Belegarth war Rp

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Postby ashling » Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:28 am

Ashling hit the ground hard and, groaning, laid there for a moment hoping that the spinning sensation would stop. It subsided after a moment and she achingly sat, then stood, testing her feet beneath her. She tried to remember what events had brought her here. Slowly it came back to her and she flexed her wings and winced in pain. She had no idea what wind had caught her and worse, no clue where it had so lovingly dumped her. Sensing that this was not the best place to be caught in the opens unaware, and too tired to attempt to fly again any distance, she limped towards the only cover in sight.

It was a big hole in the ground and she looked in cautiously trying to sense whether any creatures had taken up residence. It reaked heavily and she was just about to turn away and find another hiding place when she spotted someone moving in her direction rather quickly. She started to climb down the ladder as quickly as her sore muscles would allow, hoping that whatever was at the bottom would be kind enough to share. After descending a few rungs she stopped and concentrated and anyone watching would have seen her wings shrink and then disappear. "A girl can't go getting her wings all mucky in the bottom of some hole now can she?" she thought and before continuing her climb, absentmindedly felt the hilt of the sword at her side for reassurance.
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Postby Elebrim » Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:36 am

Elebrim, thankful that the large man's spearpoint was no longer aiming at his throat, relaxed slightly. "Fair enough: I am Elebrim. Let me say, it is a relief to find someone who is willing to lend a hand." Glancing toward Olos to gauge his approval of the newcomer, Elebrim decided they were better off filling him in than leaving him in the dark. He gave Griffon a brief overview of what had happened since the end of the battle and how the slowly growing group had planned on finding what survivors were left and escaping, posing as sacrifices for some dark lord that the corrupted elves seemed to fear a great deal.

"We haven't explored the rest of the city yet, as there are some pockets of elven soldiers still moving around. I would guess there aren't too many survivors left, however." Elebrim gestured down to the pathetic, gutted bodies of the soldiers still lying along one wall of the adjoining keep. "They don't take prisoners."
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Postby Griffolion » Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:10 am

Griffon listened intently to the explenation, when Griffon looked at the direction Elebrim was pointing, it was a sickining sight . "Elves, eh?, if it was them who attacked those poor men, then we have quite an ordeal on our hands" Griffon slung his poleaxe across his back, and pulled out his staff, the staffs botton hit the hard cold ground. "We should hurry, i not wish to experiance what these gutted corpses, experianced themselves" said Griffon solemly. "Which direction shall we go?" asked Griffon questioningly. Griffon turned back to corpses and shook his head, " i sinceraly hope we find them, before they find us" said Griffon half sad, half afraid
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Postby Olos » Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:38 am

"Well, more help is never to be turned down, but if you are able to, I would caution you to leave the way you came, while you still have the chance. I would have taken it myself up until my fight with this one here," he said, motioning to the now dead elf that he had interrogated. "But now, I have somewhat of a personal interest in these matters. Regardless, these elves seem to be very cruel, and will give no quarter, and you still look to be well before your physical peak, and I can see in your eyes that you are still relatively new to the soldierly way of life."

"I urge you to leave while you can still do so with your life, but if you are determined to stay, you are welcome to come along with us."

"Elebrim, let's go get the big fellow, he used to live in this castle, right? I'd be willing to bet that this demon has set himself in the most noble room, and that we might need his knowledge of the layout of the building."
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Postby Griffolion » Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:34 pm

"I thank you for you concern, but i still wish to aid you in your quest, for you see" he motioned to the gutted corpses, and the again to the elf lying on the floor "Anyone who would kill their kin, and defile flesh as they have done, should not be allowed to walk this earth, so again i say i will aid you in your journey, besides coming back the way i came does not seem to be an option, for the old man told me it was a one way gate, it can only be opened from the outside." said Griffon. "Demons, and rouge elves, this will be intristing" "lead the way, and i shall follow without hesitation" spoke Griffon.
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Postby Griffolion » Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:35 pm

(sorry dont know who to delete my post, and i accedently double posted somehow)
Last edited by Griffolion on Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby savetuba » Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:03 pm

I watched in horor as a face appeared over the hole. Most of the light was blocked out when it appeared so there was little chance it could have seen me...but still....wait it is turning away.

Its long hair flowed down off it's shoulders as the head turned away from the hole.

'Just my luck, a nobal woman...or maybe some long haired demon...

