Should swearing be allowed?

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Should swearing be allowed or not?

Swearing in moderation should be allowed.
Swearing should not be allowed at all.
Total votes : 107

Postby Jothardin the Cruel » Sun Sep 21, 2003 7:25 pm

When will people quit bumping this thread to whine about swearing?

My vocabulary and language skills will **** yours any day.
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Postby Kai Dagmantis Kacrona » Mon Sep 22, 2003 4:52 am

Well, I think I'll keep my swearing to my LiveJournal role playing. However, I used to have this great English techer in Uni that was just totally random a lot of the time. He came in one day exclaiming that he wasn't finished '**** his field.' Of course all of us students were laughing about this outburst, but he was leading into his discussion of Old English words that we have kept around with an altered meaning. To **** was to plow, and everything made sense then, but mom still didn't buy that as an excuse...haha
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Postby Forkbeard » Mon Sep 22, 2003 8:39 am

****. I just can't help but say **** when anyone tells me not to say ****. It's just the way I am. Too punk rock to stop.
I'll tell you what. All you folks that think I'm stupid because you can't handle ****, eat me. Better yet, **** off. Vulgarity IS funny. Thats why there are so many rich comedians. Even people who make their money on network TV playing cutsie on sit-com's swear like sailors in their stand up acts.
Face it, you tea totaling(sp) pantywaists are a minority. People who swear don't think other people who swear sound stupid. They think they sound real. And people who swear don't have a problem with you, so back off and mind you own **** business.
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Postby Camber » Mon Sep 22, 2003 12:12 pm

It's pretty ironic to hear that comment coming out of Happy Valley.

I grew up in Ered Duath, and since moving away, I don't think I've ever lived in a more polarized social climate.

I think this thread has pretty much established what we all could have guessed. Swearing is accepted by some and seems to fit with their persona. As foul as it may be, you might as well tell them not to role-play.
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Postby mistformsquirrel » Mon Sep 22, 2003 4:06 pm

Just because I feel like it... Personally, I try to keep my swearing to a minimum (especially around children). However it has its place... for one it is sometimes the only somewhat acceptable means to relieve some stress. I think the key is simple really... A) Moderation - If you are either using a strong word to give emphasis (ie, "this sucks" vs "this f*cking sucks) or to relieve stress then it should not happen enough to cause trouble. HOWEVER! B) Vocabulary - Some people (not saying anyone here particularly, this is as much me blowing steam as anything) need to learn more than 10 words and F*ck... I am sure some of you know people who say f*ck every 3rd word for no apparent reason and it becomes verbal garbage (much as "like" has become in phrases similar to "Like you know... its like this") Unlike "like" (ironic choice of terms I admit ^_-) f*ck has much stronger connotation and may truely offend someone and thus as I said before, should be reserved for situations that warrant it, not used as filler space. Other words are similar, but often not as overused/strongly connotated.

To summarize - Use discretion and if necessary consult a thesaurus to have a larger than average vocabulary and maybe find it unneccesary to overuse a set of words many people find to only fit certain circumstances (like that time I took a red sword to the groin... "that f*cking hurt!").

End rant! <*.*>
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Postby Colin » Mon Sep 22, 2003 4:18 pm

Swear or don't swear, but don't half-ass it either way.

The only thing that makes people look like turds is when they try and mask swear words, i.e. F*CK for ****, and * for *, and **** like that. If you feel like using the word, don't be a * and type out that extra letter. Everyone knows what you're trying to say anyway.
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Postby carr » Tue Sep 23, 2003 1:03 pm

Camber wrote: Swearing is accepted by some and seems to fit with their persona. As foul as it may be, you might as well tell them not to role-play.

Persona? Roleplay? What the **** are those?

Dont want your kids to hear swearing? Dont bring them to the field, or to this board, because if they cant handle the language there, how are they going to handle a national event? An event is not a family affair. I realize some couples cant help but bring the hellions along, but thats the price they pay i guess. Dont step on my **** because you have kids.
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Postby Shiro_Oni » Sat Nov 01, 2003 4:10 am

*shurgs* what difference would it make anyway i hardly even see cursing as is

Postby dOnUt » Sun Nov 02, 2003 12:08 pm


stop resurrecting the dead threads!!!
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Postby Mori » Sun Nov 02, 2003 3:20 pm

I propose that we organize a Ghost Hunter group to hunt down and kill these zombie threads!!!

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Postby dOnUt » Sun Nov 02, 2003 4:35 pm

oo ooo me me!!
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Postby Thorondor » Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:57 pm

I say we should just lock threads after being inactive for like a month...if someone REALLY needs to ask a question, they can link to the old thread and ask a question in the new thread...

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Postby Mawr » Mon Nov 03, 2003 12:21 am

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