Anyone in Ottawa/Gatineau?

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Anyone in Ottawa/Gatineau?

Postby Zorackiii » Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:48 am

Sorry if this is under the wrong category.

I'm looking to join/start a group in Ottawa/Gatineau that gets together weekly, makes gear, and fights to better each other's skills using boffer weapons in a mass combat setting (aka more than 1v1). Ideally a group open to fantasy; that doesn't burry the actual combat in statuses, classes, races, and levels; or break the bank to buy/make my own gear.

I've had experience with medieval combat (10+ years of wooden longswords and sword and board growing up; 5+ years SCA fencing and marshalling). From what I've read/talked to others about, Belegarth/Dag would be a better fit for me than Amtgard (I'd like it to be more raw skill based than walking character sheet - that's why I play pathfinder) or SCA Heavy (a set of armor is $$$, they take a dim view of non-historical characters, and it becomes more all encompassing than a mere hobby). SCA fencing was getting too restrictive in weapon options, personas, price of weapons, and all-encompassing "hobby". I have garb (t-tunic, pants, chainmail), but no boffer weapons (I was waiting to find an existing group before make them, so that I make them correctly for the system).

To be completely above board, I've also been looking on Dagorhir forums/pages, just trying to find anyone in Ottawa; I don't have a personal perference between Dagorhir or Belegarth, and would happily use either system. I know several people in other cities that play both systems, but no one in Ottawa/Gatineau. I don't know anyone else in the area interested in it. I'd even be open to other systems if anyone knows of anything else in the Ottawa area.

From the research I've done, it seems that there was a Belegarth group in this area, but it sort of disolved into Amtgard and SCA. Any ex-belegarth players interested in re-starting a group here?
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Re: Anyone in Ottawa/Gatineau?

Postby Sir Thurat » Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:42 pm

Hey, sorry for the delayed response. The boards don't see much traffic these days compared to our social media pages. You'd probably be better off throwing a post up on the Belegarth Official Discussion Facebook page.
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