It suddenly moved to start climbing down the ladder and from its siloette I could tell it was definatly female...but it had wings....crap. Only powerful creatures had wings and the only ones I know about are evil. Suddenly her legs stopped moving and I watched in terror as her wings shurnk into her body. There was nothing I could do but watch her slowly begin to move back down the ladder. As her shoulders cleared the edge of the hole I could bairly make out the sword on her hip and the hand touching it.

Not wanting to be killed here I quickly swung the flat of the spade, not realizing there wasn't enough room in the pit for a swing. The blade of the spade bounced off the wall next to me showering me in slime before finlally hitting the back of the ladder hard enough to knock it back against the opposit side of the hole and for my hands to sting from the blow.

Droping the spade I tried wiping away the muck from my eyes, however with slime in my face I could bairly make out if she held onto the ladder or fell, but I knew where the pail of gong was. Bending down I grabed the edge of the pail and slung the contains in the direction of this creature.

Droping the pail I fell to my knees franticly groping for the spade.

'Ples der lord let tis be a gd day for meh...plese...'
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Postby ashling » Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:39 pm

Hearing a sudden scuffle from below her, Ashling whipped her head around to see what it was and as she shifted her balance the ladder toppled. She tried to keep her grip on the rung but it was covered in the same odorous slime and she fell. She landed on her butt with a splash in the mung at the bottom of the pit just in time for a shower of the same substance to land on top of her.

She sat for a moment dumbfounded as to what just happened and then blew air heavily out of her mouth, shooting slime flecks with it. Struck by the absurdity of her condition she lost it and started laughing merrily. She addressed the creature on the other side of the hole, "Well friend, it is not every day that I am given such spa treatment, a good mud pack will no doubt leave my skin soft and supple. Now, I would hate to have to repay this kindness by cleaning my blade in your flesh. I wish you no harm if you feel similarly." She waited for a reply, hoping that she was not merely wasting her words on an unfriendly or unsentient enemy.
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Postby savetuba » Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:22 pm

'wre culd tat ting be'

My hands slid along the ground searching for the spade. Suddenly she started laughed. it sounded like a good laugh. She could be a good creature, but I'm not going to chance it. Finally my fingers found the head of the spade. While slowly pulling it closer, she be began talking of this muck like it was perfumes, her sing song voice was almost enchanting, but the part I did understand was the blade in flesh. Clearly she wanted me to give up.....or die. Pulling the spade close in I pointed towards her voice while crouching against the wall.

"I wnt be yr slave, demon, as tempin as it me be. Jst leev me in pees. I'm but a simpl pesnt."
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Postby ashling » Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:35 pm

"Damnit", thought Ashling, "He clearly did not understand my intentions. But he sounds scared. Poor thing thinks I want to kill or enslave him. I can't blame him for being so defensive, I did invade his... muck."

She sighs and hoping that she is right in not perceiving much threat from him and scooches backwards in the whole until her back finds a wall to rest on. She again addresses her fellow hole dweller hoping he might understand. "I am Ashling. I am friendly. I do not want to fight you. I am too tired to fight. I need to rest here. Once it is dark, I will leave." She takes her hand off her sword and holds both palms empty in the air above her head.
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Postby savetuba » Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:30 am

I sat there listening to what she said. Still being blinded by the muck I considered her words carefully. Clearly she didn't want to harm me....or maybe it is because I have her at my mercy and she doesn't want me to attack her untill she knows exactly what I have.... Either way, if someone attacks I won't be able to see it coming. I guess I have no choice but to give up to her and hope she means what she says. Slowly, I lowered the spade till the head rested in the ground.

"Ow do I no u din't cause all te deth nd scrims up ter?"

Using my left hand I desperatly tried wiping away the muck from my eyes.

"Ow do I no u iant a demon? U as wings. No ting I noes wit wings tis good. Less u be a angle, but angles dn't need to hide tem wings."
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Postby ashling » Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:43 pm

"I am not a demon, and not an angel. I am a faerie. A spirit of nature if you will. I came from a land far away from here and I learned long ago to hide my wings because people hate me if I look different."

Ashling sighed and continued, still speaking slowly which pained her because she had been traveling sometime without conversation and she was a social creature at heart. "I don't know how I got here but it smelled of death so I decided to hide until I was strong enough to leave. I take it that you do not know what is happening up there then? What is this land called? What is your name?"

As she spoke, she opened the pack she carried on her belt, and careful not to drop it in the muck, pulled out a clean scrap of cloth. Ripping it in half, she wiped the majority of the slime from her face and offered the other half as she asked for his name.
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Postby savetuba » Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:32 pm

I sat there listening to her story. She seemed nice enough. Maybe she was a good creature. I could also bairly make out her arm extending towards me offering something.

