by Spriggot » Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am
#1 Twist, will the blade of this weapon twist on a hit and hit flat?
#2 Wobble, for all points i.e., stabbing tips, is this tip likley to fold to one side?
#3 Incidental padding, does it cover sufficiently and are there soft spots?
#4 Striking surface, sufficiently padded? Soft spots?
#5Is the flail chain 6in. or less, are dingle berries present
#6 flats, can you feel core?
#7 Polmel, is it padded, is it small enough to take out an eye?
#8 Is this a class 2 weapon? how hard does it hit?
#9 Flex, is this weapon flexing within regs?
#10 The X factor, holes in cover, odd angles, is it not safe to have random player 45 pick up and use, is it marked appropriatly to identify what class of weapon it is, etc...