first time visiting the practice session?

Clothes you can easily run around in, and potentially get wet/muddy/etc.
If you have any MMA-ish style gloves sitting around the house, bringing them along might not be a bad idea.
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Re: A newbie with some newbie questions

Postby Acorn » Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:15 am

Hello Lee! my name is Acorn and I'm also in Portland (Pyke <-- realm).

All the above answers are spot on. We do have loaner gear. You can purchase gear from either those links above, from private vendors here in oregon, or build your own. remy and the rest of us vets will happily show you how.

As far as the local realm's approach to the game, we treat it like a sport. In fact, this weekend on Sat. the 22 is War College (we normally practice Sunday but this is a special case). There will be teachers and classes so it is a great first-timer event. Very casual and free. It's a Pennisula Park in NE Portland.

Event info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1400391033549774/

As far as the contact question, we are full on, but there are also different weapon styles that lend themselves to getting smashed less. Perhaps a spear or arrows would be better in the long term if either of you find you don't like the up close and personal bashing. Or if you just want a lighter day. We will have both of those weapons available to try on Sat. as well.
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