"me nom is Sava Taba, mos call me sava."

I slowly reached out and took what felt like cloth from her hand and whiped the muck from my eyes and mouth before continuing...

"I to wuld like to no whas happenin up der. I whas doin me werk like I nermally do wen somting came nd killed pepl. I jumped inta da gong pit I whas waterin." motioning with my hands like I was dumping water down a hole.

Pausing my story I looked at my new companion. Indeed she looked very attractive sitting there. If I had met her on a different day, I shurly would have thought she was an angel. Smiling a little and possibly blushing I continued...

"I gess I do gud job caus I slid here ery fast. I whas hidin in yonder croft fr for days, I tink," Pointing back towards the farm building about throwing distance from the pit," till te demons cam out of yon castle. Den I jumped back in her." Motioning to the surrounding slime covered walls.

Looking up I knowticed I did knock the ladder backwards. Looking back at her face I realized she was covered in the muck I threw at her.

"I be sry abut te muck. Wen tis safe I no of a lovly bath hous...well ef its sit ther...I du get free baths ther. Yur welcum ter jion me."

I turned my face down and away from her's slightly ashamed of asking such, to a beautiful fairy, and a little worried about what might happen tonight.
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Postby ashling » Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:30 am

"Do not worry about apologies for now Sava, it is nice to meet you even under the circumstances. A bath does sound lovely but if there are demons out and about..."

Ashling paused and looked at the patch of sky visible through the mouth of the hole, it was starting to darken. She could hear a random scream now and then carried on the wind. The sounds dropped into her ear much the same as she had been dropped from the sky. But why had she been dumped here? There must be a reason, perhaps she was meant to help these people. She looked at her new friend who had a shy smile on his face.

"But where did the demons come from?" She asked as much to the wind as to Sava. "Is there no one to protect your people?"
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Postby savetuba » Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:59 am

"der tis te castle gard, but from te sounds I don't tink they stoped dem. I do ope tey don't burn me house. Tis times lik dis tat make me wish I were en bed. Not as fancy as te nobels, but better than cold, wet muck."

I sat there lingering on the thought of my bed, the warm furs, the keg of ale that I was sacing for a special occation, my fathers pike and other army equipment, how I could go for a nice piece of bread right now...

"by te by, me lady, I know tere is some vitals in the croft. If ye ar ungry we culd get tem after dark."

My eyes strayed to the swords at your sides, then back up you body stopping on your face...How your eyes seem to pierce my thoughts...

"er..." I shake my head before looking down at your swords again.

"I ope ur gud wit tose stabies. I don't tink me spade will help protect u, me lady."
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Postby ashling » Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:08 am

Ashling was touched by his offering of food, here he was, not sure whether all his worldly posessions had gone up in flame and he was worried instead about her wellbeing. She began to refuse, she did not want to deprive him of food that he might need, when she was interrupted by a rumble in her stomach. She mentally took stock of her provisions and knew all too well she had almost finished them earlier in her journey. If she was to fight, she would need to eat.

"Perhaps seeking supplies might be a good thing. And don't worry about my blades, I know enough to take care of myself, and perhaps a little to spare for you too."

Ashling winked and eyed the shadowy sky. She knew it would soon be time to leave the relative safety of the pit. Unconciously, her hand rested on the hilt of one of her swords as she hoped that her skill would prove her right.

"How far is your house from here Sava? At the very least, I will see you safely home. I think I will investigate the castle after that... See if there is anyone left to fight alongside."
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Postby savetuba » Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:21 pm

OOC: 11th strait post between ashling and I. Where are the other people in this rp?

I think I blushed again when she winked. It is a good thing my face was covered in the muck otherwise she might have seen such. I was actually starting to enjoy her presence here in the pit. I could talk to someone and whats more she isn't bad to look at.

Watching her hair tumble about as she looked up my thought straied to the girl I met so long ago. Seemed like ages ago that we met while fleeing the next attack. I hope she was ok. Suddenly a voice brought me back to this pit...

"uh?" She said something about home and going to the castle. I hope she wasn't talking of her home. Oh well...I may as well tell her a bit more of mine.

"Lik I whas sayn, me lady, me hous is cozzy, small, but I din't need much fr jst me. Tis off der side of a bakery on te suthern end of te castle." Gesturing behind me, "Te smell of frsh bread nd pies fill me room." *Sigh* "Tinking of such is makin me ungry again." Rubbing my stoumach I looked down at the muck we sat in. 'Won't be long now before someone flushes the pipes. If anyone is alive that is how we will know.' I thought. Turning my thoughts back to her...

