Spin moves

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Spin moves

Postby Zurokk » Fri May 11, 2007 7:05 pm

whats the low down on the spin moves ? i see them all the time i've always wondered how to pull them off. how are they done?
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Postby Tren » Fri May 11, 2007 7:14 pm


The video on that thread lists a couple of types of spin moves, the most common one you'll see on a Bel field is near the end, titled just "the spin shot"
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Postby Bhakdar » Fri May 11, 2007 8:51 pm

Aye, the best media demo I know for spins is right there.

The first spin I learned to do in Belegarth (and is more contact oriented) is as follows:

1) Post your shield into your opponents weapon-hand
2) Swing low for the most convenient leg
3) Spin inwards towards your posted shield arm, taking your torso away from the opponent and shield following back towards your opponent.

I'd be glad to show you in person sometime. It's a solid move that has surprise, effectiveness, and ability to distance away from or close in and through an opponent. With practice and timing, you can even pull this off spinning through the middle of two spaced opponents.
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Postby Zurokk » Tue May 15, 2007 2:15 pm

yea... your gonna have to show me in person because the movements and foot work needed to pull off a good spin move are hard to learn via text. i'll be looking forward to the instruction in person ill have to hunt you down at say... EQ
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Postby To'Gur » Thu May 17, 2007 12:57 am

when you begin the spin have your shield on their weapon hand, as you rotate, move the shield with you so that when your back is facing the opponent, your shield is covering your back
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Postby mekoot Ikis » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:47 pm

I know a good one if your a left handed fighter or fighting a left handed fighter.
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Postby Bortas » Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:41 pm

Spin moves can be devestating against opponents that are either ill prepared or not paying attention. Against a savy or ready opponent, expect to get schooled when you try a spin. That said, this video is for another sport, but still does a great illustration of some basic spin moves (and other sword-n-board tactics): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... &q=amtgard Yeah, it's 26 minutes... 26 minutes of some of the best video training I have seen... worth the time.

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Postby Aegis » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:24 pm

you got the nail on the head there, spinning against a skilled opponent opens yourself up to get popped as you rotate, if you think you got a spin thats so defensively and offensively awesome that you dont leave yourself open yet gain an advantage fighting, we need to spar and you need to teach me, or learn that youre mistaken.... either or.
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Postby The Great Gigsby » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:02 pm

Different spins work in different situations. If you're spinning properly, it shouldn't take any more time than a pivot and adds an extra dimension to your game. They're clearly not meant to be a primary maneuver, but if you can use them to gain an edge, why not? I used to be staunchly against spins, holding pretty much the same opinion you do, but with practice, they've worked their way into my repertoire.

Can you make it to the top without ever facing away from your opponent? - Yes
Are spins effective? - Sometimes
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Postby Grey » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:50 pm

but, you gotta love the cool factor involved in spins :D

plus, spins can be effective as escape maneuvers i.e. strike while spinning out of an opponent's range. zao does this a lot when he's armed and while the shot is usually blocked, he can get away clear and every once in a while he'll hit something
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Postby Bhakdar » Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:14 pm

Spins are effective if you've practiced them with control and patience. Most any technique that has some effective merit can be optimized thorough practice. Ultimately, spins will often function better as surprise counters rather than offensive manuevers. If you lead (take the first swing) with a spin, the enemy will see it coming a mile a way. No one on our fields expects you to block, rotate 180-360º, then blast them in the leg or the chest though. Amtgard elite tier-- perhaps a different story.

Spinning will inherently create a gap in your defense. You compensate by moving faster.

Optimal spin moves put you striking on-the-go and setting your range or position for your next opponent.

This is all explained in greater detail on my Basics CD. If you want to learn good spinning, you should buy it. There's video tutorial and a page of outline dedicated to spinning theory and method.

Spinning for power and optimal positioning will be covered in future training CDs.
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Postby Gilan » Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:48 pm

Ultimately, spins will often function better as surprise counters rather than offensive manuevers. If you lead (take the first swing) with a spin, the enemy will see it coming a mile a way. No one on our fields expects you to block, rotate 180-360º, then blast them in the leg or the chest though. Amtgard elite tier-- perhaps a different story.

You might mention too that if you're watching Sir Arthon's Sword & Board videos that he's pretty tall. He also sometimes uses about a 40inch sword (Amtgard norm = 36inch) That plays in alot on his range. While I've seen shorter cats lead with spin shots, the shorter the fighter (typically) the more a spin shot is used as a counter. Bhakdar's tall lanky * can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants with it.... even wielding a butter knife.

If you find yourself stuck trading high cross shots with your opponent "the spin shot" from Artie's video is an awesome counter.

Either of the 2 major amtgard spins ("the spin shot" & the "512") are awesome counters or set-ups if you can get your opponent to lead a shot to your right side (righty board on righty board).

Bhakdar, did you put the kick spins/contact spins on your CD? I want to play Bel again just to try those.

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Postby Aegis » Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:57 am

so whose gonna be at equinox that wants to discuss/show me spins and how to effectively use em without getting backtapped.
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Postby Kire » Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:55 pm

Now I don't pull alot of spin moves because I simply don't have the leg speed or coordination to do them. But if you think about it logically you can figure out effective ways of doing them, by far the biggest requirement to pull off spin moves is leg and arm speed.

What is the purpose of a spin move? A spin move is for throwing shots that you couldn't normally throw from a normal battle stance. If you can throw the shot normally don't expect a spin move to make it happen any better. But against even a mildly experienced fighter a spin move is just a way of saying "hit me, I'm open".

Someone has already mentioned in great detail the shield over back during spin part of spins, without the shield on the back you better be fighting either a slowass or be extremley fast yourself. In my opinion spinning towards your target is just asking to get wrapped hard on the chest - like "Why did you even try doing that to me? You think I'm a newb" leave a mark kind of hard. Not to mention if they're wearing armor I really have problems seeing this work.

Spinning away, unless your fighting someone who dosn't know what they're doing, won't land any sort of fancy wrap-spin hits. Now the weak point of spin shots isn't that your back is open (your shield should be there) it's that your legs are (generally, save for weird punch shields) open. So what stops someone from legging you and backpeddling? Spinning away stops this.

But what is the point of a spin move, then? In my opinion, a spin move is more of a mental jiggle of your opponent. It makes them really want to kill you, because, honestly, a spin move just seems like a * move to pull. And someone that knows how to take advantage of someone else's spin will want to.

Therefore, I'm in the belief that a spin move could be used to lure out an opponent's arm. If your shield is on your back and you're spinning away, you're asking to get hit.

1) Do a sort of crappy shield tap to start the spin, be sure to not step towards your enemy during the spin
2) Shield on back as you're hitting their shield (or them, but I doubt it)
3) As you're spinning if they don't do anything nothing happens; but if they react and try and snipe your arm mid-spin or hit your leg - snap your sword around you (I hope you're not using a super short sword) and smack them in the arm. If they really really know what they're doing they won't throw the swing unless they know for a fact it will hit you - if this is the case please anticipate their swing and hit them first. <--- See how, in the end, it comes down to speed (with a little bit of spidey senses)?

Oh, and let me repeat, I am not someone that does alot of spins. This idea just popped in my head as something that made sense. It makes sense that it would work if you can roll a d6 :roll: . But it's really just a theory.

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