"Tll me abut ur self, me lady."
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Postby Griffolion » Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:20 pm

Griffon had been walking in the direction that Elebrium and Olos, roccomendeed to him

it was getting late and the moon was starting to come out (Griffon is a very special type of lycan, he has the blood of old lycan in him, and old lycans trasnformation effects are very unpredictable) and he was growing worried. "We may run into a problem this night, you two, and its not just demons and rouge elves im worried about, if something begins to happen to me please refrain from sticking your weapons into me, unless i become increasingly dangerous, just then it happened "it happening!" Griffon half growled, half moaned.

He was, once again becoming an Old Lycan. everything he wore remained on him, nothing teared. And all his clothes remained intact

Lycan Griffon howled at the moon, and spoke in a very rough voice "We must finish this tonight, before i must revert and leave my hosts body exausted, such is the cost of a lycans abilities" He looked to Olos and Elebrium, who bolth were much smaller then him now. "Come!" Griffon roared and he then began charging into the center piece of the castle, he knocked three groups of unaware elves out cold on his charge.

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Postby ashling » Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:22 pm

Ashling was a little antsy to get out of the pit before someone "flushed the pipes" but figured she couldn't get anymore soaked in it then she already was.

"My home is quite a ways from here in the realm of Rausumea. Well, my home now that is, I haven't been to the land of my family since I left it when I was very young." Ashling got a distant look and in her eyes were reflected the flames that burnt her youth away so long ago.

"I wandered alone most of my childhood, learning to survive by the strength of my will and my hands. When I settled in Rausumea, they taught me how to use something I had survived many years without." She motioned to her swords. "I have since made Rausumea my home but when a wanderlust takes me I have to go where my feet, or my wings, will lead. Now too often I must use my blades, these days there is much darkness around."

At the mention of darkness, she realized that the sky had indeed taken on its cloak of night. She glanced to Sava's figure, now just a shadow sitting a few feet from her in the pit.

"Perhaps we should be going now. The darkness will cover our movement, I only hope the moon is not too bright."

She stood and stretched, stiff from sitting in the cold muck and offered her hand to Sava to help him up as well.
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Postby Andrek » Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:14 pm

Andrek approached the stench pit, he knew that he would need to keep scared peasants at his swords tip if it came to that. Though he as well remembered being on that bottom rung of life. He drew his short blade and glanced into the pit.

Seeing that there were only two persons down there he called out to Ashling and Sava Taba, "Do ya car iv I joins?" He laughs and then recognized his acquaintance from the Yestare celebration a couple years ago and sheathed his blade. "Sava, is that you?" He realized that the elves would at some point see him on his knees looking into the hole and decided to get into the muck.

He climbed down the first three rungs and slipped landing with a large splash of slimy fecal matter spreading to the walls and seeping into every * of his armor.

He stood up and wiped the grime from his eyes and spat out the portions that he had nearly swallowed. "I now remember why I loved these pits." Andrek laughed, "There wasn't a friend that was hiding under me was there?"
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Postby savetuba » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:03 pm

I sat there listening to her talk of her past and the lands she has seen. I could almost fall asleep to her pleasent voice...soo very soothing...huh...Her sudden movement jerked me back to this world. From what I could tell she had stood up and was streching. Wasn't long before she offered her hand to me.

I looked at her outstreched hand and smiled at her. Here we go. I reached out and took her hand and stood up.

"If yer say so..." Just then someone called down to us. Startled, I jumped back and cowered against the wall only to hear it laugh. It sounded familiar...Hearing the sound of a blade leaving its sheath I looked up again to see what it ws going to do. Suddenly it said my name.

"Ooo ar...?" Before I could finish the creature jumped onto the ladder and proceeded down, slipping on the way....

The resulting wave of muck covered my face yet again. I stood there shocked because I thought I remembered who it was. Spitting and blowing slime from my mouth I gasped,

"Andrik?" Opening my hand I used the cloth ashling had given me to wipe my eyes again. I stood there looking at the armored person standing infront of me and the sword at his side. "Andrik? Tis tat u?"
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Postby ashling » Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:40 pm

As she was about to climb her way up the ladder, Ashling hears the sound of a sword drawing from above. She stands back quickly and her hand flies to the hilt of her blade. She draws her sword and stands at the ready as she listens to Andrek's words. He sounds friendly enough and she relaxes a little. As he falls into the muck between them, she turns her face to avoid a new smattering and watches his moves closely.When Sava recognizes him, she lowers the point of her blade and smiles.

"Well, it is a good thing to find a friend at a time like this. My name is Ashling and I seem to have stumbled across this land in a time of need. Can you tell me more about the troubles that are threatening these people? How can I help?"
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Postby Griffolion » Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:08 pm

Griffon had been running on all fours for quite awhile, he looked behind him and saw that olos and elebrium were nowhere in sight. This did not bother him. we will meet again, before the final battle. Griffon had been wondering the castle for quite awhile, when he spotted a ladder "its worth a look" Lycan Griffon told himself, he began to hear voices in the hole, he slowly approched it, and looked down, there were beings covered in muck, but they were speaking a tounge that he understood, he looked at the ladder, no chance of getting up there without falling a few times, so he roared down a question "Do you need help, down there!" Griffon roared. He touched a clear part of the ladder, and spoke in old lycanish

"Reciz Arr Imoraties"
("Remove Outside Impurities")

All of the muck and water left the ladder, falling back into the pit.
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Postby ashling » Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:27 pm

Ashling was torn from her introduction to Andrek by the creature above. She had thought that the falling darkness would offer them protection, but it seems to be bringing things out of the wood works. Silhouetted in the moonlight was something large and covered in hair. It roared something at them and she did not catch much of the meaning other then the volume. Suddenly slime was falling upon the three in the pit as the ladder shook. Ashling pulled her sword once again and held it aloft, wishing she was anywhere but a pit covered in poop.

"Stop there! Who are you and what do you want?"
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Postby Griffolion » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:09 am

Griffon looked down at the figure that had just answered, and turned down his volume to a more understandable level. "ahh, not often do we find your kind in this realm" "WELCOME, i take it you are related to the race of pixies. And as for who i am, i am Griffon, or at least that is my hosts name, and i am from the race of the old lycans, and" he crouched down to get a good look at the people residing in the pit "I am currently here to help you get out of the gunk hole you are in" he becconed to the ladder "come, do not worry, i wont bite, any of you, i am not currently hungry" Griffon laughed "oh please, dont take me so seriously, i would not eat any of you, even if you werent covered in all the gunk." He becconed again to the ladder "are any of you hurt, badley enough that you cannot walk?." Griffon asked seriously
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Postby ashling » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:57 am

Ashling looked blinked in surprise as he called her a pixie, she wondered how he knew when she was caked in filth with her wings currently hidden. "I am related to pixies but technically I am a faerie. We are generally larger and slightly more stable beings. I am surprised to see an old lycan indeed. I have only once before run across one of your kind." She thought back to her friend in Oira Morin and hoped this being was more trustworthy. "None of us are injured that I know of, we were about to leave this pit as you arrived I believe." She looked to Sava and Andrek to see if they were ready to get moving. She for one wanted to get some fresh air into her lungs.
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Postby savetuba » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:58 am

A sudden ROAR filed the rapidly shrinking pit. Looking up I could bairly make out the shape of some beast.

The sight of such a hairy beast looking down on us like we were lunch filled me with so much dread...I quickly bent over and pulled on the wooden covering. It was to be my secret escape route if something did take interest in this hole. Pulling up on the lid I forced it open.

The rush of fresh gong stench flew past my face. Grimacing, I gulped the last of the semi-clean air before pushing myself into the pipe. I scrambled as far as I could go into the pipe before it started it's incline. Glancing back between my legs I could see a dim light of the opening.

The stench in here was to powerful to resist for long.

Hopfully Ashling and Andrek would be able to fight this thing off without my being in the way. My thoughts drifted to my badly swung spade that hit the side of the wall. I dought their swords would be of much use to them. Lifting my head back up to the darkness of the rising pipe I slid a hand around the edge looking for the grips. If it came to it, I could climb back up this pipe to the point where I originally jumped in. Assuming nothing is blocking the passage ahead.

My hand finaly found the rung, covered in something slimy. Holding back the urge to gag, I pulled myself up the pipe far enough to hide my feet from any who chose to look in the pipe to see where I had gone to.
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Postby ashling » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:07 am

Ashling was shocked at Sava's sudden disappearance. He had flushed himself! She bent over and placed her face near the hole that her new friend had disappeared into. She could not see anything! Terribly worried about Sava's wellbeing, she called into the tunnel.

"Sava? Sava! Where did you go? We are all safe! Please come back. I will protect you!"

She stood back up, choking from the fumes. Tears filled her eyes and spilled over, trailing lines in the dirt on her face. She looked at her two new companions not knowing what to do. She had taken a liking to this man in the little time she had known him and had set her mind to protect him and now there was nothing she could do...
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Postby Griffolion » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:14 am

Griffon looked towards the smallest figure, that was pushing himself into a pipe. "I am sorry if i startled any of you, but rarley do i come out, and an animal that has had a taste of freedom for the first time, will of course be happy about it" Griffon grimaced "ugg, the smell is unbearable, and little one." He looked toward the small pipe that the figure entered "As hard as it may be to belive, i can still pick up your scent through this discusting smell, that is how i found out that your friend was related to the faerie folk, they have a very distinct scent to them" He turned toward the faerie and asked "Do you know a spell that can calm down the little one?, i would use one of my calming howls, but i believe that would just freighten him more".
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Postby ashling » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:23 am

Ashling stopped and thought for a moment. She didn't like to use magic on sentient creatures without their permission. Instead, she reached out with her mind, trying to make contact with Sava. After a few tries she could feel his emotions. She got a wave of terror and urgency so intense that she had to fight the urge to curl into a ball and hide herself. She forced herself to calm and send out soothing waves of calm and safety. Ashling had no idea if it would work, she normally only tried to connect empathically with creatures or spirits of nature but knew it was possible with humans.
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Postby Griffolion » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:56 am

Griffon looked at the shocked face of the faerie, and jumped down into the pit. He looked into the open pipe that the tiny figure that the faerie called Sava went into "Hes very far in, and i dare not try and grab him to pull him out, he might die of fear" in the end Griffon pulled out his staff "Can you tell him to grab onto the staff?,that might be the only way we can get him out of the hole."
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:55 am

ooc: Forgive me for my dissapearing act.

zanark ran up to Griffolion, "how can I help you my frined"
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Postby savetuba » Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:00 am

(ooc; zanark, did you even read the past few pages? we are in a pit outside of the castle walls. and don't worry about being gone. Those of us without a life kept the rp alive.)

As I laid there in the suffocating racid pipe my feels of fear were replaced by a calming thought. For some reason I felt at peace...I saw ashlings face looking at me her wonderful smile, beautiful voice, lovly long hair. She spoke to me telling me it was ok. I sat there trying to force her voice into the background of my thoughts. Sure Andrek was out there and I do trust him, but what about that demon...Could it be here to harm them...or was he there to lead them to saftey? Again Ashlings voice returned to him beconing that everything was ok. No, it wasn't, I could still hear that creature growling out there. What if Ashling was working with that demon? It was a terrible thought...But then I didn't get a good look at those that were attacking the castle. It could be that Andrek was part of the army that attacked...

The air was quickly begining to suffocate me. I had to deside, crawl out and face possible death or slavery, or die here in this crap and possibly never be found...What to do...

Very slowly I reached up and grabbed the next rung, slowly I pulled my self up further and further into the pipe. After the 5th rung I sucked in a breath of stench, closed my eyes, straitened my legs and let go of the rug. The slick slime helped to propell my body down to the bottom. My feet shot through the openening knocking the wooden cover back. Sliding to a stop I looked over my belly into the dim light of the pit. My legs were sticking half way out of the hole. I guess I'm dead either way. Closing my eyes I waited for someone to grab my legs. The last thought was Ashlings voice...'Its all right'...
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Postby Olos » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:44 pm

Not even bothering to follow this newcomer as he suddenly ran off, Olos turned to Elebrim. "Well, let's do some exploring in the castle, maybe with just the two of us, we can move quietly enough to pass by the elves and avoid killing those that we might be able to save."

Olos turned in the direction of a passage that seemed to lead toward the castle and began walking as he beckoned to Elebrim.
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Postby Griffolion » Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:37 pm

Griffon shook his head at the new sight and sighed "perhaps i should not have come." He slowly began to pull the creature free of the pipe, before he did this however he spoke calmly to the one trapped in the pipe "its alright, small one, i am not here to hurt you, mearly to help you out of this pit" Griffon said in a soft calm voice, the small one was almost free from the pipe.
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Postby Olos » Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:54 pm

OOC: Savetuba's character is 6 feet tall, the same height as Andrek, the other male in the pit. Ashling has not stated her height, but I would guess her character is slightly shorter or right around 6 feet tall. Basically my point is, there is no need to call him "small one". Also, the way I pictured it, savetuba is in a village a mile or 2 outside the castle. Correct me if I'm wrong there, but it seems odd that Andrek and Griffon would have randomly ran completely outside the castle to this place, though Andrek may have used his mental powers.

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Postby savetuba » Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:59 pm


The way I see it the castle has a central plumbing system. People use the crapper up in the main castle and the town surrounding the castle. The crap falls into a pit. After a short while the pit's fluids over flow down a pipe to pits outside the castle where workers clean them out and use the remaining stuff as cheap fertalizer.

A Gong farmer is someone that cleans up ****. In this senario it would be more of flushing the pipes and then supplying the finished product to the local farmers and making sure the pipes don't get clogged. The pit we are in is about 2 furlongs... or so from the castle.

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Postby Griffolion » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:59 pm


When im transformed into a werewolf, i grow a good couple of feet, hence making me taller then everyone in the pit, my charachter is about 6 feet already, add about 3 feet and some hair, and conragulations you have Griffon the lycan, and i refer to him as small one, because, when im standing at the top of the ladder, it dosent give me much of a chance to see height, and after my entrance, he changed to a mooping croutch, he was small in stature at that time, therefore i use the term small one, because he seemed small and afraid

can we get back to rpging please?
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Postby ashling » Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:10 pm

Ashling frowned slightly at the lycan's impatience. "Sometimes force is not the way to go, he wouldn't have jumped in if he didn't think he could get back out. He will come when he is ready."

Just as she finished her statement, Sava's feet came flying out of the pipe, nearly hitting Ashling. She jumped back in surprise and watched as Griff pulled on his legs.

"Do you think that is wise for you to do? He might find the sight of a werewolf pulling him out of the tube a little terrifying... No matter how softly you speak."

OOC: No use arguing specifics, Andrek gave a perfectly good reason for being here and in interest of keeping the rp going, othters followed. No worries, let's play!
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Postby Griffolion » Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:28 pm

"i will continue to terrifiy him until the day he dies, unless i show him i am friendly" Griffon replied softly, he continued to pull the creature out, after a few moments the creature came out, and was resting in Griffons arms. "i mean you no harm, please believe me" He said softly "I wish to know, can you stand on your own?, or do require assistence climbing the ladder?" He asked, half expecting the muck covered being to strike out at him.
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Postby ashling » Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:32 pm

"He has legs, just like the rest of us. We are capable of climbing the ladder all on our own." Ashling shakes her head, wondering at this creature that seems to think we need his saving.

She looks at Sava. "Are you ok friend? I thought I lost you for a minute there. Thank you for coming back." She gives him a big muck covered hug before he can respond.
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Postby Griffolion » Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:06 pm

"umm, yes that leads me to a question, how did you all end up down here in the first place?" Griffon asked. He placed Sava, back on his legs, and Griffon then began climbing the ladder. He looked carfully over the edge, trying to see if there were any rouge elven groups around, he then pulled himself up, and saw a very unwelcome sight, a group of elves were near the opening to the pit, but they did not seem like they noticed him. He looked back at the people in the pit and said "It appears we have unwelcome company." now remembering the group of soldiers that the rouges 'overkilled'. He then pulled his spear clean from the strap on his back, and began preperations for a charge.
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Postby ashling » Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:23 pm

"We were down here to keep out of sight. To avoid getting attacked..." Ashling watches Griff climb back up the ladder and suddenly pull his weapon like he was ready to charge something. "Which you obviously just didn't get."

Ashling shakes her head wearily. She was by no means afraid of a fight but was also a staunch believer that it is better to avoid one if possible. She looks at Sava, "Are you ok? We might need to leave this pit pretty quickly. Can you join us and fight?"
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Postby savetuba » Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:49 am

the slide down was intense, but to feel large claws placed on my legs and then to be yanked from the pipe, hitting my head on the way out. I vagly remember being held like a rag doll by that demon as it druled over me. Then an angel's voice followed by the comforting touch of some kind of embrace.

"oh I muz be in heven..." As I tried to rest my head apon the angels chest I was released and landed back on my feet. I stood there lost and confussed before falling back against the wall.

"wha..." Holding my head with my hand I half stood there trying to remember what just happened.

Then there was a familiar voice..."fight? Huh?"

Looking up I saw a blurred vission of purity...could it be an angel? But it sounded so familiar...who could it be...

My head swam while I tried to remember. Feeling the ground shift I stumbled forward and fell face first onto the ground. It seemed like blackness was closing in on me. With one final effort I pushed my self up and collasped onto some one's foot. I guess I passed out after that...
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Postby ashling » Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:17 am

Ashling tried to catch Sava as he fell. She picked him up from her feet where he lay. He was unconscious but she didn't know whether it was from the fright, the smell, or whether he had hit his head. In any case she felt it would be a good idea to get him out of the pit.

She looked up the tall ladder and knew she couldn't hold him and climb at the same time. This would be so much simpler if he were conscious... She shook him lightly, trying to wake him up. "Sava, can you hear me? I need you to wake up so you can climb out of the pit. Sava? Please wake up!" She tried to reach him empathically again, hoping to jar his mind awake. She watched for any response and looked to Andrek for suggestions.
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Postby Zanark Morningstar » Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:44 am

ooc: I'm kind of behind so i'll just start back where i was going to.

IC: zanark decended into the underground caverns of the castle hoping to cut of the elfs on there way to Ruhn. The air was thick and faul, moss hung from the ceailing and water trickled down the side.

He noticed a tourch hanging from the wall and picked it up. It was damp and probably wouldnt hold a flame for long. He rememberd the sheet that he tied around his waist to stop the bleeding whent the elf had stabbed him in the back. The wounds now bore scaps and were closed, zanark wraped the sheet around the tourch and diped it into a small pot on the ground that held igniter fluid. Picking up two rocks, he struck them hard together to make a spark. The tourch quickly lit in a quick blast of fire, he picked up the tourch and started down the long passage to the battle.
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Postby Griffolion » Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:07 pm

Griffon looked back down into the tunnel and saw the problem. He adjusted the ladder so it was diagnoly positioned, he then held it in place, still worried about the group of rouge elves that where near him. He then asked "can you climb the ladder, with him in your arms now?"
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Postby debuenzo » Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:34 pm

Debuenzo and his small band had been waiting and saw most of the evil elven army leave earlier.

Now that night had fallen, he decided to take 5 of his men and enter the castle under cover of night to see if Olos and any others had survived. He ordered the rest of his men to stay hidden and remain alert and sound a horn if the elven army returned.

He and his men scaled the walls silently, and upon cresting the bastions, saw death, both elven and human, mostly human. He noticed that most of the wounds were festering with a thick black sludge that turned his stomach.

As he hit the ground, he heard a low growl. Turning around to face the sound, he spotted a large demon creature with wings. He was terribly beautiful and menacing.

As best he could, Debuenzo uttered, "Friend" in broken elvish. This only seemed to enrage the beast more. Debuenzo raised his arms and spoke now in common, "I am traveling with Olos of Black Company. I saw that the castle had been ransacked by elves and am looking for him. I mean no harm to you or the people of this land." Debuenzo motioned for his men to sheath their weapons. The creature merely pointed towards the main entrance and bounded away.

Debuenzo headed toward the battered entrance and crept inside. Peering into a room, Debuenzo saw a bandaged elf, which apparently had been tortured and by the looks of it, fairly brutally. He drew his weapon and told his men to stay still. He then heard soft speech in the next room.
Debuenzo inched toward the door and whistled softly.
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Postby Griffolion » Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:05 pm


umm, the giant winged demon person?, who is he, because im kinda lost as to who it is

dont ask, im stupid, fact of life :P
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Postby ashling » Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:39 pm

Ashling sighs again. The ladder's position was the least of her worries but seeing as Sava is showing no signs of awakening and no one else can offer any real help getting him out of the pit, she is going to have to figure something out herself. Pulling a short length of rope out of her pouch, she ties a makeshift harness around the man's torso. She pulls him onto her shoulders like she was wearing a backpack, struggling a little with the weight. Praying that her knots hold, she begins to labor up the ladder rungs.

By the time she reaches the top, she is sweating from the exertion. She is strong for her size but is not accustomed to carrying such dead weight. Her head pops out of the hole and she graciously breaths in the fresher air blowing along the ground. She sees the group of elves in the distance and the lycan standing by the hole.

Heaving herself and her charge over the edge she removes the rope straps that were painfully cutting into her shoulders and hopes that they were not so rough on Sava. Looking down at his unconscious face, his expression is peaceful. Dots start to appear in the muck layer on his skin and Ashling realizes it is starting to rain. Grateful for the refreshing water, she picks Sava up again and motioning to the lycan, moves towards the croft that Sava had talked about. Hoepfully the elves would not notice them in the dark and the rain and they could hide there until she figured out how to wake him up